Chapter Twenty-Three ۞ Disruption

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The meetings went on for three more days.

Without doubt, the patience of the Twelve was on the edge of being strained.

Though progress was noticeable and evident since they managed to come up with a good theme, not to mention everybody miraculously came to an agreement when it came to deciding setup regarding the service for food and other stuff, they were still running after the time needed to get everything ready.

With less than three weeks, the entire group managed to set aside their personal issues and work speedily on thinking up the concepts of each event. In fact, the people who were mostly active in doing so had been the DevDept members, Charles, Tamara, sometimes Corvan, Valeriana inserting a few suggestions, and Raziel. The others could not or did not want to try and interfere since they either lost trying, or gave up.

Valeriana felt glad they managed to set their differences aside for the moment, except that occasional arguments were unavoidable.

Even so, they were already mature people, not little kids. They were very aware how important this event was for the academy.

"Are you sure there's no way we can consider parading in floats?" Raziel leaned on the curve of his hand sadly as he gazed at his friends.

"What's the point?" Elfre growled. "That's only to satisfy your narcissism and is, in no way, beneficial to the success of this festival."

"It'll be a waste of time and effort." Darcius quipped. "We are sorry, but since majority agrees . . ."

"Oh my woes." He dramatically cried.

"Quit with the drama." Aneeka rolled her eyes.

"Well, then," Cail examined the notes he had taken down the entire while, popping his knuckles simultaneously. "We trust Lord Charles will handle the food well?"

"Of course." Answered the fourth.

"He did manage to cook that buffet thing by himself for just a few hours."

"Just how did he do that?"

"I recommend you don't ask."

The DevDept gave the Twelve questioning stares.

"Any . . . way . . ." Harley coughed into his hand and shyly tried to get the conversation going. "Aside from the food preparations, we got the schedule for the first five days done. Now, we only need to figure out how we're going to make the last two days interesting enough."

"Lord Corvan will be responsible for the sports . . . Lord Rowe for the social events, Lady Tamara for the orientation and Miss Valeriana?"


"Have you thought of anything you can help with?"

"I'm sorry. Not really. But, if there's anything I can do . . ."

"We're missing something, actually." The eleventh muttered.

"Missing." Brindon nodded. "Art. Music. Joy."

"Oh, right!" Keelan jumped. "Can we do something fun in the last two days? Like a play of some sort?"

"Plays are boring, not to mention they require a lot of practice. Three weeks won't be enough."

Valeriana thought of a possible entertainment . . .

There was Corvan.

"Everyone, please remember your duties." Rowe reminded.

"I still cannot figure why it cannot be the same everyday."

"Redundancy." Rowe answered.

"The effort given by the academy into training its students require more than one day to display. We're being given a week. Is it not sufficient?"

"Please . . ." Keelan groaned. "We've been at this for more than six hours . . . I'm super hungry."

"I guess time passed too quickly." Valeriana muttered.

"Here you go, Lord Corvan." Darcius turned to the first-ranker, handing a list over. "These are the needed materials for the fights alone. Just how much are the funds for this festival?"

"How many times should I say it?" Corvan threw one leg over the other. "It will not be a problem. This event is being supported by the noble families. The diverse businesses the continents hold alone are sufficient enough to supply everything we need."

"I just cannot believe . . ."

"Then do so. We're done." Tamara stood. "This stuff with meetings is getting boring. I have more important things to do."

"T-then!" Harley shot up. "We'll get all the plans ready. The teams will start working on the needed props tomorrow."

With that, everyone went their separate ways. The DevDept quickly departed the residences and disappeared.

Valeriana shifted her gaze towards Corvan and caught him before his disappearing act. "Wait! Corvan, can I talk to you?"

The green-eyed ranker swiftly turned to meet Valeriana, his towering frame looming over hers. "If you wish to speak with me, then yes, I have something to tell you too."

"Oh?" Valeriana quirked a brow at this. What could the first possibly need of the current fifth?

Hearing this, Charles's attention was grabbed and he approached the two. "I hope you don't mind me." He told them. "This just piqued my curiosity." The fourth's smile seemed more of a leer than one.

"Uh, um . . ."

"What's going on?!" Keelan jumped in between Charles and Corvan, both his hands holding sandwiches as he squeezed himself to form a bigger circle.

"What." Brindon muttered.

This time, Raziel joined. "I must say that whatever you are up to, I must not be left out."

Aneeka and Rowe later showed up. "Did something happen? Why are you all here?"

The first-ranker's irritation was becoming palpable while Valeriana glanced between her comrades in confusion. When did they start crowding?

"Hey! Hey!" Tamara pushed Brindon and Keelan apart. "You can't keep all the fun to yourself!"

"Stop at once!" Corvan exclaimed in irritation. "We are not--"

"Can we join too?" Genevieve and Zevlin questioned.

Realizing their current feud, the two huffed at each other and looked away.

"Wait a moment . . ." Elfre looked irked.

"I am telling you--" The young lord attempted to quell the growing noise, headache starting to pound on his temples.

"Tell us! Tell us!"

"I was just, uh . . ." Valeriana swallowed. "You guys!"

Tamara gave them a suspicious glance before turning the opposite way with a mischievous grin, her strides long and her arms resting on her nape. "Oh, I see! Since it doesn't involve us, then we'll just goooo! So sorry for disturbiiiinnng!"

Valeriana gave the third a wary gaze, as though she could smell something named trouble she might be up to. The tune of her voice said so.

Later on, Tamara grabbed everyone with her and she forcibly tugged them away.

"Come on, people! Leave the two alone!"

"B-b-but!" Keelan whimpered.

"No buts!"

"Tamara! Stop this insolence at once!" Charles chided.

When everyone had vacated the room and headed for the door leading to the dining area, Valeriana simpered at Corvan and watched him massage the bridge of his nose. The first-ranker blinked down at the girl, breathing through his nose noisily before sharply turning to his right.

"Follow me." Were his only words.

Gazing up at him stupidly, Val failed to catch on to whatever he meant until he was a few steps farther from where she last observed.

"Hurry up."

At this demand, the girl jumped and stuttered a reply. "O-okay!"

The rest of the Twelve, hiding surreptitiously behind the door, watched the two depart by themselves.

"Corvan, can I to talk to you?" Elfre repeated, her brows rising to her hairline.

"If you wish to speak with me, then yes, I have something to tell you too?" Aneeka followed.

"This isn't the moment those two are gonna admit it, right?" Genevieve's grin was as big as a Chesire's.

"Admit what?" Zevlin frowned.

"That they llllllliiiiikkkkkkeeee each other!"

Elfre nauseated. "Where the heck is Zion?!"

"Shut it!" The twins barked. "Corval forever!"

"Zion already professed his . . . sentiments." Charles coughed. "But Valeriana rejected him."


Zevlin and Genevieve laughed maniacally at this while the look of defeat on Elfre's face was palpable.

"I guess we win this one, Elf-girl"

"Don't call me that! I'm no elf!"

"Then why are you called Elfre?" They chorused.

"Aren't you two supposed to be fighting?"

Realizing this, the twins scooted away from each other while Tamara impatiently broke off the little huddle and went after the two.

"I'm going!"

Everyone else stumbled after her. "Wait for me!"


"You can't go alone!"

Rowe calmly walked after his mates, chuckling to himself. "This group acts so much like little children."

Aneeka shot him a look. "Sure they do, grandpa."

"I am not old." Replied the lord.

Meanwhile, Corvan unlocked the doors leading to the basement and beckoned the girl inside. They trekked down the stairs, the flare of fire on the wall-lamps illuminating the room and the instruments it contained.

"We can talk in peace here." Corvan told her. "What was so important you had to approach me?"

"I thought I had to consult you first about this, since I didn't want to ruin your privacy." She started. "I was thinking of a musical entertainment for the festival."

"Musical entertainment, you say? What sort of?"

"You play the piano." She began, her eyes brightening. "With a little adjustment, you can play the keyboard! We need just a vocalist and--"

"HELLLLLOOOO, MOTHER!" Someone whistled.

"Mother." Brindon repeated.

Corvan breathed out an irritated sigh. "What are you people doing here?!"

It seemed as though his little sanctuary was no longer a secret.

"WOW! I never knew this place existed!" Keelan beamed, running forward. "Is that a cello? Maracas!"

"What a dear surprise." Raziel drawled. "Such a beautiful collection. This room speaks for itself!"

"Good lords . . ."

"I heard someone here plays the piano!" Tamara winked, skipping excitedly into the room.

"Oh, no . . ." Valeriana whispered, shaking her head.

"Come on, Your Highness!" The third coaxed.

Corvan's shoulders trembled with pent-up rage that he was starting to catch fire--quite literally.

"Look, Corvan, I'm so sorry!" The current fifth was unable to express her sincere apology through words alone. "Everyone!"

Some held their breaths waiting for the lord to flare up like he normally did, but they were surprised when he didn't. Instead, he greeted them with a displeased twitch of his brows and the turning down of the corners of his lips.

"You must not be taken by surprise." Charles stated, as though it should've been obvious. "Nobilities are taught all sorts of skills and knowledge to make them competent. Matters of music is not exempted."

"Then can you play?"

"What a silly question." He commented. "The Vernados family specializes in playing stringed classics."

They all watched in amazement as the fourth grabbed the violin and its bow. He blew off the layer of dust, pulled out some rosin and did the preparation procedures. Afterwards, he rested the violin on his shoulder, placed his chin on the proper place and pulled three, succeeding melodic notes.


"Bravo! Bravissimo!" Raziel clapped.

"The Kaivens are well-known for their hand drums." He continued.

Keelan turned innocently to his friends, holding two rattles. "I prefer maracas, please."

"Rowe himself is very competent in the same area as I am."

The second held up his hand in refusal when eyes turned to him. "I wish to sit this one out."

"Harpsichord!" Keelan screamed. "Brindon!"

"You know what?" Valeriana smiled, an idea popping into her head. "This might've turned for the better. What do you guys say about forming a band for the festival?"

They exchanged glances, and, at the same time, said, "A band?"

"You know!" The girl shrugged. "It's sort of like an orchestra, but with a modern twist. My only doubt is if you guys can learn how to play the instruments and learn the music within a short amount of time. Practice might take up a lot of our time. With only three weeks, I doubt it."

"I like that idea!" Tamara exclaimed. "Let's do it."

"Classes will no longer be held in the coming week." Informed Charles. "So we might be able to handle it."

"Are you sure?"

"Come on!" Aneeka exclaimed. "We aren't called the Twelve for nothing."

Valeriana whistled. "The Twelve . . . I like it."

"Then, okay. Let's try it out and put it in the program if it becomes successful."

"Why not make it our finale?" Rowe smiled.


"My only problem is how we're going to obtain the instruments." The fifth's worry was palpable.

"Let me handle that." Aneeka stepped forward.

"Aneeka? How?"

The tenth just gave a grin. "Don't worry. I just need a little bit of information regarding these instruments. Valeriana, if you please?"

"S-sure . . ."

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