Part - 68

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Hello all my lovely readers🙋.
Ty sooooo muchhhh for all ur love to the story.
I must have posted it yesterday only but I met with an accident and my right hand got hurt. I was not able to type due to the pain. Half of the draft was ready and I somehow managed to write the remaining half with my left hand because you all were waiting for it impatiently. And I promised to post it till Saturday.
Hope you all will like it.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


Ragini starts sweating. She clutches Laksh's arm tightly and hides behind him.

Laksh looks at the man with red eyes. He makes a fist of his hand.

Even the brothers were looking at him with all the anger. They were giving him killing looks.

Laksh (gritting his teeth): Sahil Sengupta

Sahil was handcuffed.

Sahil (laughing devilishly): yes, me. I planned your murder so perfectly but you are still alive. I thought you must have reached hell till now.

Laksh: your bad luck.

Sanskar (shouting): why you did that? You bastard!!

Sahil again laughs.

Sahil: you're asking me why I did that? Like you all don't know. Ok, I'll tell you. I did that for her.

He points at Ragini who was still hiding behind Laksh, holding him tight.

The scenes of the day of fashion show were coming in front of her eyes. Her body was shaking.

Sahil: if I can't get her then no one can. Not you also Laksh Maheshwari. She must have become mine if you haven't come in between that day.

Laksh loses his cool and looks at him with rage. He removes Ragini's hands and goes towards him fuming. He holds his neck with his right hand and hits his head on the table.

Laksh (shouting at the top of his lungs): how dare you? How dare you talk nonsense about my wife that too infront of me? That day you were spared but not today. Today I'll kill you. You a**hole. Bloody bastard.

Sahil was struggling for breath. His face becomes pale. The brothers and Aryan were trying to pull Laksh away from him.

Ragini was still standing like a statue and was shivering with fear.

They somehow pulls Laksh away from him.

Laksh (struggling to get free): leave me. I'll kill this man. You all heard what he said. I'll show him what Laksh Maheshwari can do if anyone will eye his wife. I'll cut him into pieces.

Arjun: bhai, you don't need to stress yourself. It's not good for your health. We'll give him the best treatment he deserves.

Ryan and Sanskar too nods smirking. They were about to attack on Sahil but...

Laksh: wait...

Trio stops and looks at Laksh.

Laksh goes towards Ragini and holds her hand.

Ragini looks up at him with tear filled eyes.

Laksh: don't you want to take revenge from him for what he tried to do with you? Don't you want to show him the power of a woman?

Ragini slightly shakes her head in no.

Ragini (sobbing): I... I... can't...

Laksh sighs.

Laksh: ok, forget about it. Don't you want to punish the man because of whom you almost lost me? Who tried to kill me and almost succeeded in it? Who tried to snatch me away from you? The man because of whom your husband's life was in danger, because of whom your husband was on the death bed. Don't you want to take revenge from him, for me?

Laksh's words were affecting Ragini. She was gaining courage. She closes her eyes and opens them again.

Ragini (determined): yes, I want to.

All smiles at her proudly. Laksh wipes her tears.

Laksh: then show him what you can do for your husband?

Ragini nods confidently. She takes a police's stick from Aryan's table and moves towards Sahil.

Trio brothers: come on bhabhi, show him what a woman can do for her self respect and her husband.

Sahil was looking at her with a devilish smirk.

Ragini looks at him with disgust.

She holds the stick up in the air and hit's him directly on his head with all her strength.

He cries with pain.

Ragini was beating him on his hands, legs, stomach, head, everywhere. She was beating him continuously without taking any break.

Sahil was crying for mercy but Ragini was not in a mood to stop.

She was remembering about Laksh's condition when he was in the crushed car after the accident. She was remembering about his state and her fear of losing him. She was thinking about the day of the fashion show and his dirty intentions. Everyone's crying faces were coming in front of her eyes and she was taking revenge for each and everything. She was hitting him mercilessly.

All were feeling good to see her coming out of her comfort zone and fighting for herself.

Sahil's whole body was red with blood. His head was also bleeding. He loses his strength and falls unconscious on the floor.

Ragini was still beating him. Her face was stern and eyes were red with anger and disgust.

Aryan: bhabhi, he's almost dead. Please stop now. We'll see him.

But she was still not stopping.

Laksh goes towards her and holds her hand in which she was holding the stick.

Ragini turns to him with rage but seeing him her eyes welled up. She let the stick fall and hugs him crying.

Laksh was rubbing her back and was ruffling her hair to calm her. He signs Aryan to take Sahil away.

Aryan nods and orders the constables to take him away.

Trio brothers moves towards Sahil and kicks him a few times before the constables takes him away.

Laksh: shhh... Ragini, stop crying. Everything is fine now. Relax!! You yourself gave him his punishment. Stop crying otherwise I'll call you a cry baby.

Ragini lifts her face to look at him.

Ragini: I'm not a cry baby.

Laksh (chuckling): but you're proving it.

Ragini wipes her tears and hugs him again.

Ragini: now, I proved that I'm not a cry baby.

All others were smiling looking at them.

Ragini was feeling good and relaxed after letting out her anger and frustration on Sahil.

Aryan: now, the rest of his punishment will be given by the law.

Ryan: don't leave him Aryan bhai.

Aryan: don't worry Rey. He'll get special treatment for hurting my buddy.

Arjun: wow bhabhi, you're a lioness.

Laksh: hmm, after all she's my wife. Lion's lioness.

He says proudly.

Everyone smiles while Ragini giggles in his chest.

Laksh: I think we should leave now.

He hugs Aryan and all leaves the police station.



All five were sitting in the hall.

Ryan: that moro...

Laksh glares him.

Ryan: sorry...

Laksh: no one will talk about this matter or him ever. Got it!!

All nods.

Ragini: I'll bring coffee for everyone.

She was about to leave but Laksh stops her.

Laksh: no need. Ramu kaka will make it.

Ragini: but...

Laksh: you didn't hear what I said?

He asks sternly.

Ragini makes a cute face and sits again.

All had their coffee chitchatting and then dispersed to their respective rooms.


Raglak's room:

Ragini was sitting in the balcony while Laksh was in the washroom.

Ragini (in mind): I never thought that saving me will lead my love to his death. That man almost snatched him away from me. But thank god my Laksh is safe and I don't want to think about that man ever. My husband is something different. He can perfectly mould himself according to the situation. I'm loving his care and gestures for me. He has started thinking about my happiness from the time he has gained consciousness after the accident. He's making me feel special everyday ofcourse unknowingly. (she chuckles in herself) Sometimes he behaves like a kid and I'm loving his this side also. Today he again proved that he's the best of the best for me. I love him more after today's incident. The way he encouraged me and pacified me was just beyond words. Thank you so much god for bringing everything on it's place. Always keep my family and my love happy and safe. I don't want anything else from you.

She was thinking about something very deeply just then Laksh comes out of the washroom. Ragini looks in his direction.

Laksh: wanna talk?

Ragini nods. Laksh comes there and sits opposite to her.

Ragini: sorry...

Laksh (confused): sorry for what?

Ragini: he tried to kill you because of me. If you haven't tried to save me that day then he must have not done anything like that. You wouldn't have gone through all that.

Laksh (angrily): are you insane? What do you think of yourself? Don't try to become Mother India. I saved you because I OWN YOU. No one has the right to talk anything about Laksh Maheshwari's wife, doing anything is far away. Did you get that? You are my responsibility, my wife. I will do it again and again and you can't stop me. How could you say like this and blame yourself for everything? You idiot girl.

Ragini was touched by all this. Although his way of showing his rights and concern was unique and different😂 but she can very well understand the meaning of his words. She was feeling elated and happy at that moment.

Laksh stands up and starts leaving angrily.

Ragini: sorry...

Laksh turns to look at her.

Laksh: now for what?

Ragini: for making you angry. Please don't go. I want to talk.

Laksh takes a deep breath and calms himself. He again sits opposite to her.

Laksh: hmm...

Ragini: I was 23 when my parents left the world.

Laksh looks on.

Ragini: they left me with the responsibility of my three younger sisters. I cried non stop for a week. I let out my emotions in the form of tears because letting out our emotions makes us stronger and lightens our heart. I was shattered and broken but I never let my sisters affected by it. (she wipes the tears which were flowing from her eyes) I tried my best to keep them happy always. I fought with all the challenges of life for them. I was always possessive towards them. I did their upbringing becoming their parents. But somewhere I also wanted someone to take care of me and fight for me. Although my sisters always used to take care of me but I wanted someone else to be that person after my parents. But now my wish has come true because I got you, who cares of me, who fights for me and with me (she says chuckling) and who's possessive for me. I'll not say that I never dreamt about my would be husband. I honestly did. But I got the one who's thousand times better than the one I have dreamt of. Thank you.

Laksh was listening to her very carefully. He surprised with all this. He never thought about the fact that she has also gone through the same pain like him. But now he was realising that they both were sailing in the same ship.

Laksh (smiling): I do all this for you because you deserve it. And I know I'm just awesome so no need to say that. (he says lifting his shoulders) And about being possessive, it's my birth problem. (he scratches the back of his head) I'm possessive for each and every person related to me and you're also an important person of my life now. (Ragini smiles wholeheartily listening to him) And you're indeed the best sister.

Ragini smiles back at him.

Ragini: just like you are the best brother.

Laksh: so to hai. (that I'm)

Both chuckles.



Raglak's room:

Laksh (angrily): Ragini, give me my laptop.

Ragini shakes her head.

Laksh holds her tight from her shoulder with his one hand.

Laksh (trying to control): don't make me angry.

Ragini scares and surrenders.

Ragini: okay

She moves towards the cupboard and takes out his laptop which was hidden in between the clothes.

Laksh shakes his head in disbelief and snatches it from her. He sits on the sofa and starts working.

Ragini was looking at him with a cute angry face.

Ragini: Akdu

She moves towards the bed and sits on it. She also starts working on her laptop.

Laksh: I was 19 when I lost them.

Ragini immediately looks at him. He was still looking in the laptop.

Laksh: I never in my wildest dream thought that god will do something like that to me. He's so cruel and unfair. That day snatched two most important person of my life, my ma and papa. I also took the responsibility of my brothers from that day itself. I gave my life for them and the business. When I was new in the business I came across many people who betrayed me. I was not understanding what to do and whom I should trust? I was a teenager yaar whose whole world was crashed in seconds. Then I stopped trusting people and started my journey on my own. Still I don't trust everyone. There are only few whom I trust and now you're one of them. Life has taught me many lessons. I know people hate me because I'm a rude and arrogant business man but I don't care about anyone. I'm me and I'll never ever change. Honestly speaking, I never thought about marrying anyone but situations made me to marry you. And I'm not regretting the decision of marrying you not a bit because you proved that you are the best choice for my family in just a month. After my parents left me with huge responsibilities of my brothers and the business upon my shoulders, I never cried for them because I was angry on them for leaving me like that forever or I was too engrossed in fulfilling my responsibilities that I never got any time to cry for them. I really never cried for my parents in these ten years. (he says himself not believing it) I'm the worst son of the worl.........

He was unable to speak further because of the tears that made their way from his eyes without his knowledge.

Ragini was also having tears in her eyes. She can very well understand his pain. Although she knew everything about him but still his words and pain were killing her like anything. She get's up from the bed and moves towards him. She saw tears on the keyboard of the laptop. She takes the laptop and keeps it aside.

Ragini (lovingly): Laksh...

That's it. Laksh breaks down completely and hugs her from her waist crying like a child.

Ragini was standing while Laksh was still sitting.

Laksh was crying silently and Ragini was also crying with him.

She was just rubbing his back without uttering a word and was letting him take out all his emotions which he was hiding from complete ten years. She was happy by the fact that her plan of sharing about her parents and struggles to make Laksh open up about his parents and struggles worked correctly. He told her his heart out. Just then her eyes fell on the trio brothers who were standing at the door with tear filled eyes.

They too were crying thinking about their parents and also about the toughest times their eldest brother has gone through.

Ragini signs them to come in but they shakes their heads in no.

They also wanted Laksh to let out his feelings and emotions without disturbing him.

Laksh was crying and crying and crying and crying and crying.....................

It looks like he'll never stop. After all he was hiding everything inside him from past ten years and all of that was coming out in the form of tears today.


So, how was it? Do comment about it.
Guys, I'm on a break from now. Next part will be after my sesionals i.e, after 17th October. Hope you all will understand and will wait for it patiently.
Till then miss me😘.
I gave you long part before the break💝. 2800 words😎.

Next: some emotional moments. Laksh is seen sitting on the couch like a king and his wife and brothers are seen standing in front of him, gulping.

Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀

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