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In the days following the confirmation of her pregnancy, Kobayashi's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. She felt a mix of joy, fear, excitement, and uncertainty, all mingling together, making it difficult for her to find the right words to tell Y/N about the life growing inside her.

As she prepared dinner one evening, Kobayashi stole glances at Y/N, who was engrossed in a book on the couch. She admired Y/N's calm and caring nature, but the weight of the news she carried made her hesitate to share it.

After dinner, Y/N sat beside her on the couch, leaning their head on her shoulder. "You seem a bit distant today, Kobayashi. Is everything okay?"

Kobayashi took a deep breath, feeling the need to be honest with Y/N. "Actually, there's something important I need to tell you, Y/N."

Y/N looked up, sensing the seriousness in her voice. "Of course, Kobayashi. You can tell me anything."

Kobayashi fidgeted with her hands, searching for the right way to express herself. "Well, you see... I went to the doctor, and they confirmed that I'm pregnant."

A moment of silence hung in the air as Y/N processed the revelation. Then, they looked up at Kobayashi, their eyes wide with surprise, and then a soft smile spread across their face.

"Pregnant? Wow, Kobayashi, that's incredible news!" Y/N exclaimed, pulling her into a warm embrace.

Relief washed over Kobayashi as she felt Y/N's arms around her, embracing her and the newfound future they would share together. "You're not upset?" she asked, her voice trembling with emotion.

Y/N gently cupped her face, looking into her eyes with love and tenderness. "Of course not, Kobayashi. I may not have imagined this, but I know that we'll face whatever comes our way as a team."

Kobayashi felt tears welling up in her eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of Y/N's understanding and acceptance. "Thank you, Y/N. I love you so much."

"I love you too, Kobayashi," Y/N replied, leaning in to kiss her forehead.

In the following weeks, Kobayashi and Y/N navigated the journey of pregnancy together. They attended doctor's appointments, made preparations for the baby, and shared their dreams and fears with each other. Tohru was equally thrilled to welcome a new member to their extraordinary family and offered her support in every possible way.

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