I Will Never Leave You, I Promise (Johna + Brotherly Love)

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After that Liam was banished from the kingdom for only 3 weeks. John Dory returns to the village with his brothers (who still won't stop sticking to him) back in the village they come down from Rhonda (she follows them) John Dory loves having his brothers, but there are times when they are a little too clingy.

JD - Guys, I'm not going to leave you for long, I'm just leaving to go see Luna, it's not like she's going to kidnap me. 😅

Bruce - What if she ever wanted to kidnap you?! You promised us that you will always stay with us! 🥺

JD - Aww I will always be there with you my brothers I love you and you will always be the first to have attention. 😊

Bruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - Awww we love you too Johnny!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 *hugs tightly but sweet*

It is at this moment that John Dory cannot walk because of the hugs of his little brothers.

JD - Hum guys... You can... Let me go a little bit please. 😅

The four younger brothers pout and hug their older brother even tighter.

Branch - Nah, you still with us Johnny!

Floyd - You're stuck with us forever!

JD - Guys... I'm just going to go on a date with Luna, I promise I'll come back to you. 😅

Clay - We are coming with you Johnny!

JD - Guys...

Bruce - No, we will stay stuck to you forever!

JD - You guys squeezed me too hard! 😵‍💫

Luna, John Dory's wife walks up to BroZone brothers and giggles at adorable scene.

Luna - John Dory.

The brothers stop and look at Luna, John Dory is very happy to see his wife but his brothers still refuse to let him go.

JD - Luna my love! 😍 I'm sorry but my brothers don't want to let me go. 😅

Luna - *giggles* It's okay I understand sweetie. 🥰 *approaches the brothers who are now standing* I missed you all day! *hugs John Dory*

John Dory cuddles his wife with gentleness and love and his brothers join in the hug to hug their beloved big brother.

JD - You guys... Can you let me go with my wife? And I promise I'll come back.

Thoughtful young people, they don't want to let their older brother go but they like to see John Dory happy and they love their sister-in-law who loves and takes good care of John Dory.

Bruce - Okay, we'll let you go, Johnny. 😊

They let go of John Dory but they start to feel sad.

JD - Awww guys. *hugs his brothers* I'll come quickly, I promise. 😊

Bruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - Okay John.

JD - *take Luna's hand* See you later guys. 🙂👋

Bruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - See you John Dory! 🥺👋🥺👋🥺👋🥺👋

John Dory and Luna leave but the young brothers decide to follow them discreetly. John Dory and Luna arrived at their date and looked into each other's eyes with love.

JD - I told you that you make my dark nights into a beautiful starry night with beautiful northern lights that illuminate your beauty and our love? 😏

Luna - *giggle* You tell me that every day Johnny. 🤭

JD - And I will never stop saying that you are a beautiful, bright moon that makes my nights more beautiful and bright. 😏 *kisses Luna's hand*

Luna - Aww you're so sweet and cute John Dory, I love you! 🥰💕

JD - I love you too Luna. 🥰💞

They get closer but just as they are about to kiss, a coconut stops them from kissing.

JD & Luna - *looks at the coconut with confusion* What the..?

Branch - *disguised as a waiter* Good evening sir and lady! Sorry to have ruined your romantic kiss but I'm offering you this coconut you can drink it together!

Luna - Umm... Sorry I don't really like coconuts, I prefer them with fruit juices.

JD - Same for me. *take a menu* We'll have strawberry smoothie for two.

Branch - Okay. We'll be back right away! *leaves*

JD - We? 🤨

The couple looks at each other in confusion, shrugging their shoulders. Branch joins his other brothers.

Branch - Guys, Luna doesn't like coconut. 😐

Bruce - What?! She don't like my coconut milk? 😧

Clay - Well... Your coconut tastes bitter and feels like drinking sea water. 😁

Bruce - Hey! My coconut is not bitter! It's you who tastes bitter! 😠

Floyd - *separates Bruce and Clay* Guys calm down. Don't forget that we're here for John Dory. 😟

Branch - Floyd is right, we are here for our John Dory and even if he promised us that he will come back quickly, he will be able to look at her for hours.

The young brothers watch as the couple looks at each other with so much love and passion. They return to the kitchen and think of a plan.

Bruce - Yeah you're right, he is so in love with Luna that he could stare at her for hours.

Floyd - I don't want Johnny to leave us... 🥺

Clay - *pulls Floyd into a reassuring hug* Don't worry Floydie, John Dory loves us too much to leave us. 😊

Floyd - *hug Clay* You promise? 🥺

Clay - I promise. 😉 *Hug back*

Bruce - Alright guys, Let's pretend to be musicians and watch them discreetly. 😌

Ahum...They *tried* to be discreet...
LOL 😅😂

The couple drinks their milkshake while still looking at each other with love and passion, until the music "Careless Whisper" plays and Bruce, Clay, Floyd and Branch are dressed as a Mexican orchestra.


John Dory and Luna are totally uncomfortable of this music, of course they love romantic music but this song... is not their favorite music (especially what happened 1 year ago, poor people they were uncomfortable 😅)

Bruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - *Sing and play musical instruments*

JD - Oh man... 🤦‍♂️

Luna - *looks away and uses her long hair to hide her face* It's so shameful...

John Dory looks at Luna who seems to be embarrassed by the music, he decides to react and stops his brothers (he doesn't know it's his brothers) he uses his hair to attract the orchestras (his brothers) and stops the music.

JD - Hey! You are making my wife uncomfortable! 😠

Clay - Whoa, whoa John! It's us, it's your brothers! 😧✋

JD - *recognized them* Guys?! What are you doing here you four?! 😧🤨

Bruce - Hum... we help you make your date romantic. 😁

JD - Help me? Are we being made uncomfortable? 🤨

Floyd - No- well... I mean...

Branch - WE ARE JEALOUS!! *covers his mouth* 🫢

JD - What? Why are you jealous? 🤨

Floyd - *starts crying* Because we don't want you to leave us! 😭 *hug John Dory tightly*

JD - Leave you? What are you talking about? 🤨

Clay - You prefer your wife more than us and we want to spend more time with you Johnny! 🥺 *join hugs*

Bruce - Yeah, we miss you so much and we don't want you to leave us. 🥺 *join hugs*

Branch - We love you big bro and we want you to stay with us forever Johnny. 🥺 *join hugs*

John Dory looks at his brothers and gives them a sweet smile, obviously they always remain jealous when John Dory goes with trolls other than his brothers, he finds it very cute.

JD - Awww guys. *hugs his little brothers* Why will I leave you? You guys are my only family that I hold close to my heart and I love you very much to leave you and I promised you that I will never leave you behind. Nothing will take you away from me, I promise. 🥰

Bruce, Clay, Floyd and Branch begin to have tears coming to his eyes, John Dory holds his arms out and his brothers, crying like babies, give a big and sweet hug to their big brother with so much love. Luna look at the BroZone brothers with a sweet smile and can't help but coo at how they is cute.

JD - Awww don't cry guys I'm here now, I will always be there for you and we'll always be together guys, I promise you. 🥰

Branch - We know Johnny, but we can't help but be jealous of Luna- sorry Luna.

Luna - Aw it's okay guys and it's normal to be jealous, I was the same with Sol and Hype. 😊

Bruce, Clay, Floyd and Branch - *shocked* WHAT?!? 🤯🤯🤯🤯

JD - *chuckle* See? You're not the only younger siblings who are jealous. 😁

Branch - I can't believe it... Luna the kindest and sweetest troll can be jealous of her brother-in-law who is my best friend Hype?! 🤯

Luna - *giggles* Yes and it's not because I'm all sweet, shy and gentle that I don't have flaws, we all have flaws and being jealous is very normal and it's also because you want to protect your big brother who has always protected you and being jealous is also a good thing, that you love your brother so much. 😊

Bruce, Clay, Floyd and Branch look at their older brother who gives them a sweet smile and they smile too.

Bruce - And of course we LOVE our big brother, he was always there for us, he protected us from everything and he always encouraged us to stay positive. 😊

Luna - Awww see? John Dory has always done everything for you and you do the same for him and that is brotherly love, the Family Harmony.

JD - Yes and guys. *lifts the heads of his brothers who start to have tears in their eyes looking at their older brother who gives them his usual beautiful smile and soft eyes* No matter what happens and no matter if we start our own family, I will always be there for you and I will never leave you, I promise.

The four younger brothers begin to cry with emotion and John Dory raises his arms towards them for a hug, as quickly as they do they give their older brother a strong, sweet hug. John Dory comforts them and whispers sweet words that he loves them and that he will always be there to protect them and take care of his baby brothers.

JD - Shhhh~ It's okay guys, it's okay I'm here forever, I promise and I love you guys. 🥰

Bruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - We love you Johnnie. 🥰🥰🥰🥰

The brothers continue their hug filled with brotherly love Luna and the all Trolls in the restaurant coo at seeing this adorable moment and hug that BroZone is doing.

And you think they stopped clinging to John Dory when he leaves them To walk where else?

JD - Guys, let go of my legs, I'm JUST going shopping. 😑

Bruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - NOOOOO!! DON'T LEAVE US JOHNNY!!! 😭😭😭😭

JD - I'll be back soon, I promise. 😊

Bruce - We know you ALWAYS keep your promises John Dory, but DON'T LEAVE US ALONE PLEASE!! 😭

JD - I'm just going to buy ingredients for our Fluberry cake. 😅

Clay - IT DOESN'T MATTER!! We miss you so much John Dory! 😭

JD - But we live together and see each other every day. 😐

Floyd - Don't leave us johnny, stay with us pwease!! *make puppy eyes* 🥺

JD - *coos* Awwww!! 🥰 *kisses his brothers forehead* You guys are so cute! But I won't be long, I promise. 🥰

Branch - But... *makes puppy eyes* We want to stay with you and accompany you Johnnie. 🥺

JD - You're lucky you're cute and....please stand up guys, everyone is looking at you in shock. 😅

Bruce, Clay, Floyd & Branch - Huh? 🤨🤨🤨🤨 *notices they are at the store* Have we been following you all day?! 😲😲😲😲

JD - Yes and I prefer not to tell you how the other Trolls reacted. 😅


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