3∮We Are All Adrift

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The next few days seemed to pass by easily for him. For Felix.

Compacted with the insistences from his caretaker Changbin to sleep as long as he was able to (Until his body turned to lead against the mattress and his eyes reeled when they opened again to the light, Jisung and Changbin told him that light was real sunlight but he wasn't exactly sure what those words meant), to eat as much as he was able to (Until he stomach couldn't contain anymore and swelled in a content he had the achings of his heart cradling softly, they told him the drink he was given was something they called 'Sahlab', a recipe from the old world Jisung had said, and whatever was filled in the bowl was a soup, a flavor they called turmeric and carrot, though he wasn't sure what either was), and to ask as much as he wanted to (Even if his questions often looped back in the same direction when he didn't understand what they were saying).

Scarcely, while attempting to learn about the unknown world surrounding him through the poundings of his headaches and the squeezing of his ripped muscles working hurriedly to repair themselves while he slept the days away on the medic's cozy mattress, he managed to pick up a few details fron the two who visited him.

First was, a place they referred to as the Dreaming City. Though Jisung neglected to talk more on the subject than was needed when it was his turn to look after Felix, Changbin was more than willing to answer as many questions as Felix had to ask him. So far, the only details he's been able to understand about the place is that it's humongous, it's contained within endless walls that are lengths deep, and it's a society, a city. A monotone civilization that Changbin said was vile, disgusting, and lifeless. Emotionless. Everyone hid behind a mask, the same white mask Felix saw Jisung wearing. Somewhere they had all escaped from with baited breaths and worn bodies wishing to give up on the hopes of freedom, until they saw the dawn breaking at the end of the tunnel. Most likely, Felix was from the inside too. Even if he couldn't recall any of the details he was being told.

Second, he learned about the Sanctuary. While Changbin did his most to educate Felix on the Dreaming City, Jisung wouldn't stop talking about the Sanctuary. Again, through piles of slang and slurrs he didn't understand for even a second, Felix was able to decipher a few more details. The Sanctuary was not inside the Dreaming City, instead it was about a week's 'drive' due Northward outside of the walls (Felix didn't know what drive meant, and Jisung did a bad job of explaining). It was a base of sorts, a community build atop the ruins of a civilization from the old world (Felix didn't know what an old world was either), with a leader who oversaw life, and a collection of officers that were in charge of organizing parts of their society. Jisung and Changbin were officers, and Felix wasn't able to retain any of the information Jisung gave him in his excitement regarding the officers.

Last, they gave him a mirror. Briefly to peer at for a moment after he murmured to them he wasn't sure what he looked like. They both had scrambled to find a small, rounded mirror that fit easily in their palms, and handed it over to him. Inside that reflection, Felix didn't recognize the face that met him. He didn't recognize the face of the stranger who gawked back to him; Midnight dark hair, eyes tinted an unnatural shade of blue as Changbin said, splatters of color along his cheeks and neck, he didn't know that image at all. If he was to remember anything, Felix would've thought he would remember his own face, but even that memory came up as blank.

But truthfully, he wasn't sure what to make of any of this. He wasn't sure what to make of Jisung and Changbin; Though they treated Felix with a certain kindness and distance to their every step that didn't push on him, he didn't understand why. He couldn't understand why they were willing to help him with eager smiles and featherlight touches that hardly pressed down on his wounds, he couldn't understand why Jisung snuck him mugs of sahlab when Changbin strictly ordered only gentle soup to settle in his stomach while he recovered, he couldn't understand why Changbin offered him the comfortable surface of the mattress to sleep atop when Felix would stirr in the middle of the night to find the medic mangled uncomfortably on the floors with nothing but a blanket or on the hammock awake until the early mornings.

He didn't understand them, or the Dreaming City, or the Sanctuary, or why he woke with his memories missing. All he understood was: He was being fed, he was kept warm, he wasn't in any foreseeable harm, and he was given a journal to jot notes down about the things the other two told him so he wouldn't forget them. The aches in his muscles and the stiffness in his joints were gradually receding to the dull undertones of soreness, the white bandages wrapping him were lessening in the necessary layers to wrap around him and every time Changbin changed the dressings the wounds beneath weren't as severe as before, his pounding headache that stuck to him like the sweat clamming on his skin beneath his loose clothes was beginning to scrape off flake by flake to leave him with a fogginess in it's wake. The heat was starting to become tolerable too, though he still wasn't sure where the thick heatwaves were rolling in from.

The warm air today wasn't as heavy as it was yesterday. Easier to breathe in with deep inhales while he sat on the edge of the mattress, a lack of strain necessary to exhale the atmosphere in his breath with every puff he let out around the bits of something they called bread he was nibbling on. The pillowy cloud of a flaky soft roll that puzzled into his hand as if the snack was meant to be found by his grip, the ghostly webs of the doughy treat clinging on as he pulled off another chunk of the bread to push into the pocket of his cheek. Milky in it's taste tanging through his slow chews admiring the flavor of the bread, malty roast that clung to the tougher outerlayers protecting the inside fluff, delicious. This bread stuff was like the drink and the soup, incredibly delicious. Whoever was creating the foods Jisung and Changbin gave him, was a genius.

Jisung, who had been wandering around the room organizing the stray cluster of the space that grew crowded the longer the days went on while Felix was occupied with watching him, sent him a brief glance. He set down a stack of folded rags he had been wheeling around on the surface of the desk chair, before he spun on his heel to scurry past the fabric hung in the doorway threshold, disappearing from the walls of the room without another word. Coming back a moment later with something the color of ivory curdled up inside the glass container of a lidded jar, the hints of a wooden spoon stuck into fog peering out. He flipped down on the mattress beside Felix, and popped the lid off, "Here, try this."

"What is it?" Felix asked around the compacted billow of clouds shoved to every corner of his mouth to stuff as much of that addicting goodness of bread in as he could. The cottony clutter of the food making it nearly impossible for him to formulate coherent sentences with his blocked tongue, but the flavor was too good to let go of! Though he did find the will within himself to scoot closer to Jisung and peer into the jar he was offering, taking a quick glance to satisfy his curiosity of what the other had in his hands to see the same type of substance. Scuddy, more caked than what he had come to know to be soup, with a strange tint of an oiliness that glossed the top of the contents. A sweet scent assaulted his nostrils as he leaned closer. The rich sugary of the globs immediately causing his mouth to water around the bread.

"It's a... Like, a kind of cheese. A sweet cheese. Cream? Sweet cream? You put it on top of things," Jisung patiently explained, plucking up what remained of the bread roll Felix had been mawling to pieces between his fingers to take a dollop of the ivory tinted cream from the jar. Spreading a thin layer on top, he then passed the piece of bread back to Felix.

Hesitantly, he took a small nibble.

Before proceeding to rip off the rest of the cream-covered bread and devouring it in a second. A wonderful feeling swelled in Felix's heart at the flavor. Popping brightly, like the vibrancy of the sunlight with that taste. Sweet too, sugary in the grains he could taste mixed into the spread, creamy with the thickness of a milky taste that matched the tones of the bread, a certain twinge of a tanginess that touched the back of his tongue matching a flavor that was in that drink he had come to love, and a spiciness on the small brown flakes inside of the cream. Only growing stronger and stronger the longer he passed his bread pieces to Jisung for him to glob more of the cream on the canvas.

Amazing! These foods were amazing! Had Felix never eaten anything like this before in the life he didn't remember? What sort of life did he live to miss out on the delectable meals he was being fed, how could he never know what bread is? Bread was delicious! Bread could be eaten plain, or with a bowl of soup, or with cheesy spreads and sugary creams. Bread was an invention of tranquility. A silversong of peace that sings for serenity of a crimson heart, bread was the best thing Felix had ever crammed into his stomach and he couldn't help but wonder why he didn't know what bread was. Though, that was amongst one of the dimmer wonders he had in his mind, when considering the fact there was hardly anything he knew of now.

As he finished off the last chunk of slathered bread, chewing as sluggishly as possible to hang on to the flavor for a few moments longer, Jisung shifted. He tucked his legs up on the bed, coming to sit folded as he used the scrunched posture to correct himself to face Felix head-on. He started, "I-"

Someone ripped back the fabric of the doorway and barged inside the room with a shout,


Felix startled, nearly choking on the last chunk of bread at the stranger.

A new face he hadn't seen yet that welcomed itself into Changbin's living space without a hint of reservation; Narrower in his blown wide eyes that tilted in a feline-like elegance, sharper angles to his features compared to the rounded softness of Changbin and Jisung he had come to be familiar with yet similar stains of dust that hid the edges with their grains, louder than them too. A thundering voice through snarling lips compared to the gentle lullabies from Jisung and Changbin that had coddled him gently in their assistance while he was resting. His hair seemed to be much longer than Jisung's too, a bundled mess of a bun pinning the hair up that dangled erratically to frame those bladed ledges to his face. ot to mention the ties tangled up in that hardly held together mess, ties of beads and charms that clicked in whispered melody to the rhythm of him slamming stopped.

Compared to Jisung and Changbin who usually dressed in heavier clothes, cloaks or shawls that wrapped down around their bodies with hoods or fabrics they often untied when they stepped inside the living space, this stranger had on weathered coat. What looked to be once leather now worn down to rustic colors that scraped along the skin and inside the natural folds of the coat, drapped long to his knees with hems that were mawled and shredded to chunks rather than a solid cover. There was a design painted on the sleeves too, but the color had been too washed out for Felix to know what the picture was supposed to be. The rest remained the same as he had seen the other two in; Loose fitting, covered completely from gloves to boots, a long blade that sat on his side, though he had a strange pole slung by a strap over his back Felix had never seen before. He didn't seem as course as Jisung or Changbin either.

The stranger did one fast glance around the room, peering from the vacant desk to the empty hammock in the other corner, before he blinked a confusion to Jisung, "Where's Changbin?"

"He's helping Seungmin with a burn," Jisung explained with a hum. He kicked his feet off the edge of the mattress, coming to face the stranger instead of Felix who was barely managing to catch his breath around the chunk of bread he accidentally inhaled (Coughing up irritating fire inside of his lungs until he felt the chunks of bread dislodging from where they were stuck, but the conversation between the stranger and Jisung seeming all too casual about the one who charged in announced being in the room with them was far more interesting to Felix than him choking on wisps of bread). And again, calmly, casually, Jisung furrowed his eyebrows together, "What do you mean you got kicked out of the base? What happened this time?"

"Okay, I.N. comes up to my quarters, right? And he's like, 'Tell me about the milk argument you and Minho had while I was gone'. He sits down, I explain to him the milk argument, you were there you know what I'm talking about. I explain my side of it," The stranger fumed to Jisung, only to Jisung, Felix figured the unfamiliar person was either too invested in the way his arms were gesturing furiously to notice anything other than relaying his frustration or he didn't care enough to acknowledge the third person sitting in on his ranting. Either way, he continued storming, "He looks me dead in the eye and goes, 'You need to get out of the base'. I'm like, 'What? You're kicking me out?'. He goes, 'No, I just think you're going a little crazy because you haven't gotten out lately. You're on patrol duty. Get out of the base and don't come back until nightfall'. I'm on patrol duty now for SEVEN FUCKING HOURS."

He then pointed an accusing finger at Jisung as he commanded him, "And if Changbin isn't here to entertain my ass, you're coming with me."

"Does that mean we trash talk people for seven hours while walking around the desert?"

"Fuck yeah it does! Get your shit!"

"Sure, and-" Jisung hopped off the edge of the mattress, the rebound from his jump nearly knocking the poor Felix beside him over in the rocking waves that wiggled through the springing coils. He bounced over to the desk chair, yanking the cumbersome shawl he had dropped over the backrest long ago to start fashioning it over his body. Engulfing him entirely in the hanging fabrics that gobbled his strong frame up. His head popped out of the neckline, quickly arranging the mess of the tiny ponytail attached to the back of his head, before he grabbed up Changbin's shawl from where it was hung on the wall and extended it out to Felix, "Come with us for a little. We'll show you more of the Sanctuary."

The unfamiliar stranger finally spared a glance at Felix, his already blown wide eyes spreading farther apart when his gaze landed on him. Though he stood with his chest puffed out and his pointed chin angled high in a dictatorship that rulded over the top of his head to the tips of his toes, Felix noted his eyes carried the same honeyed softness to them that Changbin and Jisung did. The twinges of exhaustion, stories untold in the burnt umbra of his irises, fondness that was kept in written scrolled dusted with the shares of time that proves to weather the parchment with poetry of it's own caliber. They were strangely welcoming.

Even if the man folded his arms over his chest, leaning onto the doorframe behind him as he snorted deep within his nostrils, "Yeah newbie, come listen to me complain about everyone and everything, it's our favorite pastime."

Felix hesitated. Sending a glance between these two men; First to Jisung waiting patiently for him to grab the cloak that belonged to someone elsewhere than here, then to the face of the unfamiliar stranger who charged in to their conversation without any delay, reluctance, or remiss for barging his own pathway. How Changbin and Jisung had been understanding of his reclusiveness stuffed into the foggy haze clouding up his mind, patient with him struggling to grasp onto basic concepts they repeated over and over again while he couldn't retain more than one or two topics at a time. How this other stranger, this other officer, though his bold appearance seemed confrontational to match the aura radiating from him, was welcoming him in the same way that Changbin and Jisung had welcomed Felix.

These people...

No, he wasn't sure what to make of them. He wasn't sure what to think of them, he wasn't sure what to believe of them, he wasn't sure if anything they did made sense to him, or to anyone else who might be in his place.

Gingerly, Felix plucked up the cloak from Jisung's hands. The fabric far heavier than he imagined it to be by sight alone, the weight applied into his palms and wrists nearly causing his healing muscles to fold over with the strained aches trembling to hold the material off the ground. The lumbering excess alleviating when Jisung assisted with pulling the fabric onto him. Though that meant the distribution of the hefty clothing item was now dispersed through his shoulders unaccustomed to burdening the weight now dangling from his body, and Felix had to will himself to do everything in his power not to crumble to a pathetic pile of Felix mush underneath the crushing weight. However, despite the unpleasantness of the cumbersome load put unexpectedly onto his back and shoulders, he did have to admit there was a pleasantly sweet smell that clung to the clothes too. A scent matching the atmosphere of the medic's living space that was soothing to his heart.

When he was situated inside the heaviness of Changbin's cloak, the unknown man then turned around and escaped through the doorway. Jisung followed suit, before turning back to Felix.

These people are strange.

Obeying, he wordlessly followed them out of the room. A hallway spilling with more of that thing they called 'real sunlight' pouring in like translucent ghosts of waterfalls from the windows in the ceilings, illuminating the drifting of flotsam dust balls echoing off the concrete walls and similar rusted piping to the webs in Changbin's room stretched long in front of them. Not necessarily narrow, but cramped in the manner that Felix had to be mindful not to trip over the back of the boots from the two walking ahead of him down the length of that hallway as if they had traversed it's path a hundred times before. Perhaps, they have. Perhaps the turns they took part the corners, brushing by the few people dressed similarly to the officers wandering past them in an endless river, footsteps reverberating off the chambers, off the doorways, the fabrics hung to block off wooden doors, fading metal doors, these sights weren't as foreign to them as they were to Felix's curious eyes.

Did the Dreaming City look like this too? Was there dust that hovered in the stale scent of the air being blown uselessly by the few turbines that spun rapidly in corners or attached to the ceilings? Was there the traces of sand that hid in the cracks of the concrete flooring and tucked into the crux of the walls? Was there the bright smiles that beamed from the few others that passed by them in the hallway, the sweet greetings of 'Good morning Officers!' that were reciprocated by Jisung and the other man bowing their heads ever so slightly, did everyone in the Dreaming City smile? Changbin told him that everyone wore masks in the Dreaming City, could you see their smiles through the eyeholes of the masks? Was the Dreaming City as warm as this place he was brought to?

While they bounded down a set of metal steps, Jisung hummed in an unprompted reaction. He suddenly slowed his steps down to fall in rhythm beside Felix who was struggling by all means to figure out how he was suppose to take another step when he felt as if he was dying beneath the cloak. The officer gave him that friendly smile again and gestured to the one in front of them, "That's Hyunjin by the way, one of the officers I was telling you about. He's quartermaster, usually. He looks after everyone's living arrangements, organizes supplies, gives out clothes, that type of thing. He's the one who spared the clothes you're in now, and he'll be the one to help you set up your living space when you don't have to be looked after anymore."

"It seems everyone is..." Felix started to him, quietly as they stepped down the final ledge. His legs trembling as the little strength they had gathered during his days recovering was wicked out by the boiling heat and the load he was bearing on his shoulders. Was this why Jisung and Changbin were muscular? Because they both wore these heavy fabrics over their everyday clothes, because they were constantly lugging around other pouches, pockets, supplies, a weapon, how accustomed were they? Underneath, Felix was turning into a fountain of sweat. He was shaking. His wounds were itching beneath the bandages wrapping them. But he followed them. Deciding to finalize his assumption with an observation of, "Close."

Which appeared to be true enough, from what Felix had seen of the few interactions between the two who came to visit him and the stories they would relay. If not close, then, caring. They cared about one another. From what Felix saw as an outsider who didn't know who he was, where he came from, or what this world was supposed to look like through rose tinted glasses.

"Oh, yeah. Well, we have to be. I mean, I like to bicker with Minho but, I'd die for that fucker. I'd take a knife for him," Hyunjin emphasized by drastically stabbing his own chest with a bundled fist, before he smoothly turned around on his heel. The charms in his hair rhythmically clicking together when he spun, the tussling of the odd-looking staff pipe device bumping against his coat, the tapping of his boots against the hard flooring. Hyunjin, naturally walked backwards as he explained, "We're surviving on our own out here, Felix. Everyone has to do their part, everyone pulls some of the weight, and at the end of the day, we get to eat together."

Felix's eyes drifted down to watch the pattern of steps. Titled forward. On the balls of his foot. As if he was expecting the ground to shift out from underneath him. As if he was expecting to have to lunge to any side, to make a quick escape with a sudden sprint, or jump high enough to touch his gloved hands to the ceiling. When he glanced to Jisung, the other was walking in a similar way to Hyunjin. Shifted with his weight forward rather than down on his heel. Though subtle for both of them, the strange displacement only visible in heaviness of the footprints their boots left behind.

No, he wasn't entirely certain why his focus drifted down to the movements of their steps tapping down on the floors in subtle ways. He wasn't entirely certain why he tended to stay silent, why his lips stayed glued and his mind remained blank despite the prompts to be anything but, why he caught himself constantly watching whoever was with him. Their footsteps, their hands and where they lingered, what their knuckles looked like while they were bruised or rough, their eyes and where their stares tended to shift. Was he always like this? Always the type to stay quiet. To take in details. To assess them. Was he always that type of person, or was he only acting this way from the core of uncertainty? That he wasn't sure where he was still, he wasn't sure who these people were still, that everything was still unknown.

He tried to shake the feelings off, gaze drifting back up to the quartmaster's to wonder, "Are there often newcomers?"

"No. You're the rarity. We have new people once every... Every few months. Sometimes one or two, sometimes a group," Hyunjin whipped over his shoulder once more, nearly tripping over the twist in his feet if it wasn't for the jogged steps that saved him from crashing down immediately afterward. He rounded another corner, another metal stairwell stretching downward he began to traverse down through a growing light that began to filter in to the hiding crevasses within the building they were walking through. It must be a building of some sort. Given by the way his voice echoed in the emptiness, "It's not easy to leave the Dreaming City."

Jisung corrected him, "It's nearly impossible. It's fortified on the inside of the wall to not let anyone out. Nothing gets in. Nothing gets out. Then there's the World Eater."

World Eater.

An odd feeling clawed into his heart.

"Then there's the fucking World Eater. The World Easter makes it impossible to leave. Fucks with your mind. The less you know of it-"

There's that word again.

"The less it has power over you."

"It's stigmatized too. There's a doctrine inside the Dreaming City that teaches you, this land we're living on is inhospitable. It's hot. Hard. Deadly. Which, it is. They're not wrong. But, leaving is stigmatized and punishable by the Council if you're caught."

"Council? Punishable?" Felix furrowed his eyebrows together. Punishable? Punishment? He knew he was familiar with what punishments were, but not what they were referring to exactly. Again, a gap that filled his mind. He could fill in the bridges that spanned over the canyons dividing the memories sitting at the top of his cloudy tongue, but he couldn't build the connection to reach the other side. He knew of punishment, but not what punishments were. He knew of meals, foods, the need to eat, but not bread or soup. He knew he was a human, he was existing, living, breathing, he was from the Dreaming City, but not where in the Dreaming City he was from, not the details of life inside, not what the city looked like.

"They kill you when they catch you," Hyunjin told.


Felix's breath paused inside his lungs.

That was the place I'm from?

Unsure of what else to say to them, he swallowed down the choked breath that lodged into his throat. Offering the two officers nothing else but a quiet nod to their explanations and the slip of his gaze cascading down to the floors beneath them in exchange for any words he could've said. But he was certain there wasn't much else to say on the matter. From what little he knew of Jisung, he appeared to be a bubbly person with a proclivity for nonstop chatter, and the other officer Hyunjin was talkative enough in his boisterous introduction before the mood was dampened by their conversation; Seeing how neither of them said anything more either, there probably really was nothing else to say. There was nothing else to think. Nothing else to believe aside from letting their words soak into the gaps of his memories.

Up ahead, Hyunjin and Jisung rounded a corner. Felix followed after them, watching as they tugged a doorway open and slipped around another heavy fabric that blocked the entrance way with it's covering. Concealing what laid within, and what laid outside. Felix trotted after them,

And immediately had to cover his eyes from the assault of brightness that stabbed into his already strained pupils. Even through the blockade of his eyelids shut firmly tight and the concealment of his hand blinding him against the light, a redness managed to bleach through to the darkness of his vision. A redness that poured down into him in unbearable waves of heat that melted him as he stood uselessly in his spot, struggling to take in what he was able to without his sight; The feeling of a tough metal floor poking up at the soles of his shoes beneath his step, the taste of a dehydrated dryness sapping from his tongue no matter how he kept his mouth closed, the arid staleness of an unmoving air weighing heavier on his body than the cloak he was certain he would be burning up to a crisp if he wasn't wearing over his body, a strange scent that reached his nose not entirely unpleasant but indistinguishable, and chatter. Talking. Voices that came up to his eardrums from below.


With difficulty, Felix managed to pry his hand off of his eyes. Slowly, one at a time, fluttering his eyelids open to adjust his irritated sight to the bombardment of that heat and that light. Adjusting to the difference, to open his eyes into narrow slits to finally see his surroundings beneath the protection of a veiling hand.

Buildings. A sprout of buildings like a tuff of hair that stuck from the ground. Decrepit, ruined, falling buildings collapsing on their sides, exposing the bones of the metal rods that would once hold the concrete walls from tumbling apart to dust. Some tall, some shorter, the cluster a decent size. All abandoned, all destroyed, all weathered down with the time those relics had lost long ago.

Yet, life blossomed inside of them. Around them. Around those collapsing buildings, built inside of their husks (though Felix could hardly see their existence with his eyes trying to squeeze shut again with the light), hammered in with metal beams, metal rods, ties connecting walls from falling, scaffolding of wood built up, the banners that ran from building to building, bridges of metal that ran between building to building, three of them where they stood on a metal platform wrapped around the outside of a large, concrete building, there was life. People. Not many, but people. Scurrying through the doorways tucked into those buildings, the colorful blankets that they rung from walls and dropped from windows, the group of children those buildings surrounded who were playing with a ball between the bustling of voices, noise, vibrancy, people. A society built into the shell of ghosts.

Beyond the buildings, sand. Nothing but sand that stretched as far as his eyes could perceive. A few mountainous bumps in the distance, but otherwise, a flat basin of grimey granulations that had clung to the officers when they freshly walked into Changbin's living space. Sand that spanned from the slight wind that dusted the grains onto his cheeks, out to the end of the ever blue horizon touching down into the world like the caressing of a lover come to say hello once more, dusting in foggy clouds that rose in the distance to disturb the peace of that tranquil scene with murky vision. He thinks someone once told him this picturesque landscaping was a desert. Like a song, a whisper that pressed his eardrums, their voice had told him this was called a desert. But he couldn't remember who, he couldn't remember a face, and he couldn't remember why they would have told him.

That voice sat on the edge of his memories.

Smiling. Deserts.

What else did they tell him of?

Who was it?

Where were they?

"Well, this is it. This is the Sanctuary. It's not much, but... Yeah, it's not much. That's all," Hyunjin sighed out, stepping forward on the metal platform to grab hold of the rusted railing with his gloved hands. His grip tightening down around as he gestured to the base laid out before them, sarcastically chiming,

"Welcome home, Felix."

╭ ─┉─ • ─┉─ ╮

Felix's Log #1

The Sanctuary: A base in the desert, a week's travel directly north from the Dreaming City's walls. A civilization built on top of the 'Old World', but I don't know what the Old World is. Seems to be a safe haven for people who have left the Dreaming City. From what Jisung and Hyunjin told me, I understand why people would want to leave.

Did I want to leave the Dreaming City too? I don't know...

╰ ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─ ╯

Hyunjin's character appearance in this story is just Mother Hyunjin but apocalypse

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