She is selfless

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I was always right about you. Middle class people like you can never think about someone else good. You are just money minded who wants money nothing else. In all those days I was bearing your everything but seems like your badtmeezi is increasing day by day. You were misbehaving with me I was ok but today you tried to play with my self respect and my sister's life. How dare you to let that dev enter in this house when you knew that I don't wanna keep any relation with that family who lied to us about his blood. He is bloody son of prostitute and you without letting me know let him meet my sister. How dare you. You fuckin work here so do work stop interfering in our lives. Stop being family here Anika because we are not your family. You are just outsider here nothing else did you get thatttt

These words are ringing in shivaay's ears sitting alone in his room. He regret to say all this to her. He still remember how tears had slid down from her eyes when he said to her all this but one thing is hitting his head again and again and that is when she said you will regret to say me all this. When you will know the truth but I won't tell you because you don't deserve and after that she left m throwing his bloody third class job over his face giving his badtmeezi back to him. And look now he is regretting to say all this to her and why won't he when that girl cAme back in his house and saved him from a murder case which he actually didn't do but because of some proofs he could had go into jail but she saved him by jumping over her on respect. She didn't care about her own self but she thought about him and did which no one can do.

Shivaay baby tia goes towards shivaay and stood besides him blowing her nails telling him her day time things forgetting all the drama which happened today and it could cause him to go in jail. Right now she is least bother about it and telling him about her social media and shopping stories but Anika she is not like this. She genuinely saved him without caring about anything. A human being want his life partner like Anika who stand besides him in every thick and thin not like tia who instead sharing his pain she is thinking about her fake world. He closed his eyes and hold her arm tightly making her scares to seeing his eyes

Shiv just shut the fuck up tia otherwise I'll burry you alive here without showing any mercy. Did you get that. Now leave me alone before I do something worse. Just go away. He said pushing her away making her stumble

Tia. What happened baby

Shiv. Stop baby me and leave. Tia literally got scared and about to run away when stopped seeing all youngsters standing in the door.

Om. Shivaay

All youngsters enter there and gave him stern look

Ru. Did you see today my Anika didi saved you again. Otherwise till now you would had been burning in jail right and we would had been trying to get you bail

Om. That girl did everything for you and what you did you insulted her and kicked her out from the mansion snatching her job. How could you shivaay

Shiv. I know I did mistake but she also let that dev in

T. Shivaay baby is right. That Anika was on mistake that's why he snatched her job. Though if today she done some favour then must be there would be some benefit for her that's why she did it. I know people like Anika they never think above their motives.

P. Just shut up tia don't blame Anika like this. Today prinku spoke in harsh manners who never raised his voice infront of someone but for Anika she did today.

P. She didn't do anything. Infect dev cAme in this house because of me. I had called him. Anika was just asking him to leave as bhiya won't like it. She was just taking him out before anyone see him but bhiya caught her on main time and for saving me she took all blame over her head. Bhiya she was innocent Anika Did nothing

Shi. Why didn't you tell me before

P. I had got scared bhiya. I'm sorry

Shiv. Prinku what made me you do it.

Om. She didn't make you do it. Your behaviour towards Anika was always same. You never trusted her

Ru. You have to say sorry to her bhiya she deserves it  I guess

Om. He is right and till Anika dont forgive you we won't either.  And keep this straight in your head

Shiv. I'll do it I'll do it.  Saying this he grab his coat and about to go when tia hold his hand stopping him

Tia. Where are you going. You don't need to say sorry to her baby

Shiv. Just shut the fuck up tia. Before I comes you leave this house. As I don't wanna see your face

T. Baby

Shiv. Stop calling me this Shity word. It's bleeds my ears he jerk her and left from there fastly.

In chawl

Anika has been thrown on the floor by the colony people making her hit her elbow on the hard floor making it bleed  Profusely Everyone is bad mouthing about her and reason is her aunt who spit all  venom and people got chance to say shit about her.

Sahil run to save his didi but soon he pulled by his aunt and Anika got hit by some lady in her head making her moan in pain. Whenever she try to get up they push her again calling her a characterless and prostitute

Man.   I had  eyes over you from long time but you never tried to bother to look at me. And for that billionaire you didn't think twice for putting yourself on occasion. 

Man 2. I guess when she can do for him then she can lay down infront of us as well being naked. What's say.

Ani. Aaaa she screams and slapped him hard getting up gaining some strength

Ani. Don't you dare to bad mouth about my character you asshole.  That man and his friends got angry and manhandled her piercing their nails skin in her skin

Man 1. You will show attitude to us. Now let's go we will show you our. Take her in our place.  She needs treatment bro. Saying this started dragging her with them without showing mercy to her. Sahil kept crying bagging to people for helping him but there is no one who could help him or raise his voice. Soon they put her in the car and drove away from there in fast speed

Shivaay who reached there after couple of seconds he got confused to seeing  loads of gathering near Anika's house.

Shiv. What's happening here

L. O look her lover also has came.

S. Sso he immediately got up and goes towards him. Fastly with help of his scratchers

S. Save my didi  sso. They took her away

Shiv . Who took her away. What you talking about

S.  She got punishment for helping you.

Shiv. Where is Anika Sahil. Tell me

S. They took her that side

Shiv. Don't worry I'll save your didi I promise. Faith on me and you people if something happens to Anika then I'll surely sue you. Keep this straight in your brainless head. He warn them and stormed away from there in anger.

In isolated

Anika is trying to crawl but her injuries are not letting her move

Ani. Don't don't come near me. Men laughs and take step towards her looking so evil and bastards. Anika closed her eyes praying to go for save her. But she knows no one gonna come and help her because there is no one who thinks about her or looking her way. She is alone along with her brother who is so small and handicapped. She hiccups and cry more when one of them tore her sleeve she try to push them away but because of lake strength she is not able to do it is special day for us. After so many days we got a hot chick. It will be fun to fuck her. He laughs with his others friend and about to grab Anika when she suddenly filled up get fist with sand and thro over their face making them growl in pain bitch She took advantage of it and get up with great difficulties running other side of jungle but next second she whoops when her foot collided with the stone and she fell down again getting bruises on her leg and foot

You bitch what you thought you will run away then you are wrong. One of them who got little vision he caught her and shake her holding her hair

Ani. Please let me go. What I've done to you that you are doing this to me. She sobs joining hands infront of him but Instead is showing mercy to her he Lough evilly and hold her chin in his hands making her cry in pain

Man. That can't happen sweetheart without tasting you we won't leave you. Saying this he pushed her and hovered her making her struggle to come out from his grip. He about to kiss her when suddenly someone come from behind and hit him with the rod making her fell on the other side of floor wincing in pain.


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