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Tohru revealed that Kobayashi and Y/N saved her life from a seemingly-mortal wound and that she intends to repay them by becoming their maid. Y/N was finding it hard to believe.

The room fell into a hushed silence as Tohru's revelation hung in the air, seemingly suspending time itself. Y/N stared at Tohru with wide eyes, trying to make sense of what they had just heard. A dragon maid? It sounded like something straight out of a fantasy novel. Yet, the sincerity in Tohru's eyes couldn't be denied, and the warmth of her gratitude was palpable.

Kobayashi, on the other hand, sat back, crossing her arms with a hint of skepticism. The practical, no-nonsense side of her couldn't accept this bizarre proposition so easily.

Tohru bowed her head respectfully. "I'll never forget those kind words! Please allow me to start working here as your maid!."

Y/N's heart raced, struggling to grasp the situation. "Wait, Tohru, are you sure about this? We didn't save you with the intention of asking for anything in return. You don't owe us anything."

Tohru smiled gently, appreciating Y/N's concern. "It's true, Y/N, you saved me!."

Kobayashi's stern expression softened slightly as she observed Tohru's sincerity. Though she had never considered the idea of having a maid, especially a dragon one, the gratitude she felt for Tohru was undeniable. A part of her couldn't help but be curious about what it would be like to have a dragon maid at her service.

"I appreciate your intentions, Tohru," Kobayashi began cautiously, "But having a maid is not in our budget. Y/N and I have managed just fine without one all this time."

Tohru's tail swished slightly with a mix of determination and disappointment. "But, you wouldn't have to pay me."

Y/N felt a tug at their heartstrings. Tohru's earnestness was difficult to ignore, and a part of them couldn't help but wonder how things would change with a dragon maid around. The idea seemed both exciting and nerve-wracking.

Kobayashi hesitated, her mind at war with her emotions. "No, that's not the problem...," she said.

"I can be useful! I can turn this entire area into a sea of fire, or curse people to death!" Tohru said.

"No, no, no!" Kobayashi and Y/N said. Y/N looked at his fiancé.

"Let's, at least give her a chance." Y/N said. Kobayashi thought for a minute and looked at Tohru. "Let's give this a two week trial run." She said.

Tohru's eyes lit up with delight. "Thank you, Kobayashi-san! I won't let you down, I promise!"

As Y/N and Kobayashi were getting accustomed to the idea of having a dragon maid, an unexpected visitor made their way into the room. It was Max, the cat they had taken in, now in human form, dressed in Y/N's oversized clothes. Tohru's accidental transformation of the feline had led to this curious turn of events.

Max timidly stepped into the room, his cat ears twitching nervously, and his tail peeking out from behind him. His human form was a little disoriented, and he was still adjusting to this sudden change in his existence.

Kobayashi blinked in surprise, momentarily at a loss for words. "Max?"

Max's cat-like eyes widened, and he nodded hesitantly. "Meow—I mean, yes, it's me, Max. I'm wearing clothes. Took me a bit but I got it." His voice was a mix of uncertainty and excitement, making it evident that he was trying to cope with his newfound humanity.

Y/N exchanged bewildered glances with Kobayashi, trying to process the situation. Y/N had always believed there was something special about Max, but turning him human was beyond their wildest imagination.

Tohru, who had been observing the scene with interest, flew closer to Max and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, Max. I didn't mean to transform you. It was an accident."

Max tilted his head, his cat-like instincts still present. "Meow—I mean, it's alright, Tohru. I guess being human has its perks too, but I'm not quite sure how to navigate this form."

Y/N chuckled softly, breaking the tension. "Don't worry, Max. We'll help you get used to it. It might take some time, but you'll do just fine."

Kobayashi looked at the clock. Panic swept over her as she quickly checked the time and let out an exasperated groan.

"I'm going to be late for work!" Kobayashi exclaimed, scrambling out of bed.

"Sorry for the trouble, Tohru," Kobayashi apologized, "but I'm running late, and I need to leave immediately."

Tohru turned, her eyes glowing with concern. "Kobayashi-san, let me help you. I can fly you to work."

Kobayashi paused, raising an eyebrow. The idea of being flown to work by a dragon seemed both exhilarating and absurd. "You can do that?"

Tohru nodded, her wings gently unfurling. "Of course! It'll be much faster than any other mode of transportation."

Y/N chimed in, adding to Tohru's argument. "Oh really? Well, at least you won't have to worry about traffic or public transportation delays."

Kobayashi hesitated for a moment, her practical side battling her desire to experience the extraordinary. But with the seconds ticking away, she knew she had little choice.

"Alright, Tohru," Kobayashi finally conceded, "fly me to work. But please be careful."

Tohru beamed, delighted to be of assistance. "Of course, Kobayashi-san! You can trust me."

As they soared through the sky, the world below them transformed into a blur of colors and shapes. Kobayashi gripped Tohru's dragon body tightly, feeling a mix of pain and nerves. The sensation of flying was unlike anything she had ever experienced, and she couldn't help but marvel at the view from such a height. "This is murdering my lower back!"

Tohru's flight was something, and she made sure to avoid any potential obstacles. Within minutes, they arrived at Kobayashi's workplace, and Tohru gracefully landed in the nearby parking lot.

Kobayashi thanked Tohru with a smile, still feeling a bit awestruck. "Thank you, Tohru. I'll see you both later."

As Kobayashi hurried into the building, Y/N approached Tohru, who was looking quite pleased with herself.

"You did great, Tohru," Y/N complimented her.

Tohru blushed slightly, her tail swaying happily. "I'm glad I could help. Flying is one of the many benefits of being a dragon, after all."

Y/N chuckled. "True, it must be fun. But you should be careful not to draw too much attention while doing so."

Tohru nodded and Y/N went to work.

Later that night.

"First, let's see what you consider proper outfit for a maid." Kobayashi said as she and Y/N looked at Tohru.

"Great idea!" She said happily and pulled out a paper that said "Maid Cafe Cozy."

"What is this?" Kobayashi asked.

"I discovered some real life maids on my way here." Tohru said cheerfully.

"Meaning we'll have to teach you from scratch." Kobayashi said as she rubbed her head.

"First thing, as a housemaid, you clean!" Kobayashi said. Tohru ended up disintegrating everything in the living room. Thankfully, she brought it back.

"Let's try Laundry maid!" Y/N said. The results were less than ideal.

"Parlour maid! Greet people." Kobayashi said. Tohru ended up scaring off the mail man.

"How about Kitchen maid?" Max said. Tohru ended up cooking some of her tail of them. Nobody took it.

After that, Kobayashi took Tohru into a separate room to talk.

"I know, I said we'd give you a two week trail period. But, you don't even know the
basics of being a maid." Kobayashi admitted in defeat. Tohru gasped in horror.

"Then, I'll learn from the ground up!" Tohru said. "Shall start my education with you telling me what you dislike?" Tohru asked.

"What I dislike? I'm no good with hijiki or eggplant." Kobayashi admitted.

"Y/N is allergic to broccoli and green beans. I'm not sure why, but whenever he eats them, he breaks out in hives and swells up like a balloon." Kobayashi said.

"Wait, why are you asking about my dislikes? Shouldn't you ask what I like?" Kobayashi asked.

"No, that's bad luck. Many of my friends were actually slain using the things they like. Like liquor, women, gems, and such." Tohru said.

"Sounds a lot like humans." Kobayashi admitted.

"However, I can certainly let you one thing I like! It's you! I love you, Miss Kobayashi!" Tohru confessed.

"I'm a married woman." Kobayashi said as she held up her hand with the ring on it. "Me and Y/N are going to get married." She said. Tohru looked dumbfounded.

"Plus, I'm not into women." Kobayashi added. Tohru looked like she was trying to process this.

"Happily engaged?" Tohru asked.

"Yes." Kobayashi said.

Tohru thought for a minute. "What if he decided to leave? Or what if something happened to him?" Tohru said. Kobayashi immediately went of the defense.

"Don't you dare even think about hurting or getting rid of my husband! You just keep your claws off of him and don't hurt him!" Kobayashi said. Then she grabbed her stomach, and threw up on the floor.

"Oh god. Not again." Kobayashi said as she threw up.

"Miss Kobayashi! Are you feeling alright?" Tohru asked gently, her heart filled with worry.

Kobayashi forced a weak smile, trying to dismiss her symptoms. "I'm just a bit under the weather, Tohru. It's nothing to worry about."

Tohru, however, wasn't convinced. She approached Kobayashi and placed a gentle hand on her forehead, confirming her suspicion that Kobayashi had a fever.

"You have a fever, Kobayashi-san. Let me take care of you," Tohru said with determination, guiding her back to bed.

To be honest, she'd felt off the past couple of days. She had moments of fatigue, a hint of queasiness, and even occasional mood swings.

"I'll be fine. I'll wash up." She said as she walked to the bathroom and thought. "I've been feeling like this for a few days now. My period is late, and I'm starting to worry." She thought.

Tohru walked to the living room and sat down. Max purred softly as he snuggled up with Tohru's legs gently. The dragon girl looked down and smiled at the cat boy.

"It seems that you enjoy snuggling." She said with a smile as Max nodded his head gently. "Well what can I say? Your skins so soft." Max said as he laid down on his lap. When he was a cat, he never really took much space. But now that he was human, he took up much more space. Especially now that he was 6ft2 tall. Tohru smiled and looked down at him.

Y/N soon arrived with two pizza boxes. Since he helped out at the pizza place, they often gave him free pizza.

"Dinners here!" Y/N said happily as he arrived. He looked around the room but didn't see Kobayashi.

"Hey, where's Kobayashi?" Y/N asked. "She's in the bathroom. She wasn't feeling good so she went in there to wash." Tohru explained

Kobayashi just sat on the toilet and looked down at the pregnancy test.

It was positive.

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