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Hunk returned when he was brought to the castle by the yellow lion. In all honesty, the large lion made Katie want to curl up in a corner and cry because she was the size of a domestic cat compared to it. The next few days were just of recovery and trying to get use of their new abilities.

The day it happened was one so peaceful, it almost seemed impossible to became a day of sadness and anger. She and the other Paladins were practicing with their abilities, like they did everyday, when Shay came frantically running onto the training deck. "Your father!  Shiro, your father has returned!" she called, eyes wide in surprise.

"My father has what!?" Shiro asked, making the mist he formed disappear.  Katie didn't know Shiro's father's name since they had always called him by four names: father, uncle, king, and master. She, herself, had to address him as 'savior' or 'king'. She went with king, savior was to much.

"Your father, Zarkon, has returned!" Shay cheered, her surprise all gone and excitement filling it's place.

Katie froze. Zarkon. She remembered the name! The threat was Zarkon! The lions, now full-sized, making Katie feel even smaller, growled while stepping backwards. Katie also did the same, minus the noises. She heard great things about Zarkon from before, but something happened and he changed. Whether it was the death of his wife, or the adoption of a new one, Katie did not know. All she did know was that on the day of her departure, he did not smile, did not cry, did not wish her good luck, and he defiantly didn't even have an expression. Now, years later, she is told by world-saving cats that Zarkon is an enemy.

He must not be trusted. She watched as Allura and Keith joined Shiro, also excited for their family's return. Shay ushered them towards her, not giving the retreating cats and Katie, a glance. "He should not be trusted!" Katie said, fearing the worst of the King's return. Shiro turned his head in her direction.

"Katie? What do you mean? My father is a proud man and kindness erupts from him like water does in a waterfall!" Shiro said, protecting the man who raised him. 

"He's dangerous!" Black warned, ready to leave this place. With a quick dash, Lance ran over to Katie and jumped on his lion.

"I trust Pidge on this. Even our lions agree, Shiro! Your father isn't exactly the great man you think he is. Trust me," Lance said, looking down. When he was young, his parents missed one payment by an hour and that was because of the huge family they have. The punishment was death of a member. Lance's grandpa wanted to do it, but people who would "die any day" couldn't do it. Instead, Lance's father was publicly humiliated and decapitated for all to see. Lance didn't like Zarkon.

Keith considered his choices before deciding to stay. Hunk followed Lance's example and climbed onto his lion. Katie prepared to get onto Green. "Shiro. The person we've been training to defeat is Zarkon! He's the rising threat!" she said, desperately trying to make him see. Shiro stared at her with eyes of confusion. He didn't know who to trust.

His father or his friend. He wanted to believe Katie, but he couldn't find the heart to believe his father was a threat to the world. He turned his back to them and asked Shay to take them to Zarkon. Shay looked at Hunk, mounted on his lion, and her eyes seemed to hold something, though Katie couldn't tell what. Sadness? Remembrance? Lounging to jump on the lion too? With a sad smile, Shay nodded and turned away.

 Shiro had chosen his side, and it was the wrong answer. He never did pick the right one. He didn't say what she wanted him to, do what she wanted her to, doesn't even show much of himself to her. Why did she allow her heart to be captured by him? Maybe it was his good looks or charming attitude that lured her in like a child to candy.

She watched as his broad back walked away from her, walked away from destiny, and walked away from a future they could have. She wanted to lower her eyes and tell the lions to go, but she just watched, disappointment and sadness clouding her eyes. Lance and Hunk weren't doing so well either.

Lance watched the mullet of Keith get smaller and smaller as he and his family left the vast deck. Lance had told himself a million years ago that he'd make that one his. Even if it killed him. Which probably will happen to his insides after they take the lions and leave.

Hunk had a similar feeling. He thought of the times he cooked with Shay and Gyrgan in the kitchen, coming up with strange dishes and combinations. He didn't want to loose that after he just found it, but their sides were chosen. He and Lance were on Pidge's side while Keith and Allura were on Shiro's. He turned to the other two to see that they were also staring. "Come on, guys," he said in a low voice that proved he too was upset with this situation.

Katie was snapped out of her trance and patted Green on the neck. "Let's go, girl," she whispered and they turned around, followed by the other lions. The lions began to take flight (it looked like they were jumping on rocks) as their Paladin's hearts were heavy and their minds weighing. Katie thought about bringing her mom and Matt along, but Matt needed to get better. Even with her mother there, they wouldn't have the needed supplies if some emergency was to randomly happen. 

Katie told herself to not look back, but she had to. When she did, her eyes met Shiro's and for a split moment, she thought he' d call after them, changing his mind. To her disappointment, he looked away and walked inside after being called. She turned her eyes to up ahead where the other lions were. Hunk and Lance were looking at her with worried eyes. They had been taking their time to adjust to the dresses and long hair of Katie's and the fact she had practically lied to them the whole time. Though, over the weeks since their arrival, they had gotten used to it. 

Hunk even began to piece things together. He figured out the Takashi from her diary was Shiro, which was nerve-wrecking since he was the "person who stole their little friend's heart." Hunk gave her a look to make sure she was alright. That's the past now. She now had her own path and he has his.

XD why did I make that happen. I like it. I'm going with it! Also: that moment you're so bored that you draw a kawaii Shiro on the bandaid on your hand. :|) PS if you see me on Splix.io don't kill me XD I'd like to get to #1 someday. Of course my unique username is what I use. (ThatOneServent, LCL, and AND PEGGY)

ThatOneServant out!

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