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"T-taehyung, g-go slow." Grace mumbled watching the man dashing through the busy road like no tomorrow.

He was so furious that someone tried to mess around with him, that too using a girl. He knew that Jennie had seen his softest side and that would only make it harder for him to hold back in situation as she can easily provoke him. He knew that he was not supposed to get so worked up but he can't watch someone going against him even if it is by using anyone and in this case, it was Grace. There are only three people so far who knows the truth about their relationship which was based on a mere contract and he would go to any extend to keep it that way.

"P-please." She pleaded again noticing that the man was not even focusing on the road, just his sharp glare was there to remind he is not asleep.

The car approached the traffic, Taehyung still not bothering to stomp on the brake which scared the soul out of the girl. She quickly held his hands, grabbing it tight while contionuing to blabber for him to stop. Was he trying to get her killed or was he planning to drive into the pedestrians crossing the road? Right when the car was about to hit the zebra line, Taehyung shifted his right foot from the accelerator to the brake and the car came to a halt with loud screech gathering the attention of few passengers.

"I am not a stupid to drive into someone, stop over reacting." He growled, yanking his hands off her grip.

"Why did you have to scare me like this then?" She asked, voice a little raised as her whole body was shaking.

"This is not my first time driving so shut the hell up or I might not hestitate to fuck into you right here."

"U-uh? Do you perhaps think that girls are your sex toys?" That was clearly offensive for her even though she expects him only to be that way.

"Yes." He answered it in one simple world and Grace have had enough of his shit.

"Thats it! I am out of your contract and do whatever you want with my father's company." She shouted back, unbuckling the seat belt to get off before the signal changes.

"One more move and you are dead." He hummed, a slight cold metal touching her thighs.

"W-what a-are you d-doing, M-Mr. Kim?" Her eyes widened seeing the gun, which was pressed against her thighs.

"Buckle the seat belt if you dont want to crash your useless brain."


"Okay, I knew that he was a jerk but he freaking own a gun! I am pretty sure no one will even bother if I am dead. Cool!! Very cool!" Grace muttered as she practically ran across her bedroom.

Taehyung dropped her off at the apartment and warned her about the consequences of running away. Not like she had a plan to do that because even her passport is with him and the bank account is froze since months. Wherever she runs, he can find her in a minute and the next minute he would either rape her or kill her so running is not even an option. Grace can plot to kill him but the next minute she will be in jail and ofcourse the whole world would be against her so thats a dead end. She can tell the truth to his parents and then beg them to save her from the devil but what if they are equally devilish? His hyungs and Jungkook are in no position to do anything so basically she had no option than to listen to him and act like a pet.

"Kim fucking Taehyung, you need a doctor! You are not normal." She screamed punching onto the pillow non stop.

Grace just knew one thing, that the man is not a total dick head because at times, he snaps to a soft self even if it is short living. She had to find the exact thing which can chain him to that spot for an escape but from which end should she start? The first thing that came to her mind once she calmed down was search him up in sns and there flowed down a river of his informations. Everything about him was shown positive and the focus given on his success in business and the countless number of projects he takes up. She could see that the man was loved by everyone in the world, people going crazy over his charms and kindness which made her want to throw up.

"I accept you look undeniably god carved but your heart definitely belongs to the satan. No offense!" She glared at the screen before moving on the remaining pages.

"He was single all these while?"

"Ofcourse, who in the world would even love an animal like him and in no way, he would know the meaning of that word. Twenty eight days, and I have to do the impossible? Wow! My what in the world did I do in my past life?" She closed the laptop and fell back on the bed.

She tossed her head to the side, facing the window where the moon light was shining bright. Tears threatened to stream down her rose cheeks and Grace didnt want it, she rubbed her eyes with the back of her sleeve when something poked her skin. She pulled her hands off and stared at the sleeve where a gold bracelet was hooked on, to be exact Taehyung's bracelet. She carefully removed it off her sleeves and looked at the metal piece which Taehyung wears all the time. His initials, 'KTH' engraved on it with perfection and suddenly everything happened the last day rushed into her memories.

The way his lips molded into hers, it was way too comforting and she never wanted him to pull away even if it might block her oxygen supply conpletely. The way, he safely held her waist and how his eyes never moved from her and she could see much more emotions in it rather than lust. To think of it, if he continued with it, she wouldnt have stopped him too but he was good enough to bring her back to senses. That concludes one thing, he wouldn't rape her or use her like he do with his maids. Well, thinking of that stupid night where he was fucking his maid in front of her eyes wanted her to murder him. Ofcourse jealousy is a disease and she couldnt stop herself even though he is no one to her.


"Mrs. Park! This is not the reason for your return, right?" Taehyung asked, sitting across the model in his desk.

"Exactly what is the topic now?" Jennie asked back, adjusting her glasses with her middle finger making him grit his teeth.

"Past is over and I have no time to play on that so you better get into your work and stop bothering me."

"I have just started, Mr. Kim Taehyung or should I rather refer to you as hubby, just like you wanted?"

"Dont even dare to use that word on me again! I have made sure to keep your dickhead husband alive till this moment so if you provoke me once more, I might forget that kindness." He clenched his jaw, his hands balling to a tight fist and knuckles turning white.

"He is fucking living like a vegetable, you bastard. He hasnt moved from bed since the past two years because of you." She shouted back, slamming on the table.

"Stop fucking blaming me for what happened to that man who got wasted and drove into my company container."

"You want me to believe that? Out of every other vehicle, he drove into your company container? You wish and this just started, do whatever you want but I will make sure to crush your world into dust."

Jennie walked out, slamming the door on Jungkook's face who was waiting to meet Taehyung. The younger looked confused at the model who rushed downstairs, no one dared to do that to Taehyung. He quickly gulped down the lump and walked inside the room where a catashtrophy was going on. The CEO was throwing everything on the table to the marbled floor, tearing off the paperworks which could cost them billions. Jungkook ran to the older and held him back tightly, trying to calm him but Taehyung threw the boy to the corner, continuing his actions.

"Hyung, stop!! What are you doing?" Jungkook asked, running back to the other.

"Jeon Jungkook, fucking stay away unless you want to die." Taehyung shouted, slamming the keyboard onto the computer screen as the glass shattered everywhere.

Taehyung had no proof to show that it wasn't him who did that to Jaehyun and Jennie ofcourse had all the reason to believe that it was him. He wanted to do such things to them a lot but thinking of just one fact, they have a kid stopped him. He knew how determined and adamant Jennie can be, she would definitely crush him off and fuck it, he still loved her somewhere in the corner of his heart. She was his first love and even when hatred took over his emotion, he knew that she could again drive him crazy and make him feel pathetic. He sat back in his chair, staring at the mess he made again losing his senses to her threatening like she had him wrapped around her fingers.

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