The First Day

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Emma's POV
I wake up to my alarm. I look at the clock. 4:00, Perfect! I get up and begin to draw. I'm not the best drawer, but I still do it for the fun of it.

My little sister, Brooke knocks on the door. Oh great, I have to deal with her this morning. She's annoying.

I open the door and see Brooke, with cobwebs all over her.

Hold on. Let's back up. None of this won't make sense if I don't. See me, Brooke, and some other mobs are, what shall I call them...? Hybrids. Great word. Hybrids like me and Brooke go to this school and learn how to excel our powers.

Brooke is a cave spider. She can poison someone by just biting them, and she can shoot webs out of her hands. She is not going into high school, she has to take junior classes first.

Alright, back to Brooke. I untangle some cobwebs off her. She tells me that it is almost time to go. I look the clock.

Shoot! It is! I quickly get dressed and put on my black boots and beanie. I tell Brooke to put her backpack on, and she did so. I put on my backpack as well. Brooke grabs my hand, and I teleport us to the schoolyard.

Oh yeah, I'm an Enderman. Me and Brooke say our goodbyes to eachother, as we had our separate ways.

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