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While the teens were asleep, Katie snatched a lock of Lance's and forced Allura to eat it. Allura obliged, but with help from Shiro, Katie made the co-queen swallow the hair. Lance wouldn't be to happy to hear that one of his "precious locks" was swallowed just so Allura can see the lions. From there Katie and Shiro explained what happened and introduced the four lions.

When finished, Katie watched as Keith and Lance awoke almost in sync. Keith awoke first as he began to freak out  before realizing he was safe in bed. Lance was next, waking up with fluttering eyes as if he was a princess awoken from sleep.  He still wonders why Katie accuses him to be into males?

"What happened back there?" Katie asked, effectuated with why had two lions had brought back a blue-skinned Lance and and feverish Keith. The two looked at her and Shiro with looks of confusion and horror. Shiro only had his coat on, leaving his chest bare while Katie had switched to a sleeveless dress, allowing her arm to be seen. Allura walked up from behind with a smile.

"You four are Paladins. These cubs on the ground are your lions. To make your place in Voltron official please rest your hand on your lion's head and accept them as a part of you. Katie and Shiro have already done it. It's painless. Well if you don't, it will be painful as we saw from Katie's previous experience!" she said, smiling like she hadn't just told them they were forced to be apart of this 'Voltron.'

Keith stared at his arm then at Lance's leg. Lance did the same, but vise-versa. "Katie!" "Pidge!" they shouted, trying to get out of bed, but their marked limbs screamed at them. The two fell back onto the beds with grunts. Their assigned lions jumped up ready to be taken as a part of their Paladins. Annoyed, Keith placed his hand on Red's head and closed his eyes. Lance followed after noting the safety of it. He wasn't trusting Pidge for awhile.

"Sorry guys. Its your destiny, though! Accept it!" Katie said, hoping to turn the two around and see the situation they were in. "We have a rising threat! You two need to help us!" When a color-coded light circled their marked limbs, proving their connection with the lions was officially established, they looked back at the three.

Keith gave Katie a look then remembered what he saw the cave. "Hey, I saw something weird in the cave," he began, "there were carvings, they began to tell a story right before my eyes!" Katie stared at him. Story? In all truth, Katie never once stop to think that the lion had her own story. In curiosity, she looked to wear Green snuggled with the black. What was their story?

The lion noticed her stare and left her partner's side to approach the girl. Black seemed to be against that, but didn't make a move to stop the green lion's approach. "It must be our story that he is talking about. We made sure that if we couldn't return, people would know our story," she said, approaching where Red and Blue sat between Keith and Lance's beds, bodies touching. "I believe you four should know our story."

Katie sat down next to the lions and prepared to listen to the tale. Keith and Lance quieted down too and a little after they did, Shiro and Black sat down next to Katie and Green. The lions then proceeded to tell the story that Keith had saw in the cave, adding personal comments such as 'wronged' and 'evil'. When the story had came to the part where the lions were killed, Green was about to continue from there, telling the rest of the tale. 

Hunk bursted in with a maid Katie had seen walking passed often in the halls before she went to Garrison and the chief she usually had seen when the dishes came out of the kitchen. They were each holding a dish with smiles. 

"Found you guys!" Hunk cheered as he looked like this was the happiest day of his life. Bring him to me! yet another lion said. That voice must had belonged to the final lion, the yellow. Katie felt a familiar jerk at her left leg in the direction Hunk and the other two stood. "Guys, supper is ready and I, Shay, and this lovely chief here, cooked it ourselves!" Shay, the maid, gave a big smile and motioned for them to follow with her hand as she balanced the pot on her leg before she grabbed the handle again.

Green nudged Katie's leg as the girl tried to get up, ready for supper. She bent down so she could hear whatever Green wanted to tell her. The cub rested her front paws on Katie's shoulder and whispered, "just like you have strings connected to me, you and Black Paladin have stings too. Same with Blue Paladin and Red Paladin over there." Green proceeded to leave Katie in a confused mess.

What did that mean? Did that mean Keith and Lance are soulmates!? Did that mean the same for her and Shiro? She shook her head and told herself to worry about it after they ate. Another tug at her leg. These lions will be the death of her. She smiled and followed the others down the halls, chief Gyrgan and Shay in the lead.

The dining hall was an art piece in 3D form and one of the biggest rooms in the castle. A chandelier hung from the ceiling with crystals of all sorts gleaming in the torchlight. Below it, a long table accompanied by many chairs leading to two sets of large throne-like seats at each end. Shiro and Allura occupied two thrones while Katie filled the seat next to the one Shiro sat in. Lance and Keith sat opposite of each other, Keith sitting next to Katie. The two were still in pain, but it had gone down and so had the light. In front of her sat Hunk, ready to see the expressions of everyone as they took their first bite. Behind him Shay and Gyrgan stood, also awaiting the same thing.

The dishes were spread out in front of them as Katie felt another tug at her leg. Can't she enjoy a meal without the wight of the world on her shoulders? Shay passed out the food, showing a wide variety that the cooks had made with one-second decisions. There was vegetable soup, fish cuisine, fruit salad, and fried rice. She watched as her plate was filled with each delicious treat. She and the others counted to three and took the first bite. Hunk, Shay, and Gyrgan watched excitedly as the testers took their time to munch on the small portion they ate. One by one, their eyes lit with sparkles.

It tasted amazing!

I am a failure. Ugh, school is the most confusing thing ever. WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!? Wtf is that? You want me to do what? T^T how do I have above 93% in all classes? Also I realized I didn't give the ages for this book
Lance, Katie, Hunk-17



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