Love Moments

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Mehak's POV.
I don't know where he was taking me but I was happy that he was with me. I was looking at the passing views which were so beautiful and captivating.

"Where are we going?" I asked to end the silence.

"To see the best waterfalls." His answer came with full of excitement.

"You know I once came here with my friends but now I want to see the beautiful waterfalls with the most beautiful person of my life." He said as he held my hand.

My heart jumped when he held my hand. Every time his simple touch gave such butterflies in my stomach and tingling in my heart that I never felt before. Intertwined our fingers,he kept himself busy in driving. After drive of 2.5 hour,we there.

"We reached ma'am." He said as he parked the car.

"This is carrington waterfall." He said as he pulled me out of car and took me toward the beautiful waterfall.

As I looked ahead and was amazed to see the beauty. The pure nature was in front of me. We were at cascade of carrington. There were waterholes and rocks. Many people were seated there on the rocks by the cascades and were enjoying  themselves. I was just amazed looking at beauty. The beautiful waterholes and rocks between thin water everything was captivating. Around it the bushes and trees were making the view more beautiful.

"Shall we ma'am?" I turned and saw Aarham with his hand waiting for me.

"Sure." I held his hand and he smiled.

He leaned down and covered his jean a little above from his ankles. We both walked closer to the rocks on which water was passing. We removed our shoes and I held my saree from front and walked with him toward the rocks. Cold water rushed touching our feet and I giggled. I was holding him tightly due to fear of falling.

"Don't worry. I won't let you fall." He said holding my hand tightly.

I looked around to find a dry rock to sit on. Aarham took me with him and we sat on a rock,hanging our feet in the rushing water. I was giggled with every touch of water. The beautiful trees and bushes were pulling me to this pure beauty of nature. I just didn't had words to explain the beauty of Allah's creation. This beauty,the tress water,rocks the water going down from the rocks and it's voice and the clear blue sky above all this, everything was so wonderful that for once I lost myself in it and then my heart and mind reminded the One who made all these things. Who was the creator of all. My eyes filled with water in love of my Allah(SWT) who blessed us with so much and we still are so far from HIM in thanking him. We just couldn't find the words to praise Allah(SWT).,who's creations are beyond any praise and adorations. Because praise and adoration couldn't just explain how much great my Rab-e-Ta'alah is,and how much He's Worthy of praise.

"Subhanallah." My lips moved praising my Allah(SWT).

"Yes Subhanallah. Allah(SWT) is worthy of praise. All praise are only for our Allah(SWT). So beautiful." Aarham said and I nodded in agreement.

"Let's roam around." He said and held my hand.

We start roaming around. He splash water on me making me giggle. Many couples were there like us enjoying. We walked through the water and I enjoyed every moment there.

"Abbas." Aarham called his bodyguard.

I saw Abbas and Ali coming toward us. Aarham took camera out of his hand bag and passed to Abbas.

"Click our some pics." He said and I startled.

Taking pictures in front of these bodyguards I felt strange. Both looked at each other again with the expressionless faces and I sighed. Me and Aarham went to cascades passing through the rocks. We stood on the rock and Aarham went behind me. I felt him wrapping his arms around me waist and I felt ticklish and shy at the same time. I looked up at Abbas and Ali but they were like machines standing without any expression on.

"Okay click now." Aarham said while keeping his chin on my shoulder.

And then he kissed my right cheeks which was captured by Abbas. I was feeling so shy but my bold husband was not stopping.

"I think I should carry you in my arms now." He said while removing his arms from my waist.

"What? No...I mean Aarham its okay. Why?" I asked and he chuckled while leaning on me.

Wrapping his one arm around my knees and other on my back he picked me up in his arms.

"Because I want to capture my every moment with you." He said and turned to Abbas.

"Done sir. Three pics I click." Abbas said and my eyes widened.

"How he click three pics when you just picked me up now?" I asked and Aarham shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay now put me down. There are lot of people looking at us." I said and he laughed.

"Let them see how honeymoon couple enjoyed." He said making me blush.

Later on we made many pics on the rocks,near the cascades,in water,with laughs, chase and smiles.

"Abbas,Ali come." Aarham called them.

"Excuse me." He called for someone.

"Can you please click our picture?" Aarham said to that person he stopped.

"Sure." He passed the camera to  man.

"Come let's take a pic before going." Aarham pulled both of his bodyguards with him.

"But why us sir??" Ali asked.

"Because my employees are also like my family. And I don't want my these moments to be without you too." Aarham said and I smiled on his humbleness and kindness.

Both smiled and I was shocked. They actually can smile I wonder. Me and Aarham came close and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder while Abbas came to stand on my side and Ali went to Aarham's side. And the moment was captured.

"Thank you so much." Aarham thanked that man and we moved toward parking side.

"Now?" I asked him.

"To next destination." He said and we sat again in our cars.

But before Aarham could start the car, I looked out at Ali and Abbas who were,around our car but their eyes were roaming around. They were inspecting around. Holding Aarham's arm,I shook it to bring his attention toward our bodyguards.

"What they are doing Aarham? Are they okay?" I asked still looking at him who were busy in looking around.

"What are you doing?" His voice made me turned to him.

My hand on his arm and he put his hand on mine. He turned to me fully and my hand shivered on his arm. I tried to took my hand back but he didn't let me.

"What,are you doing to me?" He said slowly and then I felt his lips touching my forehead.

"Aarham please." I tried to stop him as there were so many people around.

"My shying Mehak." He said and kissed my tip of nose.

I smiled and he started the car. Ali and Abbas also took seats in their car and start following us. He start driving to the west from carrington to the belmore falls road. After a while I saw most of the road was unsealed and there was Ford crossing over the barrengarry creek which was located in the Morton national park. As we reached in,we parked the car. In just 20 minutes of drive we were on the next waterfall called Belmore falls. Coming out of the car,he took the bottles of water with him and held my hand.

There was a walking track from the parking area about 800m from there to the hindmarsh lookout. I read the boards and start walking with Aarham. I look behind to see Abbas and Ali coming with us. I was really enjoying this walk. With him walking slowly capturing all the beauty around me. Suddenly he came in front of me and start clicking my pics walking backward.

"Aarham what are you doing?" I asked stopping him from making pictures of mine.

"What I'm doing? I'm capturing my wife." He said and winked at me.

I keep looking at him while taking slow steps toward him and he walked backward and with every step he was clicking a picture of mine. I was smiling,laughing,and talking with him. The most beautiful moments we were living.

"You know what!" He said taking off the camera from his hand and put it in his other hand.

"What?" I asked

"You have a very beautiful smile." He said and I smiled on his words.

"Thank you." I said while wrapping my saree palu around my shoulders.

"And you know what?" He asked again..

"What?" I asked.

He keep looking at me for few seconds and stopped on his place making me stop on my spot.

"What happened?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Nothing. Just let it go." He said and came besides me.

"But what is it? Tell me." I asked and he held my hand.

"Nothing." He said and start walking.

I didn't ask again. If he wants to tell me then he will by himself. We keep walking and then I was stunned as my eyes landed on the hindmarsh lookout where I could see triple plunge waterfalls. It was so captivating and beautiful. Eyes were refusing to move from it. I just keep looking at the falling water and with every sight my breaths were saying "Subhanallah"

We stayed there an hour. Clicked pics with each other and of course with Abbas and Ali. Aarham was fully in mood enjoying and romancing making me shy again and again.

We walked back toward our car after an hour of enjoying in Belmore falls. There were few shops near the parking so Aarham went to buy something to eat. He came back with chips and burgers in his hands for all of us. Again our journey started.

"Now where?" I asked while eating chips.

"To the next fall." He said and I nodded.

My mobile start ringing and I looked at the screen flashing Aabia 's number. I didn't give her my this new number which Aarham brought for me as we enter Australia. Then how? I thought.

"Assalam-o-alikum." I answered the call.

"Walikumusalam dear bhabhi." Her voice full of excitement came and I smiled.

"How are you?" I asked her.

"Me fine. Tell me about you and your honeymoon. How's it going?" She asked and before I could answer her next question made my eyes widened.

"So what did my brother say about your that nightie you wore last night? He'll be standing there with jaw dropped as I know you would be looking so sexy in them and my brother would..." She was saying continuously.

"Aabia stop." I cut her and heard her giggling.

I turned to see Aarham who looked at me question in his eyes and I just shrugged my shoulders.

"So did my brother tell you that how sexy you are looking in this red nightie that I can't control myself anymore from kissing you." She started again making my forehead to fill with sweat.

"Stop please. And I'll talk you later." I said and cut the call.

My heart was beating so fast. His merely thought of being closed to me was enough to destroy my peace. I felt my hand shaking thinking about Aabia's comments and he kissing me was enough to make me nervous. I looked at him once and then looked away controlling my heart beat. I smiled shyly and keep looking out.

Aarham's POV.
I turned to see her who's lips were smiling shyly making me smile. I heard what Aabia said to her. Her voice was so louder for me to listen and she being my sister didn't let any chance to tease her bhabhi. But now I was getting excited to see her in that nightie Aabia was talking about.

We reached at the Fitzroy falls. There was also was Rim of east and west walking track which look more beautiful in spring with its wildflowers. But we just reached there and I looked at the person who start becoming a very important part of me life. There was also a village nearby named Fitzroy village but first we decided to enjoy the best waterfalls of Fitzroy. We went closer to the falls who's calling voice was creating a noise in the atmosphere and the Bird's chirping voice around was making it beautiful. Standing at the 640 metres in elevation,the landscape resembles that of blue mountains with its lush green escapements and deep gorges extending into distant horizon where the blue sky and white clouds meet plateau.

"So beautiful." Her voice came and I turned to see which was more beautiful then these landscape and waterfall for me. My Mehak. I smiled on the words"My" which I often start using now.

"My Mehak." I whispered again under my breath and smiled.

Her hair strands coming out of her bun were hanging on her crystalline neck and there I saw in the nap of her neck a beautiful mole which was still hidden from my eyes. My eyes travelled to her ear which was shining with the diamond earrings in it. A lock was hanging on her temple moving with every stroke of air and she was removing it again and again with her fragile fingers.

"Not more than you." I said and she turned on my voice to see me.

And I lost myself in her captivating eyes. My eyes travelled from her eyes to her beautiful nose in which a beautiful nose pin was shinning and then at the mole just below her lower lip. My hand travelled to her lips and I slightly touched her mole near to her lower lip. I saw her cheeks turning into pink. And I couldn't tell how much I like to see her. Shy and her colour of shyness on her face which made her more beautiful.

"You are making me crazy." I pulled my hand back,whispering to myself,I averted my eyes from her to keep myself in control.

"Come." I said and held her hand.

We moved to the lookout track. There was wheelchair accessible for the tourists to lookout the beauty around.

"No no. I won't sit in there." She said holding my arm tightly.

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked her while putting my hand on her.

"I'm..I'm scared. I never sat in these wheelchair even when i visited hill station with my family. I never used to sit in them. I'm scared please." She said pulling me back and I laughed on her childish act.

"You are laughing. These are so so dangerous." She said and I laughed more.

"Dangerous! How?" I asked standing in front of her.

"That is dangerous because... Because..." She start thinking and I was waiting trying to control my laugh.

"Just they are dangerous." She said and I laughed more.

"Aarham stop laughing. I'm going." She said while turning but I held her arm to stop her.

"Nothing will happen. I won't let happen anything to you and if it has to happen something bad then it would happen with me." I said and she pulled her arm back.

"Now I'm definitely not sitting in this wheelchair." She said and I looked at her confused.

"If something bad happen to you then I won't take this." She said and I saw tears in her eyes.

"Oh sorry sorry. I didn't mean that. Sorry na." I held my ear and she smilingly removed my hands from my ears.

"Shall we now?" I asked and she nodded.

She held my arm tightly again and we stepped in the wheelchair to see the most beautiful landscape. Abbas and Ali also stepped in and I could see both had fear on their faces .

"Are you both scared?" I asked looking at both of them.

" sir." Abbas said and I laughed.

"Hmm I could the fear on my bodyguard's faces." I said and smiled.

Soon the wheelchair started and Mehak closed her eyes tightly.

"Hey look." I called her while looking out of wheelchair.

The beautiful lookout was there with alongside the creek and through the invigorating native bushland at the top of the falls. The view was an absolute stunner and we could see the cliffs along the falls and out toward Kangaroo valley. We enjoyed our ride of wheelchair and I could see happiness on my Mehak's face. She was not scared any more. As we jumped out of the wheelchair, she was relax and so were Abbas and Ali.

"Wanna try again?" I asked Abbas.

"No sir that's okay." He said making me laugh.

"Let's go back." I said while walking back to the parking area.

It was 6 of the evening when we headed back to our hotel with a lot of beautiful memories. We spend the best day with each other and I really enjoyed being with her. At 9 of night we reached back to our hotel fully tired. And I really wanted a good sleep now.

We walked to our room and I ordered our dinner. Me and Mehak freshen up and soon our dinner came. We ate silently as we both were so tired now. As we finished our dinner I lay back on couch and closed my eyes.

"Aarham our Isha Salah!?" She said and I opened my eyes.

"I know just 5 minutes." I said and she nodded.

I closed my eyes again while rested my head on the armrest and folded my arms on my chest.

Mehak's POV.
I came out in hall to see him and find him sleeping. I went closer to him and my lips stretched into a smile looking at his handsome yet innocent face. I sat on couch close to him. He was so beautiful, so handsome and more of it I find him humble and a good person. That's why he was pulling me closer to him. His kindness was affecting me. I moved closer and removed his hair from his forehead with my fingers. I keep playing with his hair. I touched his forehead with my fingers,I massage it a little to relax him. Leaning on his face,I pressed my lips on his forehead. I smiled on my act and kissed his proud nose.

I slowly moved back and let him sleep. I went to take blanket and put it on him. Walking back to the dressing room,I changed into my frock again which I received few minutes ago from laundry section. Going to washroom I did my ablution and came out. I saw him still sleeping. His 5 minutes didn't over yet. I smiled and placed my prayer mat close to his couch. Looking at him once who turned to left side,I start offering my prayer. After 20 minutes,my Salah was completed and I raise my hand for Dua(supplication).

Ya Allah be with us and bless us with your love and kindness. Save us from sins and bad deeds. Protect my Aarham from all bad people and from their actions. Ameen.

I completed my dua and looked at my Aarham. I was reciting verses and my eyes again went to him. I keep reciting Holy Verses and slowly got up and walked toward him. Sitting on my knees in front of him,I slowly blow those verses on him. Running my fingers in his hair,I kissed his temple.

"Aarham." I called him slowly.

"I think I...I..." Words just couldn't come out of my throat.

I also didn't know what I wanted to say. But still something there in my heart, I wanted to spill out. I sat there on ground and keep looking at him. Minutes passed and I didn't blinked my eyes. Looking at his beautiful features,his eyes,his cheeks,his forehead I didn't remember anything. What he was doing to me I didn't know. What I was feeling I didn't know but I like feeling this. Whatever it was I was liking it. My fingers reached on his chin holding it slightly and I give his beautiful chin a caress. He moved a little and slowly I saw his eyes opened. I didn't moved my hand back but just keep caressing his chin.

"Your 5 minutes are over." I said looking in his half sleepy eyes.

He smiled beautifully and again closed his eyes after taking my hand in his and pulled to his heart. I smiled and blew my breath on his face which made him open his eyes again.

"Offer prayer and then sleep." I said while caressing his cheek with my right hand while left was in his hand.

"You won't let me sleep right!?" He asked and I smiled slightly on his sleepy voice.

"I won't stop you but after prayer." I said and keep touching his cheek with my thumb.

He looked in my eyes and we both keep looking at each other without words. This moment was so beautiful. And I never wanted it to be end. Me sitting close to him and he laying on couch while we both were lost in each other.

"What are you doing to me?" His voice broke the silence.

"What I'm doing?" I asked touching his nose.

"I'm just touching your nose." I said pinching his nose.

"No you are touching my heart." He said,holding my hand and kissed it.

My heart skip its beat and I look at him once.

"You too." I slowly said and lowered my eyes.

I felt his lips on my forehead and I looked up again in his eyes to lost in them.

"If you keep looking at me like this then how will I perform my Salah." He said and I came to my senses.

I moved back but he held my hand to pull me back. I landed on my knees again close to his face. He cupped my face and keep looking at me.

"Don't go leaving me alone." He said looking deeply in my eyes.

I smiled and put my hand on his around my face.

"I'm not going anywhere but giving you way to offer Salah." I said but he didn't say anything but keep looking at me.

"You are my every way. My every destination." His words made my heart jumped with happiness.

I looked down escaping from his heated eyes. His intense eyes were making me nervous and again I wasn't able to look longer in his eyes which were giving me a Strom of butterflies in my stomach.

"Be with me on every way." He said and I looked up in his eyes..

"Will you?" He asked again and I nodded with a smile.

He kissed my eyes and smiled with me. I got up and he sat up.

"I placed your clothes in washroom. Go and change." I said while taking the blanket from couch.

We walked toward our bedroom side. I placed blanket on bed and start arranging it for sleep. He went to change in washroom. After a while he came back in his white T-shirt with blue trouser. His wet hair were telling me that he took a shower. He tied handkerchief on his head to offer prayer but stopped before taking the prayer mat.

"And I'm waiting to see you in that red nightie." He said making my eyes widened.

He took the prayer mat and placed it on ground. Turning to me, he smirked and I came to my senses.

"After the prayer I want to see you in that nightie." He said again and start offering his prayer.

But I fall down on bed with beating heart. How does he know about nighties? I thought and touched my forehead which was going wet with sweat. But now what?? What to do??? I start thinking. I was getting nervous and scared at the same time. How much time passed I don't know but I keep seated there lost in my own thoughts.

"You are still here. Go and change." I looked up at the voice.

Aarham was standing in front of me. I got up nervously.

"What... What are you talking about? I..I..don't have any...any..nightie." I said looking away from his eyes.

"Really! But Aabia told me that she gifted you some special dresses." He said and my eyes widened.

Aabia!! I really wanted to kill her that moment.

"She..she lied." I said and walked out from there.

"Okay." He said and I stopped on my place.

I turned and look at him who took his laptop out and start doing his work but didn't look at me. I thought he offended.

"You are not sleeping?" I asked in order to talk to him.

"No I'm not sleeping. I have some work. You sleep." He said while turning off the lights and turn on the night bulb.

I was standing in the middle of our bedroom. He was visible to my eyes who was looking angry or maybe I think so. But I feel restless. Non of these days since our marriage we sleep without each other and now how he said to sleep without him. I sat on bed and keep looking at him who's fingers were running on the keyboard of laptop while his eyes were fixed on the screen. His silence was killing me. My eyes welled up. I got up slowly and made my way toward the dressing room. I opened my suitcase and looked at the nighties placed there. With beating heart I start checking them and tried to find which was not so open. But every nightie was so bold for me to wear. Finally I selected a nightie of silk in red colour and there was black net on it. But only had one problem that it was sleeveless. But I changed into it and looked at myself in mirror. I felt shy to myself. My legs were expose making me shy and I was thinking how will I face him. The deep cut front with sleeveless,making me feel so nervous. The back of nightie was so deep exposing my most of back.

"Aabia I hate you for this." I said looking at myself.

Not a once nightie was appropriate to wear. So bold to wear that made your blood rush faster in shyness. I opened my hair fully spreading them on my back to hide my back but now the problem was how to hide my legs,my bosom and my arms.  I took my dupatta and wrapped around my arms and pulled its one side toward my legs to hide them. Finally I was fully covered now. But now facing him was the biggest task. I made my way out of the dressing room with shaking legs holding my dupatta around myself.

"Mehak where you were gone? Come and..." He turned to see me and stopped on its place.

"What happened?" He asked while taking a step closer to me.

I looked down and shook my head as no. I felt him coming closer to me and I took a step back. My eyes were shivering on his continue gaze.

"I...I...just come." I said and turned to go but before I could walk, he held my wrist to stop me.

I didn't turned to him. I keep standing hiding myself from his intense eyes.

"Mehak." He called me and turned me to him.

Aarham's POV.

I was looking at her who's back was facing me. In the dim light of night bulb still I could see her. I turned her toward me with beating heart. Her eyes were lower and she was biting her lips continuously. I saw her holding her dupatta on her shoulder and on her legs. The impatience increased in me. Slowly taking dupatta from her shoulder I slightly removed it from there. But she held it back and looked at me. I shook my head as no and she took her hand off and I took her dupatta fully leaving her in front of me only in that beautiful nightie. I was stunned looking at her.

Dupatta slipped from my hand and I took a step back to look at her fully. Her beautiful legs to her arms, to her crystalline neck everything was so beautiful. Her shyness was making it more beautiful.

"So beautiful." I said and took a step closer to her.

"You are looking so beautiful." I whispered while running my finger on her soft arm.

She shivered on my touch but I was not able to stop myself. She was so soft that my fingers wanted to keep touching her. Moving up to her shoulder my fingers tangled with thin straps of her nightie. She shivered more and my fingers moved to her collarbone. Tracing it with my fingers,I could hear her uneven breaths. She didn't look up at me once but still with shivering body. And I was just lost in looking at her. Only I had the right to see her like this and she also knew. My fingers were still touching her collarbone and I saw her getting nervous and shy.

"Mehak why you wear it?" I asked as my arm encircled around her waist to pull her closer.

"Aar..ham..please." Her shivering voice made me smile.

Nuzzling my nose in his hair,I inhaled her beautiful fragrance and keep feeling her close to me. Her soft,fragile body was in my arms and I was losing my senses in her fragrance. I felt her melting in my arms.

"Why you wear it?" I asked again as my lips touched her cheek.

Her arm around my shoulders held me tightly. I start kissing her face in a trance. My own breath was ragged and was burning her face and I could feel her breath uneven and heavier. My lips were kissing her jaw line and it was an addiction pulling me more to it.

"Why?" I asked again kissing her cheeks again and went to her chin and jaw pestering intense kisses.

"Aarham." Her breathless voice made me more crazy.

"Why Mehak?" I asked again as my lips moved to her throat making her head to move backward for more access to her throat.

She didn't answered. I start leaving wet kisses from her chin to down to her throat line and her heavier breath was visible to my ears telling me that she was feeling the same I was feeling. Her one hand slowly travelled in my hair holding my hair in her fist.

"Aarham.....please." Breathlessly she tried to stop me but I didn't stop.

"Why?" I asked in a whisper placing my lips on her collarbone and her finger moved in my hair playing with them.

I keep kissing her beautiful neck all around without stopping and her fingers keep playing with my hair. It was an addiction, a magic pulling both of us to each other.

"Why?" I asked again kissing her passionately on her side of neck at the mole she had.

"For you." Her breathless voice came making my lips to smile on her neck.

I trailed kisses down to her pulsing hollow of neck and my hand moved up from her waist to her back touching her expose skin. It felt so soft and beautiful. I heard her gasp and at the same time she pushed me a little back,turning to other side. I was breathing heavily and so was she. I could feel her body shivering. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and my lips start kissing the side of her neck passionately. Her head moved aside to give me access. My eyes closed down and I just keep kissing her neck. Moving to her collarbone I kissed her there. I felt her head back resting on my shoulder. I kissed her earlobe and looked at her who was biting her lips. I looked down where she was holding her nightie tightly in her fist. I travelled my hand down to her hand and held it in mine while with other I tuck her lower lip out from her teeth.

"Let it go." I whispered and kissed her neck once again with same passion.

"Mehak." Whispering her name I gave a bite on her neck and squeezed her hand I was holding.

And there she moaned. Her first beautiful moan rang in my ear making me smile with happiness. She turned immediately and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back with a huge smile on my lips. We keep hugging each other and stayed there for a while. I took deep breaths to calm myself. Keep standing there trying to control my beating heart,I was just feeling her close to my heart. I want it be happen but after when there is love in it. Not merely a passion I wanted to share with her but the love which I wanted to tie us and we come closer,the reason should be love not some weak moment. I want to make that night special when we'll be one. When we'll took the step to be one in every aspect. And I will make that moment beautiful and memorable for both of us which will be filled with love ,love and only love.

"Thank you for giving me best night gift." I said kissing her head but she didn't say anything telling me that how much she was shy to face me.

I picked her in my arms but all the time she was hiding her face in my neck. I smiled on her shyness and made her lay on bed and pull the blanket on us. As I lay down she hugged me instantly hiding in my chest. Tonight we came much closer to each other and what happened was the first bold step we took toward each other and I was so happy for that. My act of being offended actually really worked and she wore,in which I wanted to see her.

"Good night Mehak." I whispered in her ear making her snuggle more in me and I closed my eyes to have best sleep with my Mehak in my arms.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you??


I hope you enjoyed the chapter?

I thought to not to write any other POV but just Aarham and Mehak. I really hope you all enjoyed.

So how was the romance? Intense moments right! Aarham and Mehak opened to each other and somewhere they do feel for each other but didn't know that its love pulling them to each other.

My favorite scene was when she sat in front of him and he was sleeping. That moment had something, something that feel special. It is special when someone keep looking at you without blinking and for that person you become the world. And that's the special moment.

One line for the last scene. The nightie one. Finally she wore it for her Aarham.

Next will be posted soon but its not a promise. I'll try to update soon.

Need your love and support. Sorry for any error. It make me smile when you give positive and lovely comments. Do vote and share.

Till update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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