Last Meet Os

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That Christmas eve brought many
unforgettable memories in her heart.
The whole area was in party mood.
Why not? It's Christmas and it has
special place in kanyakumari. Apart
from all difference of religion cast and others, this has such a place.
She stood at the center of the road. The road which carried most precious memories of her.

That chilly weather made her flich a little. The moon which stood alone in vast sky resembeled her mindset. Alone and cold.

Her eyes are glassy yet there is no emotions. Her lips became
dry due to that whether. The whistle
sound echoed from all directions.
'Happy Christmas' that words reached
each and every corner.

She stood there. Confused. Unable to
find herself. Trying to find the old her
in that pinch dark. Struggling to collect the broken fragments of her own self.

The buildings are decorated with
beautiful lights which spread those priceless brightness around the place. For no reason a different feeling crept her heart. She badly needed some light to fill her heart and give her the needed to warmness to melt her cold and dark heart.

A sudden feeling of fear, excitement,
and confusion along with an unknown pain crepted her heart.. That frozing wind caressed her making her hair strands flot on them.
She opened her eyes and he stood
there. Like some angel from God
who came there to save her from all.

But she know the reality. The cruel
reality of this fake world. Nothing is permanent in this world. But the biggest struggle is finding the difference between the mirage and reality.

She too like a person who saw a mirage of oasis in the desert saw him smile at her. But she learnt a lot from running away and now she knows that she is just imagining.

He moved towards her and stood a feet before her and gave another smile en lightning her that his presence is real. Just a plane smile and her heart started to race.

He smiled at her and  She too replied that smile. Just to show that they both know each other.
But he stood there, Emotionless. No expression of any hate or
love nothing can be seen.

She gave the same expression back to him. But she did tried to read his eyes in which she failed miserably and her mind reminded her. She is not a known person for him for his eyes to express itself to her

That was the time when best friends became strangers . That most painful  moment. The Happy moments and endless takes blurred away by time and only blackness lying forward. That was cruel.

Your best friend is in front of you. But you can't even share a word.
Reason? Ego? Hate? It may be anything. yet that was too painful.
She can't face this situation anymore. She moved to go away. But stopped suddenly.

Is he called her? No way the great Laksh maheshwari will never do that
and she knows him more thern anyone.

"um-hmm" he pretented to clear his
throat. She turned and faced him.
He is holding something in his hands.
A Rose? Along with a card. She looked
deep into his eyes. He downed his eyes unable to meet her gaze.

She chucked within herself. He never
avoided a eye contact with her. But
today he did.

Not a single word exchanged between
them. Yet they spoke soo much. Eyes. They speak more than mouth.
"Ragini, red rose... This is for... for you" he said and she felt s shiver ram through her spine. His voice. Even today after years meeting thousands of men only his voice managed to her shake her.

Silently,He forwarded his hand. She
looked at him shocked. It was a miracle for her that He still remembers her favorite flowers while. She was doubting wheater he know her or not.

"accept it Ragu " her heart begged. " it will broke you more Ragu" her mind warned her.

She don't wanted to jumb into a lake knowing that she can't swim. That would be the stupidest thing for her to do . Yet her heart raced. It fluttered. The fact he is giving her a rose after years made her heart hope a little more.

All her controls broke in a single
second she looked deep into his eyes. his eyes.

Why? Why she is so week.

Without her knowledge,her hand
raised to hold that flower. His fingers brushed with hers and both felt a current passing throw their spine. It felt so new even though nothing is
new there. He smiled at her. A single genuine smile after years.

"when did you returned  from. America?" he asked. Meeting her after 5 long years but all he can ask is this. "last night" her answer was so short.
They don't have no words to share.
Those who once talked for hours
without stopping is now standing
without any words.

He forwarded the card and her heart
didn't allowed her to think. She was so much careful about not being hurt all these days. She ran away form her emotions. She ran away from her family. She ram away from her country to save herself form breaking more . But she herself let her broke this much.

" wedding invitation. Hope you will be there. I want to indroduce you to her" he said. And she felt a sudden pang in her heart. An unexplainable pain which is enough to kill every cell of her is felt inside her.

"yes heard about that. Swara na? I
know" she managed to utter them. No more words left her throat

Controlling herself not to let a single tear she turned to go away. She know this is what going to happen. Yet her stupid heart didn't allowed her to stop and ended up getting  hurt.

"Ragini "he called. But she walked away not wanting to meet his face once again.

She rushed into the church and dropped herself on the floor there.

Everyone was there feeding cakes to
each other. Exchanging wishes. And
celebrating child Jesus's birth.But her state was different.

Why? Why can't she just let him go.
why can't she just erase his memories. She thought

Like the rain clouds which hides the bright sunny day light those painful memories started to hide her thoughts and started flashing in form of thoughts.

She was a normal student. Not so active yet loved by everyone. Her those cute big eyes and her chubby cheaks made a lot of boys go behind her. She is something diferent don't have
much friends. Yet had some true friends.

That day Was her school annual day.
She was the last one to walk her house
which was just few meters away from
her school.

Even the clouds decided to hide the
brightness of sun that day. Maybe they wanted to witness that cute beginning of these two.

She was alone. All her friends already
left. She walked slowly as there is no need for any rush. But a sudden sound of an accelarator raising made her jump on the place. She turned back and her wrost nightmare was there.

Sanjay. The boy who made her shiver with his mare presence. She made every steps a longer then usual. Right now she wanted to reach her home as soon as possible.

But suddenly she felt a sudden pull and  shocked to find Sanjay holding her
Wrist. "leave. My hand you monster" she shouted and tried to release herseif

But his grip was strong. "I love you
Ragini. I love you try to understand my
Love please" he pleaded. But she was notin the mood to Listen.

"leave me please" she sad and her eyes got filled with tears. He left her hands as soon as he saw those tears.

"urnderstand my love Ragini. Please" he said and she cried in fear . She tried to move away and he blocked her way.
She was trying hard to escape when she Saw him coming in his two whealer. She badly wanted to ask him help but she
can't as all she know about him was his name and he being her classmate and nothing else.

"Hey samjay leave her way" she heard
Laksh saying.

"you mind your own business laksh"
sanjay said and continued to block Ragini

"it is my business sanjay. She is my
classmate and I have to protect her as a boy form her class" Laksh said.

But sanjay again hold her hand and this time laksh pushed him away making Sanjay fell down in floor.

you mesed with a wrong guy laksh will
feel bad about this iater" sarjay said and Left .

Laksh looked at Ragini. She is crying
continuously . The clouds too shed tears seeing tears in her eyes.

"Ragini don't cry. He is a stupid" laksh
Said moving a little closer to her. This was the first time he is talking with her.

She looked up and saw his face clearty
for the first time. "Hey. Wipe your tears" he said with a smile.
But again tears started to stream down

"lookyou look like some monkey
Escaped from zoo while crying So stop
it" he said trying to cheer her up.

But she never minded him. "oiii
I will give you dairy milk silk if you
Smiled" he said. Commenly girls love dairy milk that is what made him say that.

"oh you don't want ah. OK ok, it's getting dark go back to your house" he said and she started moving. He started his bike and started moving in other direction.

She once again became lonely and
started to shiver. The thought of Sanjay coming once again made her shiver.

A Sudden sound of accelarator made her shiver more. The bike stood near her and already tears started flowing down.

"Hey Ragini are you OK?" Laksh's voicebmade her relax a little. She turned and he  witnessed her tears.

"are you afraid?"he asked and she
nodded" OK I will come till your house"he said and she nodded. He followed her till her house and she
smiled at him for the first time before
entering into her houSe,.

The next day she entered the class withs a smile. She sat in the back seat of laksh and it made everyone more then amazed.

"Laksh" she cailed and all other boys
looked at her shocked while girls looked at her filled with jealous.

Till now they Belived that Ragini is not a competitor for them to owe laksh but now she smiling at him made them Worried.

"my dairy milk. You promised one if
smiled. I did so..." she dragged arnd he forwarded a silk and she pulled it outfrom his hand

After that they talked so much. Very
much. Till everyone gossiped that they both are in a relationship.

She too felt something for him. Laksh is the only man whom she let near her.She felt a kind of happiness a kind of protectiveness. A knid of happiness around him. He never let her feel lonely or uncomfortable.

She loves red rose and he gave her one every day. From his garden. Atleast one from the school garden. he payed fine for that many times. Even he wrote apology for that but he never forgets to give her one

Days passed and their bond grown
strong each passing day, And she fell in love with him so soon. But it took her time to make sure of her feelings.

She was the happiest person on earth
when she found that she is on love with him. But laksh 's story is diferent.
He treated her as a friend. Only as a

That day was their first anniversary. No not that anniversary but one year after their first meet.

She had decided to propose him finally. She made a greeting and took her dairy she wrote that one for  one year. Each day she Wrote her feelings in life which mostly had her memories.

She wrapped that in a gift wrapper. With lots of expectations and love she
walked towards  him that day.

"Ragini" she heard someone calling her and her memories broke.  She turned and saw her friend pooja
standing there.

"he gave you invitation. Didn't he?"
pooja asked. Her voice showed how
much hate she had for laksh, Ragini just  nodded her head .

"will kill him today. Don't he get enough of hurting you. Why he is doing this?"
pooja shouted without minding the Surrounding and Ragini kept numb

She is not sure about him doing this.
Why he is doing this? Maybe pooja is
right. May be he wanted to hurt Ragu
more. Who will give invitation to the
girl who loves him that much.

She wiped her tears. There is no more
need to cry. She cried for five long
years but what she got is nothing. She
didn't wanted to cry anymore. Atleast
over him.

"are you going to atten? pooja asked
stil her face expressing the same hate.

"yes" Ragini said. Her voice was a bit Cold."you won't able to stand that pain. I'm afraid for you." pooja expressed hertrue concern.
"I want that to move on" she said. And
moved out.

That day arrived so soon. His wedding. And Ragini is greeting ready to atten.
She opened her wardrobe and took out that gift. She made that to give him on theday she proposes him and express her love for him. . But now she is giving that on his wedding day as a wedding gift.

She reached the mandap. He was there smiling and talking with one girl in the balcony.

They both are chatting and laughing

There is som much smile in his face
which made her heart beat fast.

Her heart pained seeing them together.
Yet she controlled herself. She is not in
the place to cry.

She holded that gift close to her heart
and cried as that painful day flashed on her mind. Even after spending a thousand nights crying only remembering that day it hurt her like the first time.

With lots and lots of hope she walked
towards him that day.

That day semms so normał that she is
totally unaware the storm waitirng for

He is in his palce. Unusually silent. She
reached her place.The rose which was in her place everyday was not there that day. She looked at him. No expression in his face

"laksh?" she called but he didn't replied. She placed her hand on his shoulder and he pushed his hand down.

"what is your problem girl?" he shouted at her for the first time.

"I.. Want. To talk. Something to you.."
she shuttered.

you cheep girl Do you think I'm some
stupid to believe you. I thought that
you are so naive and innocent but you.
Played with my feelings. Na. I thought
you as a good friend but you? Chi..... don'tShow your face to me" he said and she ran away from there.

After few days she came to know that
It was all because of that stupid sanjay
laksh talked like that.

Ragini wiped those tears falling from
her eyes. Even though her tears became her best friends these days they often chose not to follow her words and fell down without her control.

She don't have strength to witness his wedding with another woman. She will die if she do so. Atfirst she thought that she can face that and after that she can easily mice on.
But now after this she can't

She stood up and walked to the nearest dustbin. Put that gift in that. And walked away. After all this is the last time she is sawing him and she is not going to cross his path again in her whole life.

She decided to walk away not only from the mandap. But also
from his life and her love. She  decided to walk away from that pain.

The sound of drmbs and some crackers bursting reached her ears.  And then she knows that It's over. Her
love. His friendship. And his marriage
with another girl. Everything is over.

Ragini walked lifelessly towards the
entrence. Her knees felt week and she
fell Down and cried. Even the clouds
decided to watch her pain this day too
and shared sheding tears.


Guys wait the story doesn't ends here.
Wait wait I decided to make it as a sad one but you know right my readers love happy ending and not a sad one so I'm giving an extra fitting a twist.


The clock striked at 12. She was there inthe Airport. Her tilight is at morning 4 0'clock. But she is here at 12. She wantedto escape from the harsh reliaty.

When she returned back form America she decided not to run away once agian. Yet he is doing the same mistake again. But she can't just live here tolerating the pain.

Her face was pale. Her tears were dry.
Anyone can say that she is crying like

"Ragini" she heard laksh calling
her. But she know it was just her
hallucination, after all these hallucinations are not new for her.

'oii stupid Ragini" she heard again
and turned. But shocked to find him
really there.

laksh?" she asked confused.

He walked towards her and slapped her hard. She placed her hand in her cheeks and even that pain made her happy as it proved her that he is real and not her imagination.

"laksh?" she again said confused. And
he again slapped her.

"are you mad?don't have any sense." he asked and she looked at him shocked.

He pulled her towards him and hugged her. "stupid Ragini" he said in her ears.

"laksh?" she said but kept her hands on her cheaks afraid that he may slap her once again. But to her shock he kissed cheeks where he slapped.

"what is happening here?i'm I dreaming?. Stupid ragini wake up" she Sai and slapped herself. And he chucked.

But the things ghat happening before her was too real to believe. She again pinched herself and shouted when it pained

"I'm real you idiot" he said and pulled
her close. "that was my sister Swara's
wedding invitation. With my cousin
laksh. You know him na. His name is
also laksh. I expected you to open that
card and found that truth but you being idiot came there believing it as my wedding and went before givirng your gift to me na"he said and took her dairy from back.

"I love you Ragini" he said

"laksh is it true?" she asked and he Smiled and kissed her forehead.

Im not sure about my feelings for you
ragini Yes it's true I thought you as
my friend only. But after readingyour
diary I don't want to miss you in this
life. Ragini. And at this second I tove you Ragini" he thought and kissed her hair.

I love you ragini" he said huggng her.,

"me too" she said and he hugged her
more tightly.

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