Part - 75

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Hello everyone 🙋
Surprise, I got some time to write. So, here's an update 😇.
Thank you so much for all ur love to the story.
Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


All were standing in the stable. Everyone was trying to encourage Ragini to sit on the horse but she was feeling scared.

Ragini: no... no... I can't do it.

//My situation was the same when I sat on one of our horses for the first time😂//

Misha: di, nothing will happen. We all had ride it na. Only you're left.

Ryan: where's bhayu?

Ragini: don't know? When I woke up I couldn't find him in the room.

Just then the sound of a horse was heard. Every turns to look in the direction of the sound. There was coming the Laksh Maheshwari on a horse. Looking like a prince.

Ragini smiles at him.

Arjun: bhai's favorite one.

Laksh stops the horse near them.

Laksh: what happened?

Swara: di's feeling scared to sit on the horse.

Ragini: I'm feeling scared but I want to ride it.

She says pouting.

Everyone laughs.

Laksh keeps his hand in front of her.

Ragini holds it confusingly.

Laksh pulls her up and made her sit on the horse. She was sitting in front of him with both her legs at one side.

All: wohooo.... Not bad bhai/jiju.

Ragini smiles looking at Laksh.

Laksh: what you all are waiting for? Come on get on the horses and let's have a race.

Sanskar: yaa, a race in which we already know that we're going to lose for sure.

Everyone laughs.

Arjun: and we don't want that.

Laksh chuckles. He pulls the rope and takes the horse away.

Naina: they both are just made for each other. Isn't it?

All: true...


Laksh was focusing on riding while Ragini's focus was on Laksh. She was going crazy with his hot breath fanning directly on her neck.

Ragini: uhm, I want to hold the rope.

Laksh: okay...

He gives it to her.

Ragini: it's not that tough to control though.

Laksh shakes his head.

Ragini: Laksh...

Laksh: hmm...

Ragini: I didn't get one thing. Why Arjun said that he's feeling like blushing in the morning when we were fighting? And Rey and Sanky too. What we said that made them blush?

Laksh also starts to think about the same.

Laksh: I don't know.

Ragini (pouting): but I want to know.

Laksh: then what should I do now? You can ask them later.

Ragini: no, I want to know right now. I have an idea.

Laksh: what?

Ragini: let's recreate it. I mean we'll say everything that we said during the fight.

Laksh: are you mad?

Ragini: pleaach... I'll not get peace until I'll come to know.

Laksh: you're insane and want me to become one as well.

Ragini (near his ear): please... pleaaachh.... request....

Laksh: okay, fine don't shout on my ear.

Ragini: thank you. So, Rey asked you what happened to your face? How you got those scratches?

Laksh: I replied all because of your not so sweet and not so lovely bhabhi. She became a wil... wild cat last night.

He thinks about the word he used.

Ragini: then I said, what was my fault ha? I was not getting any sleep and I shared it with you then Mr Maheshwari got in his most favorite moo.. mood...

Laksh: really, mood? You said like I was in a mood to romance with you.

He says rolling his eyes.

Ragini blushes at his statement.

Ragini: arre, don't think about that. Say the next dialogue.

Laksh: dialogue, seriously?

Ragini: please...

Laksh: okay, I said what mood? The fault was yours only. Why you went to the couch?

Ragini: why you ordered me to go to bed? Why you hugged me when I was angry on you?

Laksh: I just hug... hugged you but you started that game of pow.. power and domi... domination.

The realization striked him.

Laksh (in mind): oh... myyyy... godddd... What I blabbered in my anger? Laksh are you mad man?

Ragini: you broke my bangles in your aggressiveness.

Raglak (looking at each other): aggressiveness???

They turns away their faces feeling embarrassed.

Laksh: don't you think once before opening your mouth?

Ragini: so... sorry... then I said what about when you shouted on me after taking out your work?

Raglak (in mind): hey bhagwan (oh god) What we did?

Laksh (murmurs slowly): it was not my work only. Don't call it my work again and again. You needed that.

Laksh (shouts): neeeeedddd.... Oh no....

Ragini: you said that word. That's not my fault.

Laksh: now I understand why they were looking at us like that. What they must be thinking about us? God...

Ragini: how will I face them now?

They were not looking at each other and were the red tomatoes now. They were not able to meet each other's eyes. Just then they reached where the others were.

Laksh immediately jumps down from the horse and runs into the house.

Everyone looks at him confused.

Arjun and Sanskar helps Ragini to come down from the horse.

Naina: di, what happened to jiju?

Ryan: why he was all red?

Swara: you as well?

Ragini: aaa... uhmm... hum pooch kar aate hai. (I'll ask him and then tell you.)

She also runs away.

All: what happened to both of them all of a sudden?


Raglak's room:

Laksh: omg, what I said in front of my brothers. I can't believe it. Laksh, how can you be so stupid to use those words in wrong sentences? Man... What they must be thinking of their elder brother? It's all because of her.

He brushes his hair in embarrassment. He moves towards the mirror and looks at his face.

Laksh: why I'm red? And why I'm smiling maniacally? What's happening to me? I'll become mad by living with her.


Same was with Ragini. She was outside the house near the flowers garden of the farmhouse. She was also blushing hard and was smiling idiotically.

Ragini: hehe... My brother in laws misunderstood us. His face was worth watching. My Mr Red Tomato Maheshwari.

She laughs at the name she gave him.

"Excuse me" she heard a voice from behind.

She turns to find a cute and handsome guy standing there with a smiling face.

Boy: god.. you're so beautiful. Just like an angel.

Ragini (smiling): thank you

Boy (stretching his hand towards her): hi, I'm Kabeer Roy.

//I hope you all are ok with him. I feel he's very cute and will fit the character perfectly😛//

Ragini also moves her hand to shake with his but her hand was pulled by someone. She looks up to find her husband standing there with a stern face.

Laksh shakes his hand with Kabeer's.

Laksh: hello, Mr and Mrs Laksh Maheshwari.

He says signalling to himself and Ragini.

Kabeer: oyi, this beauty is already taken. My bad luck.

He says sadly.

Laksh: yes and don't call my wife beauty.

Kabeer: why? Don't you find your wife beautiful?

Ragini looks at Laksh angrily.

Ragini: I'm not beautiful?

Laksh: I don't need to ask you about my wife's beauty. Got it!!

Kabeer: wo, man relax. Don't get angry yaar. Actually I came here with my family. I was getting bored with the senior citizens that's why I came here roaming. Can I join you guys whenever I feel bored?

Laksh was about to say something...

Ragini: ofcourse you can. You seem to be a good boy to me. You can come anytime.

Kabeer: aww, thanks angel.

Laksh glares him and pulls Ragini with him.

Kabeer: why I'm getting a smell of burning? It'll be great fun to tease him.

He chuckles and leaves from there.



Raglak's room:

Ragini: I'm asking you last time. Are you coming?

Laksh: I'm not coming.

Ragini: okay, Kavi must have come till now.

Laksh (confused): Kavi???

Ragini: arre, Kabeer whom we met in the afternoon.

Laksh (shocked): what? You gave him a nick name too?

Ragini nods.

Ragini: he's a good boy. I liked him very much.

Laksh (shouts): LIKED!!!

Ragini: don't shout. I mean as a person I liked him.

Laksh sighs in relief and Ragini leaves.

Laksh: for me she has nick names like bucky, monkey, donkey, akdu, volcano..... and for him Kavi....

He makes faces.

Laksh: what she said? He's coming tooo..... no.....

He jumps out of the bed and runs out.


All were sitting around the bonfire talking about random things when Kabeer comes there. Ragini introduces him to everyone. They all liked him.

Kabeer was about to sit besides Ragini but Laksh comes and sit's besides her. Kabeer smirks.

Kabeer: hi Mr Maheshwari.

Laksh just nods his head.

Kabeer goes and sit's besides Ryan.

Ragini: you were not coming na?

Laksh: why? You're not happy that I came?

Ragini: there's nothing like that. I'm very happy that you came.

She says smiling.

Kabeer: so, Swara is set with Sanskar.

All nods.

Ragini: yaah, if you want you can try on Naina and Misha.

Everyone laughs while Arjun looks at Ragini shocked.

Arjun (in mind): here I'm planning to make Naina her devrani and she's planning to set her with him.

Kabeer: but I wanted to try on you.

He pouts sadly.

Laksh looks at him shocked while Ragini giggles.

Others too chuckles realising his flirty nature.

Laksh (angrily): find someone else.

Kabeer: but I'll not be able to find someone as beautiful as she is.

Other's were suppressing their laughs seeing the jealousy and possessiveness in Laksh's tone.

Laksh (in mind): I think I have to buy a burka for her.

Laksh get's up after sometime.

Laksh: let's go. I'm feeling sleepy.

Ragini: this much soon.

Laksh: you're not coming?

Ragini: no no... I'm coming.

She too get's up.

Laksh starts walking ahead.

Kabeer: good night angel.

Ragini: good night Kavi.

Laksh (gritting his teeth): are you coming?

Ragini: coming...

She runs after him.

Others bursts out in a fits of laughter.


Raglak's room:

Ragini was already laying on the bed when Laksh comes after changing. He get's on the bed.

Ragini: he's a nice guy. How easily he mixed up with everyone na.

Laksh: stop it now.

He moves towards her and hugs her tightly.

Ragini could feel the difference between his usual hug and today's hug. It was tighter than usual.

Ragini: you okay?

Laksh: yaah...

He hides his face in her neck and Ragini's breath gets hitched in her throat.


I made it soooo fast😁.

So, what would you like to say about Kabeer?

And Laksh's actions and reactions?

I'm sorry if it was not what you expected😅. Fingers crossed.

Please vote and comment. The reviews of the readers matters a lot to a writer.

Nect: bhabhi and her devars vs jiju and his saalis😎.

Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀

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