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It had been two weeks, and Lilith had been thinking. Yes, the books she had read mentioned vampires and werewolf as mortal enemys, but maybe that 'pack' didn't think the same way. When she had first seen them, she didn't immediately have the instinct to demolish them just because they were werewolves. Maybe they would feel the same way. She figured what she would do. Since tonight it was a full moon, she would go onto the roof, and confront them. If it went wrong... She didn't think to much of that, since why would it go wrong? If couldn't, right?


It was night now, probably around 10:30. Last time, Lilith figured, it had been a bit later when the werewolves had come. She listened, making sure no one was awake. Just to make sure, she locked her door, then slipped out the window, going to the roof. They weren't there yet, and she found herself pressing her back to the chimney, in the same spot she was before nervously. She wasn't sure why.

  A second later, Lilith heard several pats of feet on the roof. They were here. Lilith planned she would present herself when they were in human form. She was going to step out, when they started talking.

"We need to have a discussion," one said. Lilith felt like she should wait, so she stayed and listened.


"Well, the other day, we," the boy paused, and must have indicated to someone, "we were in the sleeping quarters. This girl, she was sweeping, and we were sitting on the beds." Lilith immediately knew who it was, and she gritted her teeth.

"Long story short, she got mad at me and stormed towards us. The odd thing though, you know our beds. They are metal, so really heavy. I seen her struggling to move those things before, but when she came towards us, she pushed one of those things aside as of it were nothing." Lilith pursed her lips, and she began to feel really nervous.

"I noticed something else," another boy said. "When she talked to us, her eyes flashed black."

"Really??" Another one exclaimed. "How is that - Ow!" He yelped slightly.

"Quiet," came a steady voice, seeming to be the leader. "You really saw those things?"

"We wouldn't lie," the boy replied.

There was silence. "So you know what we're dealing with," the leader asked plainly.

"A vampire," the other guy murmured. Lilith's breath caught short as he hoped they would be fine with it. But the next words struck her with fear.

"You know what we do to vampires?" The leader growled.

"Kill them!" A few other boys said in unison.

"Can you identify this girl?" The leader demanded.

"Ah, well... No."

"WHAT," the leader thundered.

"There's a hundred kids in this place. More than half of which are girls. Plus, I didn't look at her much."

  The leader snorted in rage, then calmed. "We'll find her."

"Sir," a different boy spoke up. "Sorry to interrupt, but the moon is getting high."

"Yes." No one spoke a word after.

  Lilith shrank to the ground, still pressed against the chimney. Her head swam a bit. They wanted to kill her. No question about it. And from hearing them, there was at least five of them; two of which she knew who they were. But that didn't help her. A full pack against her. She could run, but probably not fight back. She didn't want to be enemies.

  She set her head on her knees, knowing she needed to get out of there, but not wanting to. What if they saw her? She pulled up her hood, knowing there was nothing else she could do. Shuddering a silent breath, she prepared to stand, but froze. All of her senses were on night alert as she was deathly became aware of something. Slowly turning her head, she was looking in the eyes of a big grey wolf.

"Speak of the devil!" It spoke, and barked a chorus of barks. Before she could stand, she was surrounded by snarling, angry wolves. Six of them actually. Lilith lept to her feet, keeping her head low, and they enclosed on her more.

"Stop!" Lilith said. "You don't have to do this."

"We are natural enemies!" The leader spat. "Why should we not attack you? Just because there's only one of you, we should spare you? No! You can easily infect others after this moment,  turning them all against us. Your kind wouldn't think twice about squashing us. Even now, you know we were here and were spying on us." 

"I wasn't spying on you for that reason," Lilith  pleaded. "I wanted to say hi."

"That's what they all say." One said with disgust.

"Enough of this. Get her!" The leader shouted. Lilith gasped, and flew straight up instinctively. One was anticipating it, and lept, slammed into her, driving her down. They flew off the edge of the roof, crashing into the ground below. Lilith angrily punched it in the face, and while it yelped, she threw it halfway across the lawn.

  By now, all the other wolves had made their way down, and were running at her. Lilith scrambled up, still stumbling as she took of running. She knew she could run extremely fast, but she didn't know how fast a werewolf could go compared to her. Glancing behind her, she saw they weren't far off. Changing direction, she headed for the fence in the back lawn, hoping it would give her an advantage. She jumped and flew over the fence, landing softly on the other side. She saw the werewolves approaching, and hoped they couldn't jump it. It was about twenty feet high. They stopped when they got to the fence, growling and pacing a length of it. Then with an indication, two wolves balanced on each other. Lilith watched in half amazement, half horror, as one sprang onto another's back, then kept from there onto the twice stacked wolves, and cleared the fence. Very quickly, two more did the same, and the other three ran off.

  Three. Maybe she could take three. Even that was a stretch. But she didn't want to take three! They almost seemed to smile at her, then lunged, snapping their jaws. Lilith lept back, running further, towards the cliffs. She could hear the thunderous crashing of the water against the rocks, knowing she couldn't go out there. Stumbling, she quickly righted her footing, trying to go faster. The closer to the water she got, the more slippery the ground seemed to get. Finally she reached the edge. She skidded to a stop, turning around to face the wolves. She saw they to were stumbling. Then she had an idea.

"Stop!" She yelled.

  They did stop, briefly, but only to mock her. "Why should we," one said, swishing his tail.

"Fine." Lilith acted. "If you're going to get me, there's some things I should say. Werewolves are good for nothing creatures who take up space, act high and mighty, and hunt down innocents like me. You have no reason for any of it, but it makes you feel good." She didn't really mean all of this, but just needed something cruel to say that would make them mad. And indeed it did. Their fur bristled, and by that point, she was pretty sure all three of them had their claws out.

  Without warning, they lunged with all their might at Lilith. She had been expecting them to do something like this, and quickly flew aside. They hit the ground, but from all the spray the water flung up, it was slippery. They kept sliding, and with a howl, and a useless action to claw at the ground, they fell over the cliff. Lilith hesitantly went over, and looked down at the water. Nothing except the thousands of gallons of freezing water crashing with the force of a thousand pounds into the rocks. Lilith knew nothing could survive that.

  Lilith began walking back towards the fence, and didn't get five steps when she heard barking. The three remaining werewolves were racing towards her. The leader was with them.

"What did you do??" He growled angrily, seeing the rest of his pack no where in sight. He struck the ground with his paw forcefully, sending a clod of dirt flying.

"What I had to." Lilith said softly. He snarled, slashing out with his paw. She sidestepped it easily, then brought her knee up and caught the werewolf in the belly. It howled, shrinking to the ground. Lilith was about to strike again, when another one lept onto her back. She cried out when she felt teeth sink into her shoulder, but quickly flew up, and slammed down hard on the ground. It had knocked the wind out of the wolf, and now furious, with all her strength, Lilith flung it onto a rock.

  The leader of the pack stared at the wolf that was flung, then back at Lilith with flaring, loathing eyes. His brow was furrowed deep and angry, and his chest rose and fell uncontrollably.

"You'll pay!" He howled, sounding insane. He ran, faster than before, his paws sending up clumps of dirt behind him. Lilith ran to, away, not fond at the idea of fighting a ravaging, insane and angry beast, even though she herself had gotten heated up. She sped ahead, until she made sure there was distances between them. Flying up, she quickly went over to the opposite side of the fence. But the werewolf wasn't done. He tensed his haunches, preparing to jump, Lilith realized. He sprang, high, but not high enough. He realized this when he was halfway up, and tried flailing his legs, but it didn't do him any good. The sharp points on top of the fence had impaled him.

  Lilith turned away, not really wanting to look at it. But she realized she needed to clean it up. What a surprise it would be it the Misses found a wolf impaled on the fence! She snickered at the though, then stopped when she had strangest feeling. Glancing behind her a bit, and saw another werewolf. It was sitting at the side of the house, staring at her with calm blue eyes. Lilith tensed, and stood up straight, staring down at it in a threatening way. But the wolf bowed it's head, inching backwards. Lilith calmed, deciding if it didn't attack her, and would leave it.

  Now, she had work to do...

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