26- Aftermath

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The deed was done, Zarkon was defeated and jailed for treason. A new scar covered his face as he lowered to a lowly blind prisoner. He was barely recognizable and Keith wouldn't apologize. No matter how evil he was, he still was their father. 

Katie sighed as she marched into the room where the celebration was being held. All the castle's staff were relieved for the afternoon as the members of this universe's Voltron team treated them. She noticed in the corner of the ballroom was Trigel and who she assumed was Blaytz. She also noticed Keith and Lance dancing the waltz as classical music filled their ears. Off to the side of the dance floor was the buffet. Many dishes made by the three cooks: Shay, Hunk, and Gyrgan. 

Katie was honestly surprised that Hunk and Shay stopped being a couple long enough to cook. There was only one thing they loved as much and each other and that was cooking. She noticed Allura on the dance floor, dancing with her brother. Katie raised her brow as a smile formed. Were the Holts destined to be intertwined with royals? She saw the white room again. But this time Allura and Matt had joined them. 

She felt someone hook their arm with her's. She looked up and saw the one and only King Shiro. "Why hello, king. What brings you to keep company of a lowly nurse's daughter?" Katie joked, digging her elbow into his side, carefully avoiding his own. Shiro chuckled, happily joining in on this act.

"Well my cousin seems to not mind dancing with a lowly nurse's son, so why can't I enjoy the company of the daughter?" Shiro said, leading Katie to the ballroom floor. She laughed as they switched to a dancing position. Katie allowed Shiro to lead her through the elegant dance. Eyes were on on the royals and their dance partners.

Katie saw her mother smiling from across the room. She knew more then Katie wanted her to. Her mother always claimed to know the future. Katie averted her eyes when they had caught her mother's and instead focused on her green gown flowing to the music as she danced with Shiro. The music stopped and they broke apart to bow. 

"For a measly nurse's daughter, you sure dance like a queen," Shiro said as they joined again for the next dance. Katie smiled.

"You wanna see dancing like a queen?" she said as Shiro nervously swallowed. Katie stepped out of the dance and started to freestyle. Shiro followed her lead as they attracted attention. Allura followed Katie's example and began to lead Matt into a freestyle dance to the classical music. Random steps, twirls, and gestures were made.

Soon the whole ballroom was filled with unorganized dancing to the music. The musicians even began to play lively, though it sounded like a festival music. Katie twirled away from Shiro and he let go, allowing her to spin off. He followed her with hands in his pockets. She stopped and they began to dance once more. The music ended and the feast started. Katie happily joined her friends at the table as the main dishes were revealed. 

Katie took her seat next to Shiro as Hunk and the other two served the dishes. Katie's mouth watered at the mere sight of the food. Shiro chuckled at her. She shot him a glare and took a bite of the steak presented. The lions were fed too. They sat like cats on a ground as plates with piles of their preferred food were placed in front of them. 

Shiro began to dig into his food too. Katie smiled. Everything was restored, meaning their status too. The white room snuck up on her again. She pause before brining the bit of potatoes to her mouth. The distance was shorter, but it would still be there. She gave a small sad smile and began to eat once more. Allura and Matt were chatting up a storm across from her. She would defiantly have to ask her about that later.

Something warm covered her hand that laid on the table. She looked and saw Shiro's hand over hers. She gazed up at his face to see him smiling. She turned back to her food and began to eat again, this time her fingers intertwined with his. After the feast it was time to resume dancing. Instead, Shiro and Katie made their way to the balcony.

"We need to talk," Katie addressed after taking a deep breath. She kept her eyes on the stars above them. Shiro hesitated before stepping up beside her.

"Okay, I'm listening," he said, resting his elbows on the bars. Katie shifted awkwardly and turned to him. He looked down at her as she nervously fiddled with her dress.

"What are we? What can we be?" she asked finally, unable to look him in the face. She felt the heat rising in her cheeks as her heart pounded inside her ribcage like a prisoner trying to escape. Shiro made an incoherent noise and covered his mouth and nose. Katie looked up. She could see that his ears were turning red. "What? Hey, answer me! Why did you do that?" 

He looked at her before laughing. "I'm sorry I just thought that you looked cute, being all nervous like that," he said, cheeks bright red. Katie was quite upset at his words. No woman wanted to hear she was cute. Though she threw that away and pressed on.

"I'm serious, Shiro. I am not a queen. I can't be a queen even if I wanted to. You are to find a suitable suitor that was raised to rule the land. Our moments were just stolen memories that I will hold dear. So I'll repeat: What are we?" she said, looking down at the city below. The citizens were also having a festival to mark Shiro and Allura's return and the defeat of Zarkon. A cool air brushed past them Katie pulled her shawl closer.

A hand landed on her shoulder and Katie switched her attention back to Shiro. His face was no longer red. He looked down at her with anger in his eyes. "What has gotten into you, Katie? You would be the best queen any land has ever seen. I don't want any girl; I want you and only you!" he cried, pulling her into a hug. She snaked her arms around him in a hug.

He was finally being open to her. She let the tears that had built up over the years out in that moment. The pain of losing her father, the pain of not being able to touch the man she loved, and the pain that had manifested over the years of everything. Shiro pulled her closer as fireworks exploded into the air.

They just sat their, holding each other. Finally together after everything they suffered. Zarkon was locked away and defenseless. They were free.

There we have guys! The end! Next chapter will be the Epilogue! I hope you enjoyed this book! I plan on having the Epilogue out next Saturday and the first chapter of Celestial Witch (Shidge/Klance) AU up that Sunday. :D

-ThatOneServant out!

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