..Our First meet..

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Sometimes things are not planned...They just take place without our knowledge...They are so unpredictable...Anika an eighteen year old girl was sold to a person...She was betrayed by her step father...Who sold her for some amount of money...She was happy as for her it was a marriage...But she didn't knew that she was being sold to a rich man...

She happily married him as he gave her alot of promises...and told her that he would never leave her...but she never knew about the beast monster inside him...They were married but after her first night he dragged her to the house where women were sold out to men...She tried to fight with him..But he was too hard to be defeated...She was about to step out of the house and file a case on domestic violence against him...But as already said the beast inside him woke up...She cried...Winced in pain when he beat her...She was finally sold....She begged for the people around to leave her...to let her go...But instead they laughed at her...They threw money at her..they tried touching her inappropriately....

A man held her and threw her on the bed...She folded her hands begged him to leave her...But he tore her arm sleeves...Leaving mark of his nails on her skin...She felt shattered...Torn...She was helpless...At the right moment she picked up the vase from the bed side and hit the person hard...And he fell unconscious...She leaned the wall and sat hugging her legs and cried...Days passed..people would come some would succeed and some would fail using her...She tried to get rid of them...but those were physically strong gave her pain and used her...She felt like a thrash...She had no one to care...no one to talk...Every person who came there just wanted her body...Her arms, Her back, Her waist, Her face had all the scars which those beasts had given her...She remembered those days when she was happy and safe of all these things...and cried...She had nothing to do now but to cry on her fate...She has to live her whole life as a slut...prostitute...She has no respect...people laugh at her...and she bare all the pain alone...She was locked in the room with four walls...Men come and use her...but she wasn't supposed to move out of the room...

It was night when she found the main door open...She tied her stuff and ran out...She ran for a while and reached at a point at the cliff...She cried her heart out...She looked in the sky...She believed that the people who die become star after their death...She looked at that single star which she thought was her mother...

Anika- Ma...Ma...I am lost...I have lost everything in life...I have no reason to live now...I am coming back to you...

Saying so she was about to jump...but someone held her arm...She was scared maybe it was someone from the place where she ran...Maybe someone spotted her running...She turned to look at the person and she was mesmerised by the beauty of the persons eyes...For a while she was lost in his blue orbs...He spoke up looking at her..

****- What do you think you are doing with your life Haan?

Anika cried...

Anika- Plz leave me and just let me die...I can't live this life...I want to go to my mom...Plz leave me..

****- listen to me...I don't know from which situation you have gone through...It maybe the worst..But killing yourself isn't the right option...You need to be strong...Because cowards run away from the problems..and you arent one of them..I am alone in this world..Without family without friends just a sister who means the world to me...I know how hard is life to live in...but we are not from such stupids who end their lives without any reasons...If you want I will help you...

He said politely trying make her understand...She looked in her eyes...Why is the stranger helping her? Why her heart wants to listen to him? Why she felt connected to him..? Why her mind didn't go against her heart this time? What was wrong with her?

Anika- Who are you? And why are you doing this to me?

****- First of all I am Shivay..

He said with a bright smile..

Shivay- And the second thing this is called humanity...And if you are done with question session..I will suggest you to come to my home..You can stay there with my sister...

She couldn't deny him...She had to listen to him..Because he was just different of all...She didn't knew anything about him but his eyes said the truth...She walked with him towards his car...As she sat at the passenger seat...Shivay came forward...She got scared at this...He noticed her fear when he came near her...

Shivay- relax I am just putting the seat belt...

She was relieved.. They drove to his house...She was introduced to Priyanka and gradually they became good friends...As the days passed Shiva started to have feelings for Anika...He craved for her smile...her laugh which was only seen when she was with Priyanka..One day he thought to propose Anika...

Anima who was sleeping just woke up to see her room beautifully decorated...Shivay knocked the door.....Anika smiled and he smiled back...he walked in..Shivay sat on his knees..He held her hand..she looked at him confused..

Shivay- Anika..I know you might have gone through a tough phase of life...And now you are my life...I was alone all these days..I meant my sister to be my world..I want you to also enter into my world...I fell in love with you...The first time we met..I honestly had no idea that you will be so important to me.....but I was too stupid to recognise my feelings .but now I have. .Will you be my World miss Anika?

Anika was shocked at his proposal...She stood up..

Anika- Stop it...just stop it...What kind of joke is this?We are friends shivay right?

Shivay looked at her shocked. .he never expected such reaction from her..

Shivay- Anika I met you it was in my fate...We became friends it was a choice..But falling for you was just beyond my control..I swear I love you a lot...

Anika- What do you know about me? About my past? Will you be able to listen to it? Do you have such guts...?

Shivay- I don't want to know about your past...I just know that you and me will make a better future...

Anika- Why can't you understand Shivay ?I can't marry you..

Shivay- If you love someone then its OK...You can tell me..

Anika- No..I love no one...I am not a girl who can ever get married.. I am from those girls who are just used to satisfy men's desires...

Shivay was shocked at such revealation...

Anika- my dad sold me on the name of marriage...and my husband he sold me after using for night...after that my life was a living hell..When I thought to die to end my life..You came into my life and made it better...You and Prinku are only one near and dear to me...Now you tell me..Will you marry me? Will you marry a slut?

Shivay had tears in his eyes...Not because he came to know her truth...but because she alone had gone through such a tough phase...He smiled through his tears..

Shivay- I loved you alot before..

Anika looked at him..She knew it after knowing about her no one will want to get married to her...

Shivay- But now I respect you more...

He said..Shocking her...

Anika- I can't ruin your life Shiva...You will get a better girl than me..

Shivay- But I find you the best Anika...Plz accept my proposal..

Priyanka came in happy...Listening to them..

Prinku- Pleeezzzz Bhabhi accept it...

They both fell on their knees and folded their hands...She had tears in her eyes..she was so happy that she met him...He was an angel...She finally agreed to him..And became Mrs.Shivay..

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