Part - 36

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Hlo Everyone 🙋
Thank you very much for ur response to the last part. I'm so happy that u all r liking my story. Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


Ragini was looking at Laksh like a scared kitten.

She was trying hard to think the ways to make him cool.

Ragini (in mind): god, what to do now? How to reduce his temperature? Come on Ragini you can do it. Waise bhi, it's just the starting you have to learn how to control his anger. After all you have to spend all your life with him.

Ragini (calmly): Mr Maheshwari, first you sit down please.

Laksh looks at her angrily but says nothing. He goes to the couch and sits on it.

Ragini: take a deep breath.

Laksh takes a deep breath.

Ragini (in a singing tone): calm down... cool down... calm down... cool down...

Laksh (gritting his teeth): you're just increasing my anger by saying this.

Ragini gulps.

Ragini: sorry, uhm... what would you like to have?

Laksh (holding his head): a hot coffee.

Ragini (without realising what she was saying): hot coffee!! What's the need of it? You're already this much hot.

Laksh looks at her with wide eyes.

Laksh: what?

Ragini (in mind): Ragini control yourself. You have to decrease his anger not to increase it. But he's looking really hot. Stop, just stop it!!

Ragini: Uhm... arre... I mean to say that you are already hot due to your anger. Hot coffee will not work. Wait...

She calls someone.

Ragini: yes one cold coffee for sir and a chocolate ice-cream for me.

She says happily. Laksh rolls his eyes at her.

After the call, she goes towards Laksh.

Ragini (hesitating): can I sit here?

She asks pointing besides him.

Laksh: it's your office. You can sit wherever you want. Why are you asking me?

Ragini (whispers): really? Before a few minutes I was not sure whether it's my office or yours.

Laksh: you said something?

Ragini: no nothing...

Just then a peon enters.

Ragini: thank you Kaka. Keep them on the table.

The peon leaves placing the plate on the table.

Ragini holds the coffee mug and gives it to Laksh. He takes it without saying anything.

Ragini too starts having her ice cream happily sitting beside him. Suddenly she starts smiling maniacally.

Laksh looks at her confused.

Laksh: why are you smiling like mad?

Ragini (shaking her head): nothing...

Laksh looks at her with irritation and continues with his coffee.

After completing it he looks at Ragini whose whole mouth was filled with ice-cream and it was spread fully on her lips and some was on her nose too😂.

Laksh hit's his palm on his forehead.

Laksh: do you know even school kids are better than you?

Ragini looks at him confused.

Laksh turns on the camera of his phone and shows her face in it.

Ragini smiles sheepishly and starts looking here and there.

Laksh: what are you looking for now?

Ragini: tissue papers

Laksh goes towards her desk and takes out some tissue papers from the pack. He gives them to her.

Ragini takes them and cleans her face.

Ragini (in mind): I think he has cooled down now. It's the time to ask him.

Ragini: Mr Maheshwari, can I ask you something?

Laksh looks towards her and signs her to continue.

Ragini: hmm, why do you get this much angry always? I know people have anger issues but you should try to control your anger.

She looks at Laksh after finishing her sentence only to find his nose slowly turning red. She starts cursing herself to ask him that question.

Laksh was coming closer to her while she was backing off and was half laying on the couch now. He was almost over her.

Laksh (angrily): I'm like this only and I'm never going to change. You still have time if you want to back off from this relation then you can.

His last sentence made Ragini red in anger.

This time she goes closer to him while Laksh moves backwards and was in half laying position now while Ragini was over him. She points her finger at him.

Ragini (angrily): dare you said that again. I have accepted this relation after knowing everything about you and I'm not from those who backs off from their words. Got it!!

Laksh looks at her angrily.

Now, again he was coming closer to her and she was moving back. Again Ragini was half laying while Laksh was over her. He too points his finger at her.

Laksh (more angry): if it is so then stop judging me and giving me advices. You know everything about me then you have to accept me like that only. It will be good for you. Got it!!

Ragini nods gulping.

Laksh moves back and get's up.

Laksh: let's go. It's late, your sisters must be waiting for you.

Ragini nods and gets up too. Both of them comes out out of the cabin. All of the staff has already left only peon was there.

They goes to the parking area.

Laksh sits on the driving seat while Ragini on the passenger seat and Laksh starts the car. Ragini was looking at him silently.

Ragini (thinks): I have never come across a person who is this much hard to understand. At a moment he's calm and the very next moment he get's hell angry. A puzzle is much easier to solve than understanding him. Ragini you really have to work hard to know this man. My angry Mr Akdu.

Suddenly her eyes fell on a banner which created the whole scene. She looks at Laksh and then at the banner.

Ragini (in mind): why me always? I'm so dead if he saw it. He has calmed down a bit and if he saw it then he'll again become a volcano. God, what I have done to you?

Ragini (to divert his attention): Mr Maheshwari, what's your favorite color?

Laksh looks at her confused.

Laksh: why do you want to know?

Ragini: like that only. Tell na please...

Laksh: blue...

Ragini: oh, mine is red.

Laksh: did I ask?

Ragini: no, but I felt like telling you.

Laksh rolls his eyes at her.

Ragini: now it's decided. I'll design our wedding dresses accordingly, mine in red and yours in blue. Ok.

She says chirping happily.

Laksh (irritated): do whatever you want but please keep quiet for sometime.

Ragini twitches her lips.

Ragini (whispers): Akdu...

Laksh glares her.

Laksh (a little angry): how many times I have to tell you, don't call me that? Can't you understand?

Ragini scares.

Ragini (pouts): sorry...

They reaches GM and Ragini was about to get out of the car but...

Laksh: wait...

Ragini turns to look at him.

Laksh takes out his handkerchief from his pocket and moves closer to her.

Ragini's legs starts falling weak.

He comes closer to her and removes the ice cream at the corner of her lips.

Ragini was looking at him and then at his hand.

After finishing he goes back to his seat while Ragini's cheeks starts turning red.

Ragini: bye...

Laksh: hmm...

She get's out of the car and Laksh leaves. She touches her lips and smiles madly.



Laksh enters and finds his brothers sitting in the hall, waiting for him. They too looks at him.

Ryan: bhayu, where were you?

Arjun: is everything okay?

Laksh: yaah... every thing is fine. I was at RG fashions.

Sanskar: what happened bhai? And why you were that much angry?

Laksh tells them everything and leaves for his room.

Ryan and Sanskar were smiling looking at him while Arjun was looking at them confused.

Arjun: why you both are smiling?

Sanskar: you will be an idiot always.

Arjun pouts.

Ryan: arre, Aru bhai you're not understanding the meaning of all this.

Arjun: what meaning?

Sanskar: that bhai was angry because he's possessive for bhabhi, he cares about her.

Arjun's face lits up.

Arjun: really?

Ryan and Sanky: yeah...

Sanskar: and slowly this care and possessiveness will change into love.

He says excited.

Arjun: oh my god, I'm so happy. I'm feeling like dancing.

Sanskar and Ryan (happily): we too...



Swara: di what happened? Why jiju was there? Anything serious?

Ragini: arre relax my question bank. Let me sit first.

They nods and Ragini sit's down.

Naina: now tell us.

Ragini tells them everything, starting from the banners to Laksh's anger.

Misha: oho... not bad someone is being possessive for someone.

Ragini hit's her lightly with her elbow.

Swara: di you go and freshen up then we'll have dinner together.

Ragini nods and leaves for her room.



Ragini's room:

Ragini (happily): Mr Maheshwari was getting possessive for me. I can't believe it. He was concerned for me. He directly fired the manager. (pouts) He didn't even ask me. Oh my my that man's anger. In anger, he looks like a volcano which can burst any moment but cute too. He always looks cute to me hehe😜. His closeness always makes me lose my senses and strength😅. He's not like normal short tempered men who shows their anger by breaking things and hurting people. He's different from others. And (she again touches the corner of her lips)😚 that was truly unexpected. He always makes me stunned by his actions. Love you more and more my handsome, cute, possessive, angry....... Mr Akdu😂. I can't stop calling you that😂.



Laksh's room:

Laksh: thank god the matter is solved now. She's such an idiot that she don't have any idea about what her staff is doing? (smiling a little) She always behaves like a kid and with that ice cream on her face, indeed she was looking cute. What? What you just said Laksh, cute? She and cute, never in my dreams. She's a chudail and always be a chudail who is in my life to create troubles and suck my blood. Now just stop thinking about all this and sleep.

He goes to sleep.


So how was this one? Do comment about it. And sorry if it was not upto ur expectations.
Ignore any mistakes.

Next: the marriage date get's fixed.

Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀

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