It hurts.

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Third person's POV.
The news of Mr Ahmad's death broke them all. Every face was sad,every heart was crying and so were their eyes. They were still in hospital and was shocked on the news. They were standing outside the room where their Dadi Sahib was admitted. As she heard the news of Mr Ahmad's death,she lost her conscious. Every heart was praying for Mrs Najma Ahmad. Madiha with Zeeniya and Saba entered the room with tears in their eyes.

"Khala Ami." It was Zeeniya who called her.

But she didn't open her eyes. She didn't want to. It was like she was escaping from the reality. But closing your eyes didn't mean that the reality could change. The lost was done. And they all wanted her to face it.

"Mom." Saba called as she held her hand and this time,Mrs Ahmad opened her eyes.

"My Ahmad." Cried Mrs Ahmad and Zeeniya made her sit and hugged her and all ladies cried their hearts.

"My Ahmad left me alone." She cried with the words.

"Shhh...khala Ami have patience." Zeeniya said but she knew this was not easy.

Her own heart was crying badly. Saba and Madiha held Mrs Ahmad and took her out of the cabin and Zeeniya followed them. As they stepped out,all the grandchildren were standing there to see their Dadi Sahib.

"Aarib." Crying,Mrs Najma Ahmad hugged Aarib who took her with him while Zeeniya's eyes went to them who were quite on their places and were seated like they lost the world.

She walked to the men who were her life. Jahan with his three sons was seated on a bench. Sameer and Shazam were crying silently and so was Jahan but Aarham was quite,stiffened on his place.

"Jahan." Placing her hand on his shoulder, she called him and he looked up.

He stood up and was trying hard to control his tears.

"You have to be strong. For all of them." Zeeniya said and hugged her beloved her husband who was in pain.

"How can Dad..!" Words stopped in his throat and he cried while hugging his loving wife who was consoling him.

"Zeeya Maa." Called Aarib and they looked at him.

"You all go home. Me and Shams are coming with Dadu." Said Aarib as he himself was trying hard to control his tears.

They nodded and with many tears Jahan family left from hospital. But Aarham didn't move. He was stilled,stiffened on his place. Mehak's eyes went to him who was not blinking,not moving,not crying.

"Shams bhai." Mehak called Shams who was doing paper work.

"Yes bhabhi." Said Shams as he wiped his tears.

"Aarham.. Just go to him please." She said and tried to control her hiccups as she was also feeling hurt on the lost her Dadu too.

Nodding ,Shams went to him who was seated like a statute. Kneeling down,Shams placed his hand on Aarham's and Aarham looked at him.

"Cry bhai. Our Dadu is no more. He left leaving us all alone." Shams said and cried while Aarham keep looking at him with blank face.

Shams wanted him to say something. To cry out the pain but he was quite. His eyes were as dry as desert. No tears were there.

"Where is Dadu?" Finally his lips moved and he asked.

"He's about to take to the ambulance. We are taking him home for his funeral." Said Shams as he wiped his tears.

Nodding,he stood up and without looking at anyone, he went out of the hospital and went in the ambulance where the dead body of Mr Ahmad was placed. Holding the hand of his Dadu,he keep looking at his face while Mehak and Shams came out and sat in the car which Aarib drove to home.


Mehak's POV.

After the funeral,everyone was seated in hall with full of grief. I could see every eye moist and they were crying silently. Sameer and Shazam seated on ground while their mind were on something, something where they could see the memories of their Dadu. Papa and Mama were seated silently while Dadi Sahib was in her room and was sleeping because of injections doctor gave to her. Roshaane was seated scared. Aabia was silent on her place and I could see her red eyes telling me that how much she cried. The mansion and the whole family was looking empty and lonely without Dadu.

I could see and feel their tiredness. All the day, all men of the house were crying but also taking the condolences of all the relatives, friends and business associates. My own eyes filled up with water again as I missed him too who was like my Dadu too. Zarnish was trying to give water to her father Hammad uncle who was crying since morning and didn't had anything to drink which was not good for his health.

"Zara." I called Zara and she walked to me.

"Come." I took her with me in kitchen.

"Here take this and serve to everyone. Everyone is so tired." I said while giving her the tray in which tea cups were served.

"Mahi." I called Mahnoor, my sister who was seated with my parents.

"Take this water and gave to papa." I said and she walked out while I followed her.

I saw Sameer and Shazam going out of the house and Aarham followed them. Zara served tea to all which they refused to have while I moved out to see three of them.

"Hey Dadu is still here. In our hearts." I heard Aarham's voice and I moved closer.

"Bhai why our Dadu.." Sameer stopped as he cried and I stopped on my place.

Shazam and Sameer were seated on a bench crying while Aarham was seated in front of them. Holding his young brothers hands,he tried to console them.

"Everything will be okay. It was our Allan's call so he had to go. But he's alive in our hearts and don't cry because it will hurt him." Aarham said and wiped his brothers tears but I cried as I saw him who was consoling them but I knew how broken he was from inside.

He was hiding his pain,his tears from everyone. He was showing himself strong but I knew he was not. A battle was started in him but for his family he was bearing all the pain.

"Pray for him." Hugging his brothers,he said and I saw him closing his eyes tightly as he was stopping the pain rising in his heart.

"Come." Taking his brothers with him,he walked back in the mansion while I keep standing there crying.

Wiping my tears after a while, I moved inside. My parents with Mahnoor took leave. I went to drop them to the door and as I came back, I saw Aarham sending everyone to their rooms.

"Taayi g please take bade papa to his room. His health is not good." I heard Aarham who was talking to Madiha Taayi g.

Nodding she left with Hammad uncle. Soon all the elders went to their room. Aarham turned and saw all his cousins and siblings there.

"Zarnish,Zara,Maliha Api go to your rooms and have rest." Aarham send them to their rooms while Shams,Haseeb and Aarib bhai also went to their rooms leaving only Jahan family alone.

"Mehak." His voice startled me and I went closer to him.

"Take mom inside and also Dad. Make them sleep okay." He said and I gave a nod with making Papa stand and held his hand.

"Carefully." I held papa who was about to fall.

"Dad you okay?" Aarham ran to his dad and held him.

"I'm broken Aarham." Said papa and hugged Aarham while I cried along with all.

But I saw him just consoling his father who was deeply broken after losing his father.

"Dad I'm here. I won't let you break down. Dadu is here. Don't cry." I heard him as I looked at him,I felt hurt as again he was closing his eyes tightly, hiding his pain, his tears from everyone.

"Listen okay." Making papa sit,Aarham said while I ran to take water for him.

"You are our strength. I know we lost our life today but now we have to live for the memories of Dadu which are so beautiful that on every second, they awaken life in us. And Dadu never liked to see you crying." Wiping Papa's tears, he hugged him for one more time.

"He'll hurt to see you like this and see you are making your Zeeniya cry." Aarham said and Jahan looked at Mama who was crying badly.

"Here drink this water." Taking the glass of water from me, he made Papa drink it.

"Now both of you go and sleep. I know its not easy but still try." He said and went to drop them in their room.

After a while, he came back and looked at his siblings who were seated quietly.

"Roshaane Guriya come here." Calling Roshaane, Aarham said and she hugged her brother as she came to him and cried silently.

"Scared?" Asked Aarham and she nodded.

"Don't be. Dadu is watching you. He loves you. Everything will be okay." He said and saw Aabia coming to him.

She hugged him too and soon Sameer and Shazam hugged them all. I cried more as all siblings were hugging each other and crying silently.

"I'm here. You don't need to be scared. I know we are missing our Dadu but he's alive in our hearts and that's more important." Aarham said and kissed his each siblings forehead.

"Now go to your rooms. Tomorrow is going to be busy day as all friends and relatives are coming for condolence and also there is Quran Khuwani in the house. So for now take rest." He said and all nodded and walked to their rooms.

As all left,he fell on the sofa defeated. I went closer to him who's eyes were closed and was looking so tired.

"Water." I said and he opened his eyes to look at me.

Taking the glass from my hand,he drank it in one go and took deep breaths as he was calming himself.

"One more please." He said giving me back the glass and I nodded.

I went to bring more water for him. As I came back,I saw him in the same position. Laying on sofa with close eyes.

"Water." I said and he got up.

Taking the glass,he drank it in just one take and placed the glass on the table.

"Want to eat something?" I asked and he nodded his head negatively.

"I want to sleep." He said and walked to the stairs, leaving me behind.

Signing, I turned the lights off after closing the windows and main door of the mansion. All the servants went to their rooms while I checked all the doors and windows once again and walked up to the stairs. Stepping in the room,I was just thinking about Aarham who was showing himself so strong but he was harming himself in order to hide his pain and tears and it was hurting me.

Closing the door,as I turned,I saw him offering his prayer. His clothes were changed and his wet hair were telling me that he took a shower to calm his disturb nerves. Going to the wardrobe, I took my sleeping suit out and went to change into it. I came out and placed my prayer mat just behind him and start offering my prayer. As I completed my Salah, I raised my hands for Dua.

Ya Rab show me some way to lighten his pain. Give him strength and patience and my all family. Bless us with your endless blessings as we are the sinful people but we ask for your forgiveness. Give patience to us.

Bless our Dadu with your blessings and forgive his sins and give Peace to his soul.

And help me in taking my Aarham's pain away. Help me to be his companion who will never let him break down. Show me some way to heal his heart which is filled with grief, sorrow and pain. Ameen.

I completed my Dua and covered my prayer mat. I looked up to find him but he was not there. Turning to bed,I let a breath of relieve out when I saw him laying there. Walking to him,I was thinking how to talk to him.

"Aarham." I called him who was laying with close eyes.

On my voice,his eyes opened up and he looked at me.

"You okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm good." He said and covered his eyes with his arms.

"Aarham." I called him again but this time,he didn't remove his arm but keep laying.

"Aarham take your medicines before sleep." I said but he didn't move.

"Aarham your medicine please." I said taking out his medicines from the drawer but he turned to other side and pulled the blanket on himself.

"Let me sleep." He said and covered himself completely in blanket while I keep standing there.

He was making me more worried now. Since we came back from Australia, he didn't had his medicines nor he changed his bandage. It can infected his wound but now I knew, he wouldn't listen to me and will not take his medicines at any cost. Keeping his medicines back in the drawer,I walked to my side of bed and lay down next to him. Turning to him,I looked at him who was hidden in the blanket. Pulling blanket on myself from my side,I moved a little closer to him and slowly travelled my hand toward him under the blanket. As my hand touched his,I held it firmly in mine.

"Talk to me Aarham." I whispered but he didn't move.

Holding his hand in mine,I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.


"Dadu." I got up on his yell and looked at him who was breathing heavily.

My sleep ran away as I saw him fully drenched in sweat. Turning to the lamp,I turned the lights on and again turned to him.

"Aarham you okay?" I asked sitting up on my knees and held his hands who was trembling.

"Dadu." He mumbled again still with those heavy breaths.

He was not looking at me but I thought he was not in his senses. His lips were trembling as they were trying to utter some words. Stepping down from bed,I filled the glass with water and went to him who was  seated like statute with ragged breaths.

"Aarham water." Saying,I placed the glass near to his lips and made him drink water.

He drank it one take and I went again to take water. I made him again drank that water which he gulped down in his throat in just one go. Taking seat in front of him,I cupped his face and cleaned his face with my dupatta which was filled with sweat.

"Its okay. Aarham look at me." I said but he shook his head.

"Dadu... My Dadu." Mumbling, he shook his head here and there and I hardly control my tears.

"Shhh....calm down Aarham. Don't think anything." Saying,I hugged him and keep caressing his back to calm him.

"Calm down Aarham." Feeling his uneven breaths,I whispered softly to let his nerve calm.

I keep caressing his back and he keep breathing heavily. Soon,I felt his face touched my shoulder and then I felt him relaxing. His breaths calmed down and I let out a breath of relieve as I knew he was gone in sleep again. Caressing his head,I slowly moved back and made him lay on bed. Taking seat next to him,I held his hand and keep looking at his face. I could see his eyes whose lashes were wet telling me that he cried. My own tears left my eyes and I slowly ran my fingers in his hair as he felt peace with my this act.

"Talk to me Aarham. Let out your pain and grief. Let me share your pain." Whispering, I leaned closer to him and slowly kissed his forehead and went to my side and lay down with hope that he'll share with me his grief which he was trying to hide.

Third person's POV.

He was seated in his office,wheeling his chair here and there. Taking the cigar out of the box, he took his lighter but before he could burst it in flame, his father entered and sighed looking at him who was seated with cigar between his lips.

"You're busy with your cigar. I can't believe this. I told you to get ready because we have to go to the Jahan mansion." His father said and he smiled while taking the cigar out.

"I'm not interested." Answering, he took the receiver and press the intercom button.

"Send him in." He said and cut the call.

Turning to his father again,a devilish smile covered his lips.

"I'm not coming. I will burn in anger if I saw him alive in front of my eyes." He growled and his father took seat in front of him.

"You're impossible. I told you to stop your this madness. You have become an obsessed person." His father said and took the glass of water to drink.

On the same time,they received a knock on the door and a person entered.

"Sir you called?" Asked the person and he nodded.

"Yes I wanted to return you this. Thank you. It was very helping." He said as he took out the credit card out of his pocket and passed to the person.

"Its okay sir." Taking the card,he said and turned to go.

"Bilal Yaqoob." He called him and the person stopped.

"Yes Sir." He said turning to him.

"Thank you once again." He said and the person nodded.

He walked out of the cabin while he put his Cigar between his lips again and lightened it with that evil smile on his face.

"What's with the credit card?" His father asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

"Long story. Tell you later. Hurry up now." He said while getting off from the chair and took his coat from the back of his chair.

"Where?" Asked his father.

"Jahan mansion. Let me see the sad face of Aarham Jahan Ahmad. Pity." He said and walked out of the cabin while his father followed him.

Mehak's POV.

I was seated with all the ladies in the living hall where the Quran Khuwani was arranged. We are were reciting each para of Quran pak. This was specially arranged for the soul peace of Dadu. I saw Aarham entering the house and he walked up to the stairs. I keep seated there and soon start to take care the refreshments for the guests.

"Mehak." I turned and saw Papa standing.

"Come." He called and I nodded.

"Aabia and Zarnish please just take care of it. I'm coming." I said to both of them and they nodded.

"Yes Papa." I said as I reached Papa who was standing in the door way waiting for me.

"Call Aarham. His friend Riyyan with his father, Mr Mehra with his business partners and son Rohan, and Shahmir siddique came to meet him. You know for the condolence of his Dadu and he like a stupid fellow ran from there. Go and send him out." Papa said and I nodded.

"And yes send some refreshments." Papa said and I nodded.

Turning to the girls,I saw Aabia and Zarnish already busy in serving juices to everyone while many maids were helping them.

"Zara." I called her who was seated lost in her own thoughts.

"Yes bhabhi." She said as she came to me.

"Ask Rehana and Beena to send refreshments out for the guests." I said telling her about the maids to do the work and walked to the stairs to see Aarham.

As I stepped in the room,my eyes widened looking at him who was standing in front of the mirror and was trying hard to stop the blood coming from his wound.

"Aarham." Calling,I ran to him and stood in front of him who was just holding his shirt completely rolled on his wound to stop the blood.

"What you did?" I asked looking at him who's chest filled with red colour.

"Noth...nothing happened." He said and tried to move away but I held his arm to stop him.

"Nothing happened? Just look at your wound." I said and looked up at him who's eyes were closed and that was enough to tell me that how much he was feeling pain.

"Come here." Taking him to bed,I made him sit.

I went to take first aid box and also took his medicines and antiseptic out which his doctor prescribed. Running to the washroom, I filled a mug with water and ran back. Throwing my dupatta on bed,I slowly removed his shirt and he hissed in pain.

"Sorry." I said and threw the shirt on ground and looked at his wound.

As the shirt was removed,blood again rushed out and I could see the stitches were half broken and also his wound start getting infected.

"Aarham what you did?" Saying,my eyes start brimming up with tears as I couldn't see him like this.

Getting up from the ground,I placed two pillows together and turned to him again who was clutching his hands trying to control his pain.

"I want you to lay down Aarham." I said and slowly, I helped him in laying back.

Sitting in front of him,I start cleaning his wound with antiseptic and I could see pain on his face with every touch of Cotton. Cleaning it fully,I applied the gel which was prescribed and slowly bandaged it. As his bandage was done,I cleaned his chest with water and looked at him who was already looking at me.

"You okay?" Cupping his face from left side,I asked and nodded.

"I'm fine. I have to go." He said and tried to get up but I pushed him back.

"You can't. Take rest. I'll tell papa that you're not feeling good. And have your medicine." I said but he didn't listen to me and on the next second,he stood up and walked to the wardrobe and took his shirt out.

Wearing it,he walked out of the room without having his medicines and I sighed with many tears left my eyes.

"Why are you punishing yourself Aarham?" I said and cried more.

Third person's POV.

"Stop." She yelled chasing the cars.

She ran behind the cars but couldn't stop them. With ragged breaths,trembling body,dry lips, her eyes were on the huge gate of the mansion which was now closing down.

"Zara what are you doing here?" She turned on the call and saw her brother Shams standing.

"Go inside. There are guest coming. You shouldn't have come here." Shams said looking at her who was looking at her brother strangely.

"Go." With a loud voice,Shams said and she took steps toward inside but didn't forget to turn to see the gate which was now closed down.

Going from the huge long road way which lead to the entrance of the mansion, she was turning again and again back to see the close Gate. On the right side of the roadway,there was an arrangement was done for the male guests. But in her craziness, she forget that there were men seated in the beautiful lawn.

"Zara." Zarnish came and dragged her with her.


"Have you seen that?" He asked while leaning back on the Sofa and took the glass of wine in his hand.

"What?" His father asked while sipping that dirty thing down his throat.

"His sad face. Aarham's broken condition. God I'm so happy." Saying,he drank that drink in just one take and threw the glass away with happiness.

"And you know what I liked the most?" He said and got up.

"What?" His father asked.

"The blood spot on his shirt. I could see that his wound was still new and the pain was still there which I wanted to give him. He was still in the pain and it gives me so much relieve." He said and lay back again,stretching his arms fully.

"So what now?" His father asked while getting up.

"He's completely in trauma. And its our chance to get over all the contracts and business deals which J companies was going to get. I know he wouldn't be able to work for a month and that will be enough time for me to get all he have." Saying,he laughed his evil laughter with the plan of Aarham's defeat.

Mehak's POV.

I was looking at him who was offering prayer. I didn't know when was the last time,he ate something. As he completed his prayer,I stood up on my place and went to him.

"May I bring your dinner?" I asked and he shook his head as no.

"I'm not hungry." He said and walked to bed without looking at me and lay down.

Looking at his shirt,which was again changed into a new one,I walked to washroom and there I saw the shirt which he wore at noon. I could see blood spots on it. With tears,I walked out of the room and looked at him who's eyes were covered with his arm.

"Let me change your bandage please." I said sobbing but he didn't move.

Thinking something, I took his medicines and walked out of the room and walked to Dadi Sahib's room. I saw her reciting Rosary. Going to her,I sat in front of her and she held my hands.

"How's my Aarham? He ate something?" She asked and I shook my head as no.

"I need your help." I said and controlled my tears from coming out.

"Anything beta." Said Dadi Sahib.

"Just make him drink milk. He won't refuse you." I said and she nodded with a smile.

"I'll just come." I said and walked out of the room with medicines.

Going in the kitchen,I heated up the milk and filled the glass with it. I took out the tablets which were necessary for him to take and added them in milk. Taking the spoon,I mixed those tablets in the milk and let them dissolve completely. Going back to Dadi Sahib, I gave her the glass of milk and walked with her to our room.

"You go." I said,stopping outside the room.

I could see how weak Dadi Sahib become in just three days but still she came here for her grandson. Her heart was full of grief but still she tried to smiled for us all. This house's people's hearts were filled with love of each other and it made me love them all.

Dadi sahib entered the room while I waited outside. Few minutes later,Dadi Sahib came out with empty glass and nodded her head as she saw me and that was enough to tell me that he drank it.

"He's calling you." Dadi sahib said and I nodded while Dadi sahib walked down the stairs.

With beating heart,I walked in the room and saw him seated. He looked at me and I got nervous.

"Why you brought Dadi sahib? And that milk?" He said and I took steps toward him.

"For you." I said and sat in front of him.

"You need proper rest Aarham and diet." I said but he looked away.

"I'm good." He said and pulled the blanket on him.

"So you won't refuse to eat anything from my hand?" I asked and he lay down and I got up to give him place.

"Let me sleep now." He said and pulled the blanket on his face,laying straight on bed.

I walked to my side and sat on bed and rested my head with headboard while my eyes stuck to him who was hiding himself from me. It was hurting me that he was hiding his pain from me. He was not sharing his grief,his sorrow with me. I keep crying silently and keep waiting for the time to pass. After an hour,when I found him drown into sleep because of the medicines, I walked down from bed and went to his side. Taking the blanket off from his face slowly, I sat in front of him and looked at his face where I could read his pain and grief.

Slowly removing the blanket from his chest,I unbuttoned his shirt and removed the bandage where some blood spot were there. With tears in my eyes,I start cleaning his wound and applied the antiseptic and looked at his wound which was better than morning.

Bandaging it,I buttoned up his shirt again and leaned on his face while my eyes never blinked for once. My eyes keep capturing his face which was looking so tired,so weak. Cupping it from left side, wiped that tiny tear which left his eye from corner in his sleep.

"Talk to me Meri Jaan (My life). Show me your pain,share your grief with me my handsome king." I said and kissed his forehead.

"I'm waiting for you to be open up." Whispering, I kissed his hand and placed them on his stomach and covered him with blanket and walked to my side of bed to lay down.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum Readers.

How are you all??

How was the chapter???

Sad! Me too. He's showing himself strong but broken from inside. Will Mehak make him open his heart in front if her?

Evil person is back with his evil plans! What you think he's going to do next with Aarham??

And what us with this crazy Zara?? Who she saw ??

And important announcement that this week I won't be able to update any other story so readers have patience till the next weekend.

I'll be waiting for your comments,so please shower your love with countless comments and vote.

Missing Jahan and Zeeniya??

You'll see them in next chapter.

Till update Allah Hafiz my Marshmallows.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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