Part - 95

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Hello everyone 🙋
Ty so much for all your love and support to the story.


Ragini and Swara were in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. They comes out with bowls in their hands and finds everyone already sitting on the dining table, except Misha and Laksh. Everyone wishes good morning to each other.

Arjun: bhabhi, where's bhai?

Ragini: he was talking to someone on phone. Must be coming.

Then only Laksh comes there all ready in a brown formal suit. He sit's on his chair, on the head of the table. He looks at everyone.

Laksh: where's Misha?

Ragini (chuckling): she's still sleeping. She'll eat later.

Laksh (controlling his laugh): she has completely gone on you.

Ragini bites on her tongue cutely. Laksh unknowingly admires her cuteness.

Ryan: kumbhkaran...

Laksh: just like your dear bhabhi.

All laughs and Ragini pouts. Laksh signs her to sit beside him. Ragini smiles and sit's besides him. Swara sits besides Sanskar.

Later, everyone leaves for their respective works. Ragini, Swara and Naina left for RG fashions and Laksh, Sanskar and Arjun for MI. Only Misha and Ryan were left in the house.

Ryan was sitting in the hall, playing game on his phone when Misha comes downstairs.

Misha: oye bandar, where are others?

Ryan: oh, finally Ms Chipkali's morning is here.

Misha glares him but Ryan seems unaffected.

Ryan: they went to work.

Misha: there's something to eat? I'm feeling hungry.

Ryan looks at her for a few seconds and then points towards the kitchen.

Ryan: there's kitchen. Go and find if there's something. You're not a guest now.

Misha hit's on his head and runs to the kitchen. Ryan looks in her direction angrily and rubs his head.


It was night. Ragini was sitting in the hall, waiting for Laksh to come back from office. She was looking at the door.

Naina comes there and sit's besides her.

Naina: di, what are you doing here at this time?

"She's waiting for her dear husband." says Arjun as he sits at Ragini's other side.

Naina: aww...

Misha and Ryan also comes there.

Arjun: then both of husband and wife will eat together, doing romantic talks.

He says teasingly. Ragini blushes at this.

Misha: hayee... Di!!

Ragini: nothing like that happens, ok.

Arjun: ha ha... We know.

All chuckles.

Naina: di, why don't you call jiju and ask when he'll be back?

Ragini: no!! What if he will be driving and tried to pick up the phone?

All four: di/bhabhi you're so cute.

Just then they hears sound of opening of the door and Laksh enters. He was holding his laptop in one hand and his coat in another. He was locking the door behind him. Ragini get's up and starts moving towards him.

Ryan: girls, now you're going to watch the cutest show of your life. It'll make you go aww...

Naisha looks at him cluelessly.

Arjun: now he'll turn and will smile seeing her.

Laksh turns and smiles seeing Ragini.

Ryan: she'll take his laptop and his coat from him.

Ragini takes the laptop and coat from him.

Arjun: his hand will go around her shoulders and her's around his waist.

Laksh keeps his hand around her shoulders and Ragini drapes her hand around his waist. Both starts walking inside.

Ryan: she'll ask "how was your day"?

Ragini: how was your day?

Arjun: hectic, as always. I'm very tired and hungry too.

Laksh: hectic, as always. I'm very tired an hungry too.

Misha and Naina were looking at them with wide eyes and also they were admiring Raglak, offcourse they were going aww at them.

Ryan: she'll smile beautifully and will say "you come after freshening up, I'll warm the food till then".

Ragini (smiling): you come after freshening up, I'll warm the food till then, hmm...

Arjun: I'm just coming.

Laksh: I'm just coming, do it fast.

Ryan: ok baba... Now go.

Ragini: ok baba... Now go. I'm making it fast.

Laksh smiles patting his finger on her nose and leaves for his room. Ragini smiles cutely. She keeps the laptop on the table and leaves for the kitchen. All four giggles.

Naina: my god, they're sho sho cute.

Arjun: told you!! It happens daily here.

Misha: this shows how much they love each other. They never get bored of doing same thing daily. Haye main mar jawan.

Other three too nods smiling.

After Raglak had their dinner all six were sitting together, chit chatting.

Laksh: where are Swara and Sanskar?

Arjun: they're in their room. Bhai, understand na. They got married yesterday only.

He winks while saying the last line. All chuckles. They talks for sometime and then leaves for their respective rooms.


A few days passed. Ragini and Laksh were busy with their respective office and work. They used to leave early and come back home late and then sleep after having their dinner together. They didn't get much time to spend with each other in these days.


Laksh and Ragini were sleeping peacefully, hugging each other when all of a sudden a phone starts ringing. Laksh's sleep breaks at the voice. He looks around and finds the phone on the table ringing.

Laksh: Ragini, your phone is ringing.

But Ragini didn't respond as she was in deep sleep. Laksh sighs and get's out of her hold. He get's out of the bed and starts approaching the table lazily.

Laksh: who must be at this hour?

The phone stops ringing as soon as he reaches there. Laksh sighs looking at the screen. It was an unknown number and he can't call back as the phone was locked. He keeps the phone back on the table and starts going back to the bed but stops when the phone starts ringing again. He picks it up. He was about to say a word...

Op: hello, beautiful lady!!

Laksh's eyes widens and his free hand automatically curls into a fist.

Op: I hope your husband has already fallen asleep. After the two meetings with you these days I can't wait to meet you again. I hope we'll meet soon. I...

Laksh was about to roar when he realizes that the phone already got disconnected because Ragini's phone got switched off. He looks at the phone with burning eyes and throws it in anger that it hit's with the wall and breaks into pieces.

Laksh (shouts): who the hell was that?

Ragini get's up startled with his sudden shout. She looks at him with a scared look on her face.

Ragini: La...

Laksh immediately looks at her as he storms towards her and cages her between himself and the headboard of the bed. He was mad. His eyes were showing anger. His jaw was clenched.

Laksh: who was he?

Ragini (stammering): wh... who?

Laksh: the one who called you in the middle of the night and addressed you by calling you a beautiful lady. And then saying that after the two meetings with you he can't wait for the next meeting?

Ragini looks on shocked at first but soon she understands who he was. Laksh was studying her every look.

Laksh: is there something I need to know Mrs Laksh? What are you hiding from me?

He asks with anger dripping from his each and every word. Ragini didn't say anything.

Laksh (shouts): answer me!!

Ragini shudders and closes her eyes.

Ragini: wo... Sorry... I was...

Laksh: open your eyes. Look at me and come to the point.

He says in an ordering tone which Ragini doesn't have any guts to deny. Ragini opens her eyes and looks at his red ones.

Laksh: you can't hide it anymore. Can you? Who was he? Tell me!!

His voice was demanding for an answer. Ragini was feeling herself shaking.

Ragini: Raj... Rajat Kapoor...

Laksh looks at her shocked.

Laksh: what the f...? Can you please tell me the whole damn thing?

He shouts as he punches on the headboard of the bed, besides her. Ragini closes her eyes tightly and nods.


Fb starts:

Ragini was in her cabin, working when her office phone rings. She picks it up and the receptionist tells her that a person wants to meet her for giving order of some clothes. Ragini tells her to let him in. After a few minutes the door of her cabin get's open and Rajat enters inside. He was spellbound seeing the beauty in front of him.

Ragini: hello, please have a seat.

He nods and sits on the chair opposite to Ragini.

Ragini: I'm sorry, do I know you?

Rajat: no, not actually. I am Rajat Kapoor.

He says extending his hand for a handshake. Ragini get's shocked listening his name. She remembers what all she has heard about him and what Laksh told her. She calms herself down and shakes hand with him. She was trying to take her hand back but his grip was tight. He wasn't leaving her hand.

Ragini: Mr Kapoor, leave my hand please.

Rajat: oh, sorry!!

He leaves her hand. He smirks, which goes unnoticed by Ragini.

Rajat: actually Ms Ragini Gadodia, I was...

Ragini (cutting him): it's Mrs Ragini Laksh Maheshwari or it'll be better if you call me Mrs Maheshwari.

She says with a tight smile. Rajat frowns.

Rajat: how can I forget that you've got married a few months ago, to the great business tycoon, Laksh Durgaprasad Maheshwari!!

He says gritting his teeth and Ragini was able to sense the anger in his voice when he said Laksh's name. She makes a fist of her hand.

Ragini: yes, he's my husband. I'm sorry I don't like discussing personal things with my clients. Let's be back to the work. So, how can I help you?

Rajat: actually, I want to give your company the order of making costumes and uniforms for my company's staff.

Ragini: okay, I'll tell my assistants to talk to you about the requirements and all.

Rajat: I'll be very glad if you'll do it yourself.

Ragini: don't worry, I'll supervise them.

She says rolling the paper weight on the table and it falls on the ground. She get's up to pick it up. Rajat also bends down to pick it up and he intentionally touches Ragini's hand, smirking. Ragini immediately takes her hand back and stands up properly.

Ragini: thank you Mr Kapoor. We're glad you chose our company for it.

Rajat: there's no thank you between friends.

Ragini: we're not friends Mr Kapoor. My husband don't like me making unnecessary friends.

Rajat fumes listening it but doesn't show. He gives her a fake smile and leaves from there. Ragini takes a breath of relief.

Ragini: if Mr Maheshwari got to know about him then I'm gone. But this will be just professional I hope.

Two days later, Ragini was in the meeting hall, showing her designs with the help of the projector. Rajat and a few other men of his company were sitting in front of her. Rajat was all the time staring her shamelessly. Ragini was feeling awkward due to his gaze. She was all the time adjusting her saree and her hair to cover her waist and the back of her blouse. After she was finished, everyone praises her and slowly leaves from the room. Rajat also get's up and starts moving out.

Ragini: Mr Rajat Kapoor, I didn't want to insult you in front of others at that time. It'll be better if you control your eyes from roaming here and there. Watch your actions!! The result of it will not be good for you. If my husband got to know about it then you'll never be able to see anything or anyone with these shameless eyes of yours.

She fumes and storms out of the room. Rajat smirks at this. That day he called Ragini in the night. Laksh was not at home at that time. Ragini warned him to stop bothering her. She decided to tell about it to Laksh but she wasn't sure about how he'll react. He'll kill her if he got to know about it and that she didn't tell him on the first day itself.

Fb ends.


After finishing Ragini looks at Laksh who was giving killing looks to her. She holds his hand but he takes his hand away.

Laksh: you hid it from me!! Who the hell do you think of yourself? You don't have any idea what a hypocrite that man is. You weren't going to tell me if I didn't get to know?

Ragini shakes her head.

Ragini: no, I was about to tell you.

Laksh: really? When that bastard would have tried to cross limits?

He shouts at the top of his lungs. Ragini moves back scared.

Ragini: this!! This is the reason I didn't tell you. Your anger!! If I would have told you then you would have killed him till now.

Laksh: like I'll spare him now?

He get's up from the bed.

Laksh: come on, get up. I will show him what it results to eye on Laksh Maheshwari's wife. That bastard!!

Ragini get's up and holds him.

Ragini: Laksh please relax!!

Laksh: oh really? You want me to relax after knowing all this?

Ragini: ok... ok... but not now please. Let's meet him in the morning. Fine?

Laksh: and till the morning my blood will keep boiling.

He says glaring her. Ragini chuckles at this. Laksh looks at her dangerously. She controls her laugh. Just then her eyes falls on her phone.

Ragini: nooo!! My phone!!

She looks at Laksh for an answer. Laksh gives a look like nothing happened. He moves towards the bed and lays down on it. Ragini looks at him with an open mouth. She too get's on the bed and lays down besides him.

Ragini: you broke my phone?

Laksh didn't answer.

Ragini: Laksh, sorry na. Please...

But he was still behaving unaffected. Ragini moves closer to him and puts her hand on his arm. Laksh pulls his hand back and turns his face away.

Ragini: Laksh... Don't do this please...

Laksh: you don't trust me enough to share this with me. I thought that you'll never hide anything from me but I was wrong. How could you hide such a serious matter from me?

Ragini could feel hurt in his voice. She immediately sit's on the bed. She forces him to look at her and merges her forehead with his.

Ragini: Laksh, where are you taking this? I trust you more than I trust myself. I just didn't want you to get into any trouble. I know your anger and how much possessive you're for me. I swear on you, I would have definitely told you at the right time. I would have told you patiently so that you don't lose control. Please don't talk like this love. It hurts.

Laksh: it hurts me too.

Ragini opens her mouth to say something but Laksh didn't let her.

Laksh: I know I have anger issues but that doesn't mean I'll not listen to you or will not understand you. Don't you feel that I would have listened to you? Don't you feel that I can control my anger?

Ragini smiles as she bends down and pecks on his forehead.

Ragini: I know you can. I'm sorry. It'll never happen again. Promise!!

Laksh says nothing but pulls her to himself and hugs her tightly. He keeps his head in her neck, inhaling her scent. He slowly moves his hand to her waist and starts tracing his thumb over her bare waist. Ragini closes her eyes clutching his T-shirt. Her skin get's goosebumps while her breath get's uneven. She could feel the possessiveness in his action and touch.

Ragini: calm down my tiger. Just relax...

She says stroking his hair. Laksh snuggles more into her, leaving no space for air too. Ragini too drapes her hand around him.

Ragini (in mind): RIP Mr Rajat Kapoor.


Please vote and comment. Next part will be updated when the votes of this part will reach the last part i.e, 268 or more votes.

Next: Rajat to giyo😝😂. Get ready to go aww and aww at Laksh Maheshwari😍.

Ignore any mistakes.
Thank u🤗
Be happy always😀

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