Part - 54

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Hello everyone 🙋
Ty so much for all ur love.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.



Arjun and Ryan were sitting in the hall when Ragini comes back from her office.

Ryan: hey bhabhi, how was the day?

Ragini (smiling): it was good.

Arjun: bhabhi, you came early.

Ragini: because now I'm not single anymore. I have to take care of everything. There I was having my sisters to take care of the house. But here I have to take care of everything alone.

Ryan and Arjun smiles at her.

She is taking responsibility of the house from the starting day. Only a woman can do multitasking. And it's proved because Ragini is taking care of every household chores, she don't do every work herself except making the food but keeps eyes on the servants, she is handling her office, she's taking care of every need of her sisters even when she's living away from them, she's taking care of her brother in laws too and the most important thing she's handling LAKSH😂. It's just the starting much more to come.

Arjun: why are you saying that you're alone? We're here na to help you.

Ryan too nods. Ragini smiles at them.

Ragini: that's so sweet of you. I'll be back after freshening up.

She leaves for her room.


Late evening:

Ragini comes downstairs and finds trio brothers chitchatting in the hall.

Ragini: Sanky, your bhai didn't come?

Sanskar: bhabhi, bhai must be coming.

Ragini nods and leaves to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Now it was night.

All were seated in the hall.

Ragini: haw, you guys told everything to my sisters.

Arjun and Ryan: yaaahhh...

Arjun: and their reaction was worth watching.

He says laughing. Ragini pouts.

Trio: aww...

Ryan and Arjun: sorry...

Ragini smiles. She was looking at the clock every minute.

Ragini: why he didn't come till now? It's 8!!

Sanskar: he must be stuck in traffic. Don't worry he'll come.

Ragini nods to him but her heart was having a fear.

Ragini: you guys have your dinner.

Ryan: we'll eat with bhayu.

Ragini: I think he will be late. You guys eat otherwise it'll become cold.

Thr brothers nods halfheartedly.

Arjun: bhabhi, you too sit.

Ragini: no, I'll eat with your bhai. There should be someone to accompany him.

The brothers nods to her. They had their dinner and everyone dispersed to their respective rooms.


Raglak's room:

Ragini was moving here and there in tension.

Ragini: it's 9 now. Why he's getting this much late? Should I call him?

She dials his number.

"The number you're trying to reach is currently switched off. Please try again later."

Ragini: switched off... God, I'm feeling scared. Why he's taking this long?

She calls her sisters to divert her mind.

Trio: hello di...

Ragini: hi, all good?

Trio: yes...

Ragini: had dinner?

Trio: yaa...

Misha: you had your dinner?

Ragini: no...

Trio: why???

Ragini: I was waiting for your juju.

Swara: oho... waiting to have dinner with hubby.

Trio: not bad

Ragini: very funny

They talked about random things for sometime and disconnects the call.

Ragini again looks towards the clock.

Ragini: god, it's 10 now. Where's he? I hope he's fine.

She remembers the pandit's words "your husband's life is in danger". She starts sweating.

Ragini: no no Ragini stop thinking nonsense. He must be fine. He must be coming. But I can't wait anymore.

She leaves the room. She goes to Sanskar's room and bangs the door.

Ragini: Sanky, open the door. Sanky...

Sanskar opens the door and Arjun and Ryan too comes out of their rooms hearing her voice because their rooms are close to each other's.

Arjun: what happened bhabhi?

Ryan: you're looking tensed.

Ragini (choking): your bhai hasn't come yet.

Sanskar: relax bhabhi. He must be on the way. I'll call him.

Ragini: his phone is switched off.

Ryan: what to do now?

Ragini: I'm feeling scared.

Arjun: don't worry bhabhi. He must be fine.

Ragini: hope so...

Everyone comes down to the hall. All were seated on the couch. Ragini was continuously praying, closing her eyes.

Ragini (in mind): please god please keep him safe please...

The brothers were also tensed.

Sanskar: normally he comes back till 7 or 8 maximum. What's wrong today?

Hearing it Ragini becomes more tensed. Her heart was beating fast. Tears starts flowing from her eyes without her knowledge.

Ryan looks at her.

Ryan: bhabhi please don't cry, bhayu must be fine.

The other two also looks at her and goes towards her. She was crying continuously.

Arjun: bhabhi please yaar...

Ragini (choking): why he's getting this much late? I'm not feeling good.

Sanskar: even I'm not understanding why he's taking this much time?

Ragini was not listening to anyone. She was crying non stop.
She stands up.

Ragini: it's 11 now. I can't wait more. I think we should go and check.

The brothers too nods. They also stands up.

Just then the main door of the house opens and Laksh enters.

Everyone takes a sigh of relief and Ragini was feeling like she just got her life back. Without caring about anything she runs to him and hugs him tight.

Laksh was shocked with her sudden action while the brothers were smiling.

Ragini was feeling him by closing her eyes. There was complete silence only Ragini's sobs were heard.

Laksh: what happened? Why are you crying?

She realizes about her position and breaks the hug wiping her tears.

Laksh: you all are awake till now!!

He asks surprised.

Sanskar: bhai, where were you?

Arjun: we were tensed and waiting for you.

Laksh: I was away from the office from many days so many works are pending. I didn't realize about time while working.

The brothers looks at him shocked. Then he looks at Ragini again.

Laksh (confused): why were you crying?

Ragini (angrily): are you mad? How could you be so careless that you don't care about anyone else who's waiting for you at home? You scared the hell out of me. (she shouts) But you don't care. You really don't care. All what you care about is your work and work, nothing else.

She stamps her feet angrily and leaves for her room.

Trio brothers were looking in her direction with open mouths and without blinking while Laksh was not understanding what's going on.

Laksh: what I did that she's getting this much angry?

The brothers looks at him.

Ryan: bhayu, you should come on time.

Sanskar: you're not alone now. Bhabhi is also here. You should think about her. She was waiting for you and got tensed when you got late.

Arjun: she was scared and started crying. Promise us that you'll never repeat it again.

Laksh just nods his head.

Ryan: and ya bhabhi haven't ate her dinner.

They left for their rooms wishing him good night.


Raglak's room:

Ragini was sitting on the bed crying and cursing Laksh.

Ragini (sniffing): stupid, idiot how can he be so careless? He was busy with his work and here I was scared for him. I was getting wrong thoughts. My breath got stuck but he don't care. He just care about his girlfriend.

"I don't have any girlfriend" says Laksh standing at the door.

Ragini looks at him and finds him holding two plates in his hands. He enters inside and puts the plates on the table.

Ragini: but your business is your girlfriend and my sautan.

She says sniffing.

Laksh shakes his head in disbelief and smiles a little.

Laksh: will you please tell me exactly why are you crying?

Ragini looks at him with wide eyes.

Ragini: poori Mahabharat khatam ho gayi aur ye pooch rahe hai Draupadi kaun thi😂. (Whole Mahabharata has ended and he's asking who was Draupadi.)

Laksh looks at her confused.

Laksh: who's Draupadi? Is she your friend?

Ragini was not believing her ears.

Ragini: you don't know who was Draupadi? You really don't know?

She asks still not believing her ears.

Laksh shakes his head.

Ragini: leave it...

Laksh: now, you tell me why you were crying?

Then only Ragini realises that she has stopped crying and she should cry😂. She starts crying again but this time fake crying.

Laksh rolls his eyes at her drama.

Laksh: just stop it now itself and eat.

Ragini shakes her head. Laksh glares her.

She pouts and takes the plate from him.

Laksh: why you were waiting for me?

He asks while eating his dinner.

Ragini: uhm, because every wife waits for her husband.

Laksh: and why you didn't eat?

Ragini: umm, to give you company.

Laksh: and why you wanted to give me a company?

Ragini was having no answer to this question or she was having an answer but can't tell him that she was waiting to have dinner with him because she loves him and cares for him.

Ragini: you'll not come late from tomorrow.

Laksh frowns.

Laksh: you're ordering me?

Ragini bends her head.

Laksh: okay, I'll try to come early.

Ragini smiles widely.

They finishes their dinner and then lay down on the bed at their respective sides.

Ragini: why your phone was switched off?

Laksh: battery dead...

Ragini get's up while Laksh looks at her confused. She takes his moblie and puts it on charging. Laksh smiles at her. She lays down again.

Laksh (in mind): why she was waiting for me? Just because every wife do it or there is any other reason? Why she was tensed, scared and crying for me? Why she cares for me this much? And why I said to her that I'll come home early from tomorrow? Why I don't want her to get tensed? So many questions are there but I don't know answers to them.

Ragini (in mind): I was so scared today. I thought something has happened to you. That thought shaked me. I can't even imagine my life without you now. I can't live without your glares, your angry looks, your care and possessiveness. I love you ❤ and I love you more after today because I shouted on you but you didn't get angry because you respect my feelings. You were behaving calm and even promised me to come home early.

She thinks looking at him lovingly.

Soon Laksh was asleep and Ragini again sleeps hugging him trying to keep her chuda away from his skin.

Ragini: good night my love.

She was now feeling better, in his arms.


Next morning:

Obviously, Laksh woke up early. He looks at Ragini who was sleeping hugging him as tight as possible like if she will lose her grip then he'll run away.

Laksh (in mind): she really comes here and hugs me in sleep or she do it intentionally? But why she'll do it intentionally? Ufff, I'll die of confusion.

He get's out from her hold and goes to do workout after freshening up.

Ragini opens her eyes feeling emptiness.

Ragini: again he woke up early. We slept around 12 yaar. Why don't he take proper sleep? It'll affect his health.

Just then Laksh comes back. He was surprised seeing her awake.

Laksh: don't know which tornado will come in Kolkata today?

Ragini: why?

Laksh: because you woke up early.

Ragini chuckles.

Ragini: where you go early in the morning everyday?

Laksh: to my gym.

Ragini: there's a gym in our house?

She asks exitedly.

Laksh nods.

Ragini: I'll also workout with you from tomorrow.

Laksh looks at her shocked.

Laksh: you'll workout?

Ragini: yes...

Laksh: seriously!!

Ragini (with attitude): you're underestimating me.

Laksh (smirking): ok, we'll see tomorrow.

Ragini: we'll see.

Ragini get's up and takes out clothes for him. He takes the clothes from her leaves to take a bath.

Ragini: he didn't stop me from doing this?

Laksh: because I know what will be your answer.

He shouts from the washroom.

Ragini smiles sheepishly.

Laksh comes out and then Ragini leaves for a bath.

He leaves to wake his brothers up and comes back after few minutes. He sees Ragini looking at something very deeply while keeping his files in the bag.

Laksh: what are you looking at?

Ragini: you're four years elder to me?

She asks him like a child.

Laksh: maybe...

Ragini: not maybe it's true. I have seen your D.O.B. in your adhaar card.

Laksh: oh...

Ragini: that means you were four years old when I was born.

She says giggling.

Laksh: no, I was born of four years.

He says sarcastically.

Ragini bites her tongue. She takes his coat and was helping him in wearing it.

Laksh: do it fast. I'm getting late. I have an important meeting today.

Ragini nods.

Everyone goes to their respective works/college and continued with their daily routine.


So, how's it? A long update again😎 and fast as well🙃.

Next: angry Laksh and Ragini trying to know more about him.

Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀

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