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Five years later.
Her eyes were roaming on the kids playing in the lawn and her heart felt arch as she saw her empty side. Those kids were playing running and going again and again to their mothers but she was standing there at the corner of the lawn with the tray of snacks in her hands and was lost in looking at those kids who were looking so cute while playing. Two tears slide on her cheeks as she felt the emptiness of her life.

"Mehak what are..." Aarham came as he saw her standing there but stopped as he saw those tears in her eyes.

"You again start crying?" Wiping her tears, he said and she looked at him with more tears in her eyes.

"Stop cryinv my love.  See what zarnish and Aabia will think? For them smile now." Cupping her face, he said hiding his tears from her and with love he wiped her tears away.

"Smile." He said once again and this time Mehak smiled giving his heart a bunch of joy.

"Good now come.  Let's enjoy the tea." Aarham walked behind her letting her walk to those girls who were busy in their kids.

"Bhabhi you brought tea. I really need that." Aabia said as she saw mehak abd with a smile mehak placed the tray on the table and took seat with her.

Aarham joined them and Mehak start serving them tea with evening snacks. Aabia and zarnish noticed Mehak's silence.

"You okay bhabhi?" Asked Zarnish looking at Mehak and with a nod she gave them a smile.

"I'm good. You both have this kebab or else they'll cool down." Said Mehak diverting their mind from her.

"You cried na?" Asked Aabia and Mehak looked away.

"Why would I?" Ignoring the eye contact with them, she took her cup of tea.

"Yes why my Badi Maa will cry?" Hugging her neck from behind with his tiny hands, said Irtaza.

"Yes why would i cry when i have my this loving son." Taking him in her lap said Mehak with a smile on her lips and she placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Change the party? Forget your mom." Said Aabia looking at her 4 years old son Irteza.

"No i love u too but Badi Maa is Badi Maa na. I love her more." Hugging Mehak said Irteza and all smiled.

Aarham was much relieved to see Mehak smiling and busy with Irteza.  He left from there slowly as his own heart was feeling arch but stopped as he was about to cross the lawn when someone held his hand. Turning his head he looked down at the princess standing there.

"Hey beautiful." Kneeling down in front of her, he looked at those big black eyes which were fixed on him.

"Mamu." She called him making him smile.

"Yes my princess. You need something?" Brushing her hair with his hand he asked looking at his niece.

"Chocolate." She demanded as always and Aarham smiled as always looking at his 3 years old neice.

"Here you go." He gave her chocolate and took her in his arms and walked back to the ladies.

"You're spoiling her Aarham." Taking her dauggter from Aarham said Aabia and looked at her brother who was smiling as his eyes wrere on the kids.

"She's my princess so I've full right to spoil her. Right parishey." Said Aarham and looked at Parishey who was busy in eating chocolate.

"Yes." Nodding her head she kept enjoying her chocolate.

"Now you all ladies please come inside as its getting cold over here. And zarnish where are Tabasum and Haris?" Asked Aarham about zarnish and Shams' kids.

"Shams took them inside."
Replied Zarnish while getting up.

"Hmm.. you all come inside." Saying Aarham moved to his Mehak who was still seated.

"Come." Holding her hand he pulled her with him and all went inside.


"So all the arrangements are done?" Asked Aarham lookibg at Shams and Shazam.

"I'm arranging everything. But Shazam is not taking interest." Said Dhans as both of their eyes went on Shazam who was silent on his place while his eues were lowered mind was lost in his own thoughts.

"Shaz you okay?' Aarham called him who looked up at the call.

"I'm..fine bhai." Forming a fake smile on his lips he answered but Aarham knew him and he knew his pain.

"We've just a day. Tomorrow sameer and Aarib bhai are coming. Will you go to pick them?" Asked Aarham and without aby argue Shazam gave a nod and looked down at his plate.

"I'm not hungry. I'll sleep." Pushing the plate Shazam said and got up.

Without looking at anyone he left from there and no one tried to stop him. Zeeniya looked down to hide her tears. Everyone was silent on his place.

"Since we lost Mahnoor We lost our Shazam too." Said Jahan and took the glass of water.

"Dad you have to be strong and have to bring Shazam back to life." It was Aabia saying.

"We all are trying. It has been an year that Mahi left us but he's still standing there." Aarham said snd Mehak tried to control her tears as she also missed her sister who was not there with them.

"What happened to my kids? Their happiness lost." Zeeniya cried and Shams went to her.

"Zee Maa everything will be okay." Hugging his zee Maa said Shams.

"I'm praying." Said Zeeniya and got up.

Dinner was placed as it was. No one eat but all got sad as they remembered Mahi. Mehak silently got up and walked to her room. Aarham followed her. Everyone went to their rooms with heavy heart.

After so many days all were gathered to celebrate Jahan and Zeeniya's wedding anniversary. It was Aarham's idea. He just wanted to bring those lost happiness back to his home. He called everyone to be at their home to celebrate this soecial day together. He wanted to bring that smile on his Mehak's lips, to see his brother smiling and to see his parents happy.

Controlling his own tears, he was just trying to make his people happy. As he stepped inside the room, his eyes fell on her who was his life. Closing the door behind him, he walked toward her who was lost in looking at the moon while silent tears were escaping from her eyes. Hugging her from behind, he placed his chin on her shoulder.

"Missing Mahi?" Aarham asked and Mehak cried more.

"I misses her but Shazam's condition hurts me more. He loves her a lot. How will he moved on in his life. We know she can't come back." Said Mehak with tears.

"And it hurts more to know that she can't be back to us." Aarham said with tears in his eyes.

"The silence of this house kills me Aarham. On one side, Shazam lost himself and on other side, Sameer who is not coming back.  Its been 2 years now that he visited us. Mama cries for him but i don't know what he's escaping from. I'm happy that Aabia and Roshaane are happy in their lives and their happiness brought smiles to Papa and Mama's lips. But still i also want to give them happiness." Said Mehak and took a deep breath.

"I know my love. I know." Hugging her tightly, said Aarham.

"Aarham." Calling him, she turned to him who was holding her in his arms with love.

"Yes my life." He replied with a smile and wiped her tears.

"I also want to give you happiness.  The happiness of being a father. But see i...I can't.  I'm not understanding how to bring...that...that happiness in your life." With the words, she broke down into tears and he pulled her closer to him.

Hugging her close to his heart, he controlled his own tears as it was also his longing to become a fathet but there was nothing in their hands. It will be done when Allah pak wanted it to be.

"I want our baby Aarham. Our own child." She cried more while hugging him.

"We will be blessed. We will. Just don't lose hope. Allah (SWT) is looking at us and listening our prayers. We'll be blessed soon." Caressing her hair, he said and closed his eyes.


The hall was beautifully decorated with flowers. All the family members were gathered there waiting for the beautiful couple of the evening. Jahan and Zeeniya.

"Look at my twins." Said Aarham looking at Shazam and Sameer who were standing together and today both of them were smiling.

"Finally they smiled." Said Aabia looking at her brothers.

"Where is Roshi?" Asked Aarham about Roshaane.

"She forgot to bring gift for mom and Dad. So she went to shop with Aarib bhai. This girl and her last time shopping." Said Aabia with a smile.

"True. Is Dadi Sahib okay?" Asked Aarham to Mehak as she came to him.

"I gave her medicines and she slept." Retorted Mehak and nodding Aarham looked at his parents who were coming to them hands in hand. Both had smiles on their lips as they saw their children there smiling.

"Happy anniversary dear parents." All said in union with claps and they smiled more.

"Thank you my children." Said Zeeniya and moved ahead to sameer who was standing little far from her.

"When I'll get my son back?" She asked standing there in front of him and his eyes filled up with tears.

"I'm always here with you. Just pray that...she come back to me." He said and she hugged her son.

"She'll come son." Said Zeeniya caressing his arms.

"I hurt her and you too." He said and looked at his father who was coming to them.

"We just want our sameer back." Said Jahan and with a nod sameer hugged his father.

"I'll come soon to you." He said which made both of his parents smile.

"Now stop crying you two. Come and cut the cake." Said Aarham going to them.

Jahan and Zeeniya went to cut the cake while all gathered around them with claps and smiles. Everyone was trying to bring that happiness back to this mansion which once had laughter  and smile around. 

"Happy anniversary dear parents. Sorry I'm late." And Roshaane reached as they cut the cake and hugged her parents.

"That's okay." Hugging her back, said zeeniya and moved back to see her.

"Where is Mantasha?" Asked Jahan and at the same time Aarib entered the hall with his little daughter in his arms.

"There she's." Replied Roshaane.

3 years old Muntasha went down from her father's arms and ran to zeeniya.

"Dado." She called and zeeniya hugged her as she bend down.

"My daughter." Kissing her cheek said Zeeniya and all smiled looking at them.

"Everyone come to the dinning side. Dinner is going to serve." Said Mehak and with a smile she walked toward kitchen.

Aarham followed her who was so silent and so were her eyes. Those  eyes whose shine was his life and now their sadness was making him sad. He wanted to see her happy and smiling.

"You okay?" He asked as he reached in the kitchen and hugged her from behind.

"Arry!" Startled with his sudden hug she said but he didn't leave her.

"Just stay." He felt her moving to get free.

"Aarham I'm...I'm okay." She managed to say but he knew her more than anything.

"I don't want anything. Nothing is more important for me than you. I just want you. Stay happy Mehak. For me. I miss my smiling Mehak." He said still hugging her from behind and she leaned back on his shoulder while wrapping her arms around his .

"I love you for that.  For loving me this much." She said and he placed a kiss on her temple.

"Love you more. Now don't think about anything." He said abd she nodded.

Aabia who was coming to help mehak was stopped on the entrance and was looking at her bhai and bhabhi who were lost in their own world. She could feel their pain and grief but there was nothing she could do. The longing of having children was increasing in both of their hearts as the time was passing but both were not complaining not losing hope.

"Hey love birds." Wiping her tears she stepped in the kitchen and on her voice both Aarham and Mehak turned.

"Save some romance for your room too." She said to cheer them up which made them smile.

"You naughty girl. Shahmir arrived?" Asked Aarham and giving a nod Aabia looked at Mehak who started to arrange things.

Maids came and they took the dinner to setve it on the dinning table.

"Mir is here. Bhai you go. Me and bhabhi are coming." Said Aabia and nodding Aarham walked out while Aabia moved to Mehak.

"You okay?" Asked Aabia and Mehak gave a nod with a smile.

"Come. Everyone would be waiting."Said Mehak and took a step to go out but her head arched that she stopped holding her head.

"What happened bhabhi?" Holding her Aabia asked.

"Nothing just my head!!." She said as she felt everything roaming in circle in front of her eyes.

"Nothing. Come." Avoiding her strange feeling she said and held Aabia's hand and walked out.

"What happened to you?" Asked Aarham looking at Mehak who's face was looking so pale.

"Nothing Aarham." She said and tried to smile but her condition was not letting her.

The dizziness was overwhelming her senses. Holding the chair she took the seat and all eyes moved to her who was looking so pale. She wss not understanding what happened to her all of sudden.

"I think I'm having fever." Holding her head in her hand said Mehak.

"Beta then take rest. Aarham call the doctor to check her. Its not good to have fever when the weather is changing. " Zeeniya said and Aarham nodded.

"Bhabhi have some thing to eat." Aabia said and placed kebab in front of her.

"I feel like vomitting." Said Mehak still holding her head.

"Mehak get up. Shaz call the doctor." Asrham said and held Mehak and took her to their room.

"What happened to you? Why you think so much that made you sick? I told you I don't want anything. No kids but you." He scolded her as he made her lay on bed.

"Don't say like that.  I know how much you love kids." Mehak said as once again her eyes filled up with tears.

"Not a single tear you will shed now. I love you more than anything." He said wiping her tears.

"I can live my whole life without having kids but not without you." He said and she cried silently and closed her eyes as her headache  was making her faint.

"Jusy don't cry or else you'll fall more sick." Wiping her tears he started to run fingers in her hair.

"Bhai doctor is here." Said Aabia snd nodding Aarham left from the room.

Doctor Nazia entered the room and looked at Mehak who wss laying on bed and was half in sleep. The dictor start checking her.


Aarham and Aabia were waiting outside the room as the doctor was checking Mehak.  Aarham's heart was beating in fear. After a while the doctor came out and Aarham with Aabia took steps toward her.

"What happened to Mehak? Is there any problem? You yhink we should admit her?" Said Aarham impatiently and the doctor smiled.

"No need Mr Asrham. She's fine. Just a little stree and weakness." Said doctor and Aarham sighed in relieve.

"Notiing else doctor?" Asked Aabia looking at doctor with hope.

"Yes. She's 5 weeks pregnant." Aarham's eyes widened on the words doctor saod.

"I knew it." Squealed with happiness Aabia said and hugged the doctor.

Aarham was standing shocked on the words he heard. He wss stilled on his place as this all was looking like a dream to him.

"Bhai congrats." Hugging Aarham happily said Aabia but Aarham was standing shocked.

"Bhai you're going to be a father. I'm going to tell everyone and listen." Holding him from hus shoulders she said.

Aarham looked at her who was smiling with tears in her eyes. Aarham was lookibg at her still with disbelieve.

"Its not a dream. You heard the doctor right. Bhabhi is pregnant." Aabia said and hugged him again.

"You go now to see bhabhi and I'm going to spread this good news to this mansion who was dying to hear this news." She said and ran from there.

While Aarham took a step ahead with tears in his eyes. He pushed the door and his eyes fall on her who was sleeping peacefully unaware of this big happy news. Sitting just in front of her he held her hand and kissed it as many tears left his eyes.

"Ya Rab Shukar. (Thank you God)." He said closing his eyes while placing her hand on his heart.

"Mehak."  Whispering her name he leaned on her forehead to place a soft of love.

"Hmm." Movingher head a little she opened her eyes and looked at him who was seated in front of her with a smile on his lips.

"I'm feeling so tired." She said closing her eyes.

"I know why are you feeling tired." He said and leaned on her face to place another kiss.

"Why?" She asked still with closed eyes as she was still feeling not well.

"Because you are going to be a mother." Whispering in her ear he gave her shock and her eyes snapped opened.

"What?" Firgettibg her pain she said and turnef her face toward him who was smilibg eith tears in his eyes.

"We're going to be parents soon Inshah Allah." He said, cupping her face and leaned on her to look deepky in her eyes.

"Is it true?" She asked still with the same shock.

"Its a blessing of Allah upon us. I'm so thankful of Allah(SWT)." Kissing her forehead wiyh love he said and moved back to see her who was crying with hiccups.

"Hey don't cry now. What will our baby think that papa is making his mother cry!" Said Aargam and Mehak laughed in crying.

"He's right bhabhi." Both turned on the voice and looked at Aabia who was standing with all family members.

"Don't cry now but feel happy. Finally Allah (SWT) blessed us." Saying zeeniya walked ahead toward Mehak and kissed her forehead.

Mehak tried to get up but pushing her slowly back zeeniya made her lay again.

"Keep laying. You have to take rest now completely. "Zeeniya said taking seat nect yo her while Aarham walked out with a hapoy smile.

Asbia zarnish gathered around her while Roshaane brought soup for
her. All were happy for her abd praying for their happiness to last forever.


Her eyes were on the sjy fixed on tge shinning moon whike her lios were smiling with a luttle shine of tears in her eyes.

"Not a single tear now." Hugging her from behind with love Aarham said.

"I'm so happy." She said with a happy smile and leaned back on him.

"Me too." Looking at the moon he said and kissed her cheek.

"I love you Aarham for loving me. For coming in my life." Turning to him she said and hugged him.

"I'm so much thankful to Aabia for finding. For me. And to mom and dad for arranging our marriage." Aarham said and she moved back a little to see him.

"Our arrange marriage. That brought us together and I'm so much thankful to Allah (SWT)." She said and kissed his cheek.

"I love you and i love my baby girl." Kissing her cheek he said and placed his hand on her belly.

"Baby girl you sure?"  She asked with a smile.

"Yes. Our Mannat." He said and she hugged him with a smile.

"Our Mannat." She said with a smile whike moon smile more looking at their happiness.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you all?

Finally the epilogue.  The story is completed. Thank God. I hope you all like the very last chapter of the book.

Readers tell me any site or app where i can sell my stories like many authors do. I really want to see my stories publish.  So just tell me any site you know.

Coming to the epilogue tell me your views. I hope you all liked it.

Leave your comments and do vote.

Allah Hafiz.

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Keep smiling...

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