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Third person's POV.

"Sir." Panting Abbas and Ali reached Aarham who was talking with Shazam and Sameer.

"What happened?" He asked looking at their tense faces.

"That ma'am.." Ali paused and looked at Abbas telling him to tell Aarham about Mehak's kidnap.

"Mehak? What happened to her?"He asked worried.

"Someone kidnapped her." Abbas said making Aarham faltered on his feet.

"What?" Sameer, Shazam and Aarham said shocked.

Aarham's eyes moved to see the happy faces of his parents and Hammad Ahmad and Waqas Ahmad as they were enjoying the happiness of Shams Nikah with Zarnish. Aarib was standing with Haseeb with a smile. Aarham turned to see Abbas again.

"How can this be possible? She was just here. Go and find her. She must be here." Said Aarham while taking steps ahead to check on Mehak but holding his arm Abbas stopped him.

"Sir listen to me. I've saw a man taking Ma'am away. I ran after him but he drove away." Abbas said and Aarham felt his world going dark.

"How? Who can do this?" Feeling weak, he said as his eyes start filling up with tears.

"Sir we'll find her. Please you don't worry. We are going to find her." Saying, Abbas and Ali ran out from there while Aarham keep standing there thinking how can this be happened.

Few minutes ago, she was standing with him. With her most beautiful smile and he still could feel her warmth of her hand on his and she disappeared.

"Aarham what happened?" Aarib and Shams came running to him as Shazam told them about the kidnapping.

"Mehak!" Words couldn't come out for more as he was still not understanding that how this happened.

"Be in your senses Aarham. Tell us what happened?" Shaking him, Aarib asked and Aarham looked at him.

"Someone kidnapped Mehak." He said and both of them get more shock as the news confirmed which Shazam told them.

"Who can do this?" Shams asked worried but Aarham Sat down on a chair defeated.

He was not understanding where to start. What to do to find his Mehak.

"Mehak." He called her and closed his eyes.

Mehak's POV.
"Mehak. " I heard a voice taking my name.

I tried to open my eyes but couldn't. With my heavy head, my eyes were also heavy to open up or to move.

"Aar..ham." Taking his name, I tried to come to my senses.

"Not Aarham my love." I heard a stranger's voice.

"Open your eyes my love." I heard again and felt some water on my face this time.

Slowly, I opened my heavy eyes which cause a pain to rise in my head. A strange face was in front of me but not so clear. I couldn't see him properly as still I was not fully in my senses. Feeling the dizziness,my eyes were again going to close.

"Aar..ham." Taking his name,I lost my senses again.

Aarham's POV.

I was looking for her everywhere but was not getting clue to find her.

"Any news?" I said looking Abbas and Ali who came.

"No." They shook their head as no and I sat back on the sofa holding my head.

"Where to find her?" I asked to myself as my heart was beating in fear.

The fear of losing her. My eyes getting wet and I looked up at Abbas and Ali.

"Find her Abbas. Find that man who dare to take my Mehak away from me. I swear I'll kill him." I said holding my tears back.

"We'll find her sir. Just be strong." Ali said and I nodded.

"Aarham." I looked up on Dad's voice.

"Don't worry. I've reported in police. They are trying their best. We'll find Mehak." Dad said and I nodded.

I walked up to my room. I opened my room's door and I looked at it. Dipped in darkness, it was looking ugly. Turning the lights on, I stopped on the entrance. My room without her was looking so empty,so ugly that I didn't want to step in.

Two days passed but I couldn't reach her. I couldn't find her. My Mehak where was she? I was far from her and didn't know how to search her.

"I can't." Walking back, out of the room, I closed the door and ran from there.

It was difficult to live in that room without her. It was suffocating. I had to find her. I had to,at any cost. My heart was dying with every passing second. These two days were like he'll and now I wanted her in front of me at any cost. Sitting on the sofa in the living hall, I held my head in my hands and start thinking a way to find her but there was nothing I could do. Tears rushed out of my eyes as my heart was calling her. It was difficult to live without her. Today, I got to know that What was for me. Without her, I was nothing.

"Mehak where are you?" Running my fingrs in my hair, I said and leaned back on the sofa with close eyes.

Third person's POV.

She was looking at him who was so tense. His tears were not hidden from her. Standing at the corner of the living room, her eyes were flowing the tears like he was. Like her brother was sobbing.

"What to do now?" Holding her head in her hands, she looked at Aarham again who was looking so worried for Mehak.

She saw Shams and Aarib coming to him and sat next to him consoling him. She felt more guilty for hiding all. Biting her lips in tension she tangled her fingers with each other thinking a way of this problem.

"We'll find our Bhabhi Aarham. Don't worry." Said Shams and Aarham nodded.

"I'm not understanding why someone.. " His words stopped as he couldn't say anything further.

"Be strong. For Zeeya Maa who is more worried and becoming weak." Said Aarib consoling Aarahm who gave a nod on his words.

"What the police said?" Asked Aarham looking at Shams while Zara got scared as she heard the police name.

"They are searching. Finding done clue. They also asked for the security camera's footageto check." Said Aarib and Aarham nodded with a sigh as he was hoping for a way to her.

Zara ran to her room and closed the door. Her heart was beating as he'll and she start roaming in the room thinking what to fo. She knew who dud this but still she was scared to tell them. She knew what will happened of she told about him. Going to her study table she threw all things down on the ground and took a paper out. Spreading it on the study table she took the pencil and her fingers start running on it while his face was running in front her eyes.

"How can you do this? How?" Saying angrily, she keep making the sketch.

"You were mine then how you dare to do this?" Like an obsessed person,she said drawing his eyes.

"Only I can be in your eyes." Looking at his eyes she said and keep making sketch.

"Only me. You can't thinking anyone else." She mumbled again looking at his face which was now completed sketched on the paper.

"You're only mine. Only Zara's." She said while nodding as she knew what she had to do now.


He was seated silently while thinking some way to find her. And eith thoughts he leaned back sbd drifted into skeep as he was so tied.Giving medicines to Zeeniya,she walked out and saw Aarham sleeping on the sofa. Turning the lights off,she walked out to see him. She knew he would be there. Stepping out of the hall, she looked at him who was seated on the bench of lawn.

"Any clue?" She asked going closer to Ali who shook his head as no.

"We are trying but couldn't find anything. We were so close to save ma'am but still couldn't save her." Said Ali looking up at the sky.

"Don't worry. You'll find her. Is he okay?" She said looking at Abbas who was seated tense.

"Did he eat something?" Asked Dua again but Ali gave a nod as no.

"I'll check on him. You go to your room now." She said pushing him back and he smiled.

"So you can get time to spend with my friend. Clever nurse I must say." He said and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"No wonder which injection is waiting for you." She said taking an injection out of her pocket and he almost ran from there while she giggled and turned to Abbas who was stilled on its position.

Going to him, she sat next to him and keep looking at him.

"Don't worry. You'll find a way." She said and turned his face to see her.

"I'll pray. Everything will be okay." She said and he gave a nod while his head again turned to other side.

"You hungry?" She asked and he shook his head negatively.

"Is Sir okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"He slept while thinking maybe. He's so worried." She said and he nodded.

"He loves ma'am so much." Abbas said with a smile thinking about Aarham and Mehak.

"So you smile too?" She asked and his smile disappeared.

"I didn't mean to stop smiling." Holding his arm, she said again and leaned a little on him

"Will you stop holding me?" Turning toward her, he said and she shook her head and rested it on his shoulder.

"Don't you like it?" She asked while hugging his arm and his eyes tangled with her glowing face which was looking more beautiful in the nimbus of her white dupatta.

"Do you like it?" He asked and this time, didn't move his gaze from her.

"Of course I like it." Resting her head fully on his shoulder, she said and he smiled on her act and somewhere,he liked that too.

Both keep seated there with each other and their hearts started to beat. And the moon smiled on the love blooming between them.

Evil eye's POV.

I was looking at her who was in front of me. The sleeping beauty. It had been two days that she was sleeping but it was time for her to get up. I wanted to see her eyes. My reflection in her beautiful eyes. Taking a jug of water,I poured it on her making her beautiful hair and face drenched with water.

"Get up my love." Leaning on her,I said and removed her hair from her face.

Her beautiful eyes were closed and I was scared to touch her. She was looking so fragile. Her beautiful pink lips were appealing. My fingers touched the outline of her lips and moved back with a smile as I saw her moving a little.

"Mehak." I called her to bring her in her conscious.

"Get up Mehak." Sitting in front of her, I said and her eyes snapped open.

Wow! She had so beautiful eyes.

"Morning. How are you now?" Caressing her jaw,I said and saw her getting up.

"Who...who are you? Where am I?" She got panicked looking at me and then looked around.

"You're on right place now. This is our home my love." Saying,I moved closer to her and cupped her face.

"We'll stay here now." I said and she pushed me back making me fall down from the bed.

"Don't touch me. I want to go home." She cried looking around and took her dupatta to cover herself while I got up smiling.

"This is your home now." Taking seat again in front of her,I filled the glass with juice and moved toward her.

"Aarham. Please let me go to him." She took his name making me mad and I fisted my hand angrily.

"You've taken his name now but don't take his name again. I don't want to listen his name from your mouth." Saying, I moved closer while she moved back and I could see she was scared.

She'll be fine one day. I thought and smiled.

"Here have this juice." I said looking at her who shook her head.

"Let me go please. My Aarham would be worried." She said again and I threw the glass away as my anger went to its end.

"I told you to not take his name. I hate him. I hate him you heard that. He took all what I loved,What I wanted but not any more. I wouldn't let him take you away. You're mine. You're mine Mehak." I said holding her.

"You heard that right. You're mine. I will not lose to him this time." I said again with a laugh and it was really a victory for me.

"My Mehak." I shouted again with a laugh.

Mehak's POV.

"My Mehak." He shouted while holding my shoulders tightly and I was feeking disgust on his touch.

He laugh and looked at me and I was dying with fear. An obsessed and psycho man was in front of me and I was not understanding how to save myself from him.

"Say you're mine. Say you're mine." He said shaking me and I was just crying and trying to free myself .

"Say it Mehak. It will be his lose. He has to lost. I'm the Winner. Say you're mine." He was talking nonsense but I couldn't stop myself and without thinking anything, I slapped his dirty face.

His every action froze but I didn't care and slapped him again on his other cheek.

"Leave me you moron. I'm not yours. Will never be yours." I said and pushed him back who was shocked on getting slap but he deserve more than that.

"You dare to touch me or come closer to me then..." I said and looked around to find something.

There was a knife I saw with the fruits. Taking it hurriedly,I placed it on my neck close to my veins.

"I'll kill myself. I'm only my Aarham's." I said and he walked toward me.

"Mehak don't do this. I love you. Please don't." Coming to me, he said but I took steps back saving myself from that animal.

"Let me go please."I pleased as my heart was going weak.

"Mehak." I didn't know how he took that knife from me and threw me on bed.

"Forget him now. You'll be with me. And he's going to die soon. I won't let him live any longer." He said and I turned to see him shocked.

"You...you were the one who tried to kill Aarham before?" I asked getting up who laughed and moved closer to me and I moved back while he keep coming to me.

"Of course. Not for once but I tried to kill him many time but his luck. Cha...but you don't worry love this time you won't be there to save him. He'll die soon." He said and I got more scared now.

"You're mad. You are mad,an obsessed person." Pushing him back,i said but he held my hands and moved closer to me while my heart trembled with fear.

"Just few days dear then you'll be mine. Only mine. This tag of Mrs Aarham will be end. I'll remove it from you." Touching my jaw,he said and I wished to die that moment when he touched me.

"Now take rest. I'll be going and don't try to escape because you can't. So don't worry and have something." Saying he moved back leaving me and winking,he left from there while I keep sitting down on the ground and wrapped my arms around my legs.

"Aarham come soon please. I'm scared." Crying,I called him and I knew he'll come to me.

Aarham's POV.

"Any news Sir?" I asked looking at commissioner uncle who was friend of Dad but his negative nod broke my all hopes.

"We are trying Aarham. We'll find her. Just don't lose hope." Commissioner sir said and I nodded while going out if his cabin and Dad followed me.

It has been 5 days and still I couldn't get any clue to find her. I was not understanding why someone did this. We didn't received any call for money or something then what the kidnapper wanted. I was not undersrsnding.

We reached home and saw all family members standing there. I could see mom looking at me with hope but I looked down. What to tell that I was failure who couldn't do anything to find her daughter in law.

"Aarham don't worry. Police is doing it's work and so are our agency." Dad said and I gave a nod.

We all settled down in the hall thinking a way. I could see mehak's parents worried faces and Mahi's eyes steaming down the tears.

"Any call for ransom?" I asked looking at Aarib Bhai who gave a negative nod.

"Bhai." I looked up on the voice and saw saw a standing.

"Yes guriya." I said looking at her pale face.

"I..i..know who did this." I looked at shocked.

I got up and so did all. I looked at her and then to Dad.

"You know?" I asked and she gave a nod.

"I've seen his face." She said and I felt a light of hope around me.

"Why didn't you tell us before? Tell us who's he?" Asked Shams coming ahead and I saw her getting scared.

"Shams calm down. It's okay guriya. Tell me." I asked politely.

"But you all have to promise me one thing." She asked and I saw her pooing st her brother and father.

"What promise?" Asked Shams.

"You won't hit him. No arrest nothing." We all looked at her shocked and disbelief.

"Are you mad? That person should be hanged to death and you're saying to let him go." Said Shams getting angrily but my eyes were observing her who was shivering with tears rushing out of her eyes.

"Anything else?" I asked and she nodded.

"I want to marry him." As she said she received a slap from Dhsns and I came between thrm.

"Stop it Shams." I said stopping him.

"She's making me mad and you're stopping me. What she's saying didn't you listen it." Shams said and I turned to her who was crying now while I turned all female of the family who were shocked on Zara's words like we were.

"You know he's a bad person who kidnapped Mehak and still you're asking for all these things." I said and she nodded.

"Because I love him bhai." She said again and I turned to other side was not understanding what to do.

"Shut your mouth. Don't you dare to say a word." Waqas taya g came angrily.

"Papa please. I can't live without him." She cried and I closed my eyes feeling helpless.

"Tell us who he is?" I asked turning to her.

"I won't beat him neither arrest him. Just tell me who's he." I asked.

"Waqas taya g. Let me handle all this. Believe me." I said and went to Zara.

"Nothing will happened to him. Tell me." I said and nodding she walked back to her room while we all were waiting for her to come.

"What we'll do now?" I asked looking at Shams who was looking as worried as I was.

I saw her coming and stopped in front of us.

"It's him." She said passing me a paper which I opened immediately and my eyes widened.

"Riyyan." I was shocked to see his face sketched on the paoer and I looked up at Zara who smiled.

"His name is Riyyan." She said but I said liked down at the sketch.

"You sure Zara?" I asked again and she gave a nod.

"This is the face I never forget." She said and I was shocked on this truth that how he? And why?

"Sir commissioner sir came."Abbas said coming in and nodding me Dad with Shams went out.

"We've found the kidnapper and the one who attacked on you serve time." Commissioner sir said and I looked at him shocked.

"Is he Riyyan Malik?" I asked and this time Commessioner sir gave a nod saying yes and I faltered on my feet.

"It's him. The attack on you in Australia was also done by him." He gave us another news but I was still in shock.

"We have to go now." It was Aarib Bhai and nodding we all left from there as now I wanted to reach my Mehak as soon as possible.

"Bhai." My feet stopped on Zara's call.

"Don't beat him please." She said and nodding I sat in the car and drove from there.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers readers.

How are you all?

Another update?

Isn't surprise?

I know. You are must be smiling. Hope you enjoyed the chapter

All the servers unfolded finalky. The culprit is revealed now. Hope to get Aarham and Mehak back soon.

About Abbas and Dua do leave your comments. And tell me your views about the while chapter.

Next update would be late I think so. So be patience my readers. Not only this one but all stories are going to be late this time. So just be calm and have patience.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

And do remember me in your prayers.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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