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Third person's POV.

"Have you seen him?" Asked Zeeniya while turning to Jahan who sat on bed and rested his hack with headboard.

"Yes. I'm so happy to see him like this again." Said Jahan and put on his glasses.

He took his book and opened it to read while Zeeniya walked to him and sat in front of him.

"Stop reading this book. Talk to me." She said closing his book and he looked at her smilingly.

"Are you in mood of gossips?!" Jahan said teasing her.

"Gossips?" Zeeniya didn't understand while he held her hand.

"Gossips about your son and daughter in-law." Jahan said and she narrowed her eyes at him while he laughed.

"I'm not gossiping." Said Zeeniya and freed her hand from his hand.

"You enjoy your book. I'm going." Offended, she turned to go but holding her from shoulders, he pulled her back with him and took her in his embrace.

"Okay don't get angry. I'm ready to hear your gossips." Said Jahan and received a punch on his chest from Zeeniya.

"Okay sorry." Laughing,he said and held her firmly in his arms.

"Today I felt, I'm watching you and me again at that moment on dinning when Aarham held Mehak's hand to stop her." Said Zeeniya while resting her head on his chest.

"I felt the same. I'm so happy to have our Aarham back. They remind me of us." Said Jahan and Zeeniya nodded.

"Me too. Both are so cute and fools." Said Zeeniya and Jahan looked at her amazed.

"Cute is okay but why fools?" Jahan asked while taking off his glasses.

"They are fool. 3 to 4 months of their marriage passed and still they behaved like newly wed with each other. The hesitation sometimes I feel between them. Both are crazy and fool." Said Zeeniya and looked up at Jahan.

"You think our son is in love with Mehak?" Zeeniya asked looking at Jahan who thought for a second.

"He's in deeply in love with her but didn't realize his feelings yet." Said Jahan and smiled looking at worried face of Zeeniya.

"Don't think too much. Love finds its way to come in the hearts and it also give the realization of this beautiful feelings. Let both of them realize that what they feel is love. The care for each other is love. To see each other happy is love. Its their feelings,their marriage and they have to understand what their hearts wants. And now I'm hopeful after today that soon both will realize that what they have in their heart for each other." Jahan said and Zeeniya nodded but then looked up at him.

"What happened today?" Asked Zeeniya and Jahan laughed as he remembered the embarrassed faces of sameer and Shazam.

"Mehak came to see Aarham. Both were busy in themselves when Sameer and Shazam jumped in office to meet their brother. I tried to stop them but they didn't listen and went in Aarham's cabin. Soon they returned with lower embarrassed heads." Said Jahan and Zeeniya laughed.

"Such stupids. By the way what you think what they were doing?" Zeeniya asked excited.

"Who?" Asked Jahan and Zeeniya moved up a little to sit properly.

"Mehak and Aarham. What you think?" With a naughty grin,Zeeniya was asking and Jahan was looking at her shocked.

"Its their privacy. I don't know and you also should stop interrupting or investigating about your son's romantic life." Jahan said and zeeniya giggled.

"I want to know that how my workaholic son will look doing romance." Saying,Zeeniya rested her head back on his chest and lay down next to him.

"How about her father!?" Suddenly coming on top of her,Jahan asked.

"Wh...what?" Asked Zeeniya looking at him.

"About being romantic!" Jahan said and she smiled.

"We're not in the age of romance now." Wrapping her arms around his neck, she said.

"Is there fixed age for romance? I don't think so." Saying,he leaned closer and Kissed her lips with love and she smiled on his act.

Mehak's POV.

"What you did!" He asked again while his thumb touched my lower lip.

Ya Allah he remember!

I thought again and looked at him who's eyes were fixed on my lips.

"I..I..don't know what you are talking about. Let me get up." I said looking away from his face and tried to get up but he came on top of me and tangled his feet with mine making my heart to jump in my chest.

"So you don't know what I'm talking about?" He asked and I shook my head here and there because words were stuck in my throat.

"Really!" He acted to be shocked but I knew he was enjoying my condition.

I was caged between his strong body and on this his questions were making me so nervous and shy. I knew he was enjoying the blush, I could feel on my cheeks.

"Y..yes. Let me go." I said looking away from his face.

"Mehak." Cupping my face,he leaned closer to me and I felt my heart jumping in my chest and shyness was killing me.

"Please.. I.." I tried to say while looking away from his eyes.

"Let me remind you." Whispering, I felt him coming closer.

I could feel my heart beat beating in my all body. His intense eyes,touch and breaths were making me crazy. I was stuck under him who was not leaving me.

"Look at me." His voice came and he lifted my face to make me look at him.

Our eyes met and I felt the world stopped. Without blinking or words we just keep looking at each other. I felt myself losing in his deep ocean like eyes. I saw him coming closer and my eyes closed down with his and I held his arm with beating heart.

"Aarham." A slow whisper came out of my lips when his breath touched my lips making a shiver to run in my body.

"Mehak." I felt him closer to my lips and I held him tightly.


My eyes snapped open on the knock I heard and so did his eyes opened up on the sudden interruption. We both looked at each other and then our eyes moved toward the door which was again being knocked by someone.

"I think we still have to wait for that moment." He said resting his forehead on mine and again we heard a knock.

"There's no such thing called privacy in this family." He said and I smiled and so did.

"You should check who's there." I said holding his shirt.

"I'm going but don't think that it ended here. I didn't start yet." Winking at me,he moved back and I blushed on his words with a shy smile.

I sat up and covered my head with dupatta while he walked to opened the door.

"Aabia." He said and I looked at the door.

Aarham's POV.

"Aabia." I was amazed to see her.

"Bhai can we talk?" She said and I nodded.

I turned to see Mehak who smile and gave me a nod. With a smile, I stepped out of the room.

"Come." Holding my sister's hand I walked toward terrace where she could talk to me freely.

"What happened?" I asked standing on front of her.

"That...what you said about my marriage. I mean just two months ago we lost our Dadu then how can I marry?" She started and I saw many tears left her eyes which hurt me.

"You think he's gone?" I asked and she looked up at me.

"Come." Holding her from shoulders,I made her sit and sat in front of her.

"Dadu is not gone anywhere. He's alive in our hearts,in our good memories. In evening tea, in fight of Sameer and Shazam,in our smiles, in his favourite food, In roshaane's special soup, in Starry night, the decisions we take, in tears we shed. He's always here." I said looking at her who was listening to me.

"It was decided by Dadu. He wanted to see you settle in your life. If he'd be alive, you had been already married. I'm only completing his last wish. It will make him happy." I said looking at her who was all silent.

"You trust me?" I asked and she nodded.

"Then I promise I won't let happen anything bad. Everything will be okay. Now don't think about anything." I said and she nodded while standing up.

"Dadu will be happy right?" She asked and with a smile, I went closer to her and nodded.

"He'll be happy to see you happy. Just don't think about anything except your crazy Shams who'll fly with happiness when he'll get the news of marriage." I said to make her smile and thankfully she smiled.

"Aarham shut up." Saying,she hugged me and I held my little sister in my arms to comfort her.

"Until I'm alive,nothing will happen." I said and kissed my small princess's forehead.

"Thank you bhai." She said while moving back.

"Welcome. Now start your endless shopping session from tomorrow." I said and she giggled.

"Come. Take rest now." I said and we both stepped toward our rooms.

"Hey brother." I stopped and turned to see her.

"Take care of my bhabhi. She's so lovely." She said and I nodded with a smile.

I stepped in my room and looked at her who was standing near the balcony door looking at the moon peaking  through the clouds. I went closer to her after locking the door and stood right behind her.

"What are you thinking?" I asked as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and other around her belly.

"Nothing just watching the moon." I heard her.

"Is there any plan of sleeping?" I asked and she nodded while turning.

"I was waiting for you. Let's sleep now." She said and I nodded.

We both walked toward bed and lay down on our side while I turned the lights off.

"Good night." I heard and I turned to her who's face was visible to my eyes in the night bulb's light

"Your pillow misses you." I said stretching my arm on her side and she looked at me and then at my arm.

Moving closer,she placed her head on my arm and I turned to her to pull her completely in my arms.

"I missed it too." Holding me tightly, she said and I smiled.

"I missed you Aarham. I really missed you." She said and I felt her crying.

"I know. I'm sorry for making you cry and wait so long." I said kissing her head and she hugged me more firmly.

"I'm sorry." I said and closed my eyes to sleep with my Mehak who was so close to me and after 2 months I was feeling sleepy and peace in my heart.

Third person's POV.

He was walking around. Finding the way to the light. Looking up at the place where the shine of light was making his eyes close due to its brightness. He start running to reach the spot where he could see moon like bright light.

"Aarham." His feet stopped and he looked around to find the one who called him.

"Aarham." Again he heard someone calling him.

"Aarham." Again a call for him while he was getting restless to see the person who was calling him.

He heard footsteps going toward the direction of the light. He started to take steps toward the street which was leading toward the huge mountain circle road going above toward the sky.

"Come to me Aarham." He heard again and his heart start beating fast while the pace of his feet increased.

He keep running,followed the voice of the steps,crossing the every pass of the mountain to the high above the heaven.

"Aarham." He looked around when he reached at the peak of the mountain touching the heights of sky.

"My boy." He turned on the voice with sweat drenching him and uneven breaths.

"Dadu." His eyes filled up with water when he saw Mr Ahmad standing in white dress.

"My son." Said Mr Ahmad with a smile but didn't close the distance between them.

"Dadu." Tears rushed down his face while he took few steps toward his Dadu.

"Stop son. You should stop here. I'm so happy that you're fine now." Said Mr Ahmad and keep looking at him who was shedding tears for his Dadu.

"Don't cry Aarham. Your tears hurt me. Every time you cry,I feel pain. But I'm happy that you come back to life now." He was listening his Dadu who was smiling, looking at his grandson.

"Do what you think is right. Never lose hope. I'm always here for you." Saying Mr Ahmad took a step closer.

"Here." Mr Ahmad brought his hand forward.

"Take it." Aarham placed his hand in front of Mr Ahmad.

"Bless you." Holding the packet which was so beautiful made of red velvet.

He opened the velvet small bag and 4 pearls came out on his palm. They were as bright as moon and as beautiful that eyes were refused to avert from them.

"I'll be going now. All you have to do is smile." Saying Mr Ahmad took steps back but he shook his head as no.

"Don't go Dadu. Dadu please." He took steps ahead to stop him but Mr Ahmad keep moving back with a smile and disappeared in light.

Looking at the pearls, he was holding, he looked around and ran to find his Dadu.



Mehak's POV.

"Dadu." I was pulled out of my sleep on his voice.

Coming to my senses,I looked at him who's face was drenched in sweat while he was just mumbling dadu in his sleep.

"Aarham." Calling him,I sat up and turned the lights on.

"Aarham." I shook him and his eyes snapped open.

"You okay?" I asked worried.

He sat up and I took the glass of water to made him drink.

"You okay Aarham?" I asked again while cleaning his face.

"I'm..I'm fine." He answered after drinking water.

"What happened? Have you seen any dream?" I asked and he turned to me.

Nodding,he rested his head back to the headboard and closed his eyes. I keep looking at him.

"You sure you okay?" I asked again and he gave a nod without saying anything.

I saw a tear leaving his eyes and rolled down on his cheek. I got restless.

"What happened? Is everything okay?" I asked while wiping his tear and he opened his eyes.

Turning to me,he looked at me with a smile but still I could see his eyes shinning of tears. In a second,he pulled me in his arms and hugged me tightly.

"I'm fine now. I'm fine." He said while hugging me.

"I'm fine now Mehak." He said and I smiled while hugging him back.

"I'm fine now." He repeated the words again and I just smiled.

Moving back,he looked at me and smiled more. I was amazed looking at him. In these two months,he never smiled like this and now after a long time I was witnessing the same smile on his lips which reached his eyes. Kissing my forehead, he hugged me again and I smiled on his happiness.

"Dadu came to meet you right?" I asked and he moved back to see me.

Nodding,he smiled fully with his heart and I smiled with his smile.

"He returned your smile." I said and held his face in my hands.

"Don't cry. Never cry." I said and wiped his tear which left his eyes.

"You'll never leave me right!?" He asked holding my hands on his face.

"Never." I said and rested my head on his chest.

"Never leave me." He said and I smiled on his hold around me.

"I will never." I answered and keep laying with him in his arms.

Time keep passing and I just keep listening his heart beat which was so calm,peaceful. I heard Adhan's voice and smiled more in his lovely embrace.

"You sleeping!" I asked to confirm.

"How when you're holding me like this." He said and placed his hand on mine while I smiled and moved up to see him.

"Should we get up now? Its prayer time." I said looking at him who removed my hair from my face.

"I don't want to leave you." He said fixing his deep black eyes on me.

"After prayer,you can hold me again." I said caressing his jaw.

I looked at him who smiled and freed me from his embrace. We both stepped out of the bed. He went to do ablution while I waited for him to come out. As he came, he took his jacket and walked out of the room to go to Masjid. I did my ablution and start offering prayer. As I completed my Salah, I took Quran pak to recite. I was reciting the Holy Quran when he entered the room.  I felt him taking away next to me.

"Mehak." He called me and I closes the Quran pak for few seconds.

"You recite so beautifully." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and again start reciting.

I was reciting Surah An-Nisa and I was feeling so good reciting Quran pak. But suddenly I felt him reciting the each word with me. I looked up at him who was seated with closed eyes and was reciting the Surah. I was amazed that how he was reciting without looking at the Holy Quran. I closed the Holy book Quran Pak as he was reciting so beautifully that I wanted to keep listening him. Every verse,he was reciting with so much captivation that it was pulling heart. I keep listening him and he keep reciting with his close eyes. As the surah completed, he opened his eyes to see me. He smiled but I was still shocked looking at my Aarham.

"Are...are you Hafiz?" I asked with much surprise.

"What you think! With this extraordinary mind,my Mom was going to leave me. Yes I'm Hafiz-e-Quran,Alhamdulillah. It's my Allah's blessing upon me that he choose me to be one of those who have this precious and scared book in their hearts." He said and I felt myself lucky.

"I'm blessed to be your Wife." I said with a smile.

"I'm blessed to have you as my wife." He said and kissed my forehead.

"You have so beautiful voice Mashallah. Promise me that every morning you'll recite Quran pak and I'll listen you." I asked and he nodded with a smile.

"Promise. Anything else!?" He asked and I shook my head as no.

"I'll just come." I said and walked out of the bed to place the Quran pak on its place.

"Come fast." I heard him.

I turned and saw him already laying on bed waiting for me.

"I'm not coming. You sleep." I said teasing him.

"Where are you going?" He asked and I made bun of my hair.

"Going to kitchen to see the preparations of breakfast. You sleep." I smilingly said and turned while hiding my smile.

"Not so fast." As I reached the door,I was lifted up from the ground and looked at him who was carrying me in his arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Bringing you to me." I heard him who made me lay on bed and joined me.

Pulling the blanket on us,he looked at me. I turned to him and looked at him who was lost in watching me.

"You won't let me go?" I asked and he shook his head negatively.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because..!" He paused while moving slowly towards me.

"Your every way comes to me." He said stopping so close to me.

Holding his shirt,I moved closer to him.

"I'm coming to you,crossing all the ways." Saying, I hide in his arms and smiled feeling his fragrance.


"What you both boys are doing? Aren't you going to university today?" Mama asked looking at Shazam and Sameer who were seated in front of TV and watching some WWF program.

"I'm not in mood today mom. I'm not going." Shazam said stretching his arms while I smiled looking at both of them.

Walking toward them,me and mom sat in front of them and I looked at Sameer who was not looking at TV.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and he looked up.

"Yes bhabhi all is okay." He said and again looked away.

"He's missing someone." Shazam said and Sameer punched his stomach.

"My son is missing someone. Is she a girl?" Asked mom while going closer to him.

"Mom he's just talking rubbish. There is nothing like that." Said Sameer and I hide my smile looking at his red face.

"Mom don't trust him this time. He's deeply,madly, crazily in love." Said Shazam and our eyes widened.

Me and mom looked at each other and then toward Sameer who was glaring Shazam.

"Is it true Sameer?" Asked mom looking at Sameer and he turned to us.

"You really believed on what he said mom? Come on. He's a jerk." Saying, Sameer threw the cushion on Shazam.

"No mom I swear he's in love with that picture which appeared on his dreams but still is not cleared to his eyes." Shazam said while Sameer held his throat in his hands.

"Save me." Shazam started while I start laughing looking at both of their fights.

"So my sons is having dreams of someone?" Mama asked and Sameer turned to us again.

"Its not like that mom. I just saw a dream and he's exaggerating. I'll kill you Shazam if you said something else." Giving warning to Shazam, Sameer turned to us again.

"I'll tell you first mom if I'll be in love." Said Sameer and I smiled looking at his love for his mother.

"I know son." Mama said and kissed his forehead.

"But catch him mom. He's now trying to escape from that Shabana who's his first love." Said Sameer and I laughed looking at the terrible expressions of Shazam.

"She's not my first love. I was just having friendship with her but she's having other meanings of our friendship." Shazam clarify himself and turned to television again.

"Then its mean there's someone else who's your first love?" It was me who asked the question.

"Wah Bhabhi what a question you asked. He's stuck now. Come on." Sameer said and I also ho excited.

"You all continue. I'm going." Mama left while I looked at Shazam.

"Bhabhi you too. He's always after me and this time you too." He said and I giggled while taking seat in front of their Sofa.

"Don't be shy Shazam. I'm like your sister. You can tell me." I said and sameer took the bowl of popcorn and took seat with me and we both start having popcorn while our eyes on Shazam who was shocked to see us like this, enjoying his condition.

"Bhabhi you also are in his team. You're my bhabhi, more dearer to me than my brother but what you did? You left me alone." He start acting while me and Sameer looked at each other on his act and sighed.

"Who's the girl?" Me and Sameer asked in union and he looked down and I smiled.

"There's no girl. I'm not in l..."

His words stuck in his throat but his eyes moved to somewhere. I and Sameer keep looking at him who was looking dumbfolded.

"What happened to him?" I asked in a whisper.

"I don't know." Putting Popcorn in his mouth,replied Sameer.

"Mahi." Before I could ask or call him,I heard Mama's voice.

My head turned back to see and I saw Mahnoor was standing there. I turned to see Shazam who was lost looking at Mahi's direction.

"Come to your senses." I heard Sameer saying to Shazam and both stood up.

I smiled looking at them and walked to meet Mahnoor who came all of sudden.

"Mahi." I went near her with mama.

"Where are you lost girl?" I asked shaking her who was looking somewhere.

"Huh..nothing." She replied and looked at me and mama.

"Assalam-o-alikum aunty." Greeting mama, she turned to me.

"Ami and Abu also came." She said and I smiled and looked at the door.

Both were coming with a smile and I almost ran to them to hug them.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I greeted both of them.

"Walikumusalam. How are you?" Asked Abu and I went to hug him.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm fine Abu. Come." I said and in meanwhile mama reached us.

"Assalam-o-alikum." Mama said and we all walked in the hall.

Taking seat in front of each other,I was just smiling looking at my parents who came after so many days to see me. I really missed them.

"Abu take tea." I said giving tea to my Abu.

"Thank you beta. Actually we came to take Mehak with us." Abu said and I stopped on my place.

Slowly taking seat with Mama,I waited for them to complete.

"Actually its been so long time that we sent some time with her. We were really missing her so we thought if you let her stay with us for few days." Abu completed and my eyes filled with water.

I knew they missed me and I missed them too. Parents are a blessing from Rab-e-Taalah.

"I hope you will not mind what I said." Abu said looking at mama.

"Of course we won't mind." Me and Mama turned on the voice and saw Papa coming.

"How are you bhai sahab?" Asked papa while hugging Abu.

"Please." Both took seat with each other.

"She's your daughter. You can take her with you. You don't have to ask. And it's her duty too to take care of her parents." Papa said and I smiled with happiness

"Mehak beta you want to go?" Papa asked and I nodded with happiness.

"Thank you bhai Sahab. I'll send her back soon. And please send Aarham too. We're inviting him for dinner." Ami said and my smile faded away on his name.

I forgot about him. How can I go? His words rang in my ears.

I will never let you stay at your parents.

"Oh no." I said to myself and looked at the happy faces of my parents.

"Beta go get your stuff." Papa said and I nodded.

"Now what? How can I leave without telling him?" I thought while walking toward room.

Third person's POV.

Mehak's parents were smilingly waiting for Mehak to come while Zeeniya was looking worried. A happy smile was touching Jahan's lips while Shazam and Sameer were lost in thinking something.

"We have to call bhai." Said Sameer and Shazam nodded.

"Hurry. Otherwise they'll take our bhabhi." Said Shazam and Sameer nodded while taking his mobile out.

As he got up,he saw Shazam sighing happily and rested his face on his palm while his eyes went toward the direction where Mahnoor was seated.

"Idiot don't look at her like this or you'll be caught." Slapping his head,Sameer warned him and walked out to call Aarham.

But Shazam didn't care and keep looking at her who was aware of his gaze. Zeeniya looked at Jahan and called him toward her but he didn't move and keep talking with Mehak's father. Zeeniya was getting worried for Aarham. She knew he wouldn't let her go and he'll be mad to know that Mehak was gone to her parents to stay.

"Jahan what are you doing?" Mumbled Zeeniya looking at Mehak who just came down with her bag.

"Take the car beta." Said Jahan and Mehak nodded.

"Come soon okay. We'll be waiting for you." Jahan said placing his hand on her head.

"Take care." Hugging Zeeniya, Mehak said and slowly took steps out with her parents toward the car where the driver was waiting for them.

"Take care. Allah Hafiz." Said Jahan waving bye to Mehak and her parents.

But her eyes were looking sad. She now couldn't say no to them. She couldn't refuse now. But her heart was feeling bad as she was going without telling him.

She drove away her parents while Sameer,Shazam and Zeeniya looked sad. Only Jahan was looking happy. As they turned to go in,they heard a horn and turned again to see. Aarham's car stopped in the porch and he cane out hurriedly.

"Mehak." He said looking at his parents.

"Gone. With her parents." Said Jahan innocently and he keep standing shock while Jahan turned to go in with a smile.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all??

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I truer my best to write it beautiful and I hope I succeed.

Jahan and Zeeniya being naughty again! How was that?

Tell me about our main couple's scenes. Did you like? And the Sameer, Shazam scenes.

Do comments readers. I'll be waiting for your comments. Do,Do vote.

Take care.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...📖
Keep smiling...😊

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