Part - 86

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Hello everyone 🙋
Thank you so much for all your love and support to the story and for being patient throughout the editing process😊.


Keep supporting. Luv u all ❤.
Enjoy reading.


Next day:

Laksh get's up first and looks at his wife who was sleeping hugging him as tight it was possible for her. He strokes her hair and her sleep get's disturbed. She opens her eyes and finds her husband looking at her.

Laksh: good morning bachcha.

Ragini: good morning my love.

Laksh: want to go office?

Ragini slightly nods her head in a yes.

Ragini: yes, being in the house, doing nothing will bound me to think about the same thing.

Laksh sighs.

Laksh: okay, you go to office and don't be sad.

Ragini: I'll try.


All were having the breakfast silently. Ragini was looking at the brothers one by one.

Ragini: I'm sorry!!

She says all of a sudden. Everyone looks at her confused.

Ryan: sorry for what bhabhi?

Ragini: you wished for your nephew or neice but I...

She wasn't able to say anything further. Her voice chocked while Laksh was glaring her like anything.

Sanskar: bhabhi, what are you saying? There's no need to say sorry.

Arjun: yaah, it's okay. It's not at all your fault and we don't have any issues with it.

Laksh: but she'll keep sticking to the same thing. It's just...

He didn't complete his sentence and leaves from there angrily. Ragini too get's up and leaves behind him.


Raglak's room:

Laksh was standing in front of the mirror, wearing his coat in anger when Ragini comes there and holds his coat. He says nothing as Ragini makes him wear it.

Ragini: Laksh...

Laksh: yesterday only we have decided that we'll not talk about it. Do I need to repeat myself again and again?

He says angrily. His face was stern but her next sentence made his looks to soften.

Ragini (innocently): I'm sorry love. I'll not talk about it ever again. Please don't be angry with me.

Laksh turns to look at her.

Laksh: promise?

Ragini: pinky promise.

"Bhabhi, your sisters are here." says Sanskar entering in the room.

Ragini passes him a confused look and then nods.

Ragini: uhm, I'm coming after some minutes.

Sanskar nods and leaves. Ragini turns to look at Laksh.

Ragini: you called them?

Laksh: ya, you'll go to office with them. I can't let you drive in this state of mind.

His eyes were showing pure care and concern for her. Ragini was overwhelmed with it and she takes him in a hug.

Ragini: I love you.

Laksh smiles as he reciprocates to the hug.


The sisters didn't talk to Ragini about it because they knew that it'll leave her in tears again. It did affect the sisters as well. The fact that their eldest sister who has already gone through so much can never feel the pleasure of being a mother. Her fate is so cruel to her. The condition was not better in Laksh's case. They knew that he do deserve to be a father. He's a man whose child would be blessed and lucky to have a father like him. The man who has taken care of his brothers becoming their father and mother both then how much he would have done for his own bundle of joy. But fate always plays!! Laksh strictly warned everyone not to talk about it to her.

A week passed like this. Office and work was keeping them busy and they were forgetting about their pain and emptiness. The emptiness which is going to stay with them forever. Ragini was getting over it and Laksh and others were trying their best to bring her back to normal. And Ragini was feeling lucky to have such a caring family. She was feeling blessed to have a husband like her Laksh.



Ryan was sitting in the hall when Ragini comes back from her office.

Ryan: what's up bhabhi?

Ragini just passes him a tight smile. Her face was dull.

Ragini: I'm sorry Rey, I'll be just back.

Ryan nods understandingly and Ragini leaves for her room.

Four of the brothers were sitting in the hall when Ragini comes downstairs.

Ragini: you all are back. I'll just come with the coffee for all of you.

Saying this she leaves for the kitchen and comes back with the coffee for everyone.

The brothers were talking and chatting having their coffee but Ragini was out of their conversation and Laksh noticed it. He could see the dullness in her eyes and he was quite sure that it wasn't because of the thing which happened a week ago.

Later, everyone went to their respective rooms after their dinner.

Raglak's room:

Laksh was all set to go to bed when Ragini enters into the room with her fallen face.

Laksh: what's wrong?

Ragini immediately looks at him.

Ragini: no-nothing, everything is alright. Why are you asking like this?

Laksh: oh, everything is alright! I can very well figure it out.

As soon as her eyes met his, Ragini's eyes became glassy. She always finds herself weak infront of this man both physically and emotionally. He has an effect on her. He has some kind of magic in those brown orbs which make her go weak on her knees.

Laksh moves to her and makes her sit on the couch and he himself sit's besides her, holding both of her hands in his.

Laksh: now say it, you can't escape from me and you know that very well.

Ragini was trying to hold back her tears but was failing in her attempt.

Ragini: we have to se-seal it.

Laksh: seal what?

Ragini: Gadodia Industries, papa's company.

She replies chocking while Laksh looks at her shocked.

Laksh: why? What happened?

Ragini: Sanjay uncle, he was fooling us all the time. He was using the company for his own benefits and was even cheating with the finances. And now the company is in huge loss and we have to close it.

Tears rolls down her cheeks as she completed.

Laksh sighs.

Laksh: I told you. Not everyone are trustworthy. You just can't trust anyone like that and no one knows it better than me.

Ragini: I'm sorry! I should have listened to you, maybe I could have saved it.

Laksh: I don't think so. I said that to you only one and half weeks ago. It wouldn't have made any benefit as it was going from years.

He says as he wraps his arms around her while Ragini keeps on crying.

Laksh: so, you made him arrested?

Ragini slightly shakes her head in a no, in his chest. Laksh frowns.

Laksh: as expected!! And I'll be going against you.

Ragini lifts her face to look at him.

Laksh: do you really think of me to be as kind as you to leave that bast**d so easily? You're so wrong Mrs Laksh.

He says making a fist of his hand. Ragini just shakes her head at her angry young man.

Laksh: you know what, you're idiotically innocent.

Ragini looks at him with her big brown eyes, like a confused kid.

Laksh: you're my idiot girl and innocent as well. Ho gaya na idiotically innocent.

He let's out a small chuckle. He said that to lighten her mood and it worked as a small smile came on her fluffy lips.

Laksh: that's like my bachcha.

Laksh: now, wipe your tears and sleep. Don't worry about it. I'll look into the matter and will see if we can do anything.

Ragini nods wiping her tears and both of them makes their way to the bed.


It was middle night. Both Raglak were sleeping peacefully on their king sized bed, hugging each other. There was absolute silence in the room. Only moonlight was there to make the room a little visible to the eyes.

Just then someone enters into their room, through the balcony. The person swiftly makes his way inside the room, ensuring not to make any noise. He turns his face to look at the couple sleeping in each other's arms and keeps looking at them until he is disturbed by a small and not that loud knock on the room's door. The person bites on his tongue and makes his way towards the door and opens it without making any kind of sound. A few others who were standing at the door enters inside the room and one of them hit's that person who entered from the balcony on the back of his head and others let's out small chuckles.

Everyone enters in and stands infront of the bed. One of them goes to turn on the light. At the same time, they counts on their fingers.

All (whispers): 3-2-1... Happy Birthday to you ... Happy Birthday dear bhabhi/di... Happy Birthday to you...

//Do I need to clear who was the one jumped into the room from the balcony😜?//

They were singing together.

Hearing to the sounds created all of a sudden both Raglak get's up with a jerk.

Laksh: bachcha, you okay?

Without thinking anything or trying to figure out something he asked the very first question came to his mind.

Ragini gives him an assuring smile as she holds his hand.

Ragini: I'm okay.

All: ahem... ahem...

Raglak turns to look at their brothers/sisters standing infront of them.

Raglak: you all, at this time?

Misha: thank god you both at least realised our presence.

She says giggling like others and Ragini immediately leaves Laksh's hand.

All: Happy Birthday di/bhabhi

Laksh snaps his head to look at his wife.

Ragini: it's my birthday today?

All laughs at her question.

All: yeah...

Raglak get's up from the bed and moves towards others. Ryan places the cake on the table.

All hugs Ragini one by one, giving her birthday wishes.

Naina lits the candles and everyone signs Ragini to blow the candles and cut the cake.

Ragini blows the candles and cuts the cake. She takes a piece of it in her hands makes her sisters and brother in laws eat from her hands. They too does the same.

Laksh was all the time lost somewhere. He was in his own thoughts. He was standing at a little distance from her. Ragini takes a piece of cake in her hands and was about to move towards her husband but stops as her brother in law applies cake on both of her cheeks all of a sudden. Ragini turns to look at him but as soon as her face turned to him he ran out of the room.

Arjun: Happy Birthday once again my dear bhabhi.

All laughs at him and Ragini glares him.

Swara: now, tommorow will be a grand celebration.

Everyone nods excitedly.

Ragini: but...

Sanskar: no if no but bhabhi. We'll not listen to you this time.

Others too nods in agreement with him while Ragini sighs feeling defeated.

Slowly everyone leaves the room. The sisters stayed the night in MM.

When everyone left Ragini looks at her lost husband. She moves towards him.

Ragini: Laksh...

Laksh: you didn't tell me it's your birthday.

Ragini: I didn't remember it myself and you never asked me about it.

She didn't know how much her simple and true words affected her husband.

Laksh: I'm sorry!!

Ragini looks at him confused. What he is sorry about?

Ragini: why are you saying sorry?

Laksh: do you know when's my birthday?

Ragini nods her head slightly.

Laksh: how?

Ragini: uhm, I asked your brothers.

Laksh takes a deep breath before turning his face away. Ragini was getting more and more confused with his behavior. He was about to move to the bed but Ragini holds his hand.

Ragini: Laksh, what's wrong?

Laksh: you know everything about me. About my likes, dislikes, my birthday to my favourite kind of coffee but I... I don't even know your birthday.

It took Ragini no time to understand what he's upset about. It's the fact that everyone knew about his wife's birthday but he didn't. She smiles at her husband's innocence and cuteness. She comes infront of him.

Ragini: you're sho cute.

Laksh: don't try to change the topic Ragini.

Ragini sighs.

Ragini: it's not your fault at all Laksh, not even a bit. And I'm not upset with you.

Laksh: but I am, with myself.

She shakes her head as gently places her palm on his cheek.

Ragini: you're thinking too much Laksh. Just forget about it. Won't you wish your wife for her birthday? Hmm...

She asks him with her beautiful and calming smile.

Laksh smiles as he takes her in a warm hug.

Laksh: Happy Birthday Mrs Ragini Laksh Maheshwari! Many many happy returns of the day bachcha!

Ragini smiles widely at his words. His wishes are offcouse special for her.

They breaks the hug and Ragini brings a piece of cake towards his mouth and Laksh eats from her hands. He too makes her eat.

Laksh: Happy Birthday my beautiful wifey.

Ragini: thank you so much my handsome hubby.

She said as she applied a little cake on the tip of his nose and the very next moment she regretted for doing it. She was expecting him to shout on her or atleast a glare but his reaction shocked her because he SMILED. It was very hard for Ragini to believe.

Ragini: you're not angry?

Laksh: I should be?

Ragini nods her head in a yes while Laksh chuckles.

Laksh: I have decided that I'll not get angry on you for the next 24 hours. It's your birthday na.

He says lightly ruffling her hair. Ragini stares him like he has just now got ten heads from somewhere.

Ragini: are you fine? You're joking, right?

Laksh shakes his head.

Laksh: I am not joking Mrs Laksh.

He cleared.

Realising that he's serious about his words Ragini starts jumping up and down in happiness.

Ragini: that means I can do whatever I want in the next 24 hours and you'll not get angry and will not deny to my wishes?

She asks unbelievably.

Laksh: hmm... Something like that.

Ragini: promise?

Laksh: Laksh Maheshwari is a man of his words.

Ragini smiles widely at this. Laksh was happy seeing her smiling so beautifully after these many days and he's the reason for her smile. It made his happiness to grow more.

Ragini: god, why my birthday comes only once in a year?

She complains pouting while Laksh rolls his eyes at his wife.

Laksh: you're just impossible. Greedy girl!!

Ragini chuckles. Both of them then cleans their faces and lays down on the bed, hugging each other.

Ragini: Laksh, they got into our room just like that. I know we're not like any normal couple. But just think if we were like any normal and loving couple and what if...

She pauses for a while. Laksh looks at her.

Laksh: what if?

Ragini: what if we were doing some kind of stuff? You know that kind...

Her face was completely red till now. Realising what she just said, she looks towards his face only to find him looking at her with his eyes out of their natural place.

Laksh (in mind): this girl has no control over her tongue. Don't know from where she brings all this stuff in her stupid brain?

Ragini: you've promised that you'll not get angry on me for 24 hours.

She reminded him and assured herself.

Laksh: so ja meri ma. (Sleep my mother.)

Ragini couldn't control herself from laughing at his annoyed tone.

Ragini: you're sho cute Mr Maheshwari.

She says pinching his nose.

A frown was about to make it's way on his face but...

Ragini: no anger Mr Maheshwari, you've promised and Laksh Maheshwari never backs off from his words. Remember!!

Laksh didn't take much time in understanding that he has done a blunder by giving her such a promise.

Laksh (in mind): god bless Laksh Maheshwari!!


Please vote and comment if you liked it. They motivates to write faster😁.

Well, what would you like to say about this Laksh? In this one part only he showed different shades and offcouse what about the promise😵😂? Are you guys excited for it?

Next: •Laksh's birthday gifts for his idiotically innocent wife.
The date!!
•Laksh controlling his anger😂.
And something caught Ragini's eyes and her mind.

Only if it will be possible for me to bring all this in one part, lol😜.

Much more to come during Mr Akdu's chatterbox's birthday celebration😂.

Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀

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