Chapter 2- Getting to Know You

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"So uh.. what now?" You asked, scratching the back of your head. You were still a little shocked at the fact that your neighbors were all identical.. sort of.

All the sextuplets stared at you, as if they had no clue.

"Wanna come inside?" You asked, breaking the silence

"Sure~" Osomatsu instantly agreed, walking in as you took a few steps back to let them in. Jyushimatsu cheered loudly and ran inside, accidentally tripping over the eldest Matsuno. Todomatsu gave you a sweet smile as he walked by you, and sat beside his two rambunctious brothers. The remaining three Matsuno's hesitated before walking in, giving you shy looks. Karamatsu let out a weak "heh" before walking inside, flipping his shades down as he caught your eye. He looked extremely nervous for some reason, but you brushed it off as him just being not used to you. Ichimatsu quickly glanced at you and coughed as he walked in, keeping his eyes glued to the floor. Chormatsu tensely followed him, gulping and turning 50 shades of red.
Maybe I should get the fan out?, You thought, thinking maybe it was too hot in her house.

You took a seat at the futon beside Karamatsu, which was the only space left. Ichimatsu, who was on the other side of you tensed up and looked away.

"Ah, my Karamatsu girl-"

"So, (y/n)-chan, how do you like the neighborhood so far?" Todomatsu interrupted his brother, all the while giving you an innocent smile.

"It's pretty.. interesting," you replied. "I never thought I'd have six almost identical people as neighbors," you put a finger to your lips, pondering.

"O-oh.. why do you say "almost" identical?" Todomatsu stuttered, staring at your plump lips.

"Mm, well.. you all seem to have your own unique personalities," you replied, smiling slightly.

The sextuplets all stared at you, a slight dust of pink on their face.

"W-w-well, it was nice to meet you, (y/n)-chan, b-but we should be getting home now!" Choromatsu stuttered. His brothers glares at him, then seemed to realize something.
"Yeah, we should let you get your things unpacked," Todomatsu agreed, urging his reluctant brothers to get up. "We'll see you later, (y/n) -chan!"

You smiled, and replied "It was nice to meet you all too! Please come by whenever you like."

"And visit us too, sometime," Todmatsu giggled, giving you a wink. You blushed a little, and his brothers all glared at him.

"Bye, (y/n)!" The Matsuno's all chanted in unison as they walked out, closing the door behind them. You smiled slightly, thinking to yourself. It looks like I'm not all alone, after all.
You grimaced as you remembered all the unpacking you had to do, and you grudgingly started unpacking your things. Eventually you finished, letting out a huge sigh of relief. You took a nice warm bath and changed into your (f/c) pajamas, and hopped into bed.

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