chapter 11

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Everyone can say "I love you" but very few has courage to wait and have patience to prove that love true.
                                             - Anonymous

"Sometimes... I feel.... Nowadays I just hate myself. I feel suffocated. Surbhi ...It was okay till that night.I saw her naked , dressed her in appropriate costume so many time but.... On the  night of  her nervous breakdown ,she was extremely closed to me. I felt her softness although my prime concern is safeguarding her but I ...her ....I know it's wrong to feel pleasure in other's misery but her touch ignited fire in me.I calmed her and she slept in my lap.She was so closed to down there that my mind flashed images of our good intimate time. She has trust on me,she rest her head on my chest while sleeping .My heart isn't on rest at that time.She has trust on me and what I am thinking  . I am ashamed of myself. How I can feel like that? I felt like a demon who is lusting over a mentally unstable girl. I know, I miss her and our closeness but... It's not right. Probably I hadn't intimate with anyone from a long time that's why. I can purchase it... I am just making excuses. I am pathetic , useless moron like her family said to me."

Saurabh wrote his feelings on paper and tore it into pieces.Surbhi is in bed,sleeping peacefully.He caressed her head ." I promise, I'll stay in my limit and won't cause any harm to you." She snuggle in her pillow and Saurabh let her sleep from some more time.

"Husband" first word she uttered after waking up.Its a routine for both of them.

"Good morning"her eyes searched the source of greeting.He is sitting on his desk , working on his laptop.There is broad smile on his face.She stare him for few minutes and he is still smiling.

"Eight"she said

"What?" he rose his eye brows in confusion.

"Teeth "she pointed towards him."eight upper,eight lower."

"You were counting my teeth all this while?"he asked and she nodded her head.

"So now you have count my teeth, what will you do with this information?"he asked playfully.She looked him with no clue.

"Fresh n up " he changed the topic when he notice she is getting nervous.She moved towards washroom slowly."Don't lock the door"Saurabh instructed her.He gave her enough time and didn't intervened.Today he chooses orange colour dress for her.In past few days he noticed,she like bright colours.Her eyes stuck on that clothes and he purchased few more for her. He setup breakfast on the table.

"Eat "he served in her table and her face showed,she didn't appreciate the meal.

"Sandwich?"she asked hopefully

"No"he firmly denied and she scowled.

"Sweetheart,don't make face. You will eat fruit smoothie and oats today."


"No, you refused to eat fruits and dry fruits.You have thrown vegetable salad in dustbin last night."he said and Surbhi's head hung low in shame.She is caught red handed and now has no route to escape.She ate it quietly although she didn't like it.

"That's like my girl."he cheers for her when she finished her meal.He patted her shoulder and a faint smile came on her face. "My girl"she mumbled his word.

He scheduled his meeting at nearby cafe after lunch.That's nap time of Surbhi. He can finish his work without worrying about her.After that he will took her to doctor for consultati.Its going to be a tough task to agree her and not creating any scene there but that's later issue to deal. Lunch was finished smoothly and she slept as expected.

His meeting  went well and he is returning with a happy mood.  A familiar figure caught his eyes at the entrance of his home.Surbhi's mother,Kinjal is  waiting outside his place.He stopped his car and approached her.

"Ma(mother) ,why are you waiting outside? Please come inside."he invited her inside.They sat in living room.Saurabh is delighted with a familiar presence after long time.

"Tea or coffee?"he asked.

"Nothing today.I am not here to drink tea /coffee with you ."

"If you have come for Surbhi than I am sorry.She is not going anywhere."his frustration reached to peak point.

"Saurabh,try to understand things. I never discriminate between you and Surbhi. I am well-wisher of both of you. I never interfere between you two."

"Then why you are interfering now?"

"I am interfering because Surbhi isn't sane."

"And you fix her alliance without her consent.How you can do this to her? What will be your answer when she will ask? She loves me not that Romil."He accused his mother in law.He didn't expected this from her.She is a calm and wise person.

"We... I wanted to settle her in a caring and loving environment ."

"You should have contact me."

"You have ghosted her."she is equally frustrated with his constant allegations.

"So what? That doesn't free you from your responsibility to inform me about her.I am bad husband but I have right to mourn over the loss of my unborn child.I have right to stay at her side when she was in coma.I have right to hold her hand when she was suffering in hospital."

"My daughter is suffering because of you.You promise my child of happy married life but  broken her trust.You showed her dreams of heaven and create hell on the earth for her.She was in depression because you left her.The person she makes her whole world , betrayed her,left her to suffer alone."things which were buried in Kinjal's heart came out today.She wanted to confront her son in law from so long , today she finally showed him mirror.

"Fine,I left her ..I left her because I hadn't forget deed of your family.Your family's wrongdoing force me to part ways  with her. You people are responsible for destroying everything." A secret came out from his mouth which he intended to keep forever.

"What my family did?"Kinjal is shocked with his allegations.She knew her family very well .None of them can intentionally harm anyone."Answer me, what my family did that you have broken my daughter?"she hold his arms tightly.

"I don't think I am answerable to you.You can leave now."Saurabh frees himself from her grip.

"You are beast and I won't let Surbhi to live with you."

"You are partially right Mother in law. I am the beast and Surbhi is the beauty. We shall recreate classic tale of beauty and the beast."there is evil smile on his face which can give thrills to anyone.Kinjal never saw this avatar of him before.He was a sweet loving guy who married her daughter. Surbhi used to say there is irreconcilable difference between them after separation.She never imagined in her dreams that he can be threatening.She kept looking his retreating figure.

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