Scenario 5 (part one)

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One inexplicably bringing home an animal and refusing to drop it at the shelter so they and the other have to take care of it. /// Person A returns home from a business trip and is greeted by Person B's guilty smile and a puppy.


Cassandra inserted the key into the lock of the apartment door, saying a quick, silent prayer before turning the key and opening the door. She had left Varian alone, in charge of the apartment... For a full week. Not that she didn't trust the guy. It's just... He was a junior in college. Could anyone trust a guy that age?

All she could do was pray.

Luckily, everything looked just as it did every night during their video chats... Well, give or take the homemade banner that read "Welcome Home, Cassie!" She smiled to herself just as a very sleepy-looking Varian emerged from his bedroom.

His eyes widened when he saw Cass. "I- I thought you were gonna be back at..."

He glanced at the clock and groaned, facepalming. "I slept in, goshdarnit! I'm a mess, and... And..."

Cass smiled softly. "It's okay, Va-"

She was interrupted by a little yip and the patter of little... Paws? She looked down and saw that she was correct. A little cocker spaniel puppy was on the floor, staring up at her with wide, curious eyes.

"Varian?" Cassandra asked, planting her hands firmly on her hips and narrowing her eyes, "what. Is. This?"

He grinned bashfully, scratching at the hair on the back of his head. "Well... Cassandra, meet Elona."

Cass frowned down at the little puppy, who was running excited laps around her legs. "Varian..."

"Look, Cassie, I know that I didn't ask or anything... But she needed someone."

"Varian, I'm sorry, but... We can't keep her. You've still got school and I've got work... We can't exactly fit caring for a puppy in there."

But Varian had already scooped Elona up in his arms, pleading with Cass. "We can't just put her in a shelter... I promise that I'll take care-"

"We can just put her in a shelter," Cass responded, impatient, "and we will. You and I... We can hardly take care of ourselves, let alone a puppy."

The puppy had begun to lick Varian's face, but he kept a straight face as he continued his argument. "Imagine if someone had said that to your father the day he brought you home. Where would you be right now?"

"Certainly not having this discussion with you."

"You're willing to abandon a fellow orphan in need?"

Cassandra looked at the small puppy, considering what Varian had just said. Elona stared back at her with big, sparkling brown eyes.

"Three weeks," she said finally, "we'll give it three weeks. Don't go getting attached or anything, though, okay?"

Varian smiled a little and nodded. "Got it."


{To be continued.}

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