His promise

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Shiv. Mujh sa baat ku nhi kar Rahi ho. I'm trying my best to   Explain you but you are the one who is not listening to me. Anika give me one chance. I wanna tell you that

Ani. You wanna tell me that you misunderstood me being characterless just because I'm poor and don't have money in my fuckin back infect I don't have family background and  about daksh then just because he born having gold spoon in his mouth he can't do any cheap act. But I can do I can do because I'm a road trash  who don't even  know who are  her parents or  which family she belongs. Isn't

Shi. It's it's nothing like that

Ani. It does like that mr obeori. You never consider me human always  whenever  something happened in your life your blamed me only.  You never ever thought that I can never do that. You just blamed me and insulted me like a dog wigioiy thinking about my feelings and emotions.   I felt so shit  whenever you excused me but this time you broke me. You just smeared your anger over myself and In Seconds you made me feel like I'm some slut or prostitute who sleeps around the men. All those respect I had gathered in those years you just finished it in one blow. I will never forgive you for that I will never she hiccups and left from there  pushing him away.

Shiv. Anika he calls her but she didn't pay head and  walked out.

On Dining table

Anika  about to sit when she stopped seeing pinky getting up from the chair

Ani. What happened aunty

P. Don't you dare to call me aunty with your dirty tongue girl. Don't you dare

Ani.   Is everything alright. Did i do something aunty

P.   No you didn't why would you when you are so innocent and hudaar larki who can't do any bad thing it's just out  fault who given you so much space  in this house.

Sha. What's wrong with you pinky

P. What's wrong with me what's wrong with her who got smeared on my son's face without  his will.   This girl has set on our head like devil and is not taking name to get up.  

Jhanvi. Pinky calm down

P. No jithani ji I won't calm down it's about my son whose life got spoiled because of her. He is suffering because of this girl.  I and he had saw aloads of dreams about his marriage. I thought tia will come in this house and  my son will be happy but I never Knew that this girl will get hang in his back. Who is so cheap and characterless.

Ani.  Aunty she widen her eyes after listening her

P.   Shut up she slaps her making her stumble which caused her   Fell on the floor hitting her head with the chair.  Blood started coming out profusely from
Her head but all just cup their face  and try to run towards her but pinky stopped them with the glare. 

P. Daksh told us everything how you first trapped him and took money from him for one night and now when your heart didn't fill that you chosen my son for all your dirty motives.  You wanna my shivaay's life but I won't let you do it.  I just won't. You have to leave this house I won't let you go stay here  more. I won't. Just leave our house right now.  Leave my shivaaay's life.  She said making her stand up hurting her on her arm.

Ani. Don't worry aunty  sorry Mrs oberoi even I don't have wish to live in your house. I was already planning to leave your fuckin house who given me nothing but pain. Already I've saw a lot in my life because of you and your son but not anymore.   I don't bear all this without any mistake. But one thing I wanna warn you.  Don't you dare to  call me characterless because your house is filled with those people whether if it's your son or someone  else.  I hope we don't meet again but I really don't wanna see your People faces.  Saying this she wipes her tears and left  from there.

P. What you looking at. It's good she left. Now sit and do breakfast.

Shiv. Good morning he smiles at everyone and  about to grab his seat when stopped finding Anika's seat  empty

Shiv. Anika kaha hai

P. Don't think about her and do your breakfast

Shiv. This is not the answer of my question mom. I had seen her coming towards dining table but now she is not here. Where she has gone

P. She is gone

Shiv. Matlb

P. Shivaay forget her. You don't know how bitch she was.   Daksh told us everything

Shiv. What are you saying what Daksh said

P.  He said which was reality. He told us how she took fifteen lacks from him for one night and now she has married you to  get money from you. She is a cheap girl shivaay who just love money nothing else

Shiv. Did you say her all this he  taking step back

P. Yes I did infect she left the house and why won't I had said to her when it's about my son she was playing with you shivaay.  She is not the way we were thinking. She was just using us for her benefit and marrying you was her one of plan

Shiv. Are you serious mom.  That bastard said you and you trusted him. He was lying Anika is not like this. Infect he is the one who tried to kill her. Literally that girl had lost her life if I won't had reach on time. He would
Had chocked her in water.  You don't know what he did to her.   He is a beast mom and a murderer. He bloody kidnapped her and did everything which even a Davil  can't do and it's all happened because of me.   If I won't had married her then it's won't had happened with her. But it did happens and reason was me.  The way you excused Anika I did same yesterday I blubbered all shit which I shouldn't had said to her. She was freaking innocent. She did nothing but  just because that Daksh said me I trusted him over her and insulted her every way.  Mom what you did

P. But she

Shiv. She did nothing mom if someone did then it's me whether marrying her bringing her in this house and Daksh. Matter it's all happened because of me don't forget your son ruin her  life not her. She is suffering because all of us. 

P. I'm sorry Shivay

Shiv. If something happened to her then mom I will never forgive myself. Already she wasn't talking with me now if something worse happened then I'm sure my heart will stop.  He sobs and left from there in search of her.

In whole way he is calling her  but she is the one who is not picking up his call. He knows she can't go home as he sold her house and about her friend then  khana told him she  out of city so she can't go there even. Then where the hell she has gone. Before going Atleast she should her meet him but she didn't and left without letting him know

Shiv. Don't do this Anika otherwise I won't able to forgive myself I just can't he sobs looking around in hope to get her one look but seems like earth has swollen her inside. 

Shiv.anika please.  Suddenly his eyes twinkle when he saw figure walking on foot path and she seems her. He immediately wipes his tears and stopped the car in one corner running fast  towards her.

Shiv. Anika he calls her name which made her look baddie

Ani. Shivaay she whispered and thats it her head spin and she fell in his arms taking his life away

Shiv. Ani Anika he  got terrified when he saw her  unconscious that also with bleeding head. He try to wake her up but nothing is working she is just lifelessly hanging in his arms

Shiv. I won't let you happen anything. I just won't. He sobs and carry her in his arms running towards his car.

  After sometime

Anika open her eyes lazily and  again closed her eyes feeling herself in dark

Ani. Please please please don't do anything. Please turn on the  light please I'll die please don't do it. Please please she thrust her face in the pillow sobbing and  calling for help

Shiv. Anika he got worried when he saw her  blubbering hugging the pillow laying on her stomach. He march toward her and kept his hand on her head

Shiv. Are you alright Anika.  Look it's light here. I've turn on. Look here. Anika slowly raises face and found light all around the room

Ani.  Lights she sniffs looking around

Shiv. Yh lights

Anika nods and again lay down making him sigh. Right now she is not in his zone so he let her do whatever she wants.

After couple of minutes he kept his hand on her face and caresses it but next second his heart broke when she jerk his hand away and set up straight looking at his face

Ani. Why did you bring me here

Shiv. You fell unconscious so

Ani. So what if I had fell unconscious I don't think so you needed to get me here. You should had let me die there.  Maybe someone would had took me away

Shiv. What are you saying Anika

Ani. Which is right. Anyways thank you for bandaging my head I will never forget. Saying this she get up and started wearing her shoes

Shiv. What you doing Anika where are you going

Ani. Non of your business you go to your own home. I'll find something for me.

Shiv. Stop being stubborn Anika and take rest.

Ani. I'm fine. You don't need to worry about characterless girl like me I'm here to take care of myself. She look at him with flooded eyes and started walking towards the door but before she open the door shivaay comes infront of her and blocked her way

Shiv. You are not going anywhere

Ani. Look shivaay it's better I leave we don't have future leave future your family doesn't like me specially your mother so better we part away. You marry that tia and I'll go on my own way. And don't worry I'll Make sure we never meet in our lives. Now can you please move I need to go

Shiv. You can't smear your decision over my face like this. We both are equally partners so My decision should also get concern

Ani. Are you serious shivaay till tomorrow you were only one who were saying to leave me then today If im saying then why you getting problem because of it

Shiv. I'm getting problem because I don't wanna leave you

Ani. Stop joking around and let me go shivaay. It's not time for joke. She try to twist the knob but before she do it he hold her hand and pin her with door caging her with himself

Ani. What you doing shivaay let me go she wriggle but instead of leaving her he hold her more tightly

Shiv. You are not going anywhere did you get that. Being husband of yours it's my right to stop you. You will be with me and that's final whether you want or not I won't let you go anywhere

Ani. You can't force me

Shiv. I can force you being your husband

Ani. You are not my husband

Shiv. I'm your husband you agree or not

Ani. But from when you became my husband. Before few days I was nothing to you right then why sudden change in your behaviour she sobs trying to free herself but he didn't leave her and cup her face.

Shiv. I'm sorry for my past behaviour. But I was angry to thinking you became someone else instead of me. That dream which I had saw someone else got it. I thought I've lost you. I felt betrayed that's why I behave like that

Ani. That's mean you don't trust me

Shiv. It's nothing like that. It's just I was jealous so jealous that I couldn't realise my words well saying to you. I I was feeling so angry over you to ditching me. That's why I blubbered all that

Ani. But still we don't have future shivaay your mum wants tia as her daughter in law not me

Shiv. It's my life and I would decide with whom I'll live. And she had to agree for that

Ani. I don't trust you

Shiv. I'll gain your trust I promise

Ani. And if you couldn't then

Shiv then then it's up to you what you does

Ani.then make sure to not do that mistake again otherwise I'll surely leave you. This time I'm ignoring my humiliation but next time I won't. Mein itni door chalk jaoo gi na ka Kabi doond nhi sako ga

Shiv. I won't let this happens

Ani. You better be. And one more thing

Shiv. Kaya.

Ani. Kick this tia out of our lives. I don't wanna see her in our lives

Shiv. More

Ani. You have to tell people that I'm your wife

Shiv. And

Ani. And and you have to love me more than anything

Shiv. And he smiles cupping her face

Ani. And and I will love you back if you did and if you didn't then I won't as well she pout wiping her tears

Shivay. I already love you sweetheart

Ani. You don't

Shiv. I do otherwise why would I had jealous

Anika went in dilemma after hearing him

Shiv. What happened

Ani. You love me she stammers

Shiv. Any doubt

Ani. But I'm still confuse about my feelings

Shiv. That I'll Make sure to get them clear

Ani. Hmm

Shiv. Now can I get a hug and some kisses

Ani. First fill my stomach and

Shiv. And

Ani. After gaining my trust till then no hugs and no kisses

Shiv. Ok fine let's go. He hold her hand and left towards kitchen promising himself to never make her cry ever in his life and about his mother then she will get agree for his happiness.

The end

Kainat- kainat

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