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Felix found himself hustling down the hallways with Jisung.

It seemed after their chat about Jisung's memories of the Dreaming City, the frontguard had started to take a greater liking to Felix (Not that he hadn't already appreciated the presence of Felix to start with, but he couldn't deny he felt strangely closer with his friend ever since that day). An understanding that passed between them, perhaps? A comfort that the other held stories inside of their mind delicately, protected, shielded away from the monsters that may crawl through the cracks of the collapsing building around them. A comfort that, as much as Felix believed the officers to be idolized and persistent, they seemed to be as defeated and lost as he was in their day to day lives. Even if they didn't show the wear on their exteriors. Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, they all... Struggled.

And to that plite, as useless and meaningless Jisung thought his beautiful life to be when he stripped back the layers of happiness he kept on his skin, Felix understood. He understood the hollowness that Jisung carried with him, the knowledge that there wasn't a light at the end of a tunnel to run for, and yet still holding a flickering lighter close to your beating heart to find your way in the dark anyway. And perhaps, Jisung reciprocated the serenity found in knowing that in the end everything will turn to sand. Maybe there was a comfort there, for both of them. Maybe that was the reason Felix joined Jisung on his patrols for the last few days instead of staying inside the walls of the base. Maybe it was to find a tranquility in the breeze that dashed around their ankles and knocks the cloak layers against their skin. Maybe it was to find a warmth in the unbearable arid heat, to know there was sunlight against his tanning skin.

Maybe, it was to find comfort in his friend that walked beside him. Talking aimlessly of his life in the Dreaming City; His old friends and his peers at his school, his family and what they had meant to him so long ago, the restaurants he would visit with his brother, and the view he had of the Inner Conflux's spires from his balcony, the city that lit up beneath him to swallow him whole. Talking aimlessly of the Sanctuary; The companions he found in the other officers, how they had become a family to him (As strange as they were), the meals he loved nibbling on when Minho asked him to taste test a new combination of spices, the view he had when wandering on patrol, the desert that stretched beyond their fingertips.

Maybe, it was to know Felix slept underneath the same stars as he did. The midnight, glimmers of gems against a cavern that they couldn't see; The thousands of shimmering eyes watching them wander in the chilled frost, curiously, observing where they went with childish wanderlust; The innocence of the constellations Jisung said Seungmin tried to navigate, but none of the officers had as much interest in as Seungmin did (Though he made sure Felix was aware the other's did their utmost to try taking part of Seungmin's stargazing, even if they weren't as fond of it as he was).

Maybe, it was to make himself busy, now that the rush of remedial tasks died down and the officers weren't as swamped with what they needed to complete to keep the Sanctuary functioning. To find himself amongst their steps again in what places he could help to keep his mind busy.

Maybe, it was to make him forget about the steel chain that wrapped around his neck. It was to ignore the burning of the metal, scalding it's patterns into his bare skin as the necklace laid flat against his chest. Maybe, it was to brush the sensation of the irritating chain off. Maybe, it was to forget for the quickest moment the weight of the Dreaming City that loomed above his head, to forget why he awoke in the river ribboned in the wall of the city with blood staining his body and a weakness seeping into the cold, to forget the strange man with the white eye and his kindness. Maybe, for a moment, he would have liked to forget their presence and the power they balanced on his thoughts. He would have liked to continue, moving on as if his name was always Felix, and every memory he made was truly his own to keep.

But that led Felix to his current circumstance; The hallways of the Sanctuary passing by him with the faint howling of wind escaping by his ears, pressing his pace a little faster to keep in step with Jisung jogging through the hallways. The frontguard's hand gripped tightly on the trident strap keeping the weapon secured to his back. His eyebrows furrowing together with a concentration Felix couldn't interrupt from where he tried to keep up behind him. The thing is—

"Stop being so selfish! You aren't the only one trying to survive!"

"It's mine! I worked for it, don't take what's mine! It belongs to me!"

Hyunjin and Minho were fighting. Not attacking one another, Jisung had reassured Felix on the way that Hyunjin and Minho had never gotten physical with their disagreements, but verbally. An argument. The officers called it an argument, and that's what the refugee in the Sanctuary had told Jisung when they were wandering on patrol together. The person had scurried up to where they were perched atop one of the higher dunes and informed Jisung that they had gotten into another argument, and that I.N. requested his presence, something about Minho needing Jisung's comfort? Felix didn't listen much, his mind escaping him as soon as he heard 'fighting' and assumed the worst case scenario of their hands getting bloody with one another.

But their voices carried as loudly as the humming from trident terminals and as strong as a knife's curved blade being struck against the concrete, as if their words were tossed with sharpened edges. Polished tips. Deadly poisons. Meant to draw blood from a wounded heart, rather than blood from wounded skin. Their argument, while their voices reverberated into Felix's head reeling from the impact every misfire laid into him while he was accidentally traversing through the cross hairs of their discussion, continued to vibrate down the hallways as they tried to hustle closer with rushing steps. Not that Felix knew what he would do for any of them, or what his presence would offer when it was clear Jisung was needed, but...? Maybe he could help!

Not that he knew what the argument was about in the first place. Still... He had to have some sort of use?

"Other people need it more, you're being cruel!"

"It's mine!"

Though a voice boomed through them, an authority that barged through their tossed words and rendered them silent beneath the giant's step, "Both of you, enough!"

The command from I.N. seemed to be enough to stop the argument firmly in it's tracks; No matter how near or far Felix and Jisung were as they slowed their approach toward the officer's usual meeting room, they couldn't hear any of their voices carrying across the distance as before. Only a humid silence that settled in the musty damp of the dust-covered hallways, disquiet that lingered in the corners where the shadows Felix avoided collected up phantoms of those shouted tones. Orotund nothingness in the unsettling atmosphere that caused Felix's body to quiver with its presence the closer they drew to the meeting room.

But as they were almost inside, Minho barged out of the threshold. Recklessly tossing the fabric blocking the entrance aside. His face tensed up, firmly set with pursed lips and flared nostrils, eyebrows furrowed together so heavily Felix would have thought they would break if they tried to touch any closer, his fists bundled up by his sides. Non-mechanical and mechanical clenched up, tightly. His gaze didn't bother to move from the ground in front of him as he turned toward Jisung and Felix, storming silently down the hallway. Even if that meant his shoulder slammed into Jisung, even if that meant he charged on careless of the pair that stood stunned at his behavior, Minho simply left.

Jisung spared one last worried glance to Felix before he turned, and chased after Minho. The gentle call of his name from the frontguard the last words he heard from either of them before they slipped away.

While, Felix, wasn't sure what to do. Not sure whether he should chase after Jisung and Minho to understand his side of an argument he wasn't certain of, not sure whether he should barge into their meeting room and try to peek at Hyunjin whether or not he wanted to be seen at the moment, not sure if I.N. was accepting of him wedging himself into the center of their squabble when he didn't even belong amongst them in the first place, wouldn't it be rude to think he had a place in the middle of their issues. Did he run? Did he invade? Did he try to comfort Hyunjin, as Hyunjin did for him? Was he allowed to? Was he meant to? What was his purpose, what was he supposed to do when everyone else worked circles around him and his heart until it tore in separate directions. Was he even supposed to be here in the first place? What did he do... What was he supposed to do.... What...?

While he stood, locked up where his feet were rooted into the cement ground as if tangling vines had surged from the cracks and wrapped around his body to fasten where his steps lagged behind, he heard their voices begin again. The faintest exhale, exasperated in his irritation from I.N., "Why do you always argue with Minho, Hyunjin? He's not—"

Hyunjin readily cut him off, "Why do you always side with him?"

"I don't side with him," Was the weak response from their leader. Airy, and breathless, as if someone had slugged him in the chest and ripped the collected air out from his lungs.

There was a soft hum of a response. Disbelieving. Felix recognized the note that left Hyunjin's throat as disbelieving. He didn't believe I.N. He didn't believe what his leader was saying to him. Trying to prove to him?   Perhaps there was more left to say underneath their leaders words, other implications of fairness and justice that no one but him would understand no matter how long or hard he tried to convince the others he was nothing more than a scale that tipped to balance them once more. Perhaps, there was more Hyunjin wished to say too; Maybe swears, curses that would reign Hell on I.N.'s bloodline for centuries to come, maybe insults, differences, an argument with the man who was supposed to be his leader, to prove him and his words were nothing but fallacies to be blindly taken in.

But why? If they trust I.N. so much, why does Hyunjin feel so... Lied to? Why does he feel like I.N. isn't on his side, why—

He hardly had enough time to startled back from his thoughts, snap his eyes to the trudging footsteps that drew nearer to the doorway, and stumbled back to not be slammed into by Hyunjin leaving the meeting room. And, he doubt he wouldn't been seen before Hyunjin left. Where his usually bright, yet exhausted, eyes were peeled up mischievously toward the ceilings and the sky's, he kept his gaze grounded to the dust along the floor beneath his feet. Where Minho was visibly frustrated, Hyunjin seemed defeated. Slight slouched in his shoulders dragging to the floors, his head slumped down too, his hands that were kept loose by his sides, he looked upset. On the verge of tears, and Felix's own heart ached at the sight of his sadness, and he wanted to rush up to him and give him a hug, but he didn't know if that was his place and, and...

Hyunjin's eyes lifted up from the floor. Dragging and landing on where Felix stood.

His downcast lips slowly forcing themselves up as he wandered over. A gloved hand reaching out to the frozen Felix. He patted the top of Felix's head a few times, a soft mutter of 'I'm okay' on his lips that worked a reassurance into the outcast's heart. Sending him a final smile before his lips dropped again, and he headed off into the opposite direction Minho left from. Down the hallways until he slipped away completely.

Then that meant...

His suspicions were confirmed when he heard a heavy thud inside of the meeting room. Squirming his way, silently to the doorway to peer through the thin crack of the threshold where the fabric couldn't meet the concrete stone walls completely. Where the light spilled through the darkness. Where dust stung his eyes and arid sunlight cut through the faint crevasses in the farthest walls. Where flames from a fireplace danced legends in embers, story's and fairytales that settled children to sleep, and crawled along the figure slumped by himself at the empty tables. Where his eyes stared blankly at his hands that curled, resting across the table while he could only gaze at the bare burn scars on his hand. Where he seemed, for the first time since Felix had met him, small.

Not knowing whether it was his place or even in his right as an outsider to try to comfort I.N., Felix tried to press off from the wall to head inside. Steeling himself for a lecture or to be politely told the leader would like to be left alone rather than bothered, he tried to slip inside of the meeting room.

Only to press himself back down against the wall once more, peering through the thin peep hole he was given of the person inside. Well, people. That was the whole reason he halted and retreated in the first place; The familiar silhouette of a strong body that gradually shuffled over to where I.N. had slumped himself motionlessly propped against the center piece of the table, heavy shawl, weighty sheet touching down around his knees to completely cover his sides from the layers of dust, pants that were layered with thick patches, pockets,  bleached and stained muted shirt underneath the untied shawl, gloves covering his hands. Pronounced features compared to the other, heavy weight of his eyes, stronger in the shapes that made up his features. Bulkier. Changbin. He slid beside I.N., hopping gently up onto the surface of the table.

Even from where he stood in the open air of the hallway to spy (Innocently! Felix was curious, that's all!) on the pair as they chatted, he could see Changbin's back. Where the solid structure turned to block him away from what expressions where on his face. Though he could see the arm that stretched down to I.N., the gloved fingers that nudged their leader's shoulder as he pried, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing...? Their argument? I'm thinking how to handle it."

"No, I know you. I know that face, don't try to pull the leader act with me. What's bothering you?"

I.N. fell quiet, his eyes casting from his hands, onto his palms as they softly fell into his lap. Where his hands bundled underneath the table in the padding of his thick clothes, pressing harshly together as his nails dug gently into the scars along the pads of his fingertips. And the silence that stretched between them.

Peaceful, almost. In the calm that spread between them both.

An ease that the two childhood friends shared between one another. Perhaps for the wounds they shared and the bruises along their skin. Or for the memories of laughter, of smiles, of endless games and make believe they had played together, youth trapped inside a chest with three locks and only two keys to pry the lid open once more.

A few beats of that tranquility fluctuated in their breaths. In the thumping of Felix's own heart as he watched them from the threshold, wanting to know what they would say, wanting to know more than any would allow him to let on. After a moment, I.N. leaned back. His shoulders rounding off as he curled up within himself, hiding away from Changbin's eyes trained into the side of his face as he turned himself away and admitted gently, a voice that Felix had never heard from those vocal chords yet couldn't help but feel as if their shattering uncertainty was vaguely familiar to his heart, "I don't think I'm doing a good job with them, Changbin. With the Sanctuary, with those five, with everyone, I don't think I'm fit to be their leader. Maybe it's better if..."

"Sometimes, I think that too. It's better if I walk into the desert, it's better if I don't come back," Changbin murmured the admittance back to him. The gentle rustling of his words against the walls like the sandy drafts that sussurated through the hallways. The heaviness the coiling air brought against the stillness of their unmoving forms, statuing against once another as they were. His eyes, like the dimming sunlight tilting down onto the waking world at sunrise in it's solemn solitude, casted instead onto I.N. beside him. And the smile, timid and fragile. Yet spread on his lips to his friend, "But then I think of Chan."

From where Felix was cramming his body against the wall to watch, he saw I.N.'s wobbling gaze direct from his hands. Gradually, as if the smallest movements pained him. Stained every fiber of his being against the serrated edges cut into his glass heart, straining to keep his wrists out of the cuts while his hands tightened up to fists in his lap. Where such uncertain, innocent, and naive eyes that he couldn't convince himself belonged to I.N. himself, turned upward to the medic as he spoke.

Changbin, continued, "Imagine how proud he would be to see what you created for him. How proud he would be that you made it this far. Imagine, if we hung in there a few more years, and we get to see him again, how happy he would be we didn't give up. He would be so happy."

"He's dead, Bin, he's not coming back," I.N. whispered up to him. His own words like grains of sand against a greater sky, blips of passing life and nothing more. His words, like the aged sheets of paper in what few books survived the Great Collapse, torn and frayed at the edges, prepared to collapse yet held together by the unseen thread that binded him whole.

"He's not. He has to be alive somewhere. If not him, then vestiges of him. Remnants, fragments, something. And until I see them myself, I will not give up yet," The medic protested once more, his determination fastening down on his hands and his shoulders as he squared himself off. As he puffed his chest large and pretended to keep his head tilted higher than he did before, while he slid down from the top of the table to the seats beside I.N. Where he softly grabbed the leader's shoulder, carefully dragging him into an enveloping embrace that I.N. sunk into, as his closest companion reassured him beneath his breath, "We have to hang on. We have to keep going. We have to survive. There's too much counting on us, on you, to give up now."

Knowing within the soft ache lingering inside of his heart he didn't belong as a piece placed on the board of that scene, Felix slowly pressed himself away from the wall. Languidly, ensuring to not trip or kick on any of the cracks that may alert anyone to his unwanted presence, he quietly tiptoed down the lonesome hallways once more.

With nothing but the gentle draft down the mazing hallway on his back whipping the cloth of his thick shawl around his legs, coiling around the gloved hands as that phantom laced it's fingers between his bare ones tickled by the edges of the torn threads, their footsteps along the rippling dust on the grounds leading him away from their privacy in his own secrecy. Repeating with every footstep that carried him away, that his place wasn't here.

Perhaps it was underneath the boiling afternoon sunlight that pelted him when he left the building, it's greeting causing him to wince and draw the heavy hood of his shawl over his head. Perhaps it was doing tasks to pass time; Whether that became sweeping out what rooms Hyunjin hadn't bothered to attend to for the day, cleaning out the laundry with hands that grew wrinkled from scrubbing, or organizing his own belongings, what few he had, underneath the bed inside of Changbin's room so the medic wouldn't trip over the items when he returned back. Perhaps, he found his place amongst the other refugee's of the Sanctuary, while he tried to participate with the children kicking around a bouncy rubber sphere they told him was called a 'ball' and the crates they set up to make a 'goal', with the women while he passed the time with learning to braid their hair, with the men who flung jokes he didn't understand.

Perhaps, none of them had a place anywhere. That was why they had collected between the dunes of the desert, valleys like troughs in the disturbed water that flowed through the Dreaming City. That was why they had found their own homes, their own will to smile once more between the skywalks suspended from building to building rusting underneath where they sat to talk, their own will to live again in the cogs that functioned to feed the mouths that collected in the base. Perhaps, that was why Minho was called selfish for what his own hands toiled to earn, and why Hyunjin believed his reward wasn't for himself to keep. Perhaps, that was why when Seungmin returned from his hunt and realized an argument had taken place, he kept to himself instead of being involved. Perhaps that's why Jisung found a comfort in staying beside the mechanic's side, while Hyunjin reassured Felix he was alright and wanted to be alone.

Perhaps, it was I.N. and the unphased exterior he kept supported on his shoulders like a defensive shell to wear, and it was Changbin who was able to peer behind the shield he kept to extend a hand to his insecurities once more. To pull him up, to keep him steady on his feet, to continue where he had fallen.

Perhaps, there was nothing more to it than that. Than uncertainty that settles in the fractures of their hearts, and the will it takes to root the growth out.

Nothing more than the sandstorms that knock the built structures of the Sanctuary down, only to be rebuilt stronger when the turmoil has passed.

And, Felix... He knew he had a place inside of the Sanctuary. He knew he was home here. He was home with the officers, he was secured with I.N., he was happy.

Yet he couldn't stop that gnawing in his gut, yearning and asking, for more.

He needed to know. He had to know why his heart weeped softly for I.N. and Changbin, yet thundered anxiously when they gave him orders. He had to know why found comfort being by the sides of the officers, but always sensed a rift within his mind that chimed to keep himself distant from them. He had to know why Hyunjin was his self-elected guardian, his thrall. He had to know why Minho was part of a greater machine. He had to know why Jisung was his shield, and what role Seungmin played amongst their world. He had to know why Changbin remained a medic, why I.N. took the ownership of the Sanctuary despite his worries. He had to know why the desert soothed him, yet his fingertips stretched for the Dreaming City. He had to know why he didn't belong with the people who wanted him, and why he didn't want where he felt he belonged.

In the twilight, Felix found himself sitting on his own. While the others were busy with their own problems and issues, the previous argument between Minho and Hyunjin that caused tensions between them to remain high for the length of the day, their tasks that had to be handled regardless of their personal feelings falling out. But, that left Felix by his lonesome. Silently, where he sat at the edge of the scaffoldings, his boots kicking out at the open air as his arms leaned on the bottom railings flaking with copper and bronze chunks of bleeding rust, the wordless song of the desert that graced his ears by the frigid breeze as he watched the last of the sunlight fall beneath the dunes.

His fingers tangled gently in his necklace, the pads touching down into the broken metal. Feeling along the unreadable engravings and the sharp edges, attempting to find a familiarty to the shape while a soft ache tickled into the back of his mind. He didn't recognize the necklace, he didn't recognize the shape, and yet the mindless tracing as his thoughts wandered as far as the celestial body peering over the horizon for one last peek at the world growing cold without it's presence, it told him he should have known. When his hands clenched up into a fist around the metal tag, he should have known. It was something, it was meant to be with him, it was on the tip of his tongue with words that never came, he knew it... He knew...

But he couldn't remember.

He was distracted from his tunneling thoughts when he caught the sight of a silhouette wandering in the main courtyard of the base. A shrouded figure that swept along the sands, a bulky jacket that touched the back of his ankles while he walked alone, his boots leaving tracks within his wake greater than the arid confidence in his stride, a trident was slung over his shoulder, Felix knew it was I.N. The figure far beneath him, almost squishable underneath the sole of his own dusty boots like a skittering bug that thrived by it's own means to survive, was I.N. Moving swiftly toward the front exit of the Sanctuary, where he could barely make out the leader's head turning to take in the pillars and the colorful fabrics they strung up as banners. Swiftly, but not rushing. Hurried, but not frantic. He approached the front archways, the front of it all,

And stopped.

He stood by himself beneath the crescent of the blooming moon and the shadows of the falling twilight, another being that breathed and walked amongst the deserts stretching endlessly beyond those walls.

Well, Felix wasn't sure what he was doing. But, he tucked his necklace away beneath his shirt again, folding his arms up to balance them on the lower railings digging into his chest and allowing his head to rest against them as he watched I.N. Where the leader of the Sanctuary stood so proudly, yet so alone at the edge of their world. He couldn't help but feel as if I.N. was searching the horizon for a glimpse of a ghost that would never come. 

And slowly, how other's approached him. A pair. Shadows that didn't seem all too pleased as they shuffled up to I.N., a call of his name even over the distance that Felix heard clearly from the duo. Identify those two shaded bodies to be Hyunjin and Minho approaching their leader by the entrance of the Sanctuary.

Footsteps reverberated on the metal behind him, his own phantom approaching where he sat with a gentle tone, "I don't think anyone else would be as great of a leader as he is."

Felix whipped around, shooting a fast glance to Changbin. The medic immediately returning his glance, a faint smile decorating the upturn of his lips, almost an acknowledgement. A wordless glimmer in his eyes and a tenderness to his being that whispered he knew.

"Part of it may be because he was taught to be a leader, he was supposed to be part of the Council, but... I can't help but feel that's not the full reason too. He has a way of relating to people, understanding them, and treating them as if they're the same as he is," The medic explained, each step he took atop the metal scaffolds methodical. From heel to toe, every step that vibrated with breaths underneath Felix, until he approached the railings as well. Until he hands curled down around the metal beams and leaded him against the dubious structure to join Felix by his side, "Though he was a sarcastic, snotty little shithead when he was younger. In a way, it hurt to see him mature so quickly."

Instead of answering him question, Felix hummed a mindless response back, falling silent as his gaze trained on the three by the entrance. Where they talked quietly with one another, I.N. clearly lecturing them both (Hyunjin and Minho sharing the same apologetic look as if someone had copied the exact twitch of their frowns), even from the distance. Felix observed them all, trying to note their smallest details in his mind. Not forgetting to remember the disappointment that radiated from them when I.N. backed up, took the trident off of his shoulder to hand out to Hyunjin and Minho, and pointed assertively to the deserts outside.

And the pair, how they reluctantly shuffled out into the dunes, shoving each other with complaints that could be heard from anywhere in the sands.

While they watched them disappear on the normal patrol route Jisung showed Felix, Changbin sat down beside him. Flopping down on the scaffolding with an unusual grace to his movements. Elegantly stretching himself backwards on the support of his hands as he murmured beneath his breath, "There comes a time in your life, when you stop. You pause, and it feels as if you can't move. And your heart... It pounds so loudly, it pounds so quickly, you think, 'Oh, I must be dying'. And everything inside of you, in those few seconds, it fights. It kicks, and thrashes, and fights, and fights. Because you know, you don't want to die here. It can't be here."

Forcing himself to look away from I.N. standing stationary by the entrance still, Felix brought his attention to Changbin beside him. Instead allowing his eyes to trace over the medic's solemn smile, the chilled breeze that combed fingers lovingly through his untrimmed hair and knocked the charm on his knife against the hilt, the tranquility of the moonlight that casted stars inside of his distant eyes, and the weight of exhaustion that hung from his body. The beauty that carried delicately on that man that Felix found comforting his heart. Yet the familiarity of his features that caused his mind to stay disquiet.

"There is such a strong will within us to live by our own minds, and to die by our own hands," Changbin snapped his eyes to Felix, the accidental  moment of him meeting the outcast's gawking causing him to turn his lips up a little softer while he spoke, "I sometimes wonder if there is any point to this. Or, if I just, am kicking, and thrashing, and fighting, and fighting uselessly to die, and living peacefully until I do."

"What was it like?" Felix uttered to him, "To leave?"

"It's was like kicking, and thrashing, and fighting, and fighting, uselessly. It was like dying," He told.

Gently, his eyes left from the outcast. Finding again the figure by the entrance.

Where I.N. sat down against the pillars of the entrance to wait for Hyunjin and Minho, his head tipping back against the walls as his gaze trained up in defiance of the stars.

Where they saw his eyes flutter close in rest.

Changbin whispered,

"It was like waking up."

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

Felix's Log #20

Patrols: Patrols outside of the Sanctuary are important to do. Often, groups led by Jisung or by people in charge under Jisung's command will venture out around the Sanctuary and check the nearby perimeters for any signs of threat. This could be Dreaming City, but is more often than not wild animals that live in the desert, the same that Seungmin goes to hunt. Something called boar... And... Um... Sheep? And sandy.... animals... there was another name but I don't remember it now. Bear? Is that what it was called? Sometimes, patrols go farther into the desert for signs of civilization outside of the city, or people trying to escape the Dreaming City. Occasionally, there's luck from the latter but never from the former.

Sometimes, when Hyunjin and Minho fight too much, I.N. will either assign them to separate patrol routes to give them time to think or he will force them to go on expeditions together until they worked out their differences, like tonight. According to the others, this system has a 95% success rate and Hyunjin and Minho won't argue for a while again. Jisung and Changbin said that usually I.N. will stay up and wait for them to return, oftentimes already having warm meals or warm water for them to bathe with when they return.

Changbin says that was his form of an apology. Seungmin said it was a psychological tactic. Jisung said it was kind.

I think it means he's being their leader.

╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯

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