The proposal...!!

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Third person's POV.
"Mehak?" Both Jahan and zeeniya said looking at each other and then their eyes went to their daughter who was smiling.

"Yes Mehak. I met her today. And believe me she's the girl my brother wants." Aabia said.

"Beta tell me how you met her?? I mean we can't decide just like this??" Zeeniya asked and Aabia nodded.

"I agree mom but I know she's perfect for my bhai." Aabia said.

"Okay but.." Zeeniya tried to say but Aabia interrupted her.

"Listen mom we were going to Aarham's office when a girl came in front of our car. Mom she was so beautiful that I being a girl stunned as I saw her glowing face. Everything about her was attractive and the way she talked,her politeness, her slow voice with her heart taking smile. Mom I'm telling you she's the girl made for our Aarham. " Aabia said excitedly.

"But we don't know anything about her." Jahan said and Aabia nodded.

"I know. And leave that on me. In just two days, I will bring every detail about her. And please dear parents try to understand she's the girl my bhai's dream of." Aabia said and left from there leaving both zeeniya and Jahan shocked.

"You think Aabia is right??" Zeeniya asked Jahan and he smiled.

"She knows what is best for her brother " Jahan said and zeeniya nodded.

On the other side,Aabia called his two naughty brothers Shazam and sameer.

"Yes sis speak up now." Both said as they were watching her roaming left to right continuously.

"Hello stop giving us tension." Sameer yelled and Aabia turned to him.

"Okay listen." Aabia brought a chair forward and took a seat in front of them and they look at her.

"You remember the girl we met today in morning.??" She asked and they shrugged their shoulders.

"Stupids. What will happened of both you if you can forget a girl's face so easily.!" Aabia scolds them.

"What's the matter??"  Shazam asked as he feel insulted being scolded by his sister.

"Stupid. The girl which you were going to hit by your car and we dropped her remember??" Aabia asked and both nodded like dumbs.

"What you think about her??" She asked looking at them who jumped on their seats and then look at each other.

"Sis I didn't think about it. I mean I'm still young for,you know having a girlfriend and all." Shazam said and sameer nodded completely agreeing with him.

Aabia frown her eyes brows and then slapped them on their faces.

"Huh!! That hurts." Both put their hands on their cheeks where they got slapped from Aabia.

"Really what about a punch!!" And here you go when Aabia really punched their faces and they both Fall on bed.

"Bhai save me. She's trying to kill us." Sameer yelled.

"Seems like you both are enjoying aapi's company." Roshaane entered the room and saw them who were hugging each other dramatically.

"Come little sis save us." Shazam said fully acted.

"Shut up you two. Now sit and listen to me without saying anything " Aabia pulled them up by their shirts and made them sit.

"You have seen the girl right. So I was thinking how will she look with our Aarham bhai?? I mean I'm thinking her as bhai's would be wife. What you guys think?" Aabia completed and waited for their answer.

But all of them were shocked. There eyes were widely open and they were just silent as they have seen a snake around them.

"Speak up idiots." Aabia yelled and they came to their senses.

"Are you talking about  Mehak we met in morning??" Roshaane asked and Aabia nodded.

"Awesome. My vote is with her. I really liked that girl." Roshaane said which made Aabia smile.

"And you two??" Aabia asked and they think for a moment.

"She's nice. I don't have any problem with that but what if she's engaged??" Sameer said and all nodded.

"I know we don't know about her anything. But guys we have to find about her. We have only two days. And I'm telling you she's the girl for our brother." Aabia said and all nodded.

"So tomorrow our mission is start to gather information about Mehak." Aabia said and placed her hand in front of her siblings.

"Done." One by one all keep their hands on her  hands and all laughed.


"Sameer where are you??" Aabia called sameer.

"I'm on my way sis. I'm just coming."sameer said and cut the call.

Aabia look in front of her where her parents and her brother Aarham was seated. They were looking at her and she was waiting for Sameer and Shazam.

"So your two days are over. What would you say about the girl you told us??" Jahan asked.

"Dad she's perfect. Bhai you'll faint looking at her." Roshaane jumped in conversation.

"Roshaane keep quite." Aarham said but his heart start beating fast just to think about that girl.

"Dad I got every information about her but just please wait for Shazam and sameer." Aabia said and Jahan nodded.

All were waiting for Sameer and Shazam while Aarham was amazed on his own inner condition because it was the first in his life that he was waiting for something. And that was about a girl. He was thinking about a girl which was making him shocked and smile.

Finally after 15 minutes both Sameer and Shazam entered their house.

"Finally. Where were you idiots?? If you both didn't show up for next 1 minute I was going to tell them." Aabia scolds them and they just Fall on the sofa in front of their parents.

"Water please." Shazam said and their maid bring water for them.

"Okay shall we now??" Zeeniya asked and Aabia nodded.

"Okay mom. We find about Mehak. I hope you guys will won't reject her because she belong to a middle class family whose father run a Little grocery store." Aabia started and paused to see what expression her parents have.

"That doesn't matter. Please continue." Zeeniya said and Jahan smiled.

"Bhai you okay with that?? I mean she belongs to a middle class family and all??" Aabia asked to Aarham and he smiled.

"Of course. That doesn't matter where she belong to." Aarham said and his parents smiled looking at their son.

"Now would you please hurry up. I have an important business dinner." Aarham said while checking time on his wrist watch.

"No you are not going anywhere." Zeeniya hold his arm while his siblings grinned and he gave them a deathly glare.

"Okay so coming to point. Her name is Mehak. Full name is Mehak Waqar. She has two elder brothers and one younger sister.Her brothers are married and busy in their married life while Mehak is a teacher. She's a shy kind of girl as our bhai want. " Aabia said and look at her brother who smiled.

"And they have a very small family circle. " sameer said.

"And the most important She's not engaged with anyone but.." Shazam said and stopped.

"But!!" Jahan asked .

"Her parents are finding a suitable match for their daughter." Sameer said and all smiled.

"That's enough for now. I want you all please think about it. Please,at least just believe me." Aabia said and both zeeniya and Jahan nodded.

"Tomorrow is Sunday right??" Jahan asked and Aabia nodded.

"Get ready. We are going to Mehak's house with Aarham's proposal." Jahan said all yelled with happiness.

"Oh Thank you dad." Aabia hugged Jahan while both Shazam and Sameer run to hug their brother who was about to leave.

"Hey big bro." They both hugged him together and he startled.

"Congratulations." They yelled in happiness.

"I'm not getting now idiots." He pushed them back and straighten his jacket.

"But you will na. Bhai in this occasion of happiness I want you to gift me my favorite racing bike. I won't mind accepting it." Shazam said innocently.

"And bhai I want a racing car. That will be fun." Sameer said and high five with Shazam.

Both turned to Aarham who was glaring at them.

"What?? I know bhai that how much you love us and you want to fulfill our demands. I love you bh.." Before sameer could complete he got a punch right on his eye.

"These starts.." Sameer said while blinking his eyes again and again.

"Hahahaha that was bhai's punch. You know bhai loves me more. He'll buy me my bi..." Before Shazam could complete he also got a lunch from Aarham making him fall on the ground.

"Thses stars..." Shazam mumble while all laughed looking at them.

Aarham pulled them by their shirts and make them stand in front of him. They blink their eyes and look at the their brother who was smiling.

"You know you both are the smile of this house." Aarham said and hugged his brothers.

They hugged him too with love and respect.

"Love you bhai." Both said in Union.

"Love you too stupids. And I will get you what you want." He said and they smiled.

All went toward their rooms while Aarham went to get ready for his business dinner. But his all thinking were fixed on the girl to whom his parents were going to meet. He was feeling himself eager to see her.

He took his dress out and went to take a shower. After taking shower he changed into his suit of Brown colour. He comb his hair and put his  coat on.

She's a shy kind of girl as bhai want.

Aabia's word ring in his ear and a huge grin form on his face.

"Mehak." He slowly whispered her name.

He smile and shook his head. He took his wallet and mobile. He went out and saw her mom standing on the hall.

"So going.!"zeeniya asked and he hugged his mother.

"I'll be home soon mom." He said and look at his mother who was looking tense.

"What happened?? You look tense!" Aarham asked and zeeniya look up.

"Mom tell me." Aarham asked again.

"You think that this girl is the one  you dream about. I mean I don't know how would I decide that if she's made for you or not." Zeeniya said which make Aarham smile.

"When you will meet her just remember one thing. If you see yourself in her then she's the girl we are looking for." Aarham said which lighten zeeniya's stress.

"Okay now. You should not think about it now. I'm getting late. I'll be home soon. Allah Hafiz." Aarham said and Kissed his mother's forehead and marched out in porch where his car was waiting for him.

Zeeniya smiled as her son lighten her stress and now she can relax herself and she know now that what she have to do.

"Hurry up mom." Aabia said as she enter her mother's room.

"Mom we'll be late." Aabia said looking at her mother who was combing her hair.

"Patience my dear. Its okay. We'll be there on time." Zeeniya said and tie her hair in Baird.

"Okay I'm going to check everything you please come soon." Aabia said and rushed out of the room while zeeniya smiled on her eagerness.

Aabia went in hall and saw all the things including sweets,fruits were placed on the centre table of hall.

"Ladies hurry up." Jahan said and Aabia smiled.

Zeeniya also came there and saw her family was ready to depart.

"Shall we ma'am now??" Jahan asked while placing his hand in front of zeeniya which she accepted happily.

Aabia smiled looking at her parents and prayed for their love which they had for each other.

"Dad mom let's go." Sameer said and all nodded.

All walked out of the house in the porch while their servants put the boxes of fruits and sweets in their car.

"Bismillah." Zeeniya said as Jahan started the car.

He smiled and drove out of the house toward their would be daughter in law's house.


He was roaming here and there in his cabin. His restlessness was not allowing him to do any work.

"What is happening?? Aarham stop acting like a kid." He scolded himself while loosing the knot of his tie and pick his file to check the tender he was about to quote.

But his all thinking were fixed on the girl. The girl which was going to be his would be wife if his parents approved her. But he was feeling already connected to her. His heart was knocking strangely.

"Sir our financiers are here.They are waiting for you in meeting hall." His secretary said and he nodded.

He took deep breath to calm his stupid heart who was running like he took a part in a marathon.

"Aarham stop. You were never like this. Concentrate on your work." He said to himself and nodded.

He fixed his tie and coat and went out of his cabin.

"Good morning Mr.Aarham." His financiers said and he just nodded.

Be present Aarham.

Just be present

He told himself in heart and took a seat. The meeting started and he was trying best to keep himself present in meeting and to avoid all thinking which were coming again and again in his mind related to only one name "Mehak."

"Sir are you listening.??" Mr.Ayub his one of financier said and he came out of his thoughts.

"Yes...I'm...I'm listening." Aarham composed himself and start concentrating on the meeting.

"Mr. Aarham we like your this new project and your employees present your ideas very well. We like your presentation and...." He paused as he saw Aarham lost in something.

"Mr.Aarham." Mr. Ayub called him but Aarham was lost.

His employees and financiers were looking at him but he was not here but was drawn into Mehak. The proposal his parents took there and what will be their answer if his mother likes the girl. So many questions he was asking and thinking.

"Sir.!!" Aarham's secretary shook his shoulder and he came to his senses.

"Huh!!" He look around and everyone was looking at him.

"Are you okay Aarham??" One of his financier asked.

"Yes...I mean sorry....I'm...I'm...okay. You can continue." Aarham manage to say but anyone can tell that he was lost in something.

"Mr.Aarham we like your proposal about this project." They said but Aarham was stuck on the word proposal..

"And we agree to invest on your this project but for now I think you need some space. We'll sign this deal later." Mr.Salman his financier said and they all got up.

"Gentlemen I'm so sorry actually I'm just... I don't know but sorry once again." Aarham said while shaking hands.

"Its okay. Sometimes it happens." They said and left from there.

He fall on his  chair and hold his head in his hands.

"What the hell I'm doing??" He asked himself but was not able to answer.

"Mom you just put all these thinking in my mind. I was okay without marriage." He said irritatedly to himself and walked toward his cabin.

"But you are not married yet." His subconscious said and he stopped.

"Yes but it looks like I'm already married. I mean I'm not able to work. What will happen to me after marriage. Oh Allah." He said and entered his cabin.


"Assalam-o-alikum." Zeeniya said as a lady open the door.

"Wasalam. How may I help you.!" That lady asked and zeeniya smiled.

"Can we come in??" Zeeniya said and that lady saw behind zeeniya her whole family.

"Sure." She welcomed them in house and the whole Jahan's family entered their house.

"Waqar." That lady called for someone.

"You please sit." She bring them in a small hall where some chairs were placed.

They all took the seats and waited for the lady who disappeared in one of the rooms which were in front of the hall. This a little house of 3 rooms and a small compound. A little hall was made in front of the rooms.

"Assalam-o-alikum." A man in his 50's appear and greeted them.

"Wasalam.." Jahan got up and hugged him while Sameer and Shazam also shake hand with him.

He also took seat in front of them and waited for them to say something.

"Actually you don't know us. Let me introduce." Jahan started and he nodded.

"I'm Jahan Ahmad and this is my wife. These are my daughters and sons." Jahan said and paused for a moment.

"Actually..." Before Jahan could say any further someone entered the house.

"Ami here is Abu's...." She paused as she look up.

The entire family of Jahan was gazing the girl who was standing in front of them.

"Assalam-o-alikum." She politely said.

"Wasalam. Bless you." Jahan said and she turned to see Aabia.

Aabia was smiling. She stands up and hugged her.

"Remember me??" Aabia asked looking at her beautiful face which was glowing in dark blue dupatta.

"Of course. But how here??" Mehak asked.

"Well for that you have to wait for sometime." Aabia said and she nodded.

Mehak walked in while her parents were waiting for the reason of their arrival.

Aabia look at zeeniya who was smiling.

"So mom!!" Aabia whispered in her ear.

"Actually we are here with a proposal." Zeeniya started and they try to understand.

"I'm here with the proposal of my son Aarham for your daughter Mehak." Zeeniya said and waited for their answer who were shocked.

They were really shocked. The words we're not coming out if their mouths.

"Wow for aapi." Before Mehak's parents could say something,Mehak's younger sister Mahnoor entered and said.

All turned to her and Jahan and his all family smiled.

"I know you don't know us nor we. But our daughter really like your daughter for her brother so we think why to waste time. So we came to meet Mehak." Jahan said and again waited for them to say something.

"Huh! Are you talking serious.?" Mehak's father asked and Jahan smiled.

"We can't make a joke on this. Of course we are serious." Jahan said.

"But you look so rich and we are just common people. The middle class people. I mean our status.." He was interrupted by Jahan.

"I don't believe in status and all. We all the human and equal. I believe in the equality. So don't think about this rich and poor. We are Muslims and our religion also preach the lesson of equality." Jahan said calmly and this time that man smiled.

"I like what you said." He said and Jahan nodded.

"So now can we meet Mehak?? I mean I'm dying to see her because our daughter really prised her a lot." Zeeniya said and all smiled.

"Mehak." Her mother called her and she came with refreshments.

She was smiling and coming but was unaware that what was going to happened. Her whole life was going to change.

"Come sit." Her mother made her sit in front of the guest.

She startled and get nervous. She look up at them and then again start playing with her fingers.

"Mehak. How are you beta??" Zeeniya started the conversation.

"I'm good aunty. " she replied in lower voice and kook at her sister who was smiling.

Mehak was not getting the reason of smile which was on her parent's and sister's face.

"So what you do??" Again a question.

"I'm..I'm..a teacher." She replied and zeeniya smiled on her nervousness.

She start examining Mehak who was seated just in front of her. Her eyes were shivering. She was biting her lips and playing with her fingers reminding zeeniya herself.

"So what you think about family??" Zeeniya asked again.

"Family means family. I mean...your family is your identity and without it we are nothing." She said which make zeeniya smiled.

"If it comes to your happiness or your family who will you choose? Yourself or your family?" Zeeniya again asked.

Mehak look up and try to understand this exam. She was not understanding why all these question were asking to her.

"Of course my family. My happiness belongs to them. I gave priority to their happiness than mine." Mehak answered which relaxed zeeniya.

"Thank you beta. You really solved my problem." Zeeniya said and she look up.

"We like your daughter. I'm here with the proposal of my son for your daughter. Our answer is yes." Zeeniya said and Mehak's eyes widened while her parents jumped in happiness.

"We are glad that you like our daughter but we want to meet your son. I mean after that we can give you our answer." Mehak's dad said.

"Of course. Whenever you want you can come to our house. And if you want to inquire about us we don't have any problem with that. You can take your time but we want your answer as yes." Jahan said and Mehak's father smiled with nodding.

Sameer went out and bring that boxes of fruits and sweets from car.

"What's this??" Mr.Waqar asker.

"Just some sweets." Jahan said  while zeeniya got up and went toward Mehak.

"You are perfect for my Aarham." Zeeniya said and hugged her.

"We'll come soon." Zeeniya said and parted away.

They all say their byes to Mehak's family and walked out while Aabia walked back to Mehak.

"We are going to make you our Bhabhi." She hugged Mehak and said happily while Mehak was still shocked.

"Just be ready." Aabia kissed her cheek and walked out.

"Imagine aapi if she's like this then how her brother would be??" Mehak's little sister pointed toward the kiss which Aabia placed on her cheek.

Mehak turned to her and try to understand what she want to say. As she understand her sister winked at her and run inside while her cheeks heated up.

"Stupid." She said and went inside.

Her heart start beating.  what just happened?

She walked toward her room and was thinking about the proposal. She stand in front if the mirror and Aabia's word start ringing in her ear.

We are going to make you our bhabhi.

A sudden smile appear on her lips which reached in her eyes.

"Aarham." She slowly whispered his name.

A/N:: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

How are you all??

How was the chapter??

I know I'm late but you know my mood swings were not allowing me to complete the chapter.

Coming to the chapter so tell me you like it or not??

I just hope you enjoyed.

Your favorite scene??

Don't you think Aarham start falling??

Do vote and comment.

Thanks for reading.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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