Chapter Twenty ۞ Lesson

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When I first wrote this chapter, I was just starting college in August 2015. And now it's also August around 7 years later and I've just been accepted to my master's degree. 🥲

With things back to normal and issues settled, the next morning was as ordinary as any other. The only thing different was Valeriana's adjustment to her new schedule. Her day was Zion-less, too.

There was still one person left she hadn't seen since their arrival. That person owed her a big explanation before they left and she sure would not hesitate to choke him again if he ever even thought about running.

She blew out a tired sigh as she entered her PC class. The sight of her DevDept acquaintances instilled a feeling of awkwardness that she could not help but cringe inwardly as they looked her way.

"Valeriaannnnnnaaaa!" Coral ran to her, screaming. "You aren't angry at us, are you?"

"No, I'm not." She said, bewildered at the girl who latched at her clingily. "Problems are settled."

"So what did the Twelve say?" Asked Coral eagerly. "I'm sorry if my suggestion was a little bit out of line. I was only trying to help."

"No need to be sorry. The Twelve's fine." She said. "You'll hear our decision after class, so make sure not to be late."

"Sure thing!" Cail and Coral chorused.

Zander gave a snort at this.

"We'll see how it goes."

She wondered what made him so hostile towards her friends.

Cail and Coral shook their heads at Zander's bitter attitude, pausing to take a deep breath of weariness. Even the two seemed to be having problems handling him.

"People say you have quite a spitfire attitude when you came." Coral bubbly crashed on a chair and leaned towards Valeriana. "I saw it myself when you were arguing with the first-ranker. You seem to be calm these days though."

"That's because there isn't anything to argue about these days." She smiled, straightforward as she allowed it. There was a hidden truth, though. "I'm a fairly civilized person when I'm treated right, not to mention getting pissed off and yelling at people all the time is tiring."

"Is that it?" Cail joked. "Well, I suppose apology is in place. I bet when you were human, you were discriminated quite harshly."

"That's quite right."

"Valemnians are not perfect, though no matter how high we regard ourselves." The look on Cail's face was distant. "We take pride in the gifts bestowed to us. Some are not as lucky as the rest, but just as thankful. Even so, until now, the war with demons has yet to reach to a conclusion."

Valeriana was silent as she took in the story.

"You have not even scratched the surface of how truly dreadful Valemnia's situation is." He added. "It may seem happy, but it's actually in a false sense of peace. Civilians have adjusted to a cautious life. You cannot help how wary they are of you. They may be under the impression that you are not any different from the demons that are their enemies."

"Any time, the barriers may be broken." Coral looked somewhat . . . different when she said that. "The king's existing barriers are limited only to the academy and the Dark Continent, any other place is left exposed. We often cannot stop the demons from ravaging small villages. Isolated and poor ones usually go unattended."

"I never knew it was this bad . . ." Val muttered. "I thought with the presence of knights and stuff, everything was fine."

"That's a naive thought." Zander glared her way. "You have not even encountered what a real demon is, by the way you speak. In this academy, what do you think makes you different?"

"I already have encountered demons." She bit at him. "For your information--"

"Don't start acting like you know what you're talking about." He countered. "Demons are merciless. They take everything they can take. They are blind and seek only to satiate their immoral desires."

"I don't think that's true."

"Can you tell me anything that will make me think otherwise?"

"And can you tell me why you're so rude?" Her mouth moved on its own it was impossible to stop. "I don't get why you have to be such a prick. For goodness's sake, you're worse than Corvan! Alright, I get it. I know nothing. There's a reason why I'm attending this academy, and that's to learn! Give me a break, alright? I'm not trying to act like I know everything! I'm already having problems managing my freaking life and finding out about this freaky stuff so just give me a break!"

Her only break was a huge intake of breath.

"Even though you guys say I should understand your behavior, what about me? Can't you understand me? For once? I've gone through hell for the past few months and my life has been crazy ever since I saw that demon! I should've been attending my dream university and I should've been hanging out with my friends back home! Instead, I'm here! Getting caught up in all these crap that had nothing to do with me in the first place! And you know what happens next? You tell me my whole life has been a freaking lie!"

At that point she had already thrown her chair over and was pointing at Zander with her forefinger, her face dark.

"So tell me, are you the only one here who's got a problem? Well, let me tell you something, asshole! You're not! So stop it with whatever the hell you're up to and leave me alone! If you can't do that, just leave the entire Circle alone!"

She took huge gulps of air. Coral and Cail were saddened. Zander looked somewhat bedazzled, his eyes wide and his mouth open.

"Val . . ."

Her face was red with anger and frustration, her fists clenched and her muscles tensed all over. Tears had pooled in her eyes. The emotions swelled from her chest, followed by a constricting pain that made her choke on her breath.

"We're all the same, alright?" She calmly added. "We feel pain, we feel pleasure. We get wounded. We cry and we laugh too."

"I'm sorry. We were under the impression that you guys were . . ." Cail hung his head as he spoke. "I suppose we were wrong."

"Please give consideration to the Twelve in this collaboration." She whispered, wiping off her snot. "They may act tough, but they all have soft hearts--just ordinary people looking to have some fun. Our specialties may all differ, but we can work something out, right?"

Coral and Cail nodded.

"We're so very sorry, Valeriana. I guess the DevDept might've come off as insensitive in this matter. We were all overexcited by talk of the festival." Coral grinned up at the girl and raked her hand through her candy-pink hair.

"Zander." Chided Cail. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

The said boy lifted his chin and looked the other way instead. His prideful attitude made the two sigh while Valeriana merely shook her head and turned to sit on a farther chair, unable to handle the attitude of Mr. Purple.

"What an interesting atmosphere." Lord Lienhard commented as he entered the room. "It seems I was able to overhear a very interesting conversation."

Eyes turned to the lord that they all wondered how they did not notice him arrive at all.

"You eavesdropped." Valeriana blanched as she watched the weirdo half skip half walk his way towards his desk.

"I do not ever eavesdrop, my dears. I was merely on my way to my class and accidentally overheard my students arguing."

"You and Lord Aeron should stick by each other and just disappear. You're one and the same."

"That is fairly the reason why Aeron and I get along so well. We're like two peas in a pod or something along those lines. Well, then, I really prefer you guys getting started on our lesson."

"What would you have us do this time?"

"Oh, my. Were you expecting anything?" He questioned, the mischievous twinkling of his golden eyes evident. "From what I know, you haven't finished the first exercise I asked you to do yesterday?"

"What? Do that stupid obstacle relay while smiling?" Cail was furious. "That wasn't a lesson!"

"It is a lesson as long as I say it is." An oppressive aura engulfed the room that made the students choke.

Valeriana and the others held their breath, bracing themselves for anything that might happen the next moment when Lienhard gave them an enthusiastic smile and waved towards the door.

"Do get going now and change into those clothes. Good students get good rewards!" He chuckled then motioned for Zander. "And you, young man, I think there is something we need to talk about."

This guy was absolutely, positively nuts.

Throwing curious glances at Mr. Purple, Valeriana hesitantly moved out with the others and started the so-called 'lesson' that Lord Lienhard insisted on it being called.

Whatever was going to happen, perhaps the guy deserved it.

"Do not forget to smile!"

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