Worried Husband

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Hey guys 👋🏻

Thank you for choosing to read this story

I hope you guys liked the previous chapter despite the major hiccup I had mentioned. From this chapter the story is back on track, just as I had written it originally.

I really enjoyed reading the inline comments in the last chapter, so you guys are more than welcome to keep those coming.

A big thank you to all the wonderful readers for all the love and support.

The above song is 'Khairiyat' from the movie 'Chhichhore'

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It had been about an hour of wait for Priyanka's loved ones, after which a doctor comes out and asks, "Is the family of Mrs. Priyanka here?"

Abhimanyu immediately comes forward and replies, "I'm her husband. Is my wife okay?"

The doctor says, "Your wife fainted due to low blood pressure, but we are performing some more tests to ensure that we are not missing anything else. I think while falling down she has hit her head on something sharp like the edge of the desk, from what I understand. Mrs. Singh has lost a bit of blood due to which she might feel weakness for a few more hours after she wakes up. We had given her sedatives so that she can rest for some time, but their effect should be wearing off soon."

Aakansha asks, "Can we see her for now?"

The doctor replies, "You can go and see her, after she is moved to another room. The nurse will inform you when you can meet her. Also, please remember that Mrs. Singh needs proper rest so try to avoid crowding her room. Now if you all will excuse me, I need to check on my other patients."

Abhimanyu lets out a sigh of relief, as Kabir pats his back and says, "I told you na that Bhabhi will be fine"

Abhimanyu replies, "I know but I'm still worried. She was fine when we talked in the morning. In fact, she sounded so cheerful and excited. I came early to surprise her and I am the one getting an unexpected surprise."

Aakansha places her hand on her brother's shoulder and says, "Now toh you are here na Dada. You will take really good care of Bhabhi and she'll be back to normal in no time."

Abhimanyu nods before turning to his wife's friends and says, "Thank you for being with her and bringing her to the hospital so soon"

Shivani replies, "Arre Jiju, what thank you? Priya is our friend and we also know that she would have done the same for us if the situation was reversed."

Tanya adds, "Yes, Abhimanyu. We are just glad that we could help her in time."

Abhimanyu smiles but after a moment he asks, "Just out of curiosity, why did you girls bring her straight to the hospital? Isn't there a doctor on your college campus?"

Tanya replies, "There is, but that doctor is on leave for a few days. One of my friends told me this yesterday, so I suggested to come to the hospital."

Abhimanyu frowns and asks, "But as per the rules, there must be a substitute doctor if the regular one is on leave?"

Tanya replies, "Well yes but that isn't the case this time"

Kabir sees the look on his best friend's face, upon hearing about the college doctor's negligence and replies, "Something tells me that there will be a new doctor along with a proper substitute at your college. Maybe even a new Dean will be appointed soon."

Shivani asks, "What do you mean?"

Aakansha also notices the look on her brother's face and replies, "Leave that to my Dada. I'm sure he'll make sure that we get a more competent doctor in college."

Abhimanyu shoots his sister an annoyed look and says, "Must you always tease me. I'm worried about the health of the students because I am a major trustee of the college."

Tanya smirks and says, "The students or your wife?"

Abhimanyu gives her a look and retorts, "Is my wife not a student?"

Tanya replies, "Touché"

Kabir says, "Oh please, even I know that you're mostly mad because your wife is involved"

Abhimanyu raises an eyebrow and replies, "You mean to tell me that you're not mad that the doctor was not present in college when your sister got hurt"

Kabir tries to come up with a response, opening and closing his mouth a few times but can't seem to come up with a response.

Aakansha says, "He really got you there Kabir"

Kabir simply sighs in defeat, as a nurse comes up to them and asks, "Are you all here for Mrs. Priyanka Singh?"

Abhimanyu immediately replies, "Yes. Are we allowed to meet her now?"

The nurse nods and says, "Only a few of you at a time for now please. Mrs. Singh needs to rest, so try not to disturb her."

Aakansha asks, "The doctor mentioned some blood tests that are left, so when will we be able to hear about those?"

The nurse replies, "The blood tests take some time, so by today evening the results should come in. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with Mrs. Singh, so please don't worry too much about those tests."

Abhimanyu nods but is still slightly worried about what the test results would reveal.

Kabir gestures to his best friend to go first because he knew that Abhimanyu wouldn't believe that his wife was okay unless he saw her himself.

Abhimanyu nods and walks towards his wife's room, so that he can reassure himself that his wife is alright.

Kabir turns to the girls and says, "You girls are going to have to be extra careful with Priyanka, after she gets discharged today. Abhimanyu is going to be over protective and over caring, so there's a chance he might not let her go to college for a few days so please help her with our class notes."

Tanya asks, "Would he really not let her go to college for a few days?"

Kabir nods and replies, "It might not look like it, but Abhimanyu is freaked out because of this hospital visit. He tends to get worried if Priyanka has a small cut on her finger, so a hospital visit like this is going to get a much worse reaction."

Aakansha says, "Dada is going to stay home with Bhabhi for a few days, isn't he?"

Kabir replies, "A few days? Abhi will stay home for a few weeks or until our dear Bhabhi kicks him out of the house. Just because Priyanka has college, he might let her leave the house after a few days, but my crazy best friend is going to stay home to take care of his wife."

Shivani says, "I wish you were joking, but based on what I've heard from Priyanka, I actually believe you right now."

Tanya chuckles and replies, "Now let's shift the discussion from Abhimanyu's over protective nature to something else. I'm sure that man is not going to go anywhere too far from Priyanka's room, so let's go and get some food for him. I doubt he'll even remember that he needs to eat right now."

Kabir says, "I agree with Tanya. Let's go and get some food for my stupid best friend. Abhimanyu will need some time alone with his wife also to finally believe that she's actually fine."

The rest of them nod in agreement and soon they all go to the cafeteria to get food.


Meanwhile, Abhimanyu enters his wife's room and finds her lying unconscious on the bed with many wires and tubes connected to her body.

He felt like he could barely breath when he saw his beloved wife in the hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around her forehead.

Priyanka's skin seemed to be slightly pale, possibly because of the blood loss. She looked extremely small and vulnerable as she lay on the big hospital bed.

Abhimanyu sat down on a chair beside his wife, holding and caressing her hand. He then bends down to kiss her knuckles softly when his eyes start welling up.

Abhimanyu immediately leaves the room and sits on a chair right outside, trying to control his tears.

It was really difficult for him to see his wife in a hospital bed, with a bandage wrapped around her forehead.


Kabir comes back with the girls when he finds his best friend sitting on a chair outside Priyanka's room. He gestures to Tanya and Shivani to enter the room, while he goes to talk to Abhimanyu.

Aakansha decides to follow her boyfriend and help her brother before going to meet her Bhabhi. Kabir holds her hand and walks closer to his best friend, who had just brought his hand close to his eyes.

That's when they realised that Abhimanyu had been crying, which surprised them because he was usually in control of his emotions, especially in a public setting.

Neither one of them could remember a time when they had truly seen Abhimanyu cry.

Abhimanyu was someone who would never let anyone know of his feelings. It was almost impossible to tell if he was angry or hurt at times because he would never let it show on his face.

Aakansha calls out to him and he tried his best to hide his tears, unaware that they both had already seen everything.

Kabir sternly says, "Don't even try to hide your tears"

Abhimanyu's body stiffens for a moment, before he sighs in defeat and abandons his task.

Aakansha sits beside her brother and hugs him, while Kabir stands in front of his best friend. Abhimanyu doesn't protest and takes comfort in her sister's arms.

Aakansha says, "Dada, your wife is fine now. We are there na, we all will take care of Bhabhi now. She'll be back to normal in no time."

Abhimanyu replies, "I know that Aku, but it's still not easy seeing her like this. I know she's fine but seeing her on the hospital bed was too much for me, I guess."

Kabir says, "Well, you need to get yourself together because you won't be able to take care of your wife, if you're not okay yourself. Priya Bhabhi will start worrying about you, if you will not take care of yourself. I know that you prefer to keep your feelings to yourself, but you will end up making yourself really sick if you do that. Now, if you want to take good care of my Bhabhi and your wife, then you have to take care of your health as well."

Abhimanyu replies, "For your kind information, I open up to my wife quite often, so your statement about me preferring to keep my feelings to myself is false. And I very well know that I need to take care of myself, if I want to ensure that Priyanka is stress free during her recovery. That's why I came outside to compose myself because if Priyanka saw me like this, then she'll forget that she is the one admitted in a hospital. I know my wife well enough to know that her health is her last concern."

Kabir smirks and comments, "So she's just like you, isn't she?"

Abhimanyu shoots his best friend an annoyed look.

Aakansha says, "Alright that's enough you two. Right now, I want to go and see my Bhabhi, so let's get a move on."

Kabir and Abhimanyu nod in agreement before they all move towards Priyanka's room.


Tanya and Shivani were sitting on the sofa while keeping a close eye on their friend as they waited for Priyanka's family to enter the room.

They were also extremely worried about their friend's health, just like her family.

The girls were talking to Priyanka about random and stupid things, when they noticed that their friend had moved finger.

Shivani immediately turns to Tanya and asks, "Did you also see her finger move?"

Tanya replies, "Yeah, I think we should call the doctor and tell the others."

Shivani nods in agreement so Tanya turns to the door, when Abhimanyu, Aakansha and Kabir open the door and enter inside.

Aakansha asks, "How is Bhabhi?"

Tanya replies, "Priyanka moved her finger a few minutes back, so I was going to call the doctor"

Kabir says, "I'll come with you to get the doctor"

He then turns to his best friend and continues, "You sit here with Priya Bhabhi"

Abhimanyu nods in agreement, before sitting on the chair next to the bed and holding his wife's hand.

Kabir and Tanya leave the room and go looking for the doctor.

Aakansha and Shivani stand a bit far away from the bed to give the couple some privacy, while silently praying to God for Priyanka's health.

Abhimanyu stands up and kisses his wife's forehead, before sitting back on the chair with his hand next to hers.

He watches their hands, until he sees his wife's fingers move and immediately turns to see her face.

Priyanka was scrunching her eyes as if she was trying to wake up, a sight that brings a soft smile on her husband's face.

As soon as his wife's eyes flutter open, Abhimanyu says in a low voice, "Good morning sleepy head"

Priyanka blinks her eyes a few times, thinking she was still dreaming.

She then asks in an unsure voice, "Abhimanyu? How are you here, in front of me?"

Abhimanyu can't help but chuckle at his wife's confusion and replies, "I came home a day early to surprise you. My meetings got over before time, so I didn't see the point in staying there for another day."

Priyanka looks around the room confused and asks, "Where am I?"

Abhimanyu replies, "You, my dear, are in a hospital room right now. You fainted in your class and hit your head on the edge of a table. Tanya and Shivani brought you here when they saw that you were bleeding."

Priyanka asks, "Why didn't they take me to the doctor's office in our college instead of bringing me to the hospital?"

Abhimanyu replies, "Well that doctor is on vacation without appointing someone in his place for emergencies like this"

Priyanka makes an annoyed face and says, "You're going to get that doctor fired now, aren't you?"

Abhimanyu replies, "What if there was a bigger emergency and something happened to the injured student just because the kid didn't receive the necessary immediate medical attention? I don't know about other guardians, but I definitely would be furious at the doctor as well as the college management for such negligence."

Priyanka sighs in defeat and says, "Alright, you have a pretty valid point"

Abhimanyu replies, "Wifey, I'm not mad just because it's you who got hurt. I would have been furious even if it was some other student because as a major trustee, I specifically asked for proper medical services for all students. I wanted all the students to be taken care of properly, if they ever get injured on the college campus."

Aakansha says, "Okay Dada, you have made your point. Now just please, let this thing go."

Just then Kabir and Tanya enter the room with Priyanka's doctor.

The doctor says, "I'm glad to see you awake Mrs. Singh. How are you feeling now?"

Priyanka replies, "I'm alright. I just don't understand why I needed to be admitted."

The doctor says, "We weren't aware if the injury on your head was serious or not. The severity of head injuries can't be neglected, so as a precaution we had to admit you here. Now if you don't mind, can you tell us what happened before you blacked out?"

Priyanka replies, "I was attending my classes with Tanya and Shivani. Before the class started, I felt slightly weak, but I didn't understand why because I had a heavy breakfast today. When the class got over, I started packing up my things and my friends were waiting for me just like they do every day. I suddenly felt dizzy and weak, after which I hurt my head somewhere and then I blacked out. I don't know what happened after that."

The doctor nods her head and says, "Based on everything your friends have told me, you hit your head on the corner of a desk when you fell down, after which you blacked out that is. As per my preliminary diagnosis, I assumed it was because of low blood pressure. Based on what you have just told me, I don't think that your blood pressure should have dropped so much to cause you to black out. One of the nurses took a blood sample to find out if there is any other reason for your fainting spell. I was waiting for those reports when Mr. Kabir called me saying that you seem to be coming back to consciousness."

Abhimanyu asks, "When will the results of the blood test come?"

The doctor replies, "The results should be coming soon. I will come back to discuss the results. Now Mrs. Singh if you feel any discomfort or anything else out of the ordinary, please do not hesitate in calling me."

Priyanka nods and the doctor takes her leave.

Kabir says, "Bhabhi, you really scared all of us today. Please never do it ever again."

Priyanka replies, "I'll try not to Bhaiya. I really don't understand what happened to me today. I mean I wasn't even feeling unwell or anything since morning."

Shivani jokingly says, "In fact, since morning she has been jumping around in joy because Jiju was supposed to come home tomorrow."

Tanya adds, in a teasing tone, "I almost thought she had springs attached to her feet with the way she was skipping and jumping around since morning."

Priyanka blushes and hides her face behind her hands, earning herself a round of laughter from everyone.

Finally, Abhimanyu says, "Alright that's enough. No need to tease my wife so much."

Kabir replies, "You're right. Not only Priya Bhabhi was looking forward to her husband's arrival. You were so desperate to meet your wife that you finished your work a day early."

Kabir's comment results in another round of laughter, while Priyanka and Abhimanyu can't help but blush.

Aakansha says, "Alright that's enough teasing. Now let Bhabhi have some food and rest. Dada, you also eat something please."

Abhimanyu nods while the rest leave the room and send lunch for both of them through a nurse.

Abhimanyu feeds his wife and takes a bite himself alternatively on his wife's order.

He also takes this time to scold his wife for not taking good care of herself.


Priyanka smiles on seeing how much her husband cares for her. She understood that he had probably been terrified when he learnt that she had been admitted in the hospital.

Abhimanyu was busy scolding his wife, when he felt a hand on his hand. He looked down to see his wife's hand holding his own.

Priyanka smiles to reassure her husband as he looks at her and sighs. She softly caresses her husband's hand to help calm him down.

Abhimanyu says, "I was really scared you know. I had called your bodyguard to ask where you were and then he told me that you were in the hospital. I told my driver to drive as fast as possible because I didn't know what had happened to you."

Priyanka replies, "Abhimanyu, I'm fine. Nothing happened to me."

Abhimanyu says, "I know that, but I didn't want to keep my feelings to myself. Aku and Kabir caught me sort of crying outside."

Priyanka asks, "You were so worried about me that you actually cried in public?"

Abhimanyu nods and replies, "My dear wifey, you are one of the most important people of my life. Of course, I was worried about you."

Priyanka smiles and says, "You are also one of the most important people in my life, along with both of our families"

Abhimanyu sternly replies, "Now let me make a few things clear to you, Mrs. Singh. You are going to rest at home for a few days at the minimum, after you get discharged from here. I'll take care of your college related work so that you don't fall back in class. I will also be with you while you are staying at home and I want no arguments on this topic."

Priyanka says, "I think I know better than to argue with you on some matters by now"

Just then the doctor enters the room and says, "So Mrs. Singh, the reports of the blood tests have arrived"

Abhimanyu looks worried and asks, "Is everything alright?"

The doctor replies, "Nothing to worry about Mr. Singh, your wife is perfectly fine"

Priyanka asks, "Is everything is fine, then why did I faint like this?"

The doctor replies, "Earlier, I thought that it was due to low blood pressure. But after checking your blood reports, I'm pleased to inform you both that you are about to become parents. Congratulations Mrs. Singh, you are pregnant."

Abhimanyu and Priyanka look at the doctor with a stunned expression for a few moments, before they both place their hand on Priyanka's stomach.

The moment their hands touch Abhimanyu and Priyanka look at each other with a bright smile on their faces.

Abhimanyu then turns back to the doctor, with a slightly worried expression and asks, "They both are fine, right? Priyanka and the baby aren't hurt because of her fainting, are they?"

Priyanka immediately snaps her attention to the doctor upon hearing her husband's question. Now even she was worried about their baby's wellbeing.

The doctor shakes her head and replies, "They both are fine, don't worry. I will refer you to another doctor, who will be able to answer all your questions and help you two from hereon. I'll also get your discharge papers ready, so that you can leave soon."

Abhimanyu nods in response and the doctor leaves the room to complete all the formalities for her patient's discharge.

Priyanka looks at her husband in wonder and says, "Can you believe it? We are going to become parents."

Abhimanyu chuckles at his wife's expression and replies, "I know what you mean, but I promise you that you are not alone in this journey. I'll be right beside you and will try to help you as much as I can."

Priyanka innocently asks, "I'll have to leave my studies now, won't I?"

Abhimanyu gives his wife a stern expression and replies, "You are not going to leave your studies in the middle. You just have little over a year left and you are not going to quit now. You wanted to complete your masters and that is what you will do."

Priyanka says, "But I have to think of our baby also now"

Abhimanyu shakes his head and replies, "You will not leave your studies in the middle like this. It's just the matter of one year and I will be there to help you."

Priyanka argues, "But Abhimanyu, I'm going to be a mother now. I can't be selfish because my baby should be my priority now."

Abhimanyu asks, "What kind of an example do you want to set for our baby? Do you want the baby to think that it is okay to quit your dream, just because something is changing in your life? Do you want out kid to think that giving in to the gender stereotypes of our society is the right thing to do?"

Priyanka is left speechless, as Abhimanyu continues, "I don't know about you, but I want our kid to learn that you should fight for your dream no matter what. I want our baby to know that it doesn't matter what the people around you think about your dreams, as long as your loved ones constantly support you. I hope that we have a daughter, so that I can tell her that marriage and children should never stop you from achieving your dreams by giving her the example of her mother."

Priyanka looks down and softly asks, "What if Maa or Chachi don't support this?"

Abhimanyu puts his finger under his wife's chin and makes her look in his eyes and replies, "I know that my Maa will take my side, so you don't need to worry about her. As for Chachi Ji, I don't really care what she thinks because she's not always right. I hate to say this, but her thinking is very old fashioned and I don't agree with her at all. I believe in gender equality and for that I am willing to fight with the entire world. Let me also tell you that my daughter will not grow up with those teachings."

Priyanka can't help but smile at her husband and asks, "Why do you always talk about your daughter only? The baby can also be my son, na?"

Abhimanyu smirks and replies, "I'm hopeful for our daughter. I won't mind if we even have a son, but a man can dream, right?"

Priyanka asks, "Don't most men want a son to be their heir?"

Abhimanyu refutes, "Why can't my daughter be my heir?"

Priyanka says, "Touché. That's a very good point."

Abhimanyu replies, "Besides, shouldn't you know by now that your beloved husband is not like most men?"

Priyanka smiles and says, "That is something, I am most thankful for. I really don't know what I did that I got such a wonderful husband."

Abhimanyu replies, "You know even I wonder how I got such the most perfect wife"

Priyanka looks confused and says, "But I'm not perfect. Don't you know that nobody in the world is perfect."

Abhimanyu replies, "My dear wifey, you don't have to be perfect for the world, to be perfect for me. Life partners are two imperfect people who come together to become perfect for one another."

Priyanka says, "If that is the case, then you are perfect for me too. I can't imagine being anyone else's wife other than yours."

Abhimanyu smiles and jokingly replies, "Well, I for one am glad you think so because I seriously doubt any other woman would have been able to bear my over protective and paranoid behaviour."

Priyanka smirks and asks, "So you admit that you're over protective and paranoid?"

Abhimanyu replies, "Technically speaking, I've never really denied your accusations. Aakhir sach badla thodi jaa sakta hai."

They sit talk about their future plans and especially their baby, as they wait for their family and friends to join them again.


Soon Tanya, Shivani, Aakansha and Kabir enter the hospital room.

Aakansha asks, "Bhabhi, all okay right?"

Kabir adds, "Ha, please bata do Priya Bhabhi, isko bahut tension ho raha hai"

Shivani retorts, "Aap bol toh aise rahe hai, jaise ki aapko tension nahi ho rahi"

Tanya adds, "Arre apne dost aur Bhabhi dono ki tension ho rahi hai Kabir Bhaiya ko"

Abhimanyu interrupts, "Arre bas karo tum sab. Priyanka is completely fine. Sirf thodi weakness ho gayi thi aur kuch nahi."

Aakansha says, "Kya Bhabhi, aap theek se khaana nahi kha rahe ho kya? Dara diya hum sab ko."

Kabir interjects, "Ek minute, Priya Bhabhi ne toh theek se breakfast kiya tha? Maine khud dekha hai aaj toh."

Priyanka replies, "Kabir Bhaiya, maine theek se hi khaana khaya hai"

Shivani asks, "Toh weakness kaise ho gayi tumhe?"

Abhimanyu replies, "Wo actually, doctor ne hum dono kuch aur bhi bataya hai"

Tanya asks, "Kya hua hai Priyanka ko?"

Priyanka replies, "Batate hai, but promise kar ki kisi ko bhi nahi bataoge"

Aakansha says, "Ha Bhabhi, promise. Ab batao toh ki hua kya hai."

Abhimanyu replies, "Hamari family ab aur bhi badi hone wali hai"

Aakansha looks confused and asks, "Iska kya matlab hai?"

Kabir's eyes light up as soon as he understands what his best friend was referring to and says, "Congratulations you guys"

Shivani and Tanya take a minute to understand, before they both hug their friend from either side and congratulate her.

Aakansha asks, "Why congratulations?"

Priyanka replies, "Aku, tum Bua banne wali ho"

Abhimanyu adds, "Your Bhabhi is expecting"

Aakansha finally understands and rushes forward to hug her Dada and Bhabhi.

Abhimanyu and Priyanka can't help but chuckle at their little sister's excitement.

Aakansha says, "This is great news. Seedhe se nahi bata sakte the aap dono."

Priyanka replies, "We didn't know that you wouldn't understand what we meant"

Kabir asks, "Why did you make us promise not to tell anyone?"

Abhimanyu replies, "First, I don't want the public to know right now. Second, our parents deserve to hear this in person. I don't want to tell them something as important as this over the phone."

Shivani says, "We'll try our best to help you keep this a secret"

Tanya adds, "We'll also do our best to take care of your dear wife in college"

Abhimanyu replies, "Thank you ladies. Now, Priyanka is going to stay at home with me for a few days, so please help her with the class notes for those days. I know that your exams are near and one shouldn't miss class now, but I really want to meet a gynaecologist, before Priyanka joins college again."

Aakansha asks, "Dada, how do you plan to tell Maa and Papa about Bhabhi's pregnancy?"

Priyanka replies, "I was thinking about getting them a cute little gift to let them know that they are going to be grandparents"

Abhimanyu thinks for a moment and says, "Sounds good. We'll buy something when we go shopping for Ishika Di's wedding. If we don't find anything good, then we'll get a personalised gift made for them."

Aakansha asks, "Dada, you are older than Ishika Di, then why do you call her Di like me and Bhabhi?"

Abhimanyu replies, "I might be older than Ishika Di in age, but Ishika Di is older in relation. Ishika is my wife's older sister na, so I call her Ishika Di, just like Priyanka does."

Priyanka says, "Aur udhar Ishika Di aapko Jijaji isliye bulati hai, kyuki aap unse umar me bade hai"

Kabir asks, "Achha ab yeh batao ki Priya Bhabhi ko ghar kab leke jaa sakte hai?"

Just then the doctor enters the room with some papers and says, "Mr. Singh, here are your wife's discharge papers. Just sign them and then you can take your wife home. Mrs. Singh, you need to take good care of yourself now and try to stay away from stressful situations."

Priyanka smiles and nods while Abhimanyu signs the discharge papers.

The doctor takes the papers and leaves to complete the remaining formalities.

Abhimanyu helps his wife get off the hospital bed, as Kabir picks up his Priya Bhabhi's bag.

Priyanka puts her arms around her husband's neck, as he lifts her up in his arms and starts walking outside.

Aakansha walks ahead to open the door for her brother, who nods his head in acknowledgement as she smiles, shaking her head.

Tanya and Shivani giggle softly, as they walk behind their friend and her protective husband.

Priyanka notices this and feels shy, so she says, "Hubby, you know that I can walk on my own"

Abhimanyu replies, "I know"

Priyanka says, "Then put me down and let me walk"

Abhimanyu replies, "Why are you so worried when your husband is here for you? I'm more than capable to walk with you in my arms, so just relax and enjoy."

Priyanka shakes her head at her husband's crazy antics, before placing her head on his shoulder.

Abhimanyu takes a look at her face as he continues walking outside the hospital doors.


Outside the hospital, Abhimanyu's bodyguards open the car door for him and he helps his wife sit inside before walking over to the other side.

Before entering his car, he gestures to his best friend to bring his sister home.

Tanya leaves in her car, taking Shivani with her to drop her off on her way home.

Abhimanyu and Priyanka talk to each other on their way back home.

Priyanka tells her husband about the events of her college, while Abhimanyu tells his wife about his meeting.


Kabir helps his girlfriend sit in his car, before he walks over to the driver's side.

Aakansha keeps both her and her Bhabhi's bags on her lap, as she adjusts in her seat.

Kabir takes his seat and starts driving towards the Singh Mansion.

Aakansha asks, "Can you believe Dada and Bhabhi are going to have a baby?"

Kabir replies, "Yes because your brother and his wife are both quite level headed. No offense, but it's hard to believe that you and Priya Bhabhi are the same age."

Aakansha says, "None taken. Even I agree that Bhabhi is a lot more mature and wiser for her age. After meeting her for the first time, I found it hard to believe that she is actually my age. I guess she grew up too early because of the events in her life."

Kabir replies, "To be honest, her Chachi's attitude towards her didn't help much. From what all I have heard about her from Abhi, I really don't like her. Abhi really respects her maturity because if it was him in her place, then he would have definitely held a grudge."

Aakansha retorts, "As if he doesn't hold a grudge right now"

Kabir chuckles and says, "That's true, but till now Abhi has tried his best to be respectful towards her, just for Priyanka's sake. But if she makes the mistake of saying something to Priyanka, especially given the circumstances now, then he will not hold back."

Aakansha asks, "Did he tell you about his plans for Ishika Di's wedding?"

Kabir replies, "If you mean about his plans to stay at Priyanka's Mayaka for Holi, then yes he had already informed me about his plans"

Aakansha says, "At first I thought it was because he didn't want to stay without Bhabhi, but now I think it is because of Bhabhi's Chachi saying something to her."

Kabir replies, "Unfortunately, you're not completely wrong. It's true that he wants to try and protect Priya Bhabhi from her Chachi, but Abhi also doesn't like to be without his wife. His most recent business trip has just proved it."

Aakansha says, "Waise Maa and Papa said that they were planning to keep a function for Dada and Bhabhi when we go there before Holi. So, Dada and Bhabhi can tell them about Bhabhi's pregnancy around that time only."

Kabir replies, "It's a good idea. Abhi mentioned once that Priya Bhabhi was worried about people asking about their plans for having kids, since it would be around their first anniversary."

Aakansha nods, understanding where her Bhabhi was coming from, before bringing up a random topic to talk about.

Kabir enjoys the random discussion he has with his girlfriend every now and then, as he continues driving towards their mansion.


Soon they all arrive outside their mansion and make their way inside.

Once again, Abhimanyu carries his wife in his arms as they all enter their home.

This time Priyanka doesn't protest this time because she knows that her husband wouldn't listen to her anyways.

Abhimanyu takes his wife to their bedroom, where he helps her lie down and tells her to rest while he brings her some snacks.

Kabir enters the room and places Priyanka's bag at its place, before sitting down with her to keep her company.

Abhimanyu goes to the kitchen to make some tea for his wife and his best friend, as well as some coffee for himself and his sister.

Meanwhile, Aakansha removes some snacks and places them on a plate.

The brother sister duo takes everything to the married couple's room.

Kabir had been entertaining his Bhabhi with some stories from his college days, which mostly included his best friend.

Priyanka loved to learn more about her dear husband and she realised that he was truly a beautiful person on the inside and outside.

Abhimanyu entered the room with his sister and put a stop to the story session, not wanting his best friend to embarrass him anymore than he already had.

They all enjoyed their evening family bonding time after which Aakansha and Kabir left to give the couple some privacy.

Abhimanyu and Priyanka discussed about their future plans especially with their baby coming into their lives soon.

They were both excited as well as terrified of the changes in their life.


The next few days went with Abhimanyu doing all the household chores, while he forced his wife to rest as much as possible.

Priyanka was extremely glad that she did not have to deal with any morning sickness, but one of her symptoms was over tiredness.

Abhimanyu also got an appointment with the gynaecologist, who checked Priyanka and informed them that everything was fine and that they just had to take some precautions to ensure the proper growth of their baby.

After a few days of rest, Priyanka forced her husband to take her shopping because there weren't many days left before their departure for Holi.

Abhimanyu reluctantly agreed because he knew that they needed to buy some gifts for Ishika's wedding, as well as their clothes for the different wedding functions.

They went to a few nearby malls with Aakansha to buy the gifts and their clothes.

Priyanka also started packing her clothes along with her husband's for their trip, before helping her dear sister in law with hers.


As promised, the next week Abhimanyu dropped his wife outside her college himself.

Priyanka attended her classes as usual with her friends, while her husband dealt with the Dean with the issue of the absent on campus doctor.

Abhimanyu was glad that his wife understood that his concerns weren't just because of her injury, unlike his sister and his best friend, who were still convinced that he was only taking action because Priyanka was involved.

The Dean scolded the doctor for taking leave without following proper protocol and hired another doctor to ensure that such a situation doesn't arise again.

Abhimanyu also submitted a leave application for his wife so that they could attend Ishika's wedding after their Holi vacation gets over.


The next week Abhimanyu and Priyanka were both busy with different things.

Abhimanyu had to get his affairs sorted regarding his recent business deal, while Priyanka had her mid-term exams.

Even though the couple was busy, they never failed to spend some time together every day by simply talking about their day.

They both had worked hard on their relationship and they weren't about to leave their other commitments ruin the progress they had made in the past few months.

Kabir and Aakansha admired their bond and hoped to be just like them in the future.


After a few busy days Priyanka and Aakansha's exams were finally over.

Abhimanyu had also sorted everything out in his office so that he could enjoy his vacation with his family.

Everyone in the office had been warned to not disturb the boss, unless it was an extremely urgent matter that needed his immediate attention.

Kabir was also travelling with them, as he usually spent his vacations with the Singh family.

Rekha had already informed them about the little party she had planned to celebrate her son and daughter in law's almost first marriage anniversary.

Abhimanyu and Priyanka planned to surprise their Maa and Papa with the news of their baby during the party.

They were all excited to share the news of the newest member of their family with their parents.


So what do you guys think about the unexpected news?

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