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Mehak's POV.
I opened my eyes on the voice and took few second to come to my senses. My eyes were filled with sleep and I unwillingly opened them fully. The first sight my eyes looked made my lips stretched into a smile and I again rested my head on his chest,closing my eyes again. But again the sudden sound of Alarm made me look up. I leaned over him and my hand reached toward the table to turn off the alarm.

I moved back and I saw my hair falling on his shoulder,some were touching his face. His peaceful sleeping face was making me smile and I just keep looking at him for few seconds. I moved back fully and wrapped my hair in a messy bun and then again leaned over him. Placing my arms on his chest,my eyes keep looking at him. All the moments of last night start flashing on my mind and I couldn't help but smile more. He gave me such beautiful days to remember.

"You know..!" Gazing his face I said.

My fingers itched to touch him. Slowly I travelled my hand toward his face,running my forefinger on his jaw,feeling his shave under my finger.

"I didn't tell you that.." I stopped and leaned closer to him.

"I like your fragrance too." I whispered closer to his lips.

My eyes went to his beautiful and plump lips and that moment of our almost kiss reminded itself to me making me shy all of sudden but I was liking it to feel shy. He was the one who was making me shy but still I was doing all this.

"And!." I whispered again.

Leaning closer,I pressed my lips on his beautiful chin. His shaved tickled my lips and I smiled with my lips on his chin. Moving on, I pestered sweet kisses on his jaw line and it was like I was flowing in the emotions, I was feeling in my heart. I knew I can't do this,I can't kiss him like this when he'll be awake but now touching him freely and kissing his beautiful face was giving a lot of butterflies in my stomach.

"I love.." Saying that I kissed his cheeks.

Going to his eyes,I kissed them lightly, not wanting him to wake up. My lips smiled on his forehead and went to his temple. With every kiss,I was feeling a butterfly flying in my tummy. It was tickling in my heart on what I was doing. I was amazed on myself. Going to his ear,I kissed it loved.

"I love to kiss you." Whispering, I moved to his cheek and place a feather kiss there and then kissed his nose and closed my eyes resting my cheek with his,taking deep breaths to calm my wild like running heart.

"And I love when you kiss me." My eyes snapped open on the voice.

I felt his arm around my waist,holding me tight but now I was stiffened on my place. I didn't dare to move back. Embarrassment knocked and I was thinking how to face him now. He was awake. All the time he was awake. Why!! I was cursing myself for losing myself and kissing him crazily but it was so pure feeling of mine. My heart said but now what? How to face him.

"Mehak." He called me but I didn't moved back and keep hiding my face in his neck.

My heart was besting as hell..what he would be thinking of me? What I did?

"Mehak." He called me again and I held his shirt more tightly and closed my eyes firmly.

"Mehak." On his third call, I was on bed having him on top of me.

Aarham's POV.
"Mehak." I called her for the third time but she didn't say anything and I smiled on her shyness.

Holding her close,I spun her on bed and came over her. I could see her eyes tightly closed and she was holding my shirt in her tiny fists. I keep looking at her who's face was tinted red and those beautiful eyes were hidden in the curtains of eyelids which she was closing tightly. Leaning on her face,I kissed her beautiful eyes.

"Open your eyes my lady." I whispered to her,touching our nose.

"My Mehak." I called her and saw her eyes slowly open,with shiver of her eyelids.

I smiled more as my black eyes captured her brown ones. They met with mine only for once and then lowered down in shyness. I could see her, biting the inner flash of her lower lip on my continue gaze on her and her grip on my shirt tighten. I touched her lip stopping her from biting them.

"Look at me." I cupped her face and made her look at me.

"You don't need to be embarrassed for kissing me. I'm your husband and you have full right to kiss me." I said and saw her cheeks going red as tomato and I smiled.

Her eyes lowered down again and I kissed her cheeks and moved back but stopped as her hands were still holding my shirt making me go back on top of her.

"You know your these kind of acts make me more crazy for you." I whispered and kissed her tip of her nose while she took her hands off immediately and I chuckled looking at her innocent face which was pulling me more to her second by second.

I moved aside and she got up immediately. I saw her moving out of bed and I closed my eyes happily. I still could feel her lips on my face. Her touch brought me out of sleep and then her beautiful voice and the touch of her lips which tingled my heart more for her. My hands were itching to be wrapped around her but also I didn't want her to stop. Her soft lips were creating a world of feelings,emotions and sensations in my body.

I smiling opened my eyes and looked at her who was going in the washroom. She looked at me once and then ran inside the washroom with her dress in her hand and I chuckled more.

"My shying Mehak." Whispering, I closed my eyes again.

Third person's POV.
It was 8 of the morning and he was still roaming in his room like a crazy man. He nodded on his thought and walked out of his room. He looked at the door of Aarham's room where Abbas and Ali were standing after having two hours sleep. He made his way again to the staff room and called Michael.

"Is the breakfast of room number 303 ordered?" He asked and Michael checked the details and nodded.

"George is going to their room." Michael informed and understood what he was saying by his eyes.

Michael ran to George and stopped him. In whole this time,he again changed his getup and looked around that if anyone saw him but he was safe again. He walked out of the staff room and walked toward the lobby while Michael approached him with breakfast trolley. They looked around and then to the next move,he took the trolley and start moving toward the room of 303.

"Hello sir." He said to Abbas who looked at him and nodded.

Abbas keep looking at him for few seconds which made him scared but he didn't showed up.

"Sir ordered breakfast." He said and Abbas nodded.

Abbas moved aside and he rang the bell. His impatience was increasing second by second. And then finally the door opened. Aarham appeared and gave him way to enter. He pushed the trolley in whereas his eyes roamed in the room to find her. To see her once but she was nowhere.

"Here. Place it on this table." Aarham instructed him and he nodded.

He served their breakfast on the table but his eyes were roaming around to find her but she was hidden inside. She was Aarham's then how can he see her. She didn't came out. Aarham went to call Mehak and he looked around feel safe. Taking out the chip of microphone,he sticke it under the table and went out of the room taking his trolley. A smile of victory was on his face as now he was able to hear them and specially their plan for today.

"Now let's see what you've planned." He thoughts and with a fake smile,he showed to Abbas and Ali walked from there.

Mehak's POV.
We finished our breakfast in silence. I was still shy and somewhere embarrassed on kissing him like that crazily. I was still not understanding what happened to me at that moment.

"Mehak." He called me and I turned to him.

"My clothes." He asked and I nodded.

I went to take his clothes out. I was still lost in my own thoughts and hand overed him his clothes.

"Come out of my thoughts." He whispered in my ear and I jumped on my place and looked at me.

Kissing my cheek,he winked at me and walked toward washroom while my lips stretched into a shy smile. I start cleaning our bed and then check my msgs where I could see only Aabia's naughty msgs. I smiled reading her every msg. I placed my Mobile aside and got up.

As I turned, my eyes widened. Aarham was standing few steps far from me shirtless.  Drying his hair with towel,he was busy on his mobile but I felt my breath stuck in my chest. I was freeze on my spot and my eyes fixed on his masculine body where water drop were coming down from his strong arms,on his chest,on his neck. I felt sweat rising on my neck and forehead. I tried to remove my eyes from him but it stick to him.

"How I'm looking?" He suddenly asked looking up with a smirk.

"Hot." My tongue slipped and I closed my eyes on what I said.

Damn me!

Cursing myself,I turned to other side, hiding myself from him. My heart was beating as hell. Mahnoor's voice ranged in ear.

When he'll come after shower from washroom, you'll say how hot you are Aarham.

Her words really rang in my ear and she was right. I said it. I just spill it without thinking. Now what. I know he was not going to leave it easily.

"What did you say?" I heard him but I didn't say anything and keep standing.

"Mehak." He called me and turned me toward him by my arm but I didn't look at him.

I felt my heart stopping. Where I put myself into!? I asked myself and scolded hundred time for speaking without thinking.

"Say it again." He asked again but I shook my head as no.

"You won't say?" He asked and I shook my head again telling him that I won't say that word again.

"You know I like to pay with you like this." He said and before I could knew he was tickling me and I was trying hard to save myself.

His fingers were tickling me on my stomach and I was laughing hard.

"St..op." I said between the laughs but he was not stopping.

"Until you repeat the word." He whispered in my ear,tickling me and laughing with me.

I ran to save myself from his fingers. I was laughing and so was he.  We both were running here and there.

"Aarham please." I giggled while circling the table placed in the hall.

"Pretty girl you're stuck today." He said making me giggled more and I tried to escape from there.

I ran from the side of table and took another step but he held my wrist and pulled me back. I collided with his bare chest and he circled his arm around my waist. My laughter died. My breath stuck in my chest as my eyes met his and I felt my arms wrapped around his bare shoulders.

"Breath Mehak." He whispered in my ear and took my earlobe in his lips and kissed it making me gasp.

Moving back, he looked deeply in my eyes and I was already lost in them. His lips touched my tip of  nose and my eyes lowered down. I twisted in his arm,sought to get free. But he was pulling me closer to him,failing my attempt to be free. I felt my heart going wild,crazy. His fingers moving on my waist were giving a tantalising effect to me. His closeness was making me feel so much sensations in my body.

"You won't say?" He asked but I didn't dare to look at him nor answered him.

"Let's see." He said and pulled me more closer making me stand on my tips and then I felt my body heated up more as his hot lips start moving on my face intensely.

"Aar...ham." I called him breathlessly.

But he was pulling me more in his arms and I clung my arms around his shoulders for support as my knees going weak and I knew I'll fall if he'd let me go.

"Mehak." Whispering, he start giving intense kisses on my jaw and I just let myself flow in his kisses.

My breath was so heavy to even say something or to stop him. Eyes were closed and my body was heated up,reacting on his sensuous touch. A moaned escaped from my lips as his lips travelled down on my throat making me restless.

"Please...Aarham." I tried to stop him maybe or i wanted him more. I didn't know but just spill the words.

He moved up on my face,kissing the jaw line to my cheeks and cheekbones.

"Look at me." His sexy voice tingled me more.

Slowly I opened my eyes to be lost in his that intense gaze which was fixed on me. His right hand travelled to my face,cupping it and it felt goosebumps at the side of my face where his fingers brushed. I could feel his gaze on my lips. I looked at him and closed my eyes,waiting for his lips to touch mine. I held my breath when I felt his warm breath touching my cold lips. I held him more tightly in anticipation and so did he.

Ding Dong!!

My eyes snapped open on the voice. We both looked at each other and again the door bell rang. Me and Aarham pulled ourselves back from each other. I faltered as he leaved me. But he held me again and save me from falling.

"You okay?" He asked holding me close to him.

"I'm..I'm..okay." I said but truly my body was shivering. My knees were so weak at the moment to be stand on them. I was still under the effect of his closeness, his kisses and his hold. I knew I will fell down if he again removed his arms from my waist.

The door bell rang again and I tried to move back but he pulled me back in his arms and in a second he picked me in his arms and walked to bedroom. My eyes were lowered down and I was feeling his body as heated as was mine. Making me sit on bed,he turned and went to open the door and I hide my face in my hands shyly thinking what we were doing few seconds ago. How I'm going to face him again!? I thought and smiled shyly in my hands.

Third person's POV.

He was roaming in the room but his hearing power was concentrating on something else. He was trying to listen what was happening in their room.

There was all silence he could hear but then suddenly he heard laughter. The most beautiful laughter which made him smile too. As Aarham was tickling Mehak and she was laughing hard and here he was listening her laughter too. He heard their laughter and giggles.

"Aarham please." He heard her and he got alert.

"What he's doing?" He got curious to know.

"Pretty girl you're stuck today." He heard Aarham which increased his restlessness.

"No what....what he's going to do?" He thought and his pace increased in his room.

He was getting restless as he was not understanding what to do. How to be there to see what they are doing.

"Breath Mehak." He heard Aarham's voice again and that was enough to tell him that they were so close at this time.

Then he heard her gasp as they were standing so close to the table where he stick that chip of microphone. He fisted his hands in anger. He could imagine what Aarham was doing to her.

"You won't say?" He heard again.

"What he want to listen?" He thought restlessly.

There was silence again and his restlessness was increasing second by second. He was fisting his hands in anger.

"Let's see." He heard Aarham and he stop on his spot and held his breath.

There was again silence which made him sweaty. He was stopped where he was and he could understand the meaning of the silence. He could imagine their position and what they were doing.

"Aar...ham." Her breathless voice went to his ear burning him more and he punched the glass table which was placed just besides him only to break it into many pieces

"Mehak." He heard his breathless voice and he wanted to break this wall between their rooms and separate them from each other.

And then he heard her moan which was quite loud to tell him that she was completely in his arms and was letting him touch her and was enjoying his touch. This made him more furious.

" Mehak you are mine. Only I can touch you, pleasure you." He said furiously.

"Please...Aarham." She moaned again.

He heard her again but this made him more mad. He could senses her restlessness for him and he could feel how intimate they were at this moment.

"That's it. I can't take this." He said and walked out of the room still hearing  what was happening back there in Aarham's room.

"Michael." He called him as he saw him going from lobby.

"Look at me." He heard Aarham's intense voice which made his heart stop.

"Go to that room and rang the bell." He said and Michael didn't asked anything and ran to the their room as he knew that it must be important for this man who pay him very well.

"Hurry." He murmured waiting for him to knock the door.

But Abbas stopped Michael on his spot. Here he get restless as wanted to stop them from doing something else. But then Michael presses the door bell.

He smiled and hoping that now the door will open.

"You okay?" He heard Aarham.

"I'm..I'm..okay." Her reply and then again silence.

He walked slowly toward their room and saw Michael ringing the bell again. He silently walked toward his room but didn't forget to turn to see him again.

Aarham's POV.
As I made her sit on bed,I walked back in the hall where that damn door bell was ringing and I was for sure going to kill that man who knocked the door to disturb us. I took deep breaths to calm my beating heart. Closing my eyes,I only saw her face in front of my eyes making me smile and I smiled on the closeness we shared. But as I was going to kiss her,again we were interrupted. I could feel that she was also waiting for the kiss like I was. Her hold,her closeness and her heavily breaths,everything was telling me that she was also as eager to have a kiss like I was but I don't know who the hell was there to disturbed us. First on beach and now in our room. There is no such thing called privacy I think.

I opened the door and looked at the room service boy standing. I frowned and waited for him to say why he was here.

"Yes?" I asked still with anger.

"Sorry sir I thought to ask you if you need anything." That jerk disturb us for this.

Sorry for the language but I really wanted to use such bad words that time.

"Do we call you? No then why? And Abbas why didn't you stop him.?" I asked Abbas who looked at me.

"But sir he told me that you called him." Abbas said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"One more time if I saw you around,I'll complain about you." I said and banged the door.

God what I'm doing!!?

Why I'm so angry??

I took deep breaths and walked toward bedroom side. As I entered I saw her seated in the same position. I went to take my shirt and wore it. I turned to see her who was still seated there,tangling her fingers together. I could see how nervous she was and still her cheeks were flashed red like I saw her while kissing. I felt again the urge to kiss her red like tomato cheeks but averted my eyes from her and stood in front of mirror. I start combing my hair but my eyes were going to her again and again who was now biting her lips and maybe thinking something. I have to end this. The awkwardness she's feeling. I thought and placed the comb on dressing table.

"Mehak." I called her and she looked at me.

"Come here." I said and I saw her getting up.

She placed her dupatta on her shoulders nervously and took small steps toward me with lower gaze. I was watching her all the time until she stopped in front of me.

"Look at me." I said and lifted her chin up to make her look at me.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" I asked looking in her eyes.

"Please answer me. Am I making you uneasy and nervous with my closeness?" I asked her again as her happiness was more important for me. I didn't want to hurt her.

She shook her head as no making me smile. I keep looking at her few seconds who was getting more nervous on my gaze. She looked up at me when I didn't say anything.

"Am I making you shy?" I asked and this time her cheeks flashed more red and she turned to other side and I got my answer.

Going closer to her,I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my chin on her shoulder. I felt her hand on my hands which were around her waist. It felt so good when her fragile fingers touched my arms.

"I'll always make you shy." Whispering I kissed her cheek with love.

She turned and hugged me and so did I. I was smiling and I knew she was smiling too.

"And I'll always hide in your arms." Her beautiful confession made me more happy and I keep hugging her,close to my heart.

"I will happily take you in my arms. Always." I said and closed my eyes.

Third person's POV.

"Dadu will you send me too to Australia on my honeymoon?" Shazam asked taking seat next to Mr Ahmad.

He looked at him shocked who was waiting for his answer. Mr Ahmad looked at Sameer,Aabia and Roshaane who were trying hard to control their laughter.

"Kid I'm watching you these days? Aren't you so eager to go on honeymoon?" Mr Ahmad asked and he shook his head as no.

"Its not like that. I was...just..just asking as one day I will also marry na so..." Shazam said innocently.

"Oh did you find the girl for yourself then?" Mr Ahmad asked and this time he turned to his Dadu with fully toothed smile.

"Dadu wait." But before Shazam could open his mouth,Sameer jumped in.

"I know the girl. Shazam is feeling shy to take her name." Sameer said making Mr Ahmad to take interest in the matter while Shazam looked at him confused.

"Don't look at me like that Shazam. How beautiful bhabhi you choose for us so please let me tell na." Sameer said creating suspense.

Zeeniya also arrived and heard what Sameer said. She was also curious to know who was the girl. Jahan came and saw his whole family silently looking at Sameer. He didn't understand what was happening.

"Should I say?" Sameer asked permission and all nodded.

"Our would be bhabhi name is...." Sameer paused and looked at everyone who were looking at him with their breaths stop.

"Miss Shabana." He announced and clapped on his announcement.

"Who's Shabana?" This was the question asked by his dadu and parents but Shazam looked at him angrily and took the cushion to throw at him.

"Shabana! How dare you?" Shazam came down to fight and Sameer ran to save himself.

"Shabana with her brace teeth,two braids on her shoulder and one big mole on the tip of her nose. Shabana our bhabhi." He shouted and Shazam held his neck and Sameer start laughing along with all.

Mr Ahmad was laughing looking at the fun and love his grandsons have with each other. Suddenly he felt some pain rises on his left arm making his laughter to end and he start rubbing it. Jahan looked at his father and went to him.

"You okay Dad?" Jahan asked and Mr.Ahmad nodded.

"I'm good son. Don't worry." He said while rubbing his left arm but Jahan was not getting satisfied.

"You sure? We can go to the doctor." Jahan said and Mr Ahmad smiled on love of his son.

"Just a little pain in my arm. Nothing to worry. I'm good." He said and was again busy in laughing with his grandchildren.

But somewhere he was hiding the pain rising in his chest and arm. Jahan keep looking at his father but then got relax when Mr Ahmad start playing with Sameer and Shazam.

Mehak's POV.
"Mehak hurry up." He called me for the third time.

I put my Hijab on and ran out of the dressing room. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm ready." I said going closer to him.

"You're looking beautiful." He said and I looked at myself where I was hidden in my Abaya and in Hijab. Only my face was visible to him and it was also clear of any makeup.

He still find me beautiful!!

"I didn't use any makeup." I said and he come closer.

"And that's what make you more beautiful. Your simplicity." He said and I smiled.

"Let's go. We have a lot of things to shop." He said holding my hand.

"Wait." I said and took my clutch and held his hand again.

We both walked out of the room and Saw Abbas and Ali standing. I wonder when they sleep.

"Are you both coming?" Aarham asked and they nodded.

"Always Sir." Abbas replied.

Aarham sighed and we both start walking after locking our room and I was so excited to shop for everyone.

"We'll start from Papa and Dadu." I said as we reached the mall.

"As you say." He said and I smiled looking around the countless shops.

I bought a beautiful watch for papa and a beautiful cap for Dadu as I saw him wearing Caps. And also I bought a muffler for Dadu. We shopped for Aabia,Dadi Sahib and Mama.

"Do you think Sameer will like this?" I asked looking at a shirt but Aarham didn't answered.

I looked at him who was looking around to find someone.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Looking for Abbas and Ali. Where they go?" He said and I didn't find them around.

They never leave us alone and now they were nowhere. How?

"Finally we get some alone time." He said and I giggled looking at the relieve on his face.

"This would be perfect for my Sameer." He said looking at the shirt I was holding.

We bought the same shirts and jeans and waistcoats for Shazam and Sameer as both were twins and had a lot of resemblance with each other so we thought to gift them same. For Roshaane I bought a  beautiful Diary as I knew she likes to write all the time with her favorite chocolates.

"We are done." I said looking at the shopping bags we were holding.

"Not yet until I buy something for my wife too." He said making me smile.

"You stay here. I'll just come." He said and I nodded.

Leaving me in cafeteria,he went out and I keep enjoying juice while looking around. So many people were there eating,laughing and talking.

"Ma'am where is Sir?" Abbas appeared of nowhere and asked.

I looked at him who was panting hard and was looking around. Ali reached us running and he was too panting.

"Let's go ma'am." Ali said and took all the shopping bags and walked out.

"But Aarham.!" I questioned looking at Abbas who was looking around being alert.

"Hey Abbas where were you?" Aarham asked and I was thankful to Allah that he came.

"Sir,ma'am hurry up. Its not safe." He said holding Aarham and pushed us to walk out of the cafeteria.

"What is happening?" I asked Aarham who wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked with me toward the exist.

Ali reached us again after placing all the shopping bags in the car. I looked at both of our bodyguards who were around us and wanted us to walk out soon.

"Aarham I'm scared." I said looking at him.

"Don't be. I'm here." He said and we step out of the mall.

"Sir please hurry." As we step down from the stairs, Abbas said.

"Abbas on your right side." Ali yelled and before I could knew Abbas took his gun out and shoot somewhere making me yell and I hugged Aarham tightly.

"Sir you keep moving." Ali said as I heard him with close eyes.

Again the gun Shoots I was listening on every step we took. Aarham was holding me close to him and I was so scared of all this.

"Don't worry." His soothed word made me look at him.

Third person's POV.

He was getting restless as he now at any cost wanted to kill Aarham. Few minutes ago his father informed him that J stones got the contract instead of them. They lose again. As on his honeymoon, he didn't let his company to be alone and he got the international contract which he dreamed of. This made him more angry. He wanted this contract. He wanted to reached at the peek of success but every time he thinks that its Aarham who snatches everything from him. Like Aarham he also start the stone company but his skills were nothing in front of Aarham's skills as he was extraordinary and most of it he was not having any kind of hate or jealousy for anyone. Aarham wanted to win the world but he wanted to defeat Aarham and that was the different.

"At every point,every passing I want your men ready to kill him. Today at any cost I want Aarham dead." He instructed the killer and ended his call.

Fuming with anger,he stepped out of the room and passed from there but didn't forgot to look back at the close door of Aarham's room. Abbas noticed that and he got suspicious.

"I think I have seem this man." Abbas said and tried to recognize him.

But he passed away from the lobby and Abbas keep thinking. He was confused tangled with faces to match this face with one.

"Is he the one who jumped on beach last night?" Ali said and Abbas eyes widened.

"Yes he's the one. I've been thinking since morning where I saw him but still I think I saw him somewhere else." Abbas was still not satisfied.

Abbas saw a waiter knocking a door for room service and his eyes widened. He turned to Ali

"I'm coming but you don't move away and don't let anyone go inside. You get that.!" Abbas said and Ali got alerted.

Abbas walked toward the staff section and looked around to find that waiter but he didn't find him. Lot of waiters and other service men were roaming around but he didn't find the one. He went to the manager.

"Sorry sir but we don't have that kind of man in our staff." Manager said and Abbas nodded.

He was now confirmed that there was something fishy. He looked around to find the other waiter.

"Michael he knows him. He was one who said that he knows that man." Abbas said.

"Michael that room service boy?" Manager asked and Abbas nodded.

"He just took leave for a week." Manager informed Abbas.

"Is he gone?" Abbas asked and manager nodded.

"Thank you." Abbas said and rushed back to the floor where Aarham and Mehak were getting ready to depart for shopping.

"Something is going to happen today." Abbas said to Ali who nodded.

"We have to be alert." Ali said and both checked their guns and bullets in their jackets

As the room door,opened and Aarham with Mehak stepped out,both Ali and Abbas straighten their selves showing everything is good.

"So you both are coming?" Aarham asked them and today both knew that it was so important for them to be around their Sir and Ma'am.

"Always Sir." Abbas said and walked behind them who were lost in themselves.

Aarham and Mehak sat in their car while Ali and Abbas followed them. Abbas's eyes captured the same car which was following them on the day,they went to see the waterfalls.

"He's coming." Abbas said looking at the back view mirror.

"Let him come." Ali said,placing the silencer in front of his gun and loaded it with bullets.

"Be alert." Abbas said and he nodded.

As their car stopped on the parking area of mall, Both stepped out hurriedly and went to Aarham and Mehak. They looked around to see any danger while love birds were busy in themselves.

"Ali you go with sir." Abbas said while taking his gun out and Ali nodded.

There was man hidden behind a car waiting to kill Aarham with his fully loaded gun but Abbas's sharp eyes caught him. As he pointed gun toward Aarham, Abbas pulled the trigger of his gun and the bullet rushed in the head of that man. Because of silencer it didn't make any noise.

"What happened?" Aarham asked as he turned to see Abbas.

He hide his hand immediately and went closer to him.

"Nothing Sir. Let's go." Abbas said and he nodded.

Ali and Abbas keep looking around when they saw three more people pointing their guns at Aarham and Mehak from different places. One was behind the car,one was in front of them behind the pillar and other was seated in the car with  gun Ready.

"Abbas Is everything okay?" Aarham turned again to ask.

"Yes sir all okay. Keep going." He said and he shrugged his shoulders and stepped ahead.

Abbas's eyes went to the man behind the pillar who pointed his gun toward Aarham. Ali ran to the side of pillar silently while Abbas jumped in the car where that man was ready to kill Aarham. At the same time,both Ali and Abbas pulled the trigger to finished those mudrers. Both ran to Aarham and again stood behind him.

Ali walked out with Aarham and Mehak while Abbas turned to kill that last killer hidden behind the car. Finishing him,he walked out and saw many faces which were looking dangerous. He looked around. In car,on building, behind flower shop, near the cafe,in the get up of joker,he observed that today was going to be tough to save his Sir. So many shooters were there and he was not understanding that why someone was trying  to kill Aarham.

He rushed inside as he knew the danger would be inside too. And he was right. He saw a man pointed gun toward Aarham who was on accelerator stairs. But Ali reached that man and killed him in once and made him sit in a corner where no one could see him.

Both roamed around alert. Looking at every suspicious man. Both looked at each other and then keep failing the every attempt of Aarham's murder. Mehak and Aarham  were busy in their shopping. Aarham looked around to find his bodyguards but didn't find them because they were busy in rescuing him.

"Did you call?" Abbas asked and Ali nodded.

"I called them." He said and both went to take Aarham and Mehak out of the mall.

The danger was increasing. He saw Aarham going out with his bodyguards. They were only two but they were fighting like a army against so many shooters. That's why Aarham's Dadu sent them with Aarham.

"I want him dead." He called again someone, growled looking at Aarham and Mehak.

"He's going to dead. Let him come out." The other sider said and as they stepped out of the mall,he start receiving gun shoots but his bodyguards were much trained to safe him.

"Ma'am Sir go to the car." Ali said and both Aarham and Mehak took step ahead while Ali and Abbas turn to fight with those shooters.

"You're gone." That man on the building said and pulled the trigger.

To hide Mehak from the gun shoots Aarham turned to held her completely in his arms who was looking so scared. And as he turned the bullet hit him.

"Aarham." She yelled looking at him and Abbas and Ali ran to them.

Ali looked at the man who pointed his gun toward him. As he saw Aarham shot with his bullet,he was about to run away but Ali didn't give him a chance. Within a second he fired and killed that man on the spot.

"Aarham." Mehak yelled looking at Aarham and held him with the help of Abbas and Ali.

"Mehak." His last word before he closed down his eyes.

A/N::: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all??

Wow!!! Such an filmy but fully suspended chapter isn't???

I know you must all be reading it with wide eyes,beating heart. Is it true???

First tell me how was the romance?? And look at that creepy man placing the microphone chip in their room to hear what they are doing. I want to kill that man but I enjoyed writing it when he was fuming in anger,listening Mehak's moan and Aarham's whisper.

Aarham got shot. Now what will happen??

But truly Abbas and Ali did their job very beautifully. Such good bodyguards. But who's this man After Aarham?

Is Mr Ahmad okay?? What do you think?

So much is about to come but here my all lovely readers have to wait as your writer is going on vacations so I won't be able to update maybe for month. I'm going out of town so I  won't be able to give any update on eid day.

Accept my wishes of Eid to you all. May Allah bless you all. And stay Happy.

Remember me in your prayers.

Eid Mubarak in advance to all.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

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