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There was Aiden standing with an bucket which he had just now splashed on her face.
She was shivering both in cold and fear.
But her anger didn't cool down, only if he open her arms she will not waste a second to strangle him but she also knew he would never do it.
He removed the gag from her mouth, and as he removed it she started screaming for Ed, he motioned her to stop but her anger only doubled and she screamed louder.

Slap. Aiden slapped her hard across the face making her body hit the ground. She was in tears not because he was hurting her but because she wouldn't be able to save her family from him if he does the same with her kids. She knew there was no point of screaming but she had a hope that maybe Ed listens her.
"Look Kathy don't you dare disobey me or else you know very well what I can do" Aiden threatened her with a death glare.
"No! no! Please don't hurt my family. Please promise me you wouldn't hurt them" she begged.
"Tsk tsk Wow! Look who is begging now" he said mocking her condition while cluching her hair.
"Ok, I'll not hurt them but then you would have to pay for it" he said in a lunatic way.
"W-what d-do y-ou mean?" she asked stuttering.
"Be mine" he said while looking deep in her eyes.
"What! W-what are you saying? You bastard, have you gone mad? Are you even hearing yourself?" Kathy shouted shocked by his words.
"Look I am not forcing you, I wouldn't do anything until you give your consent to me but just remember one thing, your consent will decide your kids' safety" he said smirking.
Kathy couldn't say anything now.
She understood that this was all of his plan to create differences between her and Ed and then he would take her.

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