Chapter 5: Training

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Izuku's POV
For a few months, I trained under Mamagiri's guidance.

Father continued to teach me how his organization worked and he showed me the Doctor's projects.

They were called "Nomu" and they were apparently low life thugs who were experimented on and became braindead as a result.

Mamagiri even told me that one of the Nomu's was created to be as strong as All Might.

While showing me around, I noticed a man with long pale blue or even cyan hair standing alone.

I approached him and he immediately backed away whispering "sensei's son...".

After showing me the Nomus, Mamagiri continued my training.

And after five hard months of training....

I could finally inherit father's quirk,

All for One
"So you're finally ready to receive my quirk" Father said proudly but also had a condescending tone.

"Yes I am" I answered. "I have Kurogiri to thank for that."

"Come here, son" he said and I walked over to him.

He held his hand out and placed it on my forehead.

"You will receive my quirk along with the quirk to never stop aging" he said. "I'm afraid I can't give you any other quirks for that could cause your death."

I took a deep breath as his hand sparked with the red lightning.

"By the way" he said. "I'm afraid I can no longer be with you after passing on the quirks."

"What?" I asked.

"I'm afraid so" he said. "I'm only alive now thanks to life support and my quirks. Passing on the quirk to never stop gaining will end my life. So this is goodbye, Izuku."

I felt his power surge through me and I held back my yell of pain and when it was over, I collapsed to the ground along with father.

"You'll do great, Izuku" Father said.

I looked him directly in the eye as he was dying and my consciousness was fading.

"I know what you did to mom you sick son of a b#%ch" I said as I fainted.
My eye slowly opened and I saw a girl with long black hair tied into a ponytail.

I groaned as I sat up and she turned around and she had dark brown eyes and spoke.

"Oh! Your finally awake!" Hearing it was strange, it was as if multiple people were talking through her mouth.

"Rei! He's awake!" She says raising her voice? voices???

"Who are you?" I asked.

She turned to me and said.

"I'm Maki Saihara" she answered and she smiled and bowed slightly.

"I'm assume your one of my father's associates" I told her.

She didn't respond as a boy with well groomed, jet black hair, grey eyes and rectangular glasses came in.

"You are correct in your assumption, Zero" he said. "I am Rei but you can call me Krotus."

"And this is my confidant, Isis" he gestured to Saihara.

"Wait I thought her name was Saihara?" I asked.

"Saihara is my real name" she said. "Isis , the goddess of magic in Egyptian mythology, is my code name"

"Oh that makes sense" I thought.

"Since you're my father's associates I'm guessing you already know about me?" I said.

They both nodded.

"Is my father awake?" I asked.

"Zero" Krotus said flatly. "You're father is a pile of dust on the floor now."

A surge of happiness hit me but I was quick to hide it.

"Zero" Krotus said. "You don't have to lie anymore. We know how you truly feel about your father."

My eyes widen as I look at him giving an excited grin.

"How long have you known?" I asked.

"I've known for quite some time" he answered.

"Why didn't you ever tell him?" I asked.

"Well" He said. "It wouldn't be exciting."

I looked at him confused.

"Exciting?" I asked.

"PROMETHEUS'" Saihara yelled in a new voice caused me to jump back a bit.


"Why is she shouting?" I asked Krotus.

He gave an empty laugh and said. 

"Maki's quirk is sound absorption. She can absorb sounds and release it as a different type of energy or as normal speech. Because of her quirk manifesting when she was a baby, she became mute and has to use the voice of other people to speak."

"It's quite a versatile quirk but is strange in nature. She can have powerful attacks and easily do stealth missions but communication is a challenge."

As I was thinking about her quirk, I didn't realize that I started muttering about it.

"Midoriya-kun you're muttering" Saihara said in a new voice.

"What?" I asked and Krotus bursted out laughing.

"You were *wheeze* muttering about her quirk for so long" he said.

I blushed a bit of embarrassment as Krotus stopped laughing.

"What's your quirk Krotus-kun" I asked.

"My quirk is called Inkheart" Krotus answered. "Anything I write or draw in ink can become real."

"So you can make anything happen?" I asked.

"Yes" He answered. "Anything I write in ink will become real, anything I draw in ink will become real."

"What's your drawback?" I asked.

"Migraines" he answered.

"Migraines?" I asked.

"Let's not get too into details" he said. "I do have a question. What's your next move?"


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