Chapter Twelve ۞ Organizers

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Tamara's smirk had already reached the back of her head at that point. The entire Twelve had expressions resembling a hungry wolf watering for the sight of their reactions that it made the revelation part somewhat daunting for both the Headmaster and Seraphina.

"This is surprising." Seraphina told them. "When Lord Aeron said you were one of us, I found it hard to believe. But this? I guess I should've expected it. Starting from your soul sensitivity . . ."

The story started with the bracelet and the attack of the demon on the ship. The now visible trinket had been momentarily forgotten by the group during their action-ridden assignments, but the reminder hit them square on the forehead.

"We have been told of this by the group that returned with the Grand Duke." Said the headmaster, referring to the brother of the king. "Which, for your information, left so suddenly without asking permission from me first."

They all gave sheepish grins at this statement, except the 'stoic' few of course.

"Even so," Lady Seraphina cut in, disregarding the headmaster's insinuation. "We received the message regarding your status. They said you were fine. Though quite odd and confused, I was relieved. However, what sort of events happened that made it turn out that way?"

"Well, it concerns something about the Blessing of the Sea." Valeriana thought back. "It started there--everything, I mean."

"The Blessing of the Sea?" The two chorused, interest and bewilderment sparkling in their eyes.

The headmaster unconsciously leaned forward as though doing so would make the next few words clearer. "I heard only the guardians of each continent are able to grant those blessings. This only means you--"

"Have met the said creatures?" Raziel cut in. "But of course."

"I vaguely remember anything that happened, but I have been able to hear animals talk since then."

"Ooh! Ooh!" Keelan exclaimed. "And she can hear the words of contracted familiars."


"It's hard to say anything but, after the incident in Loquin, we met with another mishap." Valeriana started, finding it hard to talk about the events that occured back then--especially Cifaro's death.

"Yes, regarding this situation." Corvan spoke. "It is quite odd. We were alerted by an alarming situation that may prove to be detrimental to Valemnia at the moment."

"What is it?"

"There is a strange demonic 'infection'." He said, narrowing his eyes at this. "So strong that even the guardians have been turned into demons."

"WHAT?!" Headmaster Kylon and Seraphina found themselves literally jumping from their seats at the news.

"It is different from the normal demonic transformation." Charles informed them, taking the baton from Corvan. "Because, compared to the normal one, it is reversible."

"About that." Valeriana cut in. "I saw something weird in their auras." She said. "It felt like their souls were not actually infected. It was more like controlling their physical bodies."

"Yes, I remember a specific rule regarding demonic transformation." Rowe shared, his face showing concentration. "It is, 'One turns into a demon when one accepts darkness in his heart', is that right? But, I doubt, as guardians, they were ever going to give in to temptation so easily."

"But you do remember the price for their thick hides?" Elfre argued. "They themselves said that they use the holy lake for purification and that their souls were especially vulnerable."

"But, don't you think that might be the reason they were targeted first?" Aneeka added in. "Valeriana said that there was 'something' in their auras."

"And 'auras' are directly connected to the soul." The twins said.

"Connected." Brindon repeated, showing his agreement.

"Doesn't that make their auras a weak link?" Tamara thought out loud.

"I thought as much." Charles decided. "They found a way to control their bodies, though technically impenetrable. By freezing that lake over, they were given no chance to continuously purify themselves, therefore, no protection."

"So that purification?" Tamara asked.

"Maybe meant for covering up their weak link, their auras, as that is only the achilles' heel to their impregnable shell." Corvan finished.

"That's one hell of a brainstorming session, you guys." Valeriana was wide-eyed as she looked between the proud members of the Twelve.

"Which continent are you talking about? Which of the guardians?" Seraphina looked lost. "By the sound of it, this isn't in Larkovia."

"They're talking about the Gilerads." Courtney cut in. "From Prelurèsia." She seemed to be sentimental about the matter. "I remembered just now that the Gilerads weren't seen for a while in their natural habitat. I was shocked when I saw them that way."

"To target the Messenger of the Gods is a very daring thing to do." Headmaster Kylon was troubled. "Were you able to 'cure' this infection?"

"And this is when Valeriana comes in." Tamara had that mischievous grin again. "I don't know how she did it, but she managed to somehow purify one of those beasts."

"Purify, you say?" Seraphina could no longer contain her shock at this.

"I don't know anything special, too." She continued. "I was dying to know what was going on, but things were too chaotic to ask anything and find out. We let it slide temporarily."

"Speaking of that, since when were you able to do that?"

Valeriana was anxious regarding how she was going to answer. Seeing as she was being observed by everyone in the room, one wrong move and it was a sure thing they were going to find out about the accursed darkness eating away at the flesh of her hand. She could not bear to tell them--not just yet. She herself was struggling to understand it.

"It turns out," Rowe interjected, saving her. "This was similiar to the incident back then in Loquin with the death of Tod." He stated, turning all attention to him. "It is also similar to Valeriana's natural connectivity to the other side."

"By connectivity, do you mean something similar to the 'strings' thing?" Aneeka questioned. "And her 'guiding' the souls?"

"Yes." He answered.

Valeriana gave him a grateful nod which he returned with a bright smile. He was fulfilling his promise to help her. Thank the gods for that.

"That vaguely answers the question regarding souls." Corvan stated, his eyes narrowed. "But I guess, it also has something to do with the lake since you emerged out of it that time."

"You might have tapped into its 'spiritual facet', as the beast had called it." Courtney interpolated.

The back and forth throwing of theories seemed to make it somewhat confusing for Seraphina and Kylon, but they were keeping up.

"I guess that's somehow right. It makes sense." The current fifth admitted.

"Uh--" Keelan seemed to want to butt in.

"We were left with a lot of clues." Corvan remarked, moving to support his weight with his other feet as he was standing. "Remember that riddle?"

"Yes, I had written it down in case someone forgot." Charles was fingering his notebook. "But memorize it, I did, too."

"From front to back will point a star, to the right then the left its sweeping starts." Rowe began.

"When the head turns black like coal, the moon will bleed to our goal." Elfre continued.

"Obtain the cross, face a loss. Break the shield, start the wield." The twins simultaneously recited.

"Rubies will open by the morning light." Valeriana loved that part.

"Is that a prophecy?" Seraphina was befuddled. "It sounds like one."

"More like a plan of world domination." Valeriana quipped.

"Not far from it."


"But what is it actually?"

"HELLLOOO!" Keelan bellowed.

They eyed him questioningly, giving him a chance to finally speak up.

"Valeriana," The eleventh seemed proud. "Show them Cifaro!"

At the mention of the mystical sword, Valeriana perked up and brought out the crystal she tucked inside the inner pocket of her uniform. Like a delicate thing, she held it out like a precious offering.

"What is that?" Kylon queried.

"It's the soul crystal of that Gilerad who sacrificed himself to bring his entire pack back." Valeriana was smiling as she narrated the story. "This is Cifaro." Like it was alive, she introduced it to the two.

"Oh. A soul crystal, you say? How rare." The headmaster smiled.

Somehow, they didn't seem impressed. Because of this, Keelan huffed and ran forward, tugging on Valeriana's shoulder.

"Show them what he can do!" The strawberry-blonde demanded.

"Oh yeah, um . . . what was that, again? Sierra vu eldon sith." She recited robotically.

As effective Ali Baba's magic words were to a certain cave door, the crystal morphed into its esteemed sword form. The beauty of its blade was blinding. The marvelous design made those who had laid their eyes on it feel ashamed to use it in battle. Headmaster Kylon and Seraphina's attention were further captured, their curiosity obvious.

"How in the world . . . a sword?" Seraphina was baffled even more. "Valeriana . . ."

"May I see that?" Kylon reached for it.

Valeriana made no move to stop him, but as his hands wrapped around the hilt, it reverted to its old form. The girl and everyone else stared dumbly at the odd thing.


"Looks like it's a loyal one." Someone commented.

The headmaster sighed in disappointment. "What a shame. And it looked like such a beautiful thing." After a few moments of expressing his regret, he turned to the Twelve. "As much as I wish we can continue, I have other matters I must attend to. I will pass on this information to Lord Aeron and have him investigate on the matter.

"Regarding Valeriana's schedule, I will arrange it as well. I will decide on the subjects fitting for your current situation before classes starts today, so drop by the office before you go to your first subject. What else . . . ? Oh right, I hope you know the drill. No one speaks of what we have spoken about today. I will treat the matter myself with high confidentiality so I suggest you do the same."

He stood up and waved at the group. Seraphina herself rose and started to exit.

"Don't worry. Something will be done." Seraphina reassured them, a strange light of hope in her eyes. The optimism was infectious. "I hope to speak with you about something, Valeriana. Come meet me after classes end."

The girl nodded at this.

"Do good jobs in setting up the summer festival." Kylon reminded, ruining the mood and causing majority of them to murmur complains. "We will call it the Festival of Ember in honor of Lord Corvan's continent. I expect it'll be nothing short of splendid."

As the door closed, Valeriana chirped, "I guess this makes us the party organizers of some sort. Why are you so against it anyway?"

"Because these festival things are boring!" Elfre exasparatedly commented, throwing her head back and slacking on her seat.

"Won't we get to decide what gets to happen, though?" Keelan pointed out.

They all perked up at the realization.

"Hey . . ."

For the umpteenth time during her stay in the academy, their massive, maniacal grins made the poor Valeriana sigh--hoping for the best, expecting the worst.

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