Our Doubts

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Chat was wandering aimlessly around the city one night while trying to escape his stressful and planned life, when he suddenly heard a faint noise of someone crying in the distance. As he came closer to the sound, he found ladybug shedding the tears he had heard.

"My lady, why are you allowing your tears to fall from your beautiful eyes onto your perfect face?" Chat asked, face filled with concern.

"I'm fine Chat. I just needed to get some fresh air and just get away from my civilian life for a little while." She responded, unaware that tears were still falling from her face.

Chat looked at Ladybug and tried to lighten the mood,"You know seeing you cry claws at my heart my lady."

Ladybug didn't respond with her usual witty remark. Chat knew something was wrong.

"Ladybug, you know you can talk to me right? I truly do care about your well being and I don't like seeing you upset." Chat told her, waiting on a response.

"Kitty, I'm just....confused," she responded,"You know how there's good and bad, well...what if we aren't actually the good guys?"

"Ladybug I-"

"How do we know that we're doing the right thing?! How do we know that the people in this world are worth protecting?!" She exclaimed,"How do we know that this isn't just a lie. A dumb cruel lie. What if Hawkmoth isn't making people evil with his akumas? What if he's just letting people show who they really are? How do we know if people are actually good? What if we all are just evil?" She whispered.

Chat didn't respond. He couldn't because this was exactly what he questioned everyday. Was this world even worth protecting? He had already lost his mother, he was used to deaths so why would it matter if he didn't protect them?

It mattered because even if the world was evil there was something that made it worth living in. Something that even evil can't live without...

Love. That's what made him keep going everyday. That's the reason everyone hasn't killed themselves yet. Because of love.

He loved Ladybug... No he loves Ladybug. Everyone has someone they love. Even evil has loved.

Chat didn't hold back. He leaned towards Ladybug and just hugged her. They sat there embracing in the silence of the city.

Chat broke the silence,"Ladybug I love you. The reason we protect is because of love. Everyone needs love. Evil needs love too. Nothing can live without it."

Ladybug responded,"I love you too Chat. And I'm glad that I have a someone like you in my life."

They embraced one last time for the night and Chat just simply said...

"Forever doubtful or forever hopeful, either way I'll always be by your side even if it's wrong."

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