Chapter 1

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"Patel house, Cumballa hills" instructions came and Ram start driving the car. He knew the drive is going to be silent. In his ten years of experience of workin with Mr. Rathod, he hardly witness his master speaking to anything other than that. After an one hour drive they reached the destination. He was hesitant to open the door as the said residence, well decorated and hosting some event. Hosting an event by someone is not weird but attending by his master is. He knocked on the window and after few minutes glass rolled.

"Sir, I feel, some family function is going on." he spoke in low voice.


He opened the door immediately and hold an umbrella to safeguard his master from extreme heat.


He handed car keys to his master and left the place immediately. He saw the man of few words attending a function for the first time in past few years. He heard rumours of such kind of incidents happened few year ago when he was on leave. His master entered the place like he knew every corner of the house. He wanted to follow it but give up the idea, knowing the repercussions of his actions.


His eyes scanned the place throughly, in all this years, things doesn't change much except that missing swing. It was present on the left side of garden and her favourite place to hang out. Whole house is decorated with marigold flowers, not her favourite, may be other member of family liked it.
"whatever" his inner voice said. He doesn't came here for anyone else. Guest were entering from left side entrance unlike him who is entered from north which is close to her room. All of them dressed in traditional dresses contrary to them, he dressed up in his usual three piece suit. He entered in main building, removed his black shades and placed it in his shirt's pocket.

There were boxes of sweets, clothes and jewellery. He felt like an engagement ceremony is about to take place here. "Harshil may be engaging with someone" he thought and dismissed the thought. Whatever Harshil is doing is not his concern.
He took the stairs and heard words, he don't want to hear.

"Hurry up Harshil, Romil and his family will be here at any moment."

It means Surbhi is getting engaged to that looser Romil. She can't do this.She promised him.

"I love you my prince and forever love you." she kissed his cheeks and there is bright blush on her cheeks.

"and what if I don't marry you?" he winked at her

"I'll drag you to marriage venue and marry you forcefully"

"oh, that much confidence." he raised his eyebrows

"Why not? I love you and you love me. We have that right on each other."

"and what if I rejected your marriage proposal?"

" I'll never marry to anyone else if our marriage won't took place."

A torn wrapper hit on his face and he come back to reality. He hurriedly covered the distance to her room. She was sitting on her bed,dressed in pastel pink lahanga choli. Her back is facing him but he can guaranteed her appearance must be killer.Voice of a cartoon character grab his attention. He wondered why its running here. She was not fan of all this during their courtship period.

Has time changed her?

Probably yes, whatever he did with her, she might have shift in personality. He rejected her but she promised, she won't give his place to anyone else. Its between them and will forever remain between them. He can't let any third party enter between them. He tip toes towards her and pressed at side of her neck. She falls on the bed unconsciously. He hold her in his arms without wasting a second. He felt his heartbeat escalated after years. He felt alive after so many days. He took the back exit route to leave the place. After exiting from her house, he ran towards his cars. He make her sit in his car and drive away. Her family can't do anything now.

There is shift in her posture. She is waking up. Her eyes opened and her surroundings disturbed her. She looked towards him and there is confusion on her face.

"Surbhi patel, I live in Patel house, Cumballa hills. Call Harshil on 907*****78."she said to him." Surbhi patel, I live in Patel house, Cumballa hills. Call Harshil on 907*****78."she said to him."


" Yes, I am Surbhi. "

" Look Surbhi, "she focused fully on him." I know,I wronged you but don't pretend like you don't know me. I am Saurabh, your prince. "she stared him without understanding anything. She blinked her eyes, closed her eyes.

" Surbhi patel, I live in Patel house, Cumballa hills. Call Harshil on 907*****78."" Surbhi patel, I live in Patel house, Cumballa hills. Call Harshil on 907*****78." she repeated again and again like she doesn't understand anything. He halt the car at side and hold her hands in his hand. She looks at her hand and then him.

" I know you are a tremendous theatre artist but this is not the time to act. I am sorry, I hurt you badly. I behave like a demon in our marriage period but please don't act like you did not know me. Please don't act like we doesn't exist " his voice chocked. He expected her anger and ready to bear any punishment, she decided to give but not this. She can't wipe of their history like this. She can't act like nothing happened between them .

" Surbhi patel, I live in Cumballa hills.Call Harshil on 907*****78."she repeated like a broken record.

" Just shut up dammit. "he shouted at her and she cover away in side of car. Her back was facing the window and she folded her knees to her chest . Tears were flowing from her eyes and she is shivering from fear.
" Surbhi patel, I live in Cumballa hills. Call Harshil on 907*****78" she repeated the same sentence in low voice,more for her to hear than him. He hit his hand on the steering wheel and she cried more. Her lips repeated same thing without a sound came from her mouth.

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