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Never Dreams

But Nightmares

Lucid Nightmares.


Tikki walked around and found nothing.

She searched until her legs stopped working.

She screamed until her voice lost its sound.

She cried until she ran out of tears.

The worst part was the darkness.

There was nothing to live for here.

The paradise had turned into inferno.

The flowers wilted.

The trees fell and dissapeared.

The grass died.

The water dried up.

There was nothing.

No one was there.

Plagg was gone.

She was nothing.

She was all alone.


Plagg didn't have it any better.

He was trapped in the paradise.

With only Tikki by his side.

Everything was perfect.

He had his friend and that was all that mattered to him.

Until they took her away.

Every night she would die.

First she drowned.

Plagg then kept her near the shallow water.

Then she died in quicksand.

Plagg took the whole day to get rid of all the quicksand.

She cracked her skull on the rocks.

Plagg made sure to keep her away from the boulders.

She was bitten by a snake.

He made sure they didn't even have a chance to come close.

She died from disease.

He made medicines to cure her if she ever got sick.

No matter what he did his dreams never stopped making her die.

It was just inevitable that she would die.

The latest was the worst...


(Tikki's POV)

Why can't I feel anything?

What's wrong with me?

Where's Plagg?

I don't like the dark. So why would my dreams bring me here?

A flash of green passes by me.

I want to know what it is.

I follow it.

I find Plagg...

Drenched in blood.

I want to reach out to him, but he backs away.

"Go away! Haven't you hurt me enough?" He whimpers.

I don't want to hurt you, I tried to say, but something different came out.

"Of course I have... I just decided it was time to finish you off."

I couldn't control myself.

I started walking towards him.

He couldn't run.

I didn't want to but I couldn't stop.

I caught him in my hands, as I tightened my grip.

His blood started staining my hands.

His face turned pale.

I couldn't look away.

I let him fall to the floor.

"Tikki... I don't know what happened to you, but I still love you."

He took his last breath, as he died by my hands.

I woke up.

And the tears had started to fall.

(Plagg's POV)

I woke up into my dream.

I held Tikki's neck in my hands.

I was choking her.

I couldn't stop myself.

Feeling her blood dripping on my hands was so satisfying.

I wasn't sure of I wanted to stop.

I looked back at her pale, dead body.

And I saw something next to her.

In her scarlet red blood.

Words were written.

I love you Plagg.


Plagg awoke to the sound of crying.

He looked over to see his best friend crying rivers of tears.

She looks so afraid, he thought.

"Tikki..." He whispered as he came closer to the whimpering girl.

"NO... I don't want to hurt you." Said girl replied.

"Hurt me? Tikki, what are you on abou-"

"I hurt you Plagg! I killed you with my own two hands. And I couldn't stop myself," the tears started falling from her face even faster, " You don't know what it feels like. To have your best friend die and not be able to do anything to sto-"

That's when Plagg snapped.

He grabbed her face gently but swiftly and kissed her.

Tikki was shocked.

He kept their faces close.

Their foreheads touching.

"I've had to live with my best friend dying for over half a year. And everyday I would keep you safe from what harm happened in my dream. But the next night you would die again in a different way. I've spent a whole 7 months trying to keep you safe. But today I'm not sure I can without hurting you in the process. I'd have to keep myself away from you. I killed you Tikki. Your blood stained my hands as I did it. That's when I realized that I couldn't live without you. Not because your my best friend."

Tikki started to cry even more.

I'm not his best friend anymore, She thought.

As she was about to pull away Plagg pulled her closer until their noses touched and continued, " But because I love you."

Tikki stopped crying.

"Plagg I love you too."

Plagg leaned in and kissed her again.

"Good." He answered, " Because I never want to lose you again."

They fell asleep hugging.

With the truth finally revealed as they entered their dreams once again.

This time they had real dreams.

And the nightmares never dared to come, ever again.

(The Next Morning)

The sun was shinning brighter than it ever had before.

And we find our two lovebirds laying in the grass that the sun shines upon.

"Hey Tikki, I've been thinking." Plagg stated.

"Yeah." mentioned girl replied.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Plagg said, already starting to blush.

"Of course silly, why wouldn't I want to." She giggled.

Their day continued until night fall.

Tikki decided to make a promise with Plagg.

"When one of us dies one day, the other has to die with them." She said quietly, but with confidence.

"Okay, I promise." He replied, "Besides I can only be truly happy if My lady is with me."

Tikki started blushing ladybug red. (CUE THE THEME SONG, "MIRACULOUS-)

What they didn't know was that their promise would lead to many different things.





But most of all,

Their curse.


The two went on with their lives happily together.

They finally stopped having nightmares and had started having dreams.

Plagg's were about cheese and Tikki. (Cheese comes first)

Tikki's were about cookies and Plagg. (Food is always more important)

They finally had each other and something that they never had before and couldn't live without.


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