Unveiling of Ummeed

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Cutting it really close with the deadline this week. Honestly, I was almost certain that I was probably not going to update this story until next week

The above song is 'Ishq Di Baajiyaan' from the movie 'Soorma'

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Aakansha and Kabir had informed Rekha and Aakash about their relationship to avoid any more unexpected and embarrassing situations like the one with Abhimanyu.

They both were pretty surprised when Rekha revealed that Abhimanyu had actually known that his sister and his best friend had feelings for each other and was okay with them dating whenever they decided to.

Aakansha turns to her brother and angrily asks, "If you were okay with our relationship, then what was that the other day?"

Abhimanyu nonchalantly replies, "Well that, my dear little sister, was a little something known as payback. You and Kabir have been teasing me and my lovely wife for almost a year. Priyanka might be nice enough to simply ignore it, but did you really think I wouldn't retaliate?"

Kabir looks at his best friend shocked by his answer.

Aakansha says, "That was really not fair, Dada. You scared both of us for a moment."

Abhimanyu retorts, "Not so fun when you're the target now, is it?"

Aakansha was about to say something, but Priyanka angrily interrupts, "Stop it both of you. Honestly, you're acting like two little whiny babies. Not another word from either of you about this matter. Am I clear?"

Abhimanyu and Aakansha looked at her with a mildly shocked expression, but they both nod quickly so that they don't anger the usually calm and composed Priyanka.

Rekha can't help but chuckle at the scene alone with Aakash.

They didn't expect to see Priyanka take a stand like that and successfully shut both Abhimanyu and Aakansha up in the middle of yet another pointless argument.


After Abhimanyu's warning, Kabir was also extra careful whenever he took Aakansha out on dates or even met her in any public place.

Neither of the couples went on many dates because all of them were working hard on getting the orphanage up and running as soon as possible.

Priyanka and Aakansha were both running around the city to get things done and also drum up some publicity for Ummeed.

They both went to different orphanages and child shelters to offer to take a few children so that they weren't as crowded.

Priyanka also found some children living on their own on the streets and offered them a safe place to live in the orphanage.

Abhimanyu and Kabir helped them in any way they could without attracting much attention towards them.

They set up a website for the orphanage to put out applications for jobs and also talked to a few NGOs to support their venture in order to help as many children as possible.


The unveiling of Ummeed was planned around the first week of February.

The children had been moved into the orphanage and they all had already adjusted well to the new environment.

The unveiling ceremony was only a formality to reveal the true owners of the orphanage to the media and general public.

The employees and the children knew them, but they all were specifically asked not to tell anyone outside of the orphanage.

Abhimanyu had requested Priyanka to handle all the finances and the accounts for the orphanage herself because he didn't trust anyone else to do the job as sincerely as his beloved wife would.


Finally, it was the day of the official unveiling event of Ummeed.

Abhimanyu was more than ready to announce to the world that he had the most amazing wife in the world and that he loved her.

Somehow, the fact that the CEO of Singh Industries was actually the owner of the orphanage, had been successfully hidden from the media and general public.

People were curious to know more about the new orphanage that had opened, but no one had managed to find out much information.

No one in the office had the slightest idea about their boss and his wife owning the orphanage, whereas Kabir had also kept mum about the matter.


Abhimanyu and Priyanka were getting ready for the unveiling ceremony.

Priyanka was changing in their walk-in closet while her husband was sitting on the couch in their room wearing a suit of her choice while waiting for her to get ready.

Abhimanyu was checking on the last-minute things so that the even would take place smoothly when he sensed that his wife had entered the room.

He looked up to see his wife and he was left spellbound by his wife's beauty.

Priyanka wordlessly asked for her husband's opinion of her outfit.

Abhimanyu also approved of the attire, wordlessly by shaking his head and with a smile on his face.

He then started walking to their dressing table to pick up the Sindoor Dani.

Like every day, Abhimanyu took a pinch of Sindoor in his fingers and filled his wife's maang

As always, Priyanka closed her eyes while her husband applied the Sindoor, which marked her as his.

Abhimanyu then held her hand and they both walked downstairs where they met Aakansha and Kabir who were waiting for them.

They got into separate cars and drove to the orphanage for the unveiling ceremony.

Abhimanyu had chosen not to drive the car himself because he knew that his wife was feeling nervous about facing the crowd and the paparazzi.

He had decided to sit with his wife and help her with her nervousness.

Priyanka noticed that their car had a driver and understood that her husband was sitting behind with her.

She couldn't help but thank her stars for the gem of a person her husband was.

Abhimanyu always understood what Priyanka needed without her having to voice her thoughts.


As expected, there was a lot of media around the orphanage.

Seeing the crowd, Priyanka started feeling nervous once again, so her husband tightened his grip on her hand to reassure her.

Abhimanyu smiled softly when his wife turned to face him.

When they arrived near the entrance the driver stopped the car and Abhimanyu told Priyanka to wait for a moment and immediately stepped out of the car.

He ignored all the camera flashes and the questions thrown his way by the media.

Abhimanyu walked to the other side and opened the door for his wife like a true gentleman.

Priyanka stepped out of the car smiling gratefully at her husband.

Abhimanyu then placed his hand on his wife's lower back and guided her towards the stage they had set up.

Priyanka felt her nerves go down the moment her husband's hand touched her back.

They both ignored the camera flashes and the questions from the media.

(Imagine them to be surrounded by lots of reporters clicking their pictures and asking them questions)

Soon Kabir and Aakansha also joined them.

Kabir didn't open the door for his girlfriend because he didn't want anyone speculating about his relationship with his best friend's little sister.


There were many camera flashes because this was the first time Abhimanyu Singh had been seen in public with a woman on his arm.

Everybody wanted to know who the woman was and why was the CEO of Singh Industries acting as though he was extremely possessive and protective of her.

Some of them identified Aakansha as Abhimanyu's sister as she walked up to the stage with Kabir.

Abhimanyu made his way to the stage with his wife and gave her a kiss before going to stand in front of the dais to address the crowd.

He tapped on the mic a few times to check if it was working before getting ready to address the crowd.

Abhimanyu looks around for a moment before he says, "Good morning everyone. I hope you all are doing well today. I'm sure you all have many questions as to why I am here and who is the lady that arrived here with me. I will answer your questions, but first we have an unveiling to do of the orphanage behind me."

Everyone went silent to allow the CEO to talk.

Abhimanyu smiles softly before he continues, "Ummeed means Hope. Many young children dream to lead a wonderful and meaningful life, but not all of them receive the opportunity. Through this orphanage, we intend to provide opportunities to all those children who normally wouldn't receive them."

One of the reporters says, "Mr. Singh, if you wanted to provide opportunities then why an orphanage? You could have just provided some scholarships."

Abhimanyu chuckles and replies, "Providing opportunities doesn't just mean giving monetary support. Don't all children deserve to have a loving and caring family, that supports them throughouttheir life no matter what?"

Another reporter asks, "Mr. Singh, what inspired you to start this initiative?"

Abhimanyu smiles and replies, "I'm sure you all are aware that I believe in giving back to the society, but I had a bigger inspiration for this initiative. I grew up with loving parents, so I can't possibly know what it is like to grow up without any parental support, but I do understand that it is extremely difficult."

He holds out his hand for his wife to pull her close to him and continues, "But this lady right here, came up with the idea to try and make it easier for such children. This amazing woman has decided to dedicate her life to helping children in need and making them believe that they can also succeed in their life. So now let me introduce you all to the brains behind this project, Mrs. Priyanka Singh."

Cameras start flashing, but it doesn't bother Priyanka anymore because she knew that her husband was with her.

A random reporter says, "Mr. Singh, can you please tell us about your relation with this woman?"

Abhimanyu smiles and replies, "I am proud to say that this amazing woman is my beloved wife."

Another reporter asks, "Mr. Singh, you have never announced any relationships, so how and when did you get married?"

Abhimanyu replies, "I have never had any girlfriends because I had always wanted my family to choose a girl of their liking to become my wife. Now before you ask, yes, we had an arranged shaadi but since our marriage we have grown to love each other. I have been married for over six months now, but I didn't announce it before because I wanted my wife to be comfortable in her new family and lifestyle, before I made any such announcements."

Another reporter asks, "How did you meet each other?"

Abhimanyu turns to his wife and gestures for her to answer this question, while reassuring her by tightening his grip on her hand.

Priyanka nervously replies, "Abhimanyu and I had a common family friend, so that was how we came to know about each other. Our families also approved of the match and soon we got married."

A snotty reporter asks, "Mrs. Singh, did you just say yes because Mr. Singh is the CEO of a huge firm like Singh Industries?"

Abhimanyu turns to the reporter with anger in his eyes and was about to say something, when Priyanka cuts him off and says, "I actually didn't know much about Abhimanyu's job. I accepted him because my uncle spoke highly of his nature and that was all I needed to know about him. I was busy studying and working part time at my college when his proposal came. I didn't read the newspapers very often to know my husband was actually the CEO of a firm, let alone a well-known one like Singh Industries. Abhimanyu could have been a simple shopkeeper from another town and I still would have accepted him because of how he is as a person. I believe that if a person is rude to the people around him, then no amount of money can make it easier to live with such a person."

Abhimanyu smiles and kisses his wife on the forehead, while the reporter is stunned into silence not expecting the shy looking woman to answer the question in such a graceful manner.

Abhimanyu then turns to the crowd and says, "That is all the time we have for questions. I request the people to help us in any way that they can to provide more such opportunities for these young children."

With that Abhimanyu leads his wife into the orphanage for the small party, that they had organised for all the children and the staff.


Kabir follows them with Aakansha, but not before throwing the reporters an annoyed look.

He took a closer look at the snooty reporter's mic and mentally noted down the name of the news channel that had hired such an unprofessional person.

Kabir had a feeling that his best friend would want to teach the reporter a lesson for disrespecting his wife.

Aakansha noticed the look on her boyfriend's face and quietly asks, "You're going to help Dada teach that reporter a lesson, aren't you?"

Kabir replies in a low tone, "You really think Abhi is going to spare that idiot? The fool practically tried to call Priya Bhabhi a gold digger. Abhi will not spare anyone who even talks to his wife in a rude tone, so calling her some disrespectful names is just a way of calling upon your own doom."

Aakansha says, "Let me warn you, Priya Bhabhi will not like this idea very much."

Kabir replies, "Well, Abhi will deal with his wife's wrath. I am not going to piss him off by not helping him with this. Besides, Abhi himself has said on multiple occasions that if anyone insults his family, then they are also indirectly insulting him. He'll probably just use that as a bargaining chip to maybe get that reported fired or blacklisted. There's no way that Priya Bhabhi will be able to change his mind about this matter. She tried it once before when his stupid temporary assistant had insulted her, but Abhi still fired that woman and got her blacklisted in the field."

Aakansha says, "I wonder what will happen if Dada actually sees how Priya Bhabhi's classmates talk to her."

Kabir replies, "Abhi will destroy their families within seconds because that man is way too overprotective. The names you told me happen to be some of the people Abhi is currently working with. If they don't change their ways even after knowing that Priya Bhabhi is Abhi's wife, then it's their doom."

Aakansha nodded in agreement and walked into the orphanage building with Kabir.


Abhimanyu and Priyanka met up with the staff of the orphanage to get the celebration started.

When Kabir arrived, he took over the responsibilities and Abhimanyu guided his wife towards the children.

They played with all the children there, bringing out their own inner child.


Abhimanyu sometimes lost himself watching his wife play with some of the children. He couldn't help but wonder what their life would be like with their own kid.

Abhimanyu was watching Priyanka braiding a little girl's hair, which made him wish for a sweet little girl in their own life.

Most men would want a son to carry their family name, but Abhimanyu was not like most men.

Abhimanyu really wished for a daughter, who would be innocent and pure just like his wife.

He honestly didn't care if he never had a son in the future because he would feel extremely blessed to be the father of a cute little girl.

Some of the boys then bring out a basketball and request Abhimanyu to play with them, which brings him out of his trance.

He nods smiling before following the boys outside to the small court.


Priyanka finished braiding the little girl's hair before looking around to try and find her husband.

She then heard some noise from outside and noticed that some of the boys were playing basketball outside along with her husband.

Priyanka saw Abhimanyu lift one little boy, so that the kid could make the basket before placing him back down and giving him a high five.

She couldn't help but think about how her husband would make a wonderful father to their future children.

Abhimanyu literally looked like a kid himself, as he ran around with the boys who were playing basketball.

He helped some boys by teaching them how to shoot a basket while also entertaining the ones who were already pros.

Priyanka wished for a son who would be just like his father, compassionate and understanding.

She felt like her life would be complete, if she could see a little boy acting like a carbon copy of his father.

She just hoped their son wouldn't be as possessive and protective as his father, otherwise she would have a hard time doing anything with the father-son duo.


Priyanka knew that Abhimanyu wanted to wait to have kids only because he wanted her to concentrate on her career, before even thinking about growing their little family.

A few months ago, she would have completely agreed with him, but now she didn't feel like she wanted to wait for very long.

She knew it would be difficult, but she really wanted to have a child of her own with her beloved husband.

They were approaching their first anniversary and Priyanka knew that it was only a matter of time before their distant families and neighbours would start asking about their plans to expand their little family of two.

No matter what the real reason was, people would always blame the woman alone for the lack of a child in the life of any married couple.

Even though her husband had reassured her that it would be their decision to have kids, Priyanka knew that if they waited for too long then rumours about their private life might start circulating around the neighbourhood and their community.

She didn't want to do anything that would ruin her husband or her family's good name, so she had decided that she needed to talk to Abhimanyu about their future.


They spent most of the day playing with the children at the orphanage until Kabir reminded them that the girls had to attend college from the next day.

Abhimanyu and Priyanka reluctantly said goodbye to all the kids before walking towards their car followed by Kabir and Aakansha.

On their way back, Abhimanyu noticed that his wife was in some deep thought. He decided to talk to her about it in the privacy of their room.

When they reached home it was pretty late, so Abhimanyu told Kabir to stay in their house instead of driving back home because they were all pretty tired.

Aakansha and Kabir went towards their respective bedrooms, while Abhimanyu and Priyanka locked up the house before going to their own bedroom.


Once they were in their room, Abhimanyu and Priyanka followed their usual night time routines before lying down in bed together.

Abhimanyu says, "Wifey, I know that you have something on your mind so please tell me what is bothering you so that we can find a way to try and solve the issue."

Priyanka replies, "I was just thinking about our little family. Hubby, will you be okay if I said that I wanted to have kids soon?"

Abhimanyu says, "Priyanka, we have talked about this. You are going to have the final say whenever we decide to have kids because it's your life and your body that will be affected the most by the decision. If you want to have kids now, then I don't really have an issue."

Priyanka replies, "But Abhimanyu, the last time we talked about this you said that we should wait for some time before having a kid."

Abhimanyu says, "I still do believe that we should wait for some time because you are still studying right now and a baby will hamper your studies. It's not that I don't want to have kids now, but I just don't want your studies to suffer because of it."

Priyanka nervously asks, "So you have no issues if we have a kid now?"

Abhimanyu sarcastically replies, "Well, it would take the kid about nine months to actually show up in our lives, you know. I'm sure you have studied this in school."

Priyanka whines, "Abhimanyu"

Abhimanyu chuckles and says, "I really love to hear my name from your mouth."

Priyanka shoots him an unimpressed look, so he continues, "Alright on a serious note, I have no issues if you want to have a kid now. Honestly, I would love nothing more than to have a little kid, who will be a mix of both you and me, in our lives. But I can't stress enough on the fact that a baby will bring about some significant change in our lives, mostly yours. Are you sure you are ready for all of that?"

Priyanka replies, "If you had asked me a few months ago, then maybe not. But now, I feel like I'm ready. I know that I'm still in college and it would be difficult, but I really don't mind. It would be great to have a little kid running around our home. I truly believe that if we work together, then we can handle anything thrown our way."

Abhimanyu pulls his wife close to him and says, "I believe that too, wifey. I have a compromise for this situation. I'll agree to start trying and pray that if you do end up pregnant, then it is towards the end of your school year so that your studies are not affected too much. However, if anything happens before then you will tell me immediately and we'll handle everything together. I won't mind staying home with our baby, while you attend college. I can just attend my meetings from home unless there is some urgent matter that requires my presence, but otherwise I will enjoy my day with our baby."

Priyanka kisses her husband and whispers, "I love you, Abhimanyu"

Abhimanyu whispers back, "I love you too, Priyanka"


Who's excited to see how Abhimanyu deals with that snotty reporter?

What are your views about Priyanka's concerns about having children?

Let me know what you guys think ✍🏻

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