chapter one

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You ran out the door fearing you'll be late again. But out of suprise you weren't late. You saw your child hood friend osano it was like mostly every day you were giving him hints that your gay. You cant even remeber when you first had feeling for the boy. You quietly ran up to him and jump on his back looking like he was giving you a piggy back ride. Hi bestie you yelled hugging him tight and barrowing your face in his neck.

G-Get off me d-dummy osano said shyly. Nope i wont you dork you yelled back. Osano got teased and threw his hands back causing you to fall off and hitting your head on the concret. You sat up and blood was running out of the back of your head. Osano rushed over to you putting his scarft on the back of your head. Are you ok (Y/N). Yea I think im fine. You say in a weak voice. You dont seem fine he says in a gentel voice. He pick's you up bridal Style walking you to the doctor's office. I hit my head i didnt break my legs osano. You say in a sturn voice. I k-know that d-dummy just s-shut up and let me hold you. You gave in and snuggled up to his chest. Sooner or later you fell osano's warm chest gone he placed you in the bed. As soon as your eyes open mujo~kun was right in your face. Yours and his lips inches apart you backed up fasted and he stood up straight smileing. Good your awake he said with a soft smile. I stood up and he wrap my head with bandages. As soon as you turn around mujo~kun found away to fall on top of you.

His hands were pinning your hands down. With your legs open and mujo~kun's knees inches away from your crouch. M-mujo~kun g-get off me. How about i dont. He says in a stern voice while grinning you. You tried to hide your moans but you couldn't help it mujo~~~~ s-stop please when you said that he started to grin you harder. You thought he was supposed to be innocent guess not you thought to your self. You look at osano he was just looking away angerily. O-osano please get h-him off me. He nodded and walked over to mujo and palced a hand on mujo's shoulder and pulled him back makeing mujo fall backwards. I be taking this osano said in a Stern voice. He walks up to you and picks you up bridal Style again and cared you out the room. There d-dummy happy. Im happy now cause im in your arms. You said to him smiling. just shut up d-dummy.

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