Scenarios 1 and 2

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{I'm going to tackle two in one chapter here. Again, these are simply like one-shots, so the entire book isn't meant to tell a story or be canonical with my previous Co-Ladies-In-Waiting works. Also, this may or may not be some pretty crappy writing, but still... it makes me happy, so...}


Cassandra sighed deeply, looking down at the list in her hands.

Seeing this list, she couldn't help but remember her first 'big chance,' her chance to actually (temporarily) be a guard during the big science exposition. The list had been about as long as the one she was holding right at this moment, and about as full.

"Hey, Cassie."

She jumped at the voice, frowning. "Hey, there, Varian."

Her mind was now going into full deja vu- Varian had helped her with her chores the first time. Of course, she promised that she would assist him with his presentation, which she was unable to do later... Nope. She would not be asking for help. Not today. Not from him, not from anyone.

She was independent. And, besides, she already owed him.

"What's that?" he asked suddenly, seeing the list, "more chores?"


She quickly tried to fold the list and hide it, but Varian was quick to grab it.

"I can help you here, Cass," he said, scanning the list, "I can totally-"

"NO!" Cassandra shouted, "I- I don't need help!"

Taken aback, he continued. "I can totally help with some of these."

"No, thank you," she snipped, "I'm fine on my own. I- I don't feel like owing you again."

"Owing me?"

"I still owe you from the stupid science expo years ago... it would only build up if you were to help me again."

It was hard for Varian to keep a straight face. "You- you think you owe me? From the science exposition?"

Cassandra, confused as to why he was smiling and obviously on the verge of laughing, just nodded.

"Cassie... oh, Cassie, Cassie, Cassie... you don't owe me! Not from then, not from any time."

For whatever reason, this just irritated Cass. "Well, if I don't owe you, then why did you help me in the first place?" she burst out in a yell, "why?"

"Because you're one of my best friends, Cassandra," he yelled back, enjoying the feeling of yelling, "friends help each other out and don't expect anything in return, right?"

"Yeah, sure. Now, why do you do this to me and not Eugene or Rapunzel?"

There. Her burning question was out in the open- why didn't he expect her to owe him, but he expected things from the prince and princess?

Without even thinking, Varian blurted out: "it's because I love you, Cassie. Can't you see? I mean, Eugene and Rapunzel are great, but... I love you, Cassie."

Cass stood there, stunned. As she stood there, Varian suddenly realized what he had done, what he had said... his face turned a very bright red and, before anyone could say anything else, he ran off.

Weeks had passed since the "incident," but nothing could distract Cassandra from what had gone down that day. She had decided to try keeping her distance, which was working so far... until she turned a corner and found Varian, pressed up against a wall while Grant, one of the guards, spoke to him.

Varian looked a little flustered as Grant spoke, but said nothing. Cass crept a little closer and was able to hear a bit of the conversation.

"Kid, it's a huge mistake that you're here, and you know that. I mean, a royal alchemist?! What use do we have for a royal alchemist? Face it: you're here out of the pity in someone's heart."

Through some miracle, Varian was able to restrain himself from lashing out.

"Or... maybe not. Perhaps you're here out of some small miracle, seeing as nobody loves you."

Again, Varian did not speak, but he was hurting. It was quite obvious by the pained face he was making, the tears threatening to spill.

"Nobody loves you," Grant repeated slowly, a maniacal grin stretching across his face, "nobody loves you, kid."

A few tears made their way down Varian's face as he muttered his first words: "that's not true."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Daddy, who, even then, believes you're dangerous. A burden. A disgrace. Nobody loves you."

Cassandra couldn't take it anymore. Stepping out from her hiding spot, she shouted out three simple words, words that she could never take back.

"I love him."

Grant turned and, seeing Cassandra standing there with anger written all over her face, ran.

Cass walked over to Varian, who was hurriedly wiping the tears away. "Are you okay, kid?" she asked gently, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He just nodded as she handed him a handkerchief. Blowing his nose, he looked up at her for the first time and asked, "now, why did you do that? I could've handled that perfectly without you having to put a target on your back."

She rolled her eyes, sitting down on one of the benches lining the hallway, gesturing for Varian to sit down next to her. He sat, slumped forward.

"Varian, listen, okay? I... I didn't necessarily know that you could handle that. And... I don't care if it 'puts a target on my back.' Because..."

She sighed deeply, removing her hand from his back in order to wipe away one of his tears before crossing her arms and leaning back. "Because it might be the truth."

They both stiffened a little, Varian staring at the floor as Cass stared at the ceiling.

"Seriously?" he finally asked, still not daring to look at her, "did you... did you mean that?"

"Um... maybe?"

He smiled a little bit. Sure, it wasn't a certainty, but... it was enough.

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