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Third person's POV.
"Aarham beta slow down. What's so hurry?" Zeeniya said as she was looking at Aarham who was busy in having his breakfast.

"Bhai you got ready so early today?" Sameer asked but no answer from Aarham.

They looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders.
Every eye was fixed on Aarham Jahan Ahmad who was eating so fast as his train is going to miss. Sameer and Shazam look down to hide their smiled while Aabia and shams are also doing the same.

"Aarham son. Relax what happened?" Jahan asked looking at Aarham who drank juice in just one take without taking breath.

"Bhai are you eager to go somewhere?" Roshaane asked and the juice choked in his throat making him cough.

Aarham looked up at his whole family who were looking st him. He could see a smile on their face they were trying to hide.

"What? Can't I have my breakfast in hurry? Is there any problem in it?" Aarham asked and again took his bread to eat.

"No there is not problem. Why do we have a problem when you are so impatient to go to meet bhabhi." Shams said and all burst into laughter.

"Its not like that. I...I have some work." Aarham said and all nodded.

"So bhai you didn't got up early to take bhabhi?" Sameer asked.

Aarham looked up up and he could see their naughtiness. He looked down again on his plate and shook his head in negative.

"No I...I..have a meeting. I have reach office." He answered and Shams winked at all.

"So you are not going to pick bhabhi?" Shams asked and Aarham shook his head as no.

"Great then we all will go to pick bhabhi." Shams said and sameer stood up.

"Yes I'll go with you bhai. Our bhabhi must be waiting for all us." Sameer said and Aarham was looking at all of them shocked.

"Bhai you sure you are not coming to pick bhabhi?" Aabia asked while hiding her smile.

"Oh stop teasing him all of you. No one is going but Aarham." Zeeniya said and Aarham felt relax and smiled in his heart.

"Zee Maa not fair. You don't know how much important work Aarham has in his office today. Let him go to office and we all will go take our dear bhabhi." Shams said making Aarham shocked.

"I'll also come." Roshaane said.

"Yes guriya you will also join us." Shams said.
"Okay then Hurry up and start getting ready to visit our Bhabhi." Shams said and all start having their breakfast.

Aarham was shocked looking at all of them. Zeeniya and Jahan were hidding their smiles and so were Aarham's grandparents. They all knew that his siblings were teasing him. So  they let them enjoy Aarham's shocked face.

Aarham was shocked looking at their preparations. Shazam and sameer went to get ready and so did the girls. Shams looked at him and tried to hide his smile.

"Aarham you as getting late. Go to your office. Don't worry about Bhabhi we'll bring her home." He said looking at Aarham.

"Huh! Ha yes right. I should go to office now." Aarham said but in heart he really wanted to break Shams teeth which were teasing him more.

"I'm ready. Let's go." Shazam said as he came.

Aarham's POV.
"I'm ready. Let's go." Shazam said as he came in front of me.

Soon all came fully ready and everyone was having a huge grin on their face making me angry. My heart was yelling in frustration. I really wanted to break the teeth's of my siblings which they were showing me.

I mean Mehak, my wife. I was so impatient to see her..all night I impatiently spent without her and now when I was so excited to meet her to see her my stupid siblings got ready to go to take her.

What I'm going to do now???

"Bro go. You are already late." Shams said and I really wanted to kill him that time.

"Yeah right." I said and walked again to my room.

Closing the door behind me I rested my forehead on the wall. I was stuck. What to do now!??

I thought and roamed in my room here and there finding a way out. All night how I spend without her I know and now when I was so excited to go to her,my all family become the villians between us. I took my laptop and mobile with wallet and went out of my room because I knew now I won't be able to go to her. To see her because this crowd was going to pick her.

"Mom I'm going." I said as I reached in hall.

" go and we'll also going after some time to take our bhabhi." Shams said and I faked a smile and turned to Dadu.

"Allah Hafiz son." I said and with sad heart I walked out of the house.

"Mehak." I whispered her name before getting in the car.

Third person's POV.
As Aarham existed all burst into a laughter and zeeniya narrowed her eyes at all of them. They looked at zeeniya and sat straight.

"Why you all do this?" Zeeniya asked and they again laughed.

"You know how much he was missing her. Last night he didn't sleep well. And today he got  early only to meet his Mehak but you all spoiled everything." Zeeniya said.

"Oh come on zee Maa. It's not like that. We were only teasing him." Shams said.

"Yeah right I'll see you when you'll get married." Zeeniya said and Shams smiled.

"But what I'm thinking mom?" Aabia said as a naughty smile touched her lips

"The real fun is looking sti shock face of bhabhi when she'll see us all in her house instead of her dear husband." Aabia said and all laughed while zeeniya and Jahan smiled.

"Let's go then to surprise our bhabhi." Sameer said and all got up.

Mehak's POV.

I was so excited. I knew he will come. I was waiting for him. All the night I didn't sleep. In just two days I was so useful to sleep in his room in his arms that now here sleep didn't consumed me. I smiled on my own condition and start ironing the dress which Ami gave me.

"Api why are you so in hurry? Its still 7 of the morning." Mahnoor said as she jumped out of the bed.

"So what?? Its morning now. I should start getting ready." I said as I completed my ironing.

"Ready for what?" She asked and I hanged my dress on the hanger.

"Ready to go home. Aarham would be coming." I said as I took oil and start massaging my hair.

And I heard her laughing. I turned to her to see her. Mahnoor was laughing so much. I narrowed my eyes at her and she controlled her laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Its early morning. And you start waiting for your Aarham. He must be sleeping now." She said.

"Aapi you slept well na last night?!" She asked and I took a hair brush to throw at her.

She giggled and ran out. I smiled and keep massaging my scalp. After some massage i went to take a bath. I changed into a lemon colour frock which Ami gifted me and came out with my hair wrapped in towel.

"See I have told you na. Api is so impatient to go to her Aarham." I turned on the voice of Mahnoor who was telling all this to Ami.

I narrowed my eyes at her while I saw Ami hiding her smile. I felt embarrassed.

"Ami she's lying. I just.." I stopped.

"Am I lying?. So why you start getting ready so early? Who was saying that Aarham would be coming." Mahnoor said and I turned to other side to hide my face.

"Okay stop now you two. I'm going to make breakfast." Ami said and I nodded.

Ami left and I start waiting. How impatient I was to see him. Just a night without him and I was feeling so restless. My eyes were finding him around. My heart was calling him. I wanted to see him but today I think time stopped passing. I did my breakfast with my family and again my wait started. As the clock turned to 9 I rushed to my room and packed my dress. Going in front of mirror I combed my hair and applied Kohl in my eyes and lipstick to my lips. I wore my gold bracelet and earrings. The gift he gave I wore it in my neck and start roaming here and there waiting for him. My heart was beating as hell. I just wanted him to come soon.

"So impatient to see him??" Mahnoor whispered in my ear and I pushed her back.

She laughed but I was looking at the door to be knocked. My wait was increasing and so was my impatience.

"Aarham where are you?" I said as I saw clock turning to 10 of morning.

My eyes lightened up when I heard the doorbell. I rushed to the door after placing my dupatta on my head. As I opened the door my smile faded.

"Surprise.!" All siblings of Aarham yelled with a smile.

"Bhabhi." Aabia yelled and came to hug me.

I smiled and hugged her back. All entered in and I gave them space to move in.

"I missed you so much."  She said and I smiled on her love.

"Missed you too. How are you Roshi?"I asked roshaane and she hugged me.

" I'm fine bhabhi. How are you?" She asked as she hugged me.

"I'm fine. Come." I said and we all moved in.

But I didn't forgot to look back to find him. He was nowhere. I felt sad. He didn't came. I sat with all in hall.

"Looking for bhai?" Aabia whispered in my ear.

"How's mama and papa?" I asked to divert her mind from me and Aarham.

But still from inside I was missing him. Missing him a lot.

"They are okay and waiting for you." Aabia said and I nodded.

"I'll just come." I said and walked to my room.

I closed the door and took my mobile. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello." On second bell he received the call.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I said

"Wasalam." He replied.

"How are you?" He asked and I felt angry.

He care that how I'm??

If he does he should be here. But?

"Why didn't you came?" I asked.

"So the crowd arrived?" He asked and I looked down.

"Why didn't you?" I asked again.

"I was coming but this crowd planned to jumped in us." He said and my eyes lowered down on his words.

"Don't worry. I'll see at home." He said and I cut the call with a smile.

"Bhabhi shall we now?" Aabia asked as she entered my room and I nodded.

Soon we all depart to my new home. I was so excited to see him to meet him. To hear his voice.

"Assalam-o-alikum mama." I said as I hugged her.

"Wasalam. Bless you." She said and I went to meet papa and Dadu and Dadi Sahib.

All gathered in the hall while Aabia went to her office as it was getting late. I looked around to find him but he was nowhere.

"Looking for bhai?" Zarnish whispered in my ear and I looked down.

"He's in his office." She told me and I nodded.

But really I felt bad. He didn't wait for me and went to his office. How mean he I was getting so impatient to see him and he didn't think about me and went to his office. 

"Beta you okay?" Mama asked and I nodded.

"Okay. Come I have something for you." Mama said and I followed her to room.

"See these sarees." Mama said as she placed in front of few beautiful sarees.

"They are beautifull." I said looking at red,yellow and mustard colour sarees.

"These are for you." Mama said and I was shocked.

"No I mean I can't take these. I don't know how to wear them." I said while getting up.

"But you wore it on you Vallima function." Mama said and I nodded.

"That beautician fixed that saree with pins and she helped me in wearing it. So that's way I wore it otherwise I'm not good in wearing these sarees." I said but mama held me from my shoulders.

"If you don't know how to wear them then my son will help you. What say!" Mama said w I blushed on her words.

"Mama please." I shyly said and she laughed.

"Okay I'll teach you. Okay?" Mama asked and I nodded.

"And one more thing." Mama said and I nodded.

"I want to tell you and need your help." Mama said and I kept listening her.

"Aabia. Its about her." Mama said and I nodded.

"Yesterday your Jahan papa and I fixed Aabia's engagement date with Shams." Mama informed me and I smiled with happiness.

"With Shams Bhai. That's great." I said and she smiled too while taking a seat with me.

"But still we didn't talk to Aarham and nor to Aabia." Mama said and I kept quite.

"I want you to talk to both of them. As Aarham's wife I want you to tell him and being Aabia's bhabhi I want you to find what she wants." Mama said and I looked up at her.

"Me? I mean how can I?" I asked because I was not understanding what to do.

"Yes you. You are the elder daughter in-law of this house. And being good friend of Aabia I want you to find her opinion about this engagement." Mama said and I nodded.

"But I want you to tell about this engagement to Aarham by yourself." I said and mama waited for me to continue

"Because he must have some expectations from you. And he being an elder son expect you to share everything with him by yourself." I said and mama kissed my forehead.

"I know. But I want you now to become his sharing partner in everything." She said and i smiled.

"Don't think too much. Just do it what I said." Mama said and I nodded.

"Come." Mama said and we both went out.

All the day I waited for him to come. He didn't call nor he came. My eyes were again and again going to the door expecting him to come but he didn't. I was missing him badly and was so impatient to see him. All day passed but he didn't came.

"Bhai didn't came?" Aabia asked looking at me and I shook my head looking down.

"He will. He must be busy in some work." She said and I nodded.


Important work than me!

I was not understanding what to do. All the day I waited but he didn't show up. I kept myself busy with all but my heart was just taking his name. Meree two days and I was missing him this much that I felt if I didn't see him I'll lose myself. I walked to my room and sat on bed still waiting for him

"Aarham." I called him and closed my eyes.

Third person's POV.

"Aabia go and call Mehak for dinner." Zeeniya said and Aabia nodded.

Aabia went to call Mehak who was lost in his thoughts with close eyes.

"Bhabhi." Aabia called as she entered her room.

"Dinner is ready. Everyone is waiting." Aabia said and she nodded

Both walked out and reached at the dinning table. With a smile Mehak joined everyone. She took a half plate of biryani only to show that she's eating. But really her appetite was gone..she wasn't hungry. Her eyes and heart were only in find of him who was peace of her heart and soul.

Zeeniya was observing Mehak. Aarham was still missing. Zeeniya looked at Jahan and pointed toward sad face of Mehak.

"What will happen of this boy?" Zeeniya whispered in Jahan's ear.

"Bhabhi you okay?" Zarnish asked and she nodded.

All finished their dinner and all saw that Mehak didn't had her dinner but she just played with it. The clock turned to 9 of the night but Mr workaholic didn't appeared. All sat in launch to watch TV and Mehak sat with Aabia.

"Can we talk?" Mehak asked and she nodded.

Both went out but zeeniya turned to Shams,sameer and Shazam.

"I have told you not to go to pick Mehak. Now see where is Aarham? You teased him.and now he's teasing her. Haven't you see her face. She's looking so sad and this moron boy.!" Zeeniya stopped and turned to Jahan.

"Call him." Zeeniya said but Jahan smiled.

"His mobile is off." Jahan replied.

"God what to do with this boy."zeeniya said while holding her head.

"Sorry zee Maa we were just pulling his leg but he really is a stubborn boy." Shams said and felt embarrassed.

Mehak and Aabia came in after a while. Soon all left to their rooms. But Mehak stood there in hall waiting for her husband.

"Beta you should sleep now."  Zeeniya said coming closer to her.

"I'll wait for him." Mehak replied and she nodded.

Mehak's POV.

"I'll wait for him." I said and mama nodded while I turned to other side to hide the tears forming in my eyes.

"Mehak beta he'll home soon." Mama said and I tried to smile and at the same time a tear slipped on my cheek which I wiped immediately.

"Mama I'm okay. You go and take rest." I said and she went to her room.

I sat in hall waiting for him. All day passed,night fall and now it was going to mid night but he didn't came. I missed him so much but I think he didn't missed me. He was not that desperate like I was to see him. And then I heard the car horn.

Aarham's POV.
I reached in my office instead of going to Mehak's home to take her. I know all my siblings would there and they won't let us to be alone with each other.  So I decided to not to go there. I knew she must be waiting for me. She must be waiting. But I can't go.

I was restless all the day and when I received her call the first thing she asked that why didn't I came to take her. I smiled because I knew as I was missing her she was missing me too.  All the day I spent in meetings,working on new projects and looking at the blue prints. But not for a second  I forgot her. My heart was beating to see her,compelling me to go to home where she would be waiting for me.

I was waiting for night to fall when all will go to their room and I'll be alone with her where I wouldn't be disturb by anyone. I turned to see the clock and it was 12 of night. I nodded on my thought and drove toward home. I knew everyone would be sleep. Buy what if she also fell asleep??

I thought and increased the speed. As I stopped the car in porch I composed myself and tried to hide my impatience to see her. Taking my laptop bag I walked in with a serious expression. As I entered hall was filled with darkness. Only a small bulb was on. I walked in and put my hand on the switch to on the lights. As lights turned on my eyes fall on her who was standing few steps far from me. I forgot to blink. My heart beat faster as my eyes saw her. It skipped its thousands beats. I was not able to move. My eyes,my heart my soul was lost in looking at her. She was looking so beautiful in her lemon colour frock. Her dupatta was hanging on her both shoulders while her hair were half clutched in a clip making half of her hair hanged on her left shoulder.

"Aarham." I came to my senses on mom's voice.

I looked behind Mehak where mom came all of sudden or maybe she was standing there but I didn't noticed her. I averted my eyes from Mehak and her eyes also lowered down. I walked to them still looking down.

"Where were you? I think you have forgot that you got married now." Mom scolded me and I just looking down.

Mehak was standing next to me and her fragrance was overwhelming me. My senses were blocking. My heart it was about to come out. My eyes were begging to look up at her but I was stopping myself to look at her in front of mom.

"Mehak you go and take his clothes out." Mom said and she turned and walked out while I closed my eyes to feel her fragrance in the air.

"I have asked you something. Where were all day?" Mom asked and I sat down sofa.

"Mom I was busy. I had work there to do." I said and she sat next to me.

"And this your wife who was waiting for you so impatiently since morning.  What's her fault to be a wife of a workaholic?" Mom said and I smiled on her concern and that Mehak was also waiting for me like I was waiting to see her.

I turned to mom and hugged her to calm her anger.

"Sorry but really I was busy. And don't worry about my wife. I'll take care of it." I said and she nodded.

"Go now she must be waiting." Mom said and I nodded.

Taking my laptop, I walked toward my room with again the fast beating heart. I opened the door of my room and stepped in. I saw her lost in wardrobe. Her face was hidden in the wardrobe so I couldn't see her expressions. I put my laptop on sofa and took off my coat. Removing the tie I throw it on the couch while I folded my sleeves on my forearms but my gaze still on her who was not moving but freeze on her place.

"Mehak." I called her taking few step closer.

But she didn't turned. I walked more closer. But she didn't moved. How much I was waiting to see her and she was no coming out of that stupid wardrobe.

"Mehak." Third time I called her and she moved back while closing the wardrobe.

She turned to me with lower eyes. I could see her red nose telling me that she was crying. Her lashes were wet and her cheeks were red.

"Your clothes." She said as her hand came in front of me.

But I was lost in watching her. Just two days, merely two days with her and I was so attached to her. Last night, I was hating my room. Its silence was killing me and now just with her presence, I felt not only my room but also my life lighten up.

"Aarham." She called me and I looked down at her hand in which she was holding my dress.

I held her hand instead of taking my clothes and she looked up making my heart more crazy for her. I pulled her toward me and wrapped my arms around her like my life depends on her. As I hugged her, her arms instantly wrapped around my back hugging me back tightly as I did. I felt like she was also waiting for this. To share a hug. My eyes closed down with peace, with happiness. I felt her beat next to mine beating as fast as was mine.

"I missed you." I whispered and hugged her tightly.

I felt her tears on my chest and I smiled on her craziness. I knew she was waiting for me but she missed me this much I never knew. Her hand fisted my shirt and I smiled. We kept hugging each other without any words. Time passed but non of us moved. I kissed her head and tried to move back but Mehak was not moving. She was still hugging me tightly.

"Mehak." I called her as my hand start caressing her long hair.

But she didn't move and I felt again her tears wetting my shirt and I felt her sobbing.

"Missed me?" I asked as I once again wrapped my arms around her.

She shook her head as no and I laughed with wet eyes.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded.

"Then why are you crying?" I asked.

"You...are very bad." She replied and I smiled on her words.

"I know that's why you're hugging me right!" I said and she immediately broke the hug.

I saw her eyes shivering with a deep blush on her cheeks. Her fingers tangled with each other and I took steps forward to her. She start taking back steps and I was going crazy on her shy look. She bite her lower lip as she was feeling my heated gaze on her. She stopped when her back touched the wardrobe and I went more closer. Placing my hands on both sides of her, I caged her and leaned on her face.

"Am I bad?" I whispered as I touched her forehead with tip of nose..

"Tell me." I asked.

"Aa..rha..m" she stuttered.

"Mehak." I called her and lifted her chin to made her look at me.

Our eyes met and I felt myself drowning in her deep beautiful eyes.

"You know how much I missed you. Merely two days with you and you become my habit. Without you my room was looking so empty and so was my life." I said and her eyes lowered down again.

"I missed you. I missed you so much." I said as I cupped her face.

My lips touched her forehead kissing her passionately. My lips didn't stop there. I didn't want to stop. My lips moved to her eyes kissing them. I moved to her right cheek kissed her passionately one, twice and just keep kissing her both cheeks again and again. I was feeling her breath ragged and so was mine but I was not able to control myself.  Pulling her in my arms  I kept kissing her face, her jaw, her chin and again her cheeks.

"Aar...ham." I heard her shy and bewilderment voice.

"I missed you Mehak." I said as I again kissed her forehead and temples and eyes.

I rested my forehead on her and took deep breaths to calm myself. My heart was beating in my all body. I kept taking deep breaths. I opened my eyes and looked at her who's eyes were closed and she was blushing as hell.  I cupped her face again and she opened her eyes.

"See what you are doing to me." I said as I kissed her forehead again.

She blushed more on my words and I moved back and took deep breaths to stop myself from doing something more.

As I turned, she rushed out of the room and I smiled on her shyness. I took my dress and walked in washroom to take a shower to calm myself.

Mehak's POV.
I stopped in kitchen and took deep breaths. My body was set on fire. His heated touch was still burning me. I was feeling so shy. So much shy that now I was thinking how to face him. His heated kisses made me so much crazy. My heart was about to come out of my ribcage. I was shivering. His craziness really made me shy. I didn't know that he would start kissing me with so much passion. I was not able to stop him. With shaking hands, I took his dinner out and start serving it on table.

I touched my cheeks which received countless kisses from him were still burning. My heart was skipping its beats again and again as I was remembering all those moments and his  kisses. I looked up at the stairs and saw him coming. My eyes lowered down and he came near me. We both sat down on our chairs but I didn't dare to look up at him. I served him his dinner while his gaze was on me making me nervous more. Silently he ate his meal and I took the utensils to place them in kitchen. As I came out I saw him going to the stairs.

I waited there thinking what to do. Going into the room where we were again alone and again his craziness.. My lips stretched into a shy smile. With beating heart, I took steps toward room. Hesitantly, I opened the door. I saw him laying on bed with close eyes. My all excitement faded. He slept without waiting for me. I went to change in my sleeping suit as I had offered my prayer earlier. As I came back after changing I lay down on my side and turn the lights off after turning the night bulb on. I turned to see him who's eyes were closed. With a sigh, I turned my back to him and moved to right side and closed my eyes. 

Why he slept without saying anything??

Did I do something wrong??

"No you didn't!." A voice near my ear and then I felt a hand around my stomach.

Before I could knew, he pulled me to him turning me to face him. I collided with him and he wrapped his arms around me tightly while my eyes widened.

"You didn't do anything wrong." He whispered looking in my eyes.

But I was cursing myself as I spoke my thoughts loud and I didn't know.

How I idiot I'm!!

I looked up at him who was playing with my hair locks. I tried to move back but he held me more tightly.

"You know last night I didn't sleep because you were not here." He said and my eyes lowered down.

"And tonight I won't let you sleep far because I want a peaceful sleep." He said and I kept silent but my heart it was beating so fast on his closeness.

"You okay with that?" He asked and now I was stuck.

What should answer!!!?

I thought and nervousness took over me as I knew he was waiting for my answer.

"Tell me." He asked.

"Aarham I...I.." I stopped.

What should I tell him that I also didn't slept last night because of him.

"Okay if you don't want me to be close to you." He said as his grip loosen around me and he  removed his arms from me.

I looked up shocked and he smiled looking at me. He moved back creating distance between us.

"Good night." He said and moved to his side and wrapped his arms on his chest and closed his eyes after laying on his back.

I sat up. I looked at him. I was not understanding what to do. I wanted to be with him. Close to him. In his arms but when he himself moved back then how can I took a step closer. I was so confused, shy and nervous. I lay back on my place but my eyes on him. I closed my eyes to sleep but sleep was far from me. I changed my sides again and again  but sleep didn't consumed me. I turned to see him who was sleeping peacefully. I again closed my eyes and tried to sleep but again I failed. I don't know how much time passed and I was only turning and changing my sides again and again. Fading up, I got up and looked at him who was asleep and maybe in his deep slumber.

"That's it." I said to myself and moved closer to him.

Taking his arm from his chest  I place it on my pillow. Taking the other arm I removed it from his chest. I pulled the duvet and rested my head on his chest while wrapping my arm around him. A smile touched my lips as I felt a peace running in my body.

"Aarham." I called with happiness.

His arms suddenly wrapped around me giving me shock. My eyes snapped opened and he turned to right side with me in his arms.

"You took so much time." He whispered as I felt his warm breath on my ear.

He was awake. All the time he was awake and i.. Oh god what I did.

"Good night Mehak." He whispered again as he kissed my ear making me shiver.

I closed my eyes with a shy smile and slept in his strong protective and loving arms.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you???

A very long chapter isn't?? 5490 words.

Buy I hope you all liked it.

Hope you didn't find any mistake on the chapter. Do tell me.

Impatient Aarham isn't he??

And so romantic!!

Mehak is also so impatient. Both are falling for each other and that's the thing marriage called. Just accepting each other and Allah filled hearts with love, care and respect.

Hope you are enjoying the romance.

About the next update I'm not sure when I'll give you but still I'll try to update soon.

Do do do comment on every scene you like. I'll be waiting.

Love you all for supporting my stories which are filled with errors but still you love them and I love you all for that.

Do vote.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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