Wedding 2

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Third person's POV.
Everyone was ready to depart. The Barat was ready but groom was not. He was still in his room getting ready for his was the big day for Aarham and his family. Jahan mansion was filled with happiness and laughter.

"Where is your son?? Its getting late.?" Zeeniya said looking at Jahan who was also waiting for Aarham.

"Mom Bhai Shams is with him. He's getting ready. Give him some time. Its a big day for him." Sameer said coming closer to his mom.

"I know. But its just that I'm nervous. Its a big day for my son. I'm so happy." Zeeniya said excitedly.

Jahan smiled looking at his wife who was so happy. Actually his all family was so happy. He was just prayering for their happiness to last forever.

"Zee Maa." Zeeniya turned on the voice of Shams.

All eyes went to the stairs where the most handsome groom was standing in brown sherwani with a turban on his head. He beautifully walked to his mother and stand in front of her.

"Mom is this necessary to wear?" Aarham said irritatedly touching the turban he was wearing.

All laughed looking at him. He turn to see his siblings who were laughing. He glare at them and then turn to his mother.

"Mom I'm not going to wear this. My Bluetooth is also disturbing with this turban." Aarham said while taking off the turban and again fixed the Bluetooth in his ear making the whole family shocked.

"Aarham are you mad? What  this Bluetooth is doing in your ear?" Zeeniya asked and look at him who fixed the Bluetooth device in his ear.

"Hello Rahil check the codes and msg me." Aarham said as his Bluetooth connected to his mobile.

"Okay I'll be waiting." Aarham said and look at his mother who was glaring at him.

"Mom sorry but I have to apply the tender tonight so I just send Rahil to office to bring some files and..." He was saying but zeeniya cut him off.

"And Aarham Jahan Ahmad.? Are you mad. Its your wedding and you are still after you meetings and tenders. I can't believe this." Zeeniya said and before he could say something zeeniya pull that Bluetooth out of his ear and took his mobile out from his Sherwani pocket.

"Mom what are you doing?" Aarham protested but zeeniya hand over that mobile and Bluetooth to shams.

"If I saw him again talking on mobile in these two days then you'll be one who would have to answer me." Zeeniya warned shams as well and he nodded.

Aarham made a face while Sameer and Shazam just laughed looking at him. He glare at them but today they were not going to stop teasing him.

"Bhai for today at least just come out of your files and business. Feel your wedding." Sameer said and took the turban from the table and again put it on his head.

"Our bhabhi is waiting. Let's go." Sameer said looking at Aarham which makes him smile.

"People we should go now.!" Aabia came down after taking so much time for getting ready and now was getting impatient to go.

"By the way you are late." Shams said and she poked her tongue to him making him laugh.

"But my mobile mom!" Aarham again look at the mobile shamsa was holding.

"Hell with your mobile. Let's go." Aabia said and hold his arm and took him out from the house to porch where a car fully decorated with flowers was waiting for him.

Drummers were beating the drums and Shazam and Sameer start dancing. Roshaane with her cousins were also dancing and clapping. All the relatives were happy smiling and dancing. The groom was standing just looking at shams for hope that he will gave him his mobile but shams just shrugged his shoulders and went closer to him.

"Dude in this moment you should think about the girl you are going to marry not about the mobile. At least feel something. She must be getting ready as your bride. Her eyes would be filled with so many dreams. The nervousness, fear,shyness everything she must be feeling. Think about her and for today forget that workaholic Aarham who just want his files around him. Because you would have someone else around you and close to you." Shams whispered in his ear.

Aarham look away but his heart beat fastened. The thought of her made him feel different. His heart was running fast as he thinks about the coming time. He look at Shams who gave him a smile and start dancing with Sameer and Shazam.

"Boys enough of dancing.we should go now." Jahan said coming forward.

"Aarham sit." Jahan said and open the door of the car.

"What?? I'm not going to sit in this car. It looks like a moving flower shop. I'm not going in." Aarham flinched away from the car which was beautifully decorated with roses.

"Bhai Have you seen your room? Its big garden then!" Shazam said.

"Shut up you too." Zeeniya said and came forward.

"Aarham get in. Its your wedding and groom's car is decorated like this." Zeeniya said and he made a face but without arguing sat in.

They all took a breath of relieve and sat in their cars. Shams sat with Aarham and cars drove out of the house. As the car came out of the house a huge crowd of media run to them. But cars drove faster. They don't want to stop now. Reporters sat in their vans and followed them. Cars were headed toward one of the biggest Marriage hall of Karachi.

"Aarham how are you feeling?" Shams asked looking at Aarham who was lost in something.

"Huh! Noth..nothing." He answered nervously.

"Nervous?" Shams asked.

Aarham's POV.
"Nervous?" Shams asked and I turn to him.

Nervous!! I was freaking out. I never felt this before. My stupid heart was not in my control. I was never like this. I mean I never being scared or nervous or anything but this...this was something making me nervous. I don't know why my heart was beating as hell. For the first time I wanted this journey of few steps to end. I wanted to reach there as soon as it can be possible.

"A bit." I answered and again look out of the car.

It was 8 of the night and there was all dark I can see. But lights were making the city alive and brighten. Our car stopped and my heart jumped to my throat. Drumming voices,crackers were telling me that we reached the spot.

"Let's go." Shams said smilingly and I came out of the car.

My siblings just danced and Sameer and Shazam crack the crackers. After few seconds we stepped in hall but we were stopped by my in laws. They welcomed us by hugging us. And then I walked in and I was welcome by all the girls with roses. Roses were showered on me and I was just smiling. This was all new but so good. I saw Mahnoor Mehak's sister smiling while showering roses on me.

I was made sit on the stage which was so beautifully decorated with roses. I wonder why everyone uses roses for every decoration. All the guests took seats while my siblings jumped on the stage gathered around me.

"Bhai I'm going to see your bride. I'm getting impatient!" Aabia said and run from the stage with Roshaane.

Not more than me!

I thought and smile on my own thinking. Really I was so impatient to see her. Time was not passing. I was just sitting there waiting for the Nikah ceremony.  I saw my family,my parents cousins friends everyone was happy.their smile was because they were happy for me and I just smiled looking at everyone.

"Aarham Qazi Sahab is here." Shamsa whispered in my ear making me restless and nervous.

Mehak's POV.
I look at myself. I was fully ready as a bride. His bride. I was standing as a bride only for him. All this preparation, beauty, makeup only for him. I look at my lehnga of Dark red colour which had golden embroidery on it. My hands were full of matching bangles. My hair were tied in a bun and beautiful Gold necklace was shining in my neck. Lehnga dupatta was beautifully fixed on my head and on my shoulders with pins. I was so lost in looking at me.

"Bhabhiii." I startled on the voice and turn to see.

Aabia and Roshaane with Mahnoor and zarnish were standing at the door. They just run to me and Aabia hugged me tightly which makes me smile.

"You are looking so beautiful. My Bhai will faint." Aabia said looking at me from head to toe.

I smiled on her words but my heart runs faster. I know today I'm going to see him. We'll be face to face and that's what was making me nervous.

"Sit. Nikah  ceremony is after few time." Aabia make me sit and all girls rushed out.

My hands were shivering as the thought of being closer to him was coming in my mind. I haven't seen him. I don't know anything about him expect his name but still I feel connected to him. Like I can feel what he could be feeling. Maybe he was also  nervous as I'm. I don't know how would be our first meeting but I was hoping it would be some special.

"Aapi." I look up at the voice only to see Mahnoor standing.

"Nikah  ceremony is about to start." Mahnoor said as she came near me.

My heart beat fastened and I felt myself shivering. The biggest moment of my life was just here.

"Relax aapi." Mahnoor said looking at me.

"I'm..I'm...getting nervous. My heart is running so fast." I said looking at her who laughed when she heard me.

"Bhabhi is your heart Dhak Dhak karne Laga?!" I saw Aabia coming to me with a mischievous smile.

Both laughed as they saw my nervous expressions. 

"Laugh! I will see you both on your wedding day." I said and close my eyes to take deep breaths. I heard them laugh but I didn't open my eyes and just keep reminding myself that everything is okay and don't be nervous Mehak.

"Mehak." My eyes open when I heard zeeniya Aunty's voice.

" pretty." She kissed my forehead and sat next to me with my mom on my left side.

"Tell them to come." Mom said while she spread a dupatta of red colour on my head to cover my face in a veil.

My heart start running a marathon and I hold my lehnga tightly and closed my eyes. I heard footsteps and then I heard.

"Do you Mehak Waqar daughter of Waqar Khan accept Aarham Jahan Ahmad as your husband?" The question was asked but my voice was struck in my throat.

I slightly nodded my head " I do." And I said.

"I do."

"I do." For the third time I said and I felt a peace run inside me.

My heart filled with happiness and peace. I closed my eyes and two tears slipped from my eyes and stream down on my cheeks.

"Congratulations." I heard the voices of happiness.

My mom hugged me and then zeeniya aunty hugged me.

"Here sign on this." Zeeniya aunty said and brought forward to me the Islamic marriage certificate.

I signed it with shaking hands. I felt a hand on my head and it was not difficult for me to recognized who it was. It was my Papa. His hand with full of blessings was placed on my head and I could feel his happiness. One by one all the men of the family gave me blessings by putting their hands on my head and walk out. I was sobbing inside the veil. The thought of going far from my lovely relations was making me cry. I was crying that how would I live without my papa.

"Bhabhi." Suddenly my veil was taken off and I saw smiling face of Aabia in front of me.

"Oh crying and all!" She said as she saw my tears.

I just tried to smile and she immediately wipe my tears.

"Don't cry. Feel the happiness." She said and I smiled.

"How are you feeling being Mrs Aarham Jahan Ahmad." Aabia asked and my heart skip its beat.

My eyes lower down and my cheeks heated up. A shy smile covered my face.

"God when my Bhai will see his bride?" Aabia again started but I just keep looking down.

"Girls we are going out. Be with Mehak." Mom said and left from there with zeeniya aunty.

I heard the voices of congratulations and look at Aabia to know what happened.

"Your Aarham's Nikah  ceremony is also done. He accept you." Aabia said while running out with Roshaane and Mahnoor.

My heart beat was different. I was feeling different. The relation created in me and him was special. My heart was beating so fast.

"Bhabhi." I look up.

Aarham's POV.
"Do you Aarham Jahan Ahmad accept daughter of Mehak Waqar daughter of Waqar khan as your wife?" The question was asked.

My heart runs faster. I thought my words stuck in my throat. I clear my throat and nodded.

"I do." I said accepting Mehak as my wife.

"I do."

"I do." I said for the last time and everyone applauded with happiness.

"Congratulations." Everyone was congratulating me and I was just smiling.

So simple words "I do" can change your life. The feelings was indescribable. A new world of feelings I was feeling inside me.

"Bhai." I look up to see my stupid twins standing.

"Congrats Bhai. We are so haapy for you." Shazam said while hugging me.

I just smiled and look at my kiddo brother Sameer who was standing without saying anything.

"What happened?" I asked looking at him.

He just shook his head and then hugged me tightly as he do always.

"You won't forget me na Bhai as you are married now." He said holding me tight.

"Huh! What does that mean?" I parted from him and look at him.

"Mean you were first busy in your business and now you'll be with bhabhi so when I will get time to spend with my Bhai?" He said innocently.

Me and Shazam look at each other and then burst into a laughter. Sameer just narrow his eyes at us and turn to go but I hold his hand to stop him.

"You were always my first priority and will be. You are my kiddo you understand and nothing can change this." I said while looking at him.

He smiled widely and hugged me again with love.

"Love you Bhai. But I want a promise!" He said as he moved back.

"Bhai I think he's going to take all promises from you instead of bhabhi." Shazam said making me chuckle.

"Very funny. Okay listen Bhai." Sameer said and I turn to him.

"Whether you gave me time or not whether you spend time with us or not but please be with my bhabhi always. Give her your all love,time and respect. I just want that because I want to see my Bhai and bhabhi happy and smiling." Sameer said making me smile more.

I didn't know my this little kiddo is grown up. I hugged him again and patted his back.

"When you grown up?" I asked and moved back to see him.

"I was born grown." He said and I laughed looking at him.

My both stupid twins were making me smile making the day best for me.

"Son its time for you and Mehak to sit on stage." I turn on Dad's voice.

My heart flutter. I was going to sit with her. I was going to feel her close. I nodded. Shazam and Sameer winked and run. I saw shams coming to me.

"Sit down bro. Your bride would be coming." He said and I sat down on the big sofa.

My heart was beating as hell. I was waiting. Impatiently waiting for her. My eyes were going around to find her coming but she didn't show up.

"Bhai." I turn on the voice and saw Roshaane standing.

"Come here." She said while calling me to her.

I didn't understand what she was doing. I didn't got up. She waited for me but when I didn't move she run to me on stage and she hold my hand and pulled me with her.

"Roshaane what are you doing?? Where are you taking me?" I asked but she was just dragging me with her.

"Bhai just come."  She just keep dragging me with her.

She stopped in front of a room. I saw Aabia,Mahnoor and zarnish standing there. They were having a huge grin on their faces.  I didn't understand what was going on their mind.

"Bhai." Aabia said while holding me from my arm.

"Huh!" Was my answer.

I was not getting it. The naughty look in her eyes her slow move and then she pushed me. I faltered on my foot and saw her closing the door.

"Aabia." I turn on the voice.

Mehak's POV.
"Aabia. What are you doing?" I asked Aabia who was turning off all the lights and was lightening the candles. All around in the room there were candle stands with lighting candles.

"Shhh...keep quite. Just stand like this." She said while turning me to the opposite side of the door.

"Keep standing like this for some time." She said and went out of the room.

I just keep standing . I was getting tired when the room door opened and someone entered.

"Aabia." I turn and my eyes landed on the full length mirror placed a few steps far from me. But I was not looking at the mirror but at the person whose reflection was visible in the mirror. My heart beat fastened as I start analysing him.

His dressing the turban everything was telling me that he...he was Aarham. My breath stuck in my chest and my foot stuck to the roots. His eyes were fixed on my reflection in mirror. He was so handsome with a little beard and deep eyes. For a second I forgot to blink. But then suddenly nervousness overwhelmed and my eyes lower down. I never expected our first meeting like this. But I was melting under his gaze.

"You are beautiful." I heard his voice.

Aarham's POV.
"Aabia." I straighten myself on the voice.

The voice was so sweet and fragile. My eyes met with the mirror and I forgot to blink.  Her reflection was in front of me on mirror. Her eyes were fixed on me and so were mine. I was so lost. Lost in watching her. She was looking so beautiful in that dark red lehga and the jewellery. Then I saw her eyes lower down. My eyes travelled from her forehead to her nose to her cheeks to her lips. And here I stopped. The mole just at the corner of lower lips pull my heart. A sweet torture start inside me.

"You are beautiful." Words slipped from my tongue.

I was mesmerized by her beauty and her shyness was making her more beautiful. No words exchange between us. Just a gaze and the silence was enough for both of us. She look up and a smile from my heart spread on my lips.

"I'll be waking for you to come on stage." I said and open the door and turn to see her without any mirror.

With a glimpse of her I walk out of the room with a smile on my face. She was the girl I wanted in my life. Aabia chooses a right girl for me. I smile thinking about the blush I saw on her face and walked in hall where everyone was waiting.

A/N:: Assalam-o-Alikum readers.

How are you readers?

How was the updateAnd how was the first meet of the lovely couple??? Do comment on it please.

I hope you enjoyed the marriage of Aarham and Mehak. Next would be more interesting. Stay with me to read more.

Thanks for reading.

Stay bless.

Till next update Allah Hafiz.

Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

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