An Announcement

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Couple: Jenshad
Prompt: *Prompt may contain spoilers* Addressing the dating rumours and admitting that they are in fact in a relationship and are looking forward to getting married soon...
Prompt Credit: iarpitam
Classed As: Not Mature

Jennifer sat down, one finger wound around her lighter brown hair extensions, her eyes ran over the many cameras facing her way. "Hi Sofia" she smiled

"Hi Jennifer" she smiled momentarily "So, Jennifer is Harshad not coming" Sofia's eyes ran around the room, a clear look of dissapointment on her face

"Uh, he is, I think he's just finishing a scene" she replied nervously, suddenly her lap seemed like the most interesting place to look at

"So, how is shooting"

"It's great, very busy but we have some really great material for you all" Jennifer nodded, a slight sigh of relief left her lips when Harshad jogged over

"Sorry i'm late, Sofia" he shook her hand "Jenny" he smiled, hand patting hers for merely a second then he pulled away

"We have to ask, there has been a lot of rumours lately, about the both of you dating eachother, in fact you both were even spotted eating lunch together, is it just friendship" Sofia leant forward, eyes glistening with excitement

"Um, actually Harshad and I have been in a relationship for a while now, we choose to keep it a secret from the public because we wanted to just be happy together before we told anyone, privacy is important to the both of us, but now we're sure what we want, we wanted to share the news because honestly we wouldn't have been able to do this without our fans, actually they kind of brought us together" Jennifer smiled, clearly reminiscing

"Brought you together" Sofia prompted eagerly, one brow raised

"Well yes" Jennifer paused "We saw all the, what is it they call it, shipping of us, Jenshad I believe they call it, and it kind of made us laugh at first, but really they realised there was something there before we did" a light laugh escaped her lips "But that was how it started, and then when we got to know eachother better, we realised that we shared something special"

Harshad nodded "Special enough to try anyway, at first I was nervous, it was my first show in a while and I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was just the buzz of being back in acting, I was stunned but I think everyone feels that way when they're around Jenny" he looked over at her, unable to hide his smile when she blushed

"I have to ask, how did you guys get together"

Harshad smiled "She was taken by me straight away, obsessed with me, aren't you" he winked

She shook her head fast "Stop flirting" she admonished playfully "Basically, we had just finished a particularly long shoot, I was really tired and Harshad had sat me down, he told me I probably needed to eat, so he ordered some food for us both, before we realised it, we had spent mostly all night talking, and it was nice, by the time we agreed to go home, he asked me if he could take me out sometime, and I agreed, it didn't really hit me till the morning what he had asked, from there we went out continuously and before we even knew it, we were together"

Harshad cleared his throat "You missed out the best part Jenny, Sofia ask me who asked out who" his eyes glistened with humour and happiness

"Uh, who asked out who" Sofia played along

"Jenny asked me out, she organised a candlelight dinner, asked me to dance and then asked me to be her boyfriend, I was so caught off guard I didn't answer for a while, she stormed off angrily but then I came to my senses and agreed, and the rest was"

"History" Jennifer finished his sentence

"Aww" Sofia let out "So, how long have you guys been together"

"Maybe, a few" Harshad stopped when Jennifer glared at him "If I get this wrong, I think i'll be sleeping on the sofa tonight" he chuckled

"Harshadddd" Jennifer slapped her head

"Oh my, you stay at eachother's homes" Sofia practically squealed

"We do, occasionally" Jennifer smiled tightly "But what we really wanted to tell you all is this" she gripped Harshad's hand "We are planning on"

"Getting married" Harshad interrupted "And we want every single one of you to be involved as much as possible which id why we have agreed to have the ceremony recorded for you all to see"

Jennifer snuggled closer to him "We're in love and we think this is the best way to thank you for all of your support, because we would be nothing without our fans" she brought his hand to her lips, kissing his knuckles

Sofia smiled "Thank you so much, both of you, for allowing someone as new as me to be the one who gives the world this news, have a great life together, I can't wait for the wedding"

Harshad brought Jennifer upto her feet "You were right, I had no reason to be nervous, thank you"

"For what" she looked up at him confused

"Giving me a chance, agreeing to marry me"

"Oh don't thank me, you know me, i'm very clear on the things I don't want to do and if I don't want to do something, I won't" she winked

"Will you ever let me live that interview down, it was so long ago" he sighed loudly, pouting at her

"Never, but you have your whole life to make it up to me" she glanced around, then stood on her tiptoes, kissing his jaw quickly "You can start now by" then she whispered into his ear

"Guess that means no sofa for me tonight" Harshad smirked

"No sofa for you, ever" Jennifer wrapped her arms around his arm, sighing happily. If this was what Bepannaah love felt like, she was so glad she had it, the kind of love that had no bounds

I am super sorry this is so late! I've been so so busy!

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