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Aarham's POV.
"Dude hurry up. We are getting late." I heard Shams's voice.

But I was busy in changing my cloths. I was still in my office and my this cousin brought my dress here to get me ready. I was now stuck in the washroom and was tangled in this suit. I was hating the buttons of the shirt which were not closing down. I was trying to be quick and these buttons were making it more late for me.

"Coming." I yelled and went out with waistcoat in my hand.

As I stepped out I saw shams waiting for me. He look at me and raised his eyebrow.

"What??" I asked while looking at myself in mirror.

"You are still not ready Aarham." Shams said and start buttoning my shirt again and took the waistcoat to make me wear it.

Closing the buttons of waistcoat he look at me and nodded.

"Good you are ready now. Comb your hair." He said while passing me a comb.

I smiled and comb my hair. Wearing my coat on it I turned fully to shams showing that I was ready. He sighed and walked out and I followed him while putting my mobile in my pocket.

"What?" I asked looking at him who was ignoring to look at me.

"Tell me who go to his office on the second of his wedding? I'm amazed!" Shams said while sitting inside the car.

I took seat and he start driving. There was all silence. I turned to see him who was looking so annoyed.

"Shams." I called him and he stopped the car aside.

"Dude what are you doing? Why are you not understanding that you are married now. You have a wife who must be thinking about you all day and you were busy in your that damn blueprints. Grow up Aarham." He said and I sighed.

"I know. I know but this was important." I said and he start driving again.

"Nothing is important more than your wife." He said and I smiled on his concern who was so worried for me.

"And Zee Maa is so much angry. She slapped me because of you." He said and I hide my smile again.

"Oh really. Your zee Maa slapped you." I said making fun of him.

"Enjoy one day I'll enjoy when you will get slap from Zee Maa." Shams said while parking the car aside.

"We'll see." I said and he nodded.

He dialed a number.

"We are outside. You girls come out." Shams said and cut the call.

"Come to the driving seat." He ordered and went out of the car.

I was not understanding why we were standing here. I went out and walked to sat on the driving seat. As I did I saw the front door open from other side and someone entered. My eyes blinked twice looking at the beauty seated next to me.

Mehak was seated next to me in dark red colour saree with sided bun. Two hair locks were coming out hanging on her temple, on her neck. Simple make up was making her More beautiful. Beautiful heavy earrings were hanging in her ears and a beautiful gold necklace around her neck making her look like a princess. I forgot to blink. She was seated with lower eyes and I lost my eyes on her.

"Dude come to your senses." Someone shook me and I turned to my right side.

As I turned I saw Shams standing. He was having a naughty grin on his lips.

"Drive carefully. We'll meet you at hall." Shams said and I nodded.

I started the car and slowly start driving. There was only silence in the car. Non of us was speaking yes but her bangles were tingling the silence of car with its  tickling.

"You okay?" Finally I asked and look at her and she nodded.

Again nodding.

"Mehak." I called her and she look up at me.

Her eyes met mine and I for once loses the balance of car. The twinkle of her eyes tingle my heart. I immediately avert my eyes from her and concentrate on driving. My heart beat faster.

"You okay?" Her beautiful voice rang in the car and I turned a little to see her.

"Are you?" I asked and her eyes lower down.

I smiled a little and keep driving. The little pink blush on her cheeks was making me crazy. I just keep driving and soon I stopped the car outside the hall. As I turned I saw a huge crowd of media waiting for us. I took a deep breath and turned to her.

"Come." I said and put my hand on the lock to open up.

As I was about to open the door I felt her hand on my hand making me turn to her.

"What happened?" I asked looking at her.

She was looking tense. I turned to her fully. She was still holding my hand stopping me.

"Mehak." I called her and she look up at me.

"I'm scared. So many people are there. I'm scared. And...and my this dress. I'm...I'm..not comfortable." She said while pointing toward  her saree.

I smiled looking at her who was so tense. She was again and again adjusting her saree with one hand and with other she was still holding my hand tightly.

"You are looking beautiful." I said and she look up at me.

"Don't be scared. I'm here with you. Just relax. And about the dress don't think about it. You are looking beautiful." I said and her cheeks turn pink.

When she didn't move and didn't leaved my hand. She was still nervous. I smiled and put my hand on her hand.

"And if you are still nervous you can cover yourself with this shawl." I said while Pointing toward the black shawl hanging on her left shoulder.

I took that shawl from her shoulder and spread it on her both shoulders  l covered her back with shawl. She look up at me with a small smile.

"Shall we?" I asked and she nodded.

I stepped out of the car and went to her side to open the door. As I open the door she stepped out. She look up in front of hall.

"Shall we?" I asked and she immediately hold my arm in both hands making me smile.

"Don't be scared." I whispered in her ear and took a step to move.

She was walking with me beautifully holding my arm in her fragile hands. All reporters run toward us making Mehak scared.

"Relax." I said and before media could come closer to us,my guards stopped them.

All guards were stopping reporters. They clicked many pics of me and Mehak. Me and Mehak walked inside the hall. I opened the door and we both stepped in. As we entered we were welcomed by roses falling on us. 

My siblings run to us and we start walking inside. Every eye was on us. Our relatives friends and neighbours were present looking at us making Mehak nervous more. I could feel it because she was holding my arm tighter.

"Relax. See your parents are also there." I whispered in her ear and she turned to her right side where he parents were looking at us with Happy smile on their face.

She smiled too and we walked toward the stage where chairs were placed for us. Me and Mehak took place and my siblings with our parents and joined us on stage. All hugged us and congratulate us. I saw my mom staring at me with anger. I hold my ears.

"Sorry mom." I said and she hold my ear in her fingers and pull it a little.

"Because of you I slapped my Shams. You will not leave your office right!" Mom said making me chuckle.

"I'm sorry." I said and mom hugged me.

"My daughter in-law is looking so beautiful." Mom said going to Mehak who was blushing as everyone was praising her.

"Where is Shams?" I turned on voice and saw Aabia.

"He must be here." I said looking around.

"He's not here." She said and walk down from stage.

I turned and saw Sameer who was so busy in talking to Mehak and she was also smiling on his naughtiness. Shazam was busy in roaming around mahnoor. Both were arguing and fighting but with each other. I smiled on their fights and smiles.

"Bhai your business colleagues are waiting for you in other side." Sameer said and I nodded.

I excused myself and went to other side where all men were gathered. I was in family section where only family members were present. All business colleagues, friends and partners were on other side which was arranged for men. As I went there everyone congratulated me and I received it with smiles.

"Aarham." I turned on the voice to see who called me.

As I turned and saw Mr.Siddique was standing.

"How are young man?" He said while hugging and I smiled.

"Very well sir. What about you?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm good. Congrats on your wedding. I'm so sorry I couldn't attend it but see I'm here to enjoy your Vallima." Mr.Siddique said and I nodded with smile.

"Its really good to see you here sir. Where is Shahmir?" I asked and at the same time someone put his hand on my shoulder.

I turned and there he was. Shahmir. He was son of Mr Siddique who was our business partner in construction business. Shahmir was also my friend. We knew each other from London when I went there to study business.

"Congrats." He said while hugging me.

"Thank you." I said and Mr.Siddique left leaving us alone.

"So where is bhabhi?" He asked and I pointed toward women section.

"Oh come on. I hate that when men and women sections are divided. Why you want to deprived my eyes from looking at the beauty?" He said and I was understanding what he was saying.

"You can't change. Girls and girls you can't think anything else."  I said and he laughed.

"There is no beauty in the world without these girls." He winked and I sighed.

"Bhai mom is.." I turned on the voice to see Aabia who was calling me.

"Yes." I turned to her.

" is calling you. I'm going bhai." She said and turned to go.

"Hey." Shahmir called and she turned.

"Hey Aarham who is she?" Shahmir asked and I suspected the way he he look at Aabia.

"My sister Aabia. And Aabia this is my friend Shahmir." I introduced them.

"Bhai mom is waiting." Sameer's voice came and I nodded.

I look at Shahmir who's eyes were shining and I didn't like the way he look at my sister. I hold Aabia' s hand.

"Come." I said and took a step to go.

"Can I join you?" Shahmir asked and I nodded but truly I didn't want him to be around because his eyes were continuously on Aabia.

We walked back in and instruct Aabia to stay away from shahmir. I knew how he was. He just wanted a time pass always. Girls were like a challenge for him. And I know he didn't change.

I walked up to the stage to my bride leaving Aabia with Zarnish. Mom start introducing me with her friends and Mehak was smiling looking at the guests who were congratulating her.

"May I gave you all attention please!" We turned on the voice and saw sameer standing with Mike in his hand.

"As you know the great business Aarham Jahan Ahmad is married and today we are here to congratulate him and his beautifull wife. But I think this evening is incomplete without the dance of this beautiful couple. What you think!" Sameer said and all applauded while me and Mehak startled.

We look at each other and then to everyone who were waiting for us to step down for dance. I look at her who was looking so scared.

"Come one bhai." Shazam yelled and again start clapping.

I could see some of reporters taking pics of the event and also they were waiting for us to step down for the dance. I took a step but her hand again hold mine stopping me. I turned to her who was so nervous.

"I...I...can't do this." She whispered looking at me.

"Trust me. Come." I said and hold her hand and step down from stage.

The lights turned off and a spot light captured us.

"I...I..can't dance. I don't know how..!" Mehak whispered again holding me tightly.

"Just follow me." I said and she nodded.

I took her left hand and put it on my shoulder while I hold her other hand in mine. Taking my hand down to her waist I hesitate. Hesitantly I encircled my hand around her waist bring her a little closer and her cheeks go red. The music started and I start moving. She was looking nervous. Trying to match her steps with me she was scared to fail or to be embarrassed.

"Look at me." I said and she look up in my eyes.

"Keep looking sit me and just free yourself to me." I said and then we just keep dancing looking at each other.

"Wow." All applauded as the song finished bringing us back from our lost senses.

Moving aside I smiled that I was really lost in watching her. Her eyes were really not allowing me to move from them.

"Bhabhi." Roshaane came running and hugged Mehak.

I smiled looking at her who was blushing. Ladies again start talking to each other and my sisters again start teasing my wife. I was smiling. The happiness on the faces of my parents and siblings was giving me happiness. Soon the dinner served and we all had our dinner.

"Aarham guests are taking leave. So I think you and Mehak should drive to home. We are also going." Mom said and I nodded.

One by one all guests after dinner took their leaves. Mehak's parents also leaved blessing us both.

"Okay son see you at home." Dad said and I nodded.

I look at Mehak who was seated alone on a chair. I walked to her.

"Mehak." I called her and she look up.

Mehak's POV.
"Mehak." He called my name and my heart jumped in my chest.

I look up at him who was standing in front of. He was looking so handsome in this brown suit. My eyes freeze on him. I was again lost. Lost in looking at him.

"Hey." He snapped his fingers in front of me and I immediately lowered my eyes.

Shit not again Mehak!!!

I scolded myself and then I find him seated next to me. I waited for him to say something.

"Shall we go?" He asked and I nodded without saying anything.

"Come." He said while standing up.

I followed him and we both walked out. The cold air touched me and I immediately covered myself with my shawl. His family were gone and only we both were left. Walking to the car I was shivering with cold. The start of winter was really making the nights cold. As we sat in car he start driving. I was all quite and so was he. I slowly took off the necklace I was wearing to get easy and place it in front of me on dashboard.

"I want to talk to you." His voice broke the silence of car and I turned to him.

He stopped the car and I was still waiting for him to say something.

"Come let me show you my favorite place." He said and I saw him taking his coat off.

He stepped out and opened the door of my side. Holding my hand he pulled me out. Cold air touched me and I shivered. He laughed looking at me.I saw him folding his sleeves till his forearm and then he leaned down to remove his socks and shoes.

"What are you doing? Its so cold and.." I said and he got up.

"And its fun." He said and took the shawl off me.

"Your shoes.." He said and slowly take off them and as my feet touched the cold ground a sensation of coldness run inside my body.

Placing our shoes and my shawl inside the car he hold my hand and start walking. I could hear the voice of water. The cold wind,the shinning moon and we. Everything was looking so beautiful. We just keep walking on wet sand. The wet and cold sand touching our feet was making us shiver. Cold air was playing with us. He just keep moving moving closer to the water and I was really shivering.

"I'm..I' cold." I said holding his arm tightly.

"I know. Me too." He said while turning to me.

I saw his cheeks and nose red due to coldness. Our hands were freezing and we were really stupids standing on a beach at 1 of the night with barefoot.

"Your nose." He said and took a step closer.

His fingers touched my nose which was so cold.

"It turns red." He said and smiled.

"Yours too." I said looking at his nose.

"Aren't we stupid to be here in this winter?" He asked and I nodded.

My teeth start chattering and so was his. I rubbed my both hands to warm them. As I look up he was looking at me. I freeze as he took step closer. Closer and closer until he was few inches away from me. Taking his hand toward my hair he slowly took off the pin making my hair open from that bun and it fall on my shoulder.

"I like your open hair." His confession made me blush and happy.

I lower my eyes and he hold my hand and with other hand he start playing with the hair locks teasing me. His closeness was making me nervous.

" say something." I said and dare to look up at him.

"Hmm." He said and tug my hair behind my ear.

Taking a lock in his fingers he just keep playing with it and I was looking at him and waiting for him to say something.

"About our honeymoon." He said and I shyly look away.

"I hope you won't mind because I postpone it for a week." He said and I look at him.

"You know right that..that I have a lot of work. I know I'm doing this wrong but believe me as my work will finish. I'll take you out with me." He said and I smiled on his sweetness.

"I don't have a problem." I simply said looking in his eyes.

He smiled and I joined him. We both keep standing close while he was still playing with my hair strand. Cold air was touching us making us cold.

"Will you join me?" He asked and I look at him confused.

"Where?" I asked and he smiled but this time his smile was not simple but something was fishy.

"To the water." He said holding my hand and I startled.

"What?" I asked as I thought I heard him wrong.

"Come with me to the water." He said and my eyes go wide.

"Its so cold." I said and he laughed.

"I know and that's the fun." He said and turned to water.

He took a step but I pulled myself back trying to save myself from that cold waves of water coming to me. He chuckled and I moved back and tried to free my hand from him who was pulling me to water.

"Mehak come." He said and I shook my head.

"No." I said and freed my hand.

He turned and raised his eyebrow. I look at him and I understood what he was going to do.

"No." I shouted and run with giggles as I feel him chasing me.

"Mehak." He chuckled while running behind me and I was trying to save myself from him.

My saree was disturbing me in running away and he was coming closer making me giggle more.

"Got you." He hold me from behind and I laughed and at the same time my feet tangled with my saree making both of us to lose our balance.

"Ouch." I said as I fall on the wet sand taking Aarham on top of me.

As I opened my eyes,his deep eyes were in front of me. I forgot to blink. In this coldness my body start heating up with his closeness. I could see how cold he was. His nose his cheeks were red and his lips were light blue due to cold. I was sure mine were the same. He didn't move back but freeze on top of me.

"I always come here to feel this coolness. Every time when I came here to feel this coldness of water I was alone but from now on I want you to be my companion in this craziness." He was saying while his thumb was running on my cheek warming it.

"When water touches your feet,the sensations which coolness of water creates in your body you feel alive that moment." He said and I smiled.

"I know you must be thinking that why I do this. Because it give me happiness. And I want you to be a part of my happiness." He said and I blinked telling him that I'll be with him.

He moved aside and I sat up. My back was freezing with cold wind. I was looking down not moving not saying anything. I saw a hand in front of me and I smilingly hold it as I knew whose hand it would be. We both stood up and look at each other. I saw him coming closer. As he stopped few inches far his hands start cleansing my hair with his fingers. My heart was beating as hell. What was happening to me. I was not able to understand. But all the day to now my body felt so much sensations on his closeness and the best of my heart beat increased every time he came closer to me.

"Shall we?" He asked and I look at the water.

I nodded which make him smile. He start walking and I followed him. As we reached near the water I hold his arm tightly and look at the wave coming to us.

"This is crazy." I said while shivering with cold.

He laughed looking at me and put his hand on mine which was holding his arm tightly.

"You know this is the third time you held my arm like this since morning." He whispered in my  ear.

I blushed and was about to take my hands back but he hold them and shook his head in negative.

"I liked it. Your touch tingles my heart." His confessions were making me shy and I look down.

"Come. Water is waiting for us." He said and took a step ahead.

I hold him more tightly which make him laugh. He just keep moving closer to water and I was scared to feel the coldness of water.

"Aarham this is really stupid thing." I said going closer to water.

"Who cares when it gives you happiness!" He shouted with Joy.

"Ahhh." I almost shouted when my feet touched the cold water.

"Wow. Easy." Aarham said taking a more step in water.

"" I said with much difficulty as cold water was freezing me and my teeth once again start chattering.

"God this is freezing." Aarham said and laughed.

I turned to see him. His face was glowing with happiness. I was still holding him tightly and his other hand was still there on my hands holding them. We both were shivering. Our hair were moving with every strock of air. Every wave of water was touching our feet and we were like stupids keep moving until the water was above our ankles.

"Wow this is life." He shouted and turned to me.

"Yeah but freezing life." I said and giggled on my own words.

"Your nose is so red." He said turning to me but still keeping his hand on mine around his arm.

"So is yours." I replied and he chuckled.

Leaning down to water he splash some water on me making me jump on my place.

"Aarham." I shouted and run and he start chasing me.

We were running in the water completely lost in our this fun and adventure.

"Stop.please." I said while stopping.

I was panting. Due to coldness my throat got dry with my lips. I saw him panting too who just stopped in front of me. Taking a step closer to me he look directly in my eyes.

"You know you made my day memorable." He said while pushing my hair back from my face.

"Can we dance again?" He asked while placing his hand in front of me.

I hesitate at first but then I slowly give my hand in his. As he took my hand he pulled me completely to him.  I collide with his chest and his arm encircled around my waist. He start moving and with him my feet also start moving.
"Are you still feeling cold.?" He asked while pulling me closer to him.

My eyes lower down with shyness and I really at this moment I was not feeling cold. I was heated up. His eyes were making my heart flutter and his touch,his fingers playing with my hair and his feel around me was making me feel so awesome.

"We...should go now." I said instead of answering him.

"Okay." He said and slowly removed his arms around me.

I saw him taking steps back and looking away from me.

Is he angry???

I thought and smiled on the thought came in my mind.

"Aarham." I called him.

And as he turned I leaned down and splash water on his face and run.

"Mehak." He yelled and I run more faster as I feel him coming behind me.

I felt an arm around me and I yelled. He spun me and made me face  him. I look at him who was breathing heavily as I was. We both keep looking at each other without any word. His hand cupped my face and my heard jumped. His thumb start caressing my face and I just keep looking at him. My breath start going ragged.

"Mehak." He said and my heart was going crazy on the way he called me

Before he could say something his mobile rang and we both came to our senses. I slowly moved back taking my hands down from his shoulders. He picked his call.

"Yes mom we...we are coming." He said looking at me.

I look away and wrapped my arms around me to keep myself warm as the air was passing through my body making me tremble with cold.

"Come." He said and I nodded.

We both start walking back to car. Our hands were touching and I really wanted to hold his hand as I become my habit. I was amazed just a day with him and without holding his hand I was not liking to walk. My heart jump in my ribcage when he slowly hold my hand. I didn't protest and hold his hand back. Silence and we nothing else. Sometimes words are not important. As we went near the car he unlocked it and we hopped in. Turning on the heater of car he turned to me.

"Wear this. You are shivering." He said while spreading his coat around me and then my shawl on it.

His hands were trembling due to cold. I smiled on his craziness. Who can say this that a successful businessman Aarham Jahan Ahmad can do this.  He was really crazy. We drove back to home. I was rubbing my hands together to warm them. But I was feeling so cold that I was freezing on my spot.

"We'll be home soon." He said and I nodded.

Third person's POV.
"Where are they?" Zeeniya asked worriedly and Jahan smiled.

"Relax. Its their day. They are newly wed. Must be enjoying with each other." Jahan said and she nodded.

"But its going to be 2 of the morning." Zeeniya said and Jahan laughed.

"Zeeniya you are taking it over. Relax. He said na that they are coming." Jahan said and zeeniya sighed.

All the family members were gone to sleep but only zeeniya and Jahan with their naughty kids were waiting for Aarham and Mehak.

"Mom I think we should sleep." It was sameer who said while yawning.

"Beta you sleep." Zeeniya said and he nodded while resting his head on his mothers lap and closed his eyes.

Zeeniya smiled and start running her fingers in his hair. Shazam smiled while Aabia and roshaane giggled looking at the sleepy face of sameer. Everyone knows that he was so close to his mother. And zeeniya too loves him so much. A car horn make sameer jump and he run out as he knew that his brother is arrived. Zeeniya smiled on his craziness. She was relieved that Aarham and Mehak were home.

Sameer was the first who entered in the hall but everyone could see the smile he was trying to hide. Behind him Mehak appeared holding her sandals in her hand and in other hand her necklace. Aarham appeared and all gasped looking at them. Both were wet. Aarham was holding his shoes and his coat and Mehak's shawl in his hands. Both's hair were messed and anyone could see the filing of sand on their clothes,hair and body. Zeeniya sighed and walked to them.

"Aarham." Zeeniya said strictly and he look down.

"Mom actually... We..." He tried to say and zeeniya look down on their feet which were red because of cold.

Their clothes were wet making them shiver. She shook her head in disappointment. Jahan was trying yo hide his smile.

"Why again? You know I had stopped you. I told you not to go to beach on this winter because you get cold. And Mehak you too. You should have stopped him." Zeeniya said looking at her who's lips were going blue and nose more red telling that how much she was cold.

"Aunty I...I..." She stutter and look at Aarham.

"Come on mom. Its fun." Aarham said

"Bhai really it was fun with bhabhi or...!" Aabia's tongue slipped and Jahan laughed with sameer and Shazam including roshaane.

Zeeniya tried to hide her smile while they both were feeling embarrassed. They look at each other remembering the moments they spend together and look away. Mehak was feeling so shy,so was Aarham.

"Very funny. Mom I'm going." He said and took a step to go but zeeniya hold his arm to stop him.

"Take your bride with you. I'm sending warm milk for you both." Zeeniya said and Mehak lowered her head more as the word of bride making her shy more.

She look up at the siblings of Aarham who were looking at them with naughty grin on their faces. Aabia winked at her and she immediately took steps with Aarham to move to their room. Both turned to see all family and run to the stairs with each other to hide themselves. As they disappeared all burst into laughter. Zeeniya was too smiling and went to kitchen. Taking the milk out she start warming it and thought that his son is really taking interest in his marriage life.

Aarham's POV.

We both stepped in the room and look a each other and then look away trying to escape from each other. The feelings were beating our hearts. We were not understanding what was going in our hearts. The pull was so strong pulling us closer.

"You change. Its so cold." I said and she nodded.

I saw her going to the dressing table where she put her necklace and then I saw her removing her earrings. Taking off her bangles,I saw her hands shivering with cold. I moved to sofa and sat there and just keep looking at her. In red saree her hair fully open filing of sand on her neck, the shiver of her lips, and her fragile feet everything was making me lost in her.

"You change and then..." She stopped as she saw me looking at her.

"" She stuttered.

I got up and walked to her. My fingers brushed with hers when I hold my clothes. Her eyes were shivering. She was looking nervous.

"I forgot to tell you." I said and she look up.

Leaning closer to her ear I whiffed a little and she shivered a little. I smiled as her fragrance touched my nostrils.

"You are beautiful. Beautiful as rose." I whispered in her ear and moved back.

Our nose brushed and eyes met. We were lost again. Our breaths were tangling with each other. My arms were itching to be wrapped around her and wanted to pull her in my arms. After all the beautiful moments we spend together, I was feeling myself drawn into her. She was pulling me. Giving something strange in my heart. I never felt these feelings before.

"Aa....Aarham." She called me and I came to my senses.

At the same time a knock on door and I moved back creating distance between us. I look at her who's cheeks were pink showing the blush. I smiled and went to open the door. As the door open mom stepped in with milk glasses.

"You both didn't change yet! " she asked and I look at her who was playing with her fingers.

"Look at you both. Shivering with cold but didn't change. I'm turning heater on and both go and change your clothes." Mom said and Mehak run inside the washroom to change but I smiled on her hurries.

"What you did?" Mom asked coming closer.

"I swear I didn't. I was just..." I stopped and look at mom who was smiling mischievously.

"Just what?" Mom asked and I smiled.

"Nothing." I said and mom laughed.

"Look at your face. Bless you. Stay happy with Mehak. Don't forget to have this milk. Good night." Mom said and left after kissing my forehead.

As I turned I saw Mehak coming out. I went in and changed into my sleeping suit. When I step out I saw Mehak having milk. I took my glass and start drinking milk silently. I look at her who was,shivering due cold. Even the heater was on but still there was cold. Placing the glasses on table she went to her side of bed. We both look at each other and then at bed.

Again circular bed!!!

We both look at each other and hesitantly sat on bed. I lay down first to make her relax. I saw her laying down and we both pulled the duvet on us. Pulling it completely on us we both turned to other side. Our back was facing each other. I was feeling so cold but sleep was far from me. I don't know how much time passed but sleep didn't consumed me. I turned to see her and at the same time she turned. I saw her trembling with cold.

"You okay?" I asked while turning to her fully.

She also turned to me fully. I could see her shivering lips, the tremble of her hands.

"I'm...feeling.. So cold." She said and I feel bad.

"I'm sorry. I pulled you in all this." I said pulled duvet more on her shoulder.

I just keep looking at her who held the pillow tightly to control herself from shivering. I keep looking at her and then I moved a little closer. She look up and before she could understand I hold her waist and pulled her closer to me. She collide with my chest and I put my left hand under her neck making her head rest on it. I don't know why I do that but really I wanted her close in that moment.

"Relax." I said looking at her who was shocked.

"You are so cold." I said as I feel her body next to me which was freezing.

I saw her lost in me. Her eyes not for once blinked. I smiled. Her fragrance was overwhelming me. She didn't protest on me being close to her. She was just in watching.

"You really like to gaze me don't you!" I asked and her eyes lower down.

I pulled the duvet on us covering us fully. I don't know how my fingers moved to her face to remove her hair from her face. Tugging it behind her ear i touched her ear and give it a massage to warm it. She shivered on my touch. I don't know what was happening to me. Why I was touching her like this. She was pulling me toward her. Just a day with her I was feeling different.  My fingers moved to her nose caressing it slowly in order to warm it. Moving to cheekbone I keep moving my fingers caressing her face.

"Still feeling cold.?!" I asked in a whisper.

I could feel her breath uneven on my touch. But I was not able to control myself. Her face heated up  on continue touch of my hand. Her fragile fingers held my shirt in her fist and I moved closer to her bring her closer to my heart. Her eyes lower down as she could see my continue gaze on her. Her hand was shivering on my shirt and I was liking her hold,her closeness. My fingers moved to play with her hair. Her breath was fanning my neck tingling my heart.  I don't know what happened that i leaned on her face and pressed my lips on her forehead with so much feelings I was feeling inside my heart. As I kissed her she hugged me resting her head on my chest and my arms moved to her waist hugging her back. I smiled on the closeness we were sharing. I don't know how this happen but I was not going to regret it. This was the best feeling I ever felt. Our feet tangled with each other and I put my chin on her head and closed my eyes.

A/N::: Assalam-o-alikum readers.

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