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"Hello, welcome back to work. I hope you all had a stress free week and enjoyed the quality time with your family." Jungkook smiled as he walked into the already packed conference room.

"Yess!!" The staffs energetically responded as they figured, it was just Jungkook who walked into the room.

"Mr.Kim would be joining online from his room so shall we get started with the presentation?" Jungkook asked as began to connect the laptop to the big screen.

The staffs looked at each other and left a relieved sigh because things would be ten times better if Taehyung doesn't attend the meeting. If there happens to be a few seconds of delay, Taehyung would just cancel the meeting and take down the entire project. He had done it a lot and the staffs had lost their mind seeing, days of their hard work going into the dust bin without any consideration. The staffs and board members how ever started turning on their part of presentation before shifting their focus on the double screen on the wall, ahead of them.

"Mr. Kim, can you hear us?" Jungkook asked as he adjusted the camera so all members would be visible.

"Good morning, let's just start with the meeting." Taehyung spoke through the mic, which resonated the entire room.

"Good morning, sir." The entire staffs recited like a poem.

"Mr. Jeon, is the presentation already evaluated by you and the Choi group?"

"I have already read the clause and sent them a copy via mail. They asked two days for just going through it before contacting back." Jungkook answered as he folded his hands together.

"What is the update about it? Did they approve the plan?" Taehyung asked as he glanced at the screen which was shared to him by the administrator.

"Not yet."

"Does Mr. Kang have any say on this? We chose Choi after listening to your words." Taehyung rested his elbow on the table, leaning a little to keep his chin on the fists which were clasped together.

"I- I am s-sorry, Sir. I didn't know they w-would take this lo-long." Mr. Kang stuttered as he remembered Taehyung's words before vacation.

"Connect Mr. Choi to the call." Taehyung ordered as anger flooded up his veins.

"One minute, sir!" Jungkook sighed as he tried calling the man who had actually shown no interest to the project.

Jungkook knew the plan was a flop but he didn't want to mention it to Taehyung until he gets a word from the Choi because it would only cause trouble. This venture was not something Taehyung planned on before hand so if he hears, someone rejected his proposal, he had go crazy to the level where no one can stop the disaster. The phone rang for a couple of times before someone accepted the call which shocked Jungkook as he was expecting them to ignore.

"Good morning, this is from Mr.Kim's office." Jungkook spoke as he put the call on speaker.

"Sorry?" A feminine voice, spoke back which confused everyone in the room, maybe it would be Mr. Choi's manager or staff member.

"Is it not Mr. Choi's number?" Jungkook asked as he pushed his bunny teeth to his sensitive lower lips.

"Dad is in between a meeting so you can call later."

"This is something important and Mr. Kim Taehyung is on the line so get the call to him."

Taehyung's eyes furrowed as he glaned at the clock which was hanging by the side of his room to see the minute hand, clicking away. The meeting started ten minutes ago and it reached no where except for the bad and irritating news flooding in. He clicked the fountain pen in his hands while glaring at the screen which send shivers down the staff's spine. He brushed his hair back, exposing his exotic forehead which gave him an additional point on looks.

"Dad, some Taehyung is on call and says it is important. I told him you are busy. What should I tell that guy?" The girl called out to her dad while still keeping the call on her ears, that everyone in the office heard it.

Jungkook immediately turned off the speaker and covered the phone with his hands. Everyone gasped at how the girl informally mentioned him as if she had no idea who the man is. Some one who doesn't know Kim Taehyung in Korea would be a frog who lives under the rock so hearing it coming from Mr. Choi's offspring added to the situation. Taehyung slammed his hands on the table and asked Jungkook to turn on the speaker again. He wanted to hear what she was saying and if she defames him again, he knew what to do.

"Dad, where are you???" She shouted again but no answer followed it.

"Gosh, who is this Taehyung and why am I even struggling for him?" She cursed, hitting the phone on her forehead which was clearly audible to the others.

"Excuse me?" Jungkook asked again, hoping she would stop soon.

"Dad is busy and not responding. Ask Taehyung to wait for some time or if this is about the donation program that he promised, you don't have to worry. I will send one million won to your account." She spoke sassily, which caused Jungkook to choke on his own saliva.

"N-no, we are not for calling for that. We are from the Kim Ente...."

"Okay, I need to go now. Tell Taehyung to come and collect the money from him or else me." She ended the call before Jungkook could even respond.

"I should go and collect money? Huh?" Taehyung poked his inner cheeks as hus face slowly turned red.

"Cancel the meeting." Taehyung closed his laptop without another word as he was totally pissed and embarrassed about the conversation.

He clicked on the bell twice, waiting for Jungkook to run upstairs to him because they were going to be working outside the office for a day, meaning Taehyung is ready for hunting down his prey. An unexpected prey.

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