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[Prompt: Imagine your OTP painting the nursery for their first child and then getting into a mini paint fight that includes painting a cute picture on the baby bump.]


Cassandra glanced up from the section of wall she was busy painting, quickly shooting a glance over at Varian. She smiled to herself, noticing how her husband was completely unaware. The perfect opportunity for her to strike. She removed the brush from where she was holding it, and took aim before flicking her wrist so that Varian was suddenly covered in light yellow paint.

He looked up at her so quickly, Cass could've sworn he'd gotten whiplash doing so. (This was nearly confirmed for her when the young alchemist winced and reached to rub at the back of his neck). She began laughing as he scowled at her.

"That's not funny, Cassie," he muttered, "and not fair, either."

But Cass continued to laugh, setting the paintbrush down before wiping her hands on her overalls. "You're right Varian. It's not funny... It's hilarious. And it is fair: you're not exactly unarmed at the moment."

Varian sighed, stopping what he was doing and looking at his wife. Cass had to cover her mouth to keep from chortling. The yellow paint had somehow made it all the way to the front of his shirt, part of his face, and a majority of his neck. She felt proud of herself.

A grin slowly spread across Varian's face. And then suddenly, his hands were in her hair, playfully messing it up.


"You said it yourself," he said with a grin, "I'm not exactly unarmed or anything."

She gasped. "You didn't!"

But the twinkle in his eyes didn't fade.

Yep, she thought bitterly, he definitely just put paint in my hair.

Cass got to her feet again, quickly grabbing up her brush and holding it almost like one would hold a sword. Varian laughed and imitated her actions.

"Lady Cassandra," he announced in a playful tone, "you have mocked my name, and I do not take to that lightly. I challenge you to a duel!"

"Oh, it's on," she replied coolly, "fair warning, though: I'm going to kick your butt."

Varian shook his head. "On the contrary, my fair lady, I believe that I alone shall be the victor."

"We'll see about that."

Varian pulled out his phone, setting it on a stepstool and pulling up the stopwatch. "Same rules as an old-fashioned duel: back-to-back. Each beep, we take a step apart from each other. When it starts going berserk, we can turn around and it becomes a free-for-all."

"Got it."

With that, Varian pressed 'start.'

"You know, I'm starting to think Craig was correct," Varian said as they took the first step apart, "he always joked around, saying that we were 'The ultimate dream team of dorkiness' in his eyes."

Cassandra nearly turned around to face him, but caught herself. "Oh, yeah? What makes you say that?"

"Do you see anyone else getting into an old-fashioned paint duel while painting a nursery?"

Cass laughed. "I suppose not."

They had reached the ninth beep. And then the stopwatch went berserk.

Immediately, Cass could feel a huge splatter of paint right on her back.

"Hey, not fair!" she protested, "I hardly even had time to turn around!"

"Oh, but the stopwatch said it was time. Besides, you're not exactly unarmed at the moment."

She sighed, turning to face him as quickly as she could. "Touche."

And she flung more paint in his general direction. Unfortunately, only a little bit of it landed on her husband. The rest went and splattered across the floor, across the stepstool-- yep, it even covered the back of Varian's phone, too-- and all over an indignant raccoon. Varian's laughter filled the room, and Cass gave a small, sheepish grin.

"Your aims a little off, my dear," he commented, "you need to be more precise and calculated, like... This."

And he flicked his wrist, almost as if he was simply shooting hoops in gym. (If it weren't for the fact that they were currently engaged in combat, Cassandra might've commented on how glad she was that he'd taken heed to her lessons from all those years ago, back at Corona High). By now, Cass was almost entirely covered in pastel yellow paint.

"Yeah, paint the pregnant lady, why don't you?"

"You know that I'm not about to let you win that easily, Cassie," he retorted, "as much as I love you, you started this, and I'm not about to start taking it easy on you just because you're currently incapacitated."

Cass groaned. "You're just like those boys from Equis, you know that?"

"How so?"

"You're so freaking relentless, that's how."

He stood there, blinking as he tried processing what she had just said. And then the front of his apron was covered in paint. Varian started laughing, suddenly realizing just how ridiculous this all ways... And just how much he enjoyed it regardless of that fact. He always enjoyed his time with Cassandra, and it felt nice to just be himself around her. Besides, whether she wanted to admit it or not, Cass was a pretty big dork, so he wasn't always the only one goofing off.

As Cass turned around-- to restock her ammunition, he assumed-- Varian smiled to himself, reaching to dip his hands into some more paint. He was going to win this battle once and for all.

He snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, placing his hands firmly on her stomach.

"Je te tien," he whispered triumphantly, "I got you."

She sighed, raising her hands in surrender. "Fine. You win."

Varian grinned, pulling her closer to him and resting his head on her shoulder. "I love you, Cassie."

She smiled a little, relaxing in his embrace. "And I love you, Varian."


[Please note that this was written at four or five in the morning a few months ago. It is extremely cheesy and... Yeah.]

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