Part - 100

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Hello all my lovely readers 🙋

OH MY GOD!! We have reached 💯 parts💃💃💃. I'm feeling so emotional😭😭😭😭😭😭 and so happy😁😁😁😁😁😁 at the same time. It's my first story on watty and it got so much love and support from you all🤗🤗🤗. Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much😘😘😘😘😘😘. Every thank you is small in front of all your love to this story😍😍😍😍😍😍. You've accepted the arrogant business man, Laksh Maheshwari and the cute and funny Ragini Laksh Maheshwari wholeheartedly😄😄😄. Thank you so very much💕💕💕.

I hope to get same support and love from you all till the end of this story. Thank you uncountable times and love you all❤❤❤.

😘Happy Holi Guys😘

I have tried my best to make this part cute, beautiful, a little romantic and long too. I hope you all will like it. Fingers crossed.


Ragini: where are we going Mr Maheshwari?

Asks Ragini for the hundredth time.

Laksh: relax mera bachcha, you'll get to know once we reach there.

He says buttoning up his shirt. Ragini pouts. Laksh smiles looking at her.

He gives her a bag. Ragini takes it confusingly.

Laksh: now go and get ready fast.

Ragini nods and leaves for the washroom. Laksh keeps on looking in her direction.

Laksh (in mind): today I'll tell you what you have become in my life in the past few months. I don't know whether this feeling is called love or affection or attraction or like or anything else but I feel I should tell you your importance in my life. I can't even imagine my life without your stupidities and childishness now. And I know you'll be more than happy with this small gesture of mine. I just want an everlasting smile on your beautiful face. The one who has filled countless colors in my colorless life deserves to feel special. Mrs Laksh Maheshwari, I don't think I am a romantic kind of person but I'll definitely make this day unforgettable for you because your husband do everything with perfection.

He smiles as he wears his coat and sets his hair. After a while Ragini comes out of the washroom. She was wearing a black colored long gown with cut sleeves. There were cuts around her waist on both sides. It was plain and simple yet elegant. Her hair were tied in a bun and there was a bracelet in her hand with no makeup just lip balm and sindoor. She was looking breathtaking. Laksh was looking at her being speechless.

Ragini: dress is beautiful.

Laksh: but not more than you.

He moves towards her and takes out the pins from her hair, leaving her long hair open.

Laksh: perfect now!!

Ragini smiles with a blush while Laksh admires her.

Laksh: you're comfortable in it?

He asks knowing that she don't like to wear western much.

Ragini: I'm comfortable because I'm with you.

Laksh smiles at this.

Laksh: let's go...

He holds her hand and both of them leaves the room. They finds everyone sitting in the hall. Everyone looks in their direction hearing the footsteps. They get's surprised looking at the duo.

Ryan: bhayu bhabhi, where are you going?

Arjun: what a stupid question it is. Can't you see how they're dressed up? They both must be going on a date. Right?

Ragini: I don't have any idea about where we are going.

She pouts saying this.

All: aww...

Laksh holds her hand and pulls her outside with him. All starts giggling at this.


Laksh was driving while Ragini was sitting quietly. She wasn't saying anything because he was not telling her where they were going. After sometime.

Ragini: Laksh...

Laksh: just a little more time bachcha.

Ragini nods pouting and starts looking outside. Laksh was smiling looking at her timely. His phone starts ringing. He was about to pick it up but Ragini takes it.

Laksh: Ragini, it can be imporant.

Ragini: no talking on the phone while driving. By the way, it's Aryan.

She picks up the call and puts it on speaker so that he can hear.

Aryan: bro, I know you've got married but you can remember me atleast once in a week. I'm your best friend for god's sake.

He shouts the last part. Ragini giggles at this.

Laksh: shut up you nautanki. We talked a few days back only.

Aryan: look how you're talking to your girlfriend.

He says with fake innocence dripping from his voice. Laksh rolls his eyes at him while Ragini was giggling.

Laksh: I would prefer not to have any girlfriend instead of making you my girlfriend.

Ragini: and he already have his wife and she needs no sautan.

She says strictly and then laughs. Aryan also laughs at the other side. Laksh too let's out a chuckle.

Aryan: bhabhi, you were listening to girlfriend boyfriend's talks. Bad manners.

He says laughing hard.

Laksh: you don't have any work in your police station. Hamesha vella hi baitha rehta hai. (You're always free.)

Aryan: what to do there's no interesting case and those small cases are handled by my juniors. So, I'm free.

Laksh: and you keep eating my brain in your free time.

Aryan: huh... You should value me. I'm your one and only friend that too best wala.

Laksh: ya... Mr best friend please disconnect the call now so that I can focus on driving.

Aryan: you're going out with bhabhi? Oho, not bad. Bhabhi has finally put some romantic sense in your head.

Ragini laughs at this while Laksh frowns.

Laksh: bye...

Aryan: ha... ha... bye. Enjoy your day. I mean night.

He says teasingly and disconnects the call. Laksh shakes his head in disbelief while focussing on the road.

Ragini: hmm... Have I really put some romantic knowledge in your head?

She asks controlling her laugh but Laksh ignores her question. Ragini laughs at this. After sometime he stops the car. Ragini looks around and then looks at Laksh. They were on a hilly area. She was confused. Laksh get's out of the car and moves towards her side. He opens the door and gives her his hand. Ragini smiles and keeps her hand in his. She comes out of the car.

Ragini: Laksh, what are we doing here?

Laksh: close your eyes.

Ragini: why should I? You're not listening to me and not answering my questions so I'll also not listen to you.

She turns her face away. Laksh shakes his head at her. He keeps his palm on her eyes and holds her one hand in his. Ragini tries to push his hand away but he was more strong.

Laksh: just come with me and no more arguments.

Ragini: you're not going to take me into the jungle, right?

Laksh: and what am I going to do by taking you into the jungle?

He asks as they keep walking to the end of the hill.

Ragini: who knows what's going in your mind? Maybe you're planning to do some hanky panky with your hot and beautiful wife.

She says trying hard not to laugh. Laksh looks at her with wide eyes.

Laksh: you and your thoughts!! You don't think about anything else besides this.

Ragini: in your case, no!! I just think about loving you and being loved by you. Thoda sa... A little bit...

Laksh stops and looks at her. This girl always makes him stunned. She just want a little bit of love from him in the return of her infinite love.

Ragini: we reached?

She was about to remove his hand from her eyes but he stops her.

Laksh: no, just a few steps more.

They walks for a few seconds more and then stops. Laksh removes his hand from her eyes but she didn't open her eyes.

Ragini: Laksh, can I open my eyes now?

She asks excited but get's no response in return. She opens her eyes but Laksh wasn't there. She starts looking here and there.

Ragini: Lak...

She stops as her eyes falls on the path filled with roses and there were candles on both sides. There were large vases of roses at alternative distances. She was left surprised. A big smile creeps on her face looking at the decorations.

Laksh: follow the roses bachcha.

She hears his voice but couldn't see him. She removes her heels and starts walking on the rose petals bare feet so that she can feel them. She keeps walking for a few seconds with a never ending smile and then stops. She finds a beautifully decorated setup and her eyes starts shining with happiness.

Ragini: it's soooooooo beautiful!! Laksh, where are you?

Laksh: keep walking till the end of the roses.

Ragini follows his instructions and keeps walking. She stops at the end of the hill.

Laksh: now, keep your hand on your heart Mrs Laksh Maheshwari because you're going to get a mini heart attack. I'm sure about it.

Ragini looks on confusingly but keeps her hand on her heart.

Laksh: look down Mrs Laksh.

Ragini takes a step further and looks down the hill. She finds Laksh standing in the middle of something but she couldn't figure it out.

Laksh smiles at her confused face. He claps a few times and the words starts glowing and it reads...

Thank you for being a blessing in my life Mrs Ragini Laksh Maheshwari.

Then fireworks starts flying from those words and they goes into the sky forming a thank you. Ragini's eyes turns glassy as she reads it and her heart starts fluttering with joy.

Laksh: My life was like the thorns in a rose before you entered into it but now it's like the rose petals. I don't know what I'll do without you now and I don't even want to imagine that. You've become my addiction. I need you near me for every single second like a fish needs water, like a newborn needs his/her mother, like a human needs oxygen, Laksh Maheshwari needs Ragini Laksh Maheshwari for his survival for his entire life. Life can't be better than this. You've made my life a book with colorful pages. I never thought about getting married but I got married and now my wife has become the most important part of my life.

You know what Mrs Laksh, whenever I say your name by connecting it with mine it makes me feel so proud that you're mine, just mine. This crack piece is mine. This crazy girl is mine. This chatterbox is mine. This idiot girl is mine. This bachcha is mine. This angel is mine. Do you remember on our second meeting you said that you're a fairy and you were there to help me. You were absolutely right!! You're indeed a fairy, an angel in this devil's life.

I don't know what I've done that god has given such a precious gift to me. I just... just fear of breaking you. I'm scared to lose you. I don't want to lose you. (He says with breaks in his words.)

I know a thank you is a very small word in front of what all you've done for me but still thank you so much Ragini. You've never left my side. You never let me feel lonely. After our marriage, you were there beside me on every single step. Thank you so very much bachcha. This arrogant businessman is nothing without you now. You have become my strength, my weakness, my support system.

Ragini was crying like anything by now. She was so happy with his words. Her happiness was boundless. She didn't realize when Laksh went away from her eyes. She starts looking for him here and there when her eyes catches a board. She starts moving towards it. The words written on it with sparkles made her heart jump with joy.

🌸If I did anything right in my life it was when I decided to marry you.🌸

She caress the board with a broad smile playing on her lips. She sees another similar board at a few steps. She makes her way towards it.

🌸I just want to make you happy because you're the reason that I'm so happy.🌸

Ragini: and you made me happy more than anytime before.

She says smiling in between her tears and then moves to the next one.

🌸I've found the PERFECT partner in you.🌸

Ragini: same here my teddy bear. You're just perfect in every way possible!!

She was caressing the words of each board with love.

🌸I just can't express what I feel whenever I catch you looking at me with those love filled eyes.🌸

Ragini smiles as a blush covers her chubby cheeks. She bites on her lips. She looks for him here and there and moves to the next board.

🌸Everybody has an addiction, mine just happens to be you.🌸

These words gives her the feeling of being special for him. It means so much for her. The smile on her face was growing wider and wider with every word only if it was possible.

🌸I don't know how and when but I have started feeling for you girl and maybe falling for you. You're driving me crazy.🌸

Ragini looks on surprised. She was feeling goosebumps all over her body reading those words. He has started falling for her. This is the biggest happiness of her life. She has waited for that day and now it's not that far.

She feels his presence right behind her. She takes a step back and dashes with his hard chest. She closes her eyes. Laksh moves his hand to her front and hugs her from back, keeping his chin on her shoulder.

Laksh: do you liked my surprise?

He asks smelling her hair and inhaling her addicting fragrance.

Ragini: I've no words Mr Maheshwari. I can't express what I'm feeling right now. I'm feeling like the luckiest woman on this earth.

Laksh: like I'm feeling myself like the luckiest man on this earth.

Ragini: I love you.

Laksh: you know, just these three words from your mouth can heal all my wounds and can free me from all my worries. There's a magic in these three words from your mouth.

Ragini turns to him. Laksh shakes his head as he wipes her tears.

Laksh: don't cry bachcha. I don't want tears in your eyes whether they're of sorrow or happiness. I just want a never ending smile of happiness on your beautiful face.

Ragini smiles and throws herself in his arms. Laksh reciprocates and takes her small figure in his embrace, moving his hand on her back. They breaks the hug after sometime. He holds her hand and takes her towards the table. He takes out chair for her and makes her sit on it. He starts serving food to her. Ragini tries to protest but he didn't listen to her. She keeps her elbow on the table and keeps her chin on her palm and keeps looking at him with love.

After finishing, he sit's besides her and starts making her eat from his hands. Ragini smiles and eats happily.

Laksh: everything is of your like today.

Ragini smiles and she also makes him eat with her hands. She was happy that he knows about her choices and likes now. She was staring him without blinking and Laksh was blushing under her gaze and Ragini was going aww at him.

After having their food, Laksh brings his hand in front of her and she keeps her in his. Both of them stands up and right then the music starts playing. Ragini looks on surprised and starts looking here and there for the source. Laksh chuckles at her reaction.

Laksh: focus on your husband, Mrs Laksh.

Ragini giggles and looks at him.

Oooh Ho….
Tum Ho
Tum Ho Paas Mere
Saath Mere Ho
Tum Yun
Jitna Mehsoos Karoon Tumko
Utna Hi Paa Bhi Loon

Laksh keeps his one hand on her waist and other on her back while Ragini keeps both of her hands around his neck. They were moving slowly with the beats, looking in each other's eyes.

Tum Ho Mere Liye
Mere Liye Ho Tum Yun
Khud Ko Main Haar Gaya
Tum Ko, Tumko Main Jeeta Hoon
Oooh Ho….
Tum Ho
Aaah Haa Aa…
Kahin Se.. Kahin Ko.. Bhi
Aao Bewajah Chale
Poochhe Bina Kisi Se
Hum Mile
Bandishein Naa Rahi Koi Baaqi

Ragini keeps her head on his chest and Laksh takes her in his embrace while kissing her hair lovingly.

Tum Ho
Tum Ho Paas Mere
Saath Mere Ho Tum Yun
Jitna Mehsoos Karooon Tumko
Utna Hi Paa Bhi Loon
Ooooh Ho Ho…

Laksh makes her twirl once and then pulls her to himself. She dashes with his chest. Both were looking deep in each other's eyes.

Kis Tarah Chheenega Aa
Mujh Se Ye Jahaan Tumhe
Tum Bhi Ho Main
Kya Fiqar Ab Humein
Tum Ho Mere Liye
Mere Liye Ho Tum Yun
Khud Ko Main Haar Gaya
Tum Ko, Tumko Main Jeeta Hoon
Ooooh Hoo Ho…
Hoo Aa….

The song ends but they were still lost in the depth of each other's eyes. Without breaking the eye contact, Laksh snaps his fingers and the musicians leaves from there. Ragini takes a small step closer to him and Laksh reduces the remaining small gap too. Now both of their chests were touching and their faces were just few inches apart. Laksh moves his hand and cups her face. He starts rubbing his thumb over her cheek. Both of their hearts were beating fast. Laksh starts moving his thumb to her lips and then starts tracing them. Ragini closes her eyes at this. He presses her lower lip and she clutches his collar in her fists.

He starts reducing the gap in between their lips and Ragini's body starts shivering feeling him coming closer to her. She opens her eyes and looks in his. But his eyes were focused on her pink and fluffy lips. Laksh lifts his gaze to look at her and she blinks her eyes approvingly. He again turns his eyes to her lips and in the very next second her lips were claimed by his. Ragini leaves his collar and keeps her hands around his neck while moving her fingers in his hair. Laksh's hands goes to her bare waist while caressing it with his thumb making Ragini go weak on her knees. She was withering. Laksh smirks at this. He bites on her lips when she didn't respond and passes her a small glare. Ragini first looks at him angrily but soon understands what he was trying to say. She blinks her eyes and starts responding back to him. He was kissing her passionately while she was trying to match with him but was finding herself unsuccessful in it.

And our great Mrs Akdu Maheshwari found it funny. She literally starts giggling in between the kiss.

Laksh looks at her confused and shocked. He asks her "what" through his eyes. Ragini lightly shakes her head in nothing. She again tries to match with him but was unsuccessful again and this time she starts laughing more. Laksh looks at her angrily and pulls off. Ragini get's shocked.

Laksh: what is wrong with you?

Ragini (trying to control her laugh): wo... I'm... tr... trying to... mat... match... with... you... but... I'm unable... to do it....

She looks at him after completing her sentence. Laksh was looking at her weirdly.

Laksh: and you're finding it funny?

He asks in disbelief. Ragini nods. Laksh frowns. She shakes her head in no vigorously. He holds his head. Ragini holds his hand. He looks at her.

She stands on her toes and again places her lips on his. She starts kissing him lovingly. Laksh smiles in between the kiss and Ragini get's happy with it. He too starts responding back, pulling her closer to himself. Both of them closes their eyes, enjoying the moment. The moment was bliss for them. Their first ever romantic moment without any disturbance. The kiss wasn't perfect but was very very special for them. They breaks the kiss feeling out of breath.

Ragini was all red like a tomato. She hides her face in his chest. Laksh smiles at her cuteness.

Laksh: when I kissed you for the first time then you got angry on me because you didn't respond and created so much drama and now you were not responding yourself.

He says teasingly. Ragini giggles.

Ragini: I forgot in the moment. I was lost and went into a shock that...

Laksh: that...

Ragini: you know already...

Laksh: and what I know already?

Ragini: Laksh...

Laksh: yeah, that's your husband's name.

Ragini looks up at him. He was smirking. He then winks at her. She was speechless.

Ragini: Mr Maheshwari is in romantic mood today.

Laksh: have you expected more than this from me?

Ragini: honestly, I didn't expect you to be this romantic and do all this for me. But you proved me wrong. It was just perfect. The first attempt made by you and I loved it beyond words. I don't want anything more than this.

Laksh smiles feeling satisfied with his work. They both then walks to the end of the hill and sit's there looking at the stars. Ragini keeps her head on his shoulder while Laksh's hand was around her shoulder.

They keeps sitting in silence. Just then something strikes in his mind. He moves a little away from her and starts looking for something in his coat pockets. Ragini was looking at him confused.

Ragini: what happened Laksh?

Laksh: wait a second bachcha.

Finally, he finds what he was looking for. There was a middle sized rectangular box. He opens it and Ragini smiles widely seeing a pair of diamond anklets.

Ragini: these are for me?

Laksh looks at her like seriously. Ragini giggles showing him all her pearls. Laksh get's up and makes her stand too. He takes her to the chair and makes her sit on it.

He himself sit's on his one knee in front of her while his other leg was bent. He takes out the anklets from the box. He holds one of her feet. Ragini tries to stop him but he didn't let her. He keeps her foot on his thigh and makes her wear the anklet. Ragini was smiling looking at him with all the love of the universe. He then do the same with her other foot.

He then looks up at her. Ragini was just admiring her husband's actions.

Ragini: how can you be so cute Mr Maheshwari?

Laksh: you won't stop today also!! I-am-not-cute.

He says gritting his teeth. Ragini smiles.

Ragini: yes, you are!! Ask me.

Laksh makes faces while Ragini giggles looking at him. She moves her face closer to his and pecks on his red nose. Laksh smiles.

Just then a sound of notification comes from Laksh's mobile. He looks at the phone and reads the notification. His face immediately tenses up.

Laksh: bachcha, you should go home now.

He says getting up. Ragini looks at him confused.

Ragini: what do you mean I should go home? You won't come?

Laksh: I have some work to do.

Ragini: Laksh, it's 10 in the night now. You can do that work tomorrow also.

Laksh: no, it's important.

Ragini: ok, then I'll come with you.

Laksh: no!!!

Ragini: why?

Laksh: it's something professional bachcha. What you'll do there?

Ragini: but...

Laksh didn't listen to her and starts pulling her with himself towards the car.

Ragini: atleast, let me wear my sandals.

Laksh stops. He runs where her sandals were and comes back. He sits and makes her wear them.

Ragini: Laksh, I can do it myself. What's the hurry?

But he didn't say anything. He get's up and pulls her to the car. He opens the driving side and signs her to sit.

Ragini: Laksh, what happened to you suddenly? And if I'll take the car then how will you go?

Laksh: nothing happened bachcha. You just go home and I'll be back in a few hours. And don't worry I'll take any taxi.

Ragini: but you'll not get any taxi here. I'll drop you wherever you have to go.

Laksh: Ragini, there's no need for that. I said I'll manage. You sit.

He forcefully makes her sit in the car.

Laksh: go safely and do message me once you reach home.

He says as he pats on her cheek. Ragini nods still confused. She wasn't feeling good by the way he was behaving.

Ragini: Laksh, is everything okay?

Laksh: yaah, everything is fine. Don't worry.

He closes the door. Ragini was just looking at him, trying to read his expressions but she wasn't understanding anything. Laksh signs her to start the car. Ragini do the same and drives away.

Laksh keeps looking in the direction of the car and Ragini was also looking at him from the mirror. When the car goes away from the view, three boys comes out. They were all with well built bodies and a car also comes there.

One of the boys: sir...

Laksh: go after her.

They all nods and get's into the car and leaves from there. Laksh takes a deep breath and types something on his phone. After some minutes a black car stops in front of him. A man comes out of it in black suit. He opens the door of the back seat and Laksh get's into the car and they drives away.



So, this was the 100th part of this book. Thank you so much once again for all your love and support to this story guys. Love you tons😘😘😘.

The longest chapter in OUR CUTE FAMILY'S history😁.

Do you guys liked it? How was their date😍?

Was it romantic😜?

I'll be very happy and grateful if you all will tell your views and experience about this journey till now😊.

Next: a surprise for
the readers😁 and there's a shock in the surprise😌.

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Thank you for reading.

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